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Class: 62 NNA-4

Name: Trần Thị Thủy Tiên

Lesson: Unit 4b: Vocabulary - Everyday Activities
Grammar - Adverb of Frequency

1. Lesson aims (learning outcomes)
By the end of this lesson,
- Students will be able to define new vocabulary related to the topic
“Everyday Activities”, which are do online shopping, go for a walk,
make phone calls, have a coffee, play online games, read a book, browse
the internet, text friends, use social media, and watch videos.
- Students will be able to apply the grammar about adverb of frequency for
the exercise.
- Students will be able to use the given vocabulary and following grammar
to create their conversation about Everyday Activities.
2. Class description
The students in pre - intermediate level (A2.1) are between the ages of 18
and 20. There are 28 females and 22 males. All of them are non-specialized
English students, and due to the fact that the class starts at 7 a.m. on
Saturday, students might not be in the mood. If the class is in a stressful
atmosphere with a lot of boring tasks, such as only writing down new words
and doing exercises without any other interesting activities, they may not
pay attention to the lesson. Therefore, the class should occur with some
various activities for motivating students, like quizzes, scramble word, or
cross-word games.

3. Timetable fit
The lesson takes place from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings. In the
previous lesson, the students warmed up this topic through the vocabulary
about free-time activities with the combination of their hobbies and interests
and grammar about the form of words after “love” or “like”. This periods,
they keep going with vocabulary about Everyday Activities.They practice
speaking skills by discussing with their partner this topic. They also know
how to make words for jobs by adding suffixes to verbs and nouns. Next
week, the class will learn about the vocabulary about some specific sports,
and grammar about the ability: “can” and “cannot”, also their pronunciation.
4. Problems/solutions

Problems/ Difficulty Solution

The teacher supplies visual aids such as pictures,

flashcards or real objects related to the vocabulary
Some students find it difficult words, and use the words in context by giving
to understand and remember examples and encouraging students to create their own
new vocabulary words. sentences using the words.

The teacher provides conversation prompts or role-

Student limited creativity and playing scenarios to prompt students to use the given
difficulty in conversations vocabulary and grammar in a practical context.
about the given vocabulary
and grammar.

5. Assessment
- The teacher observes if students will be able to identify 8 words by
matching the vocabulary in Exercise 1 correctly or not. In addition,
students will be able to memorize the words’ spellings they have learned.
- The teacher observes if students will be able to apply new words in
making conversation according to the previous lesson in production part.
to determine whether or not the activity should be used again (or
- Besides that, the teacher can informally show the pictures, and the
students will speak aloud the words in the Wrap – up to see if they truly
understand the meanings of all the vocabulary.
- On the other hand, if students can’t do the activities above, the teacher
will take note of those students’ names in the gradebook.
6. Materials
- The teacher: handouts, pictures, laptop, Grade 10 textbooks, pens.
- Students: notebooks, pens, pencils, Grade 10 textbooks.
- TV, black board and chalk are available at school.
- Handout:
The steps of the lesson are described below. (Add rows as needed.)


Activity Tim Procedures (step by step Notes for the
e descriptions of what the teacher students/teacher
does, what the students do)
Lead-in 5’ - The teacher greets the students a “Good morning class.
little bit and then shows a picture on How are you today?”
the board after talking about the rule. “Let’s wake up
because we’re going to
have a small game
“I will show a picture
and you will guess our
topic today with your
analyses in the
“If anyone has the
answer, please raise
- The teacher invites randomly some your hand. I will give
students to have them guess the topic you a bonus point if
your answer is
with evidences in the picture.
- If the other students raise their hands
“Are you ready?”
to guess, the teacher keep going to it.
- If the answer is too short, the teacher
The topic is
gives them some hints to elicit more
Household chores
points about the picture.
and duties, because
- If a student answers correctly, the
there are 5 people
teacher gives one bonus point for
which is a family in
those students.
the picture, and they
are all doing their
own duties together.
Vocabulary 10’ Teacher takes turns showing pictures,
Introduction providing definitions and examples for
each of 8 words about Household
chores and duties
- Teacher asks: “Can you guess the
Vietnamese meaning of this word?”
- Students rely on images, definitions
and examples to guess the meaning of
each word.
- The teacher confirms the Vietnamese
meaning of each word for students
after single words.
1. chore (n) /tʃɔr, tʃoʊr/ a small job
that you have to do regularly,
especially work that you do to keep a
house clean
Eg: I'll go shopping when I've done
my chores (việc nhà)

2. breadwinner (n) /ˈbredˌwɪn.ər/

the member of a family who earns the
money to support the others
Eg:Men are often expected to be the
breadwinner in a family.
(trụ cột gia đình)

3. split (v) /splɪt/ to divide something

into separate parts and share it
between two or more people.
Eg: The teacher split the children into
three groups. (phân chia)
4. heavy lifting (n) /ˌhev.i ˈlɪft.ɪŋ/
the act of picking up and carrying
heavy objects (nâng vật nặng)
Eg: Machines did the heavy lifting.

5. homemaker (n) /ˈhəʊmˌmeɪ.kər/

a person who manages a home and
often raises children instead of earning
money from a job
Eg: For years she was a homemaker
raising three children.(người nội trợ)
6. grocery (n) a store that sells food
and small things for the home
Eg: The large web retailer has entered
the world of internet grocery
shopping. (cửa hàng tạp hóa)

7. laundry (n) /ˈlɔːn.dri/ the act of

cleaning dirty clothes and sheets.
Eg: She did the laundry (washed the
clothes) and hung it out to dry.
- The teacher explains the synonym
phrase of these words. (sự giặt ủi)
8. washing-up /ˌwɒʃ.ɪŋˈʌp/ the act of
cleaning plates, pans, glasses, knives,
forks, etc. after a meal.
Eg: There's an enormous pile of
washing-up in the sink. (việc rửa bát)

- Then, teacher distributes the

vocabulary handout and have the
student repeat all the new words. -
“Now class, please repeat after me!”
- Next, they will practice pronouncing
it in pair for 1 minute.
- After all, each student take turn to
read out loud word by word from the
first students in front of the teacher to
the student that sits at last table at the
end of the class.
Grammar 5’ Introduce the concept of adverbs of
Explanation frequency (always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely, never).
6. Write the adverbs of frequency on
the board and explain their meaning
and usage.
7. Give examples of sentences using
the adverbs of frequency, such as:
I always read a book before going to
He usually plays online games on
They rarely go for a walk in the park.
Clarify any questions the students may
have regarding the usage of adverbs of
Exercises 20’ 9. Distribute handouts with
vocabulary and grammar exercises
to the students.
10. Instruct them to match the
vocabulary words with their
corresponding definitions.
11. Then, have them complete
sentences using the appropriate
adverb of frequency.
12. Monitor the students' progress
and provide assistance as needed.
13. Review the answers as a class,
allowing students to share their
responses and explain their choices.
- The teacher asks students to do the
exercise Vocabulary 1 on page 7 in the
textbook, which are reading the option
(a-h) individually and matching these
words with the sentences or phrases.
- The teacher goes around to watch
them while students are working to do
the exercise in 3 minutes.
- The first five students who finish the
exercise the fastest will receive bonus
- The teacher shows and checks the
a. breadwinner
b. split
c. washing – up
d. heavy lifting
e. homemaker
f. chore
g. laundry
h. groceries
Conversation 10’ 14. Divide the students into pairs or Teacher evaluate the
Activity small groups. conversation base on
15. Provide each group with their vocabulary,
conversation prompt cards that
fluency and
contain different everyday activities. pronunciation to give
16. Instruct the students to use the them bonus points.
vocabulary words and adverbs of
frequency to create a conversation
based on the given prompts.
17. Encourage them to take turns
using the vocabulary and adverbs of
frequency in their dialogue.
18. Circulate among the groups,
offering guidance and support as
19. After the conversations, select a
few groups to perform their
dialogues in front of the class,
fostering a sense of participation
and collaboration.
- The teacher asks students to discuss
their families’ member and also their
duties with their partners.
A: How many
- The teacher wanders and observes
when students work in pairs, and gives
them help if it is necessary.
- Teacher invites some pair to perform
their conversation in 1 minute.
- The other students listen to their
friends when they practice in front of
class to get experience
- The teacher observes and gives
feedbacks for students after each
- If students perform well, the teacher
will give bonus points to them.
- If students can’t complete the
conversation, the teacher will take
note of their names in the teacher's
note, and asks them to practice again
in the next lesson.
Wrap up 5’ - The teacher summarizes the key Today, I performed to
points covered in the lesson, you some vocabulary
emphasizing the vocabulary words and about household
adverbs of frequency, encourages chores and duties. I
would like someone
students to practice using the new
to help me repeat the
vocabulary and grammar in their new words that we
everyday conversations. have learned?”
22. Provide an opportunity for
students to ask any final questions
or seek clarification on any topic
covered in the lesson.
23. Thank the students for their
participation and effort.
- If no one volunteers, the teacher will
call randomly.
- With empty answer, minus is given.
-Finally, the teacher asks students to
practice the conversation at home and
do exercise Vocabulary 2 in the
- The teacher asks students if they
have any questions and finishes the
lesson today.

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