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php bin/console d:d:c

update dtb
php bin/console d:s:u --force

kích hoạt gói framework.yaml để hỗ trợ autowiring:

composer require symfony/framework-bundle
khi lỗi này "App\Controller\UserController" has no container set, did you forget to
define it as a service subscriber?
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getDoctrine" of class "App\Controller\
thì coi usercontroller của hoax17

Lệnh để tạo ra một bundle mới:

+ php bin/console make:bundle

Lệnh để tạo ra một entity mới:

+ php bin/console make:entity

Lệnh để tạo ra một controller mới

+ php bin/console make:controller

Lệnh để tạo ra một migration mới:

+ php bin/console make:migration

Lệnh để chạy migration và cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu:

+ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Lệnh để tạo ra một form mới:

+ php bin/console make:form

Lệnh để tạo ra một service mới:

php bin/console make:service

Lệnh để xem danh sách các route hiện có trong ứng dụng:
php bin/console debug:router

Lệnh để tạo ra một user mới

php bin/console make:user

Lệnh mã hóa mật khẩu trong ứng dụng

php bin/console security:encode-password

Lệnh kiểm tra xem cấu trúc cơ sở dữ liệu hiện tại có phù hợp với định nghĩa của các
đối tượng Entity hay không
php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate

lệnh symfony server:stop để dừng máy chủ web

symfony server:stop

Chạy Command Prompt (dòng lệnh) bằng quyền Administrator

chọn "Run as administrator" (Chạy với quyền quản trị).
Sau đó, thử chạy lệnh symfony server:stop lại.

tính năng trang web

xdug sơ đồ ERD (mqh các bảng) có entity nào có attribute, tìm ra mối quan hệ
relationship (one to one, one to many, ....)

Sure, here is the use case description for the given functionality:

**Use Case:** Customer Interaction with E-commerce Website

**Description:** The use case describes the various interactions that a customer
can have with an e-commerce website. The customer can perform actions such as
login, registration, view products and categories, view product details, search for
products, and provide feedback to the website through contact form.

- Customer: The person who interacts with the e-commerce website.

- The e-commerce website is accessible and functional.

**Basic Flow:**

1. **Login:**
- The customer enters their username and password.
- The system validates the credentials.
- If the credentials are valid, the customer is logged into their account.
- If the credentials are invalid, an error message is displayed.

2. **Register:**
- The customer selects the registration option.
- The system presents a registration form to the customer.
- The customer enters their desired username, password, email, phone number, and
- The system validates the entered information.
- If the information is valid, a new customer account is created.
- If the information is invalid or incomplete, an error message is displayed.

3. **View Product/Category:**
- The customer navigates to the products page or categories page.
- The system displays a list of products or categories available on the website.

4. **View Product Detail:**

- The customer clicks on a specific product from the product list.
- The system displays the detailed information of the selected product,
including its name, description, price, and stock quantity.

5. **Search Product:**
- The customer enters a search query in the search bar.
- The system processes the search query and retrieves relevant products based on
the search criteria.
- The system displays the search results to the customer.

6. **Contact (Send Feedback):**

- The customer selects the contact or feedback option.
- The system presents a feedback form to the customer.
- The customer enters their feedback or message in the form.
- Upon submission, the system records the feedback along with the customer's
details and timestamp.

- The customer can browse products, view their account information, and perform
other interactions based on their logged-in status.
- The system stores the customer's feedback for further analysis and improvement.

**Alternative Flows:**
- If the customer encounters technical issues during login or registration, they
may contact customer support for assistance.
- If the search query returns no results, the system may display a message
indicating that no matching products were found.

This use case describes the primary interactions that a customer can have with the
e-commerce website. It covers essential functionalities that enable customers to
login, register, explore products and categories, search for specific items, and
provide feedback to enhance the website's user experience.

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