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Prelim Period

Team Name: Date: Oct. 20, 2023

Name: Paraon, Ryan Miguel B.
Jimenez, Jaysonnel C.
Marasigan, Mikko Rance R.

Program / Section: BSCS-DS – 2 Professor: Ms.D Montecines

Assessment Task: 3rd Assignment _ GROUP ACTIVITY

1. Ask your classmate to be your project team members. (maximum of 5 members)
2. Set your team name
3. Group Presentation ( use PPT for your answer
4. Provide the specific contributions of each member. (use the template provided)
5. Acknowledge all your references


IT Users

1. Explain that improving employees’ ethical use of IT is an area of growing concern as more
companies provide employees with PCs, access to corporate information systems and data, and
the Internet.

Common Ethical Issues for IT Users

Software Piracy

1.Explain that software piracy can sometimes be traced directly to IT professionals, and a common
violation is for an employee to copy software from his or her work computer to use at home. Emphasize
that this is piracy unless someone has paid for an additional license.

Inappropriate Use of Computing Resources

1.Explain that activities such as surfing the Web, playing video games, and participating in chat rooms
erode worker productivity and waste time.

Summary of Assigned Tasks

Name (SN, FN, MI.) Picture (1x1 formal picture) Detailed Contributions/Assigned Tasks:
Leader's Name:  Assigned roles and tasks
Paraon, Ryan Miguel  Researcher
B.  Reporter
 PPT Maker

Member 1: Jimenez,  Researcher

Jaysonnel C.  Reporter

Member 2: Marasigan,  Researcher

Mikko Rance R.  Reporter

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