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If you can make it...

tu puedes hacerlo
Do you want me to bring anyging ? quieres que te traiga algo
Is there any dress code ? codigo de vestimenta
Are you interested in the school prom? te interesa el baile de graduacion de la
You may try to ask her. Preguntarle a ella
Let me ask her hacer una pregunta
Can I have only few minutes of your time ? pedir tiempo
It is so nice of you all es muy amable de tu parte
What can I help ? en que puedo ayudar

I watched the video and here are the answers to your questions:

1. There were four different situations of invitation in the video: a surprise

birthday party, a barbecue party, a prom party and a Christmas dinner.
2. The surprise birthday party is at 7 pm. The guests are asked to arrive at 6:45
pm and to be quiet when they enter the house.
3. The barbecue party will take place at Jack’s house. He lives on 123 Main
4. Mia is not going to the prom party. She says she has other plans and that she
doesn’t like dancing.
5. Laurel is going to the Christmas dinner. She accepts the invitation from her
friend and says she will bring a salad.
6. The first party in the video is the surprise birthday party. It is the first
situation that is shown and the narrator says “Let’s start with the first invitation”
before introducing it.

• emailing Spring

I invite you to celebrate the arrival of spring with a parade full of color and joy. You
will be able to see the typical costumes of different regions, the floats decorated with
flowers and the traditional dances. The parade will be on Thursday, November 16 at
10 a.m. in Chapultepec. Don't miss it, it will be an unforgettable party.
RSVP by calling 444 123 4567 or emailing Spring

• Graduation Ceremony

Estimad@ Graduate@
I congratulate you on successfully completing your studies. It is my honor to invite
you to the graduation ceremony of the class of 2023 at the Universidad TecMilenio
campus San Luis Potosí. The ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 16
at 6 p.m. on the TecMilenio campus. After the graduation ceremony, there will be a
toast and dance on campus. Please RSVP and email 444-123-4567 or email
I look forward to celebrating this important achievement.

• To go fishing:

Hello, friend!
I invite you to spend a day of fun and relaxation on the lake. We're going fishing on
Sunday, April 2nd. We'll meet at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of the supermarket and
from there we'll leave in a caravan to the lake. Bring your fishing rod, your bait, and
your hat. You can also bring some food and drink to share. It will be a great
opportunity to enjoy nature and good company.
RSVP by calling 444-123-4567 or emailing

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