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OPTIMISE YOUR EXAMS Speaking | Answer key B1+

OPTIMISE YOUR EXAMS they’re having fun but the first is like all erm … with
uniforms and in a building and in the seconds is it’s like
pages 140–143 all natural with their own clothes and …’.
Exercise 1 Student B:
2 free time 3 travel/places 4 the internet 5 family and Yes: ‘I think it’s more formal music than the one in the
leisure 6 holidays 7 daily routine 8 your town picture below.’
9 friends and family 10 education
Does the student use a range of grammar structures,
Exercise 2 vocabulary and expressions, and linking words? Give
Which Do they extend What examples.
questions their answers? interesting Student A:
from language do Grammar structures: She relied heavily on the present
Exercise 1 do they use? tense. A relative clause was used with the incorrect
they answer?
relative pronoun: ‘someone which’ – She could have
1, 8 She extends her ‘ambience’
Student B – Julio Student A – Laura

used a wider range of grammar structures. It would

answers after ‘… is like we’re have been better if she’d used more advanced language
being asked all growing and
a follow-up to speculate (could be, might be).
always changing
question by the so there’s not Vocabulary and expressions: ‘relaxed’, ‘bbq’, ‘uniforms’,
examiner. really stable ‘it’s like all natural’.
friendships.’ Linking words: She used ‘so’ and ‘because’ – She could
have used a wider range of linking words.
4, 10 Yes. He offered ‘… mild climate –
detail about the so er is not very Student B:
climate in his cold but not too Grammar structures: He used some advanced
city. hot.’ structures: ‘… they might be practising …’. However, he
made some errors with simple structures.
Vocabulary and expressions: ‘… auditorium so [it] is
more expensive’, ‘chill out’.
Linking words: ‘in the first picture’, ‘here’, ‘but’ – He
Exercise 3 could have used a wider range of linking words.
Do they speak clearly? Does the student talk for one minute? Does the student
Student A: Yes, most of the time. answer the question about the photographs?
Student B: Yes, most of the time. Student A:
Does the student stress the right words and parts of Yes. She talked for about a minute to answer the first
sentences? question about the photographs. However, she could
Student A: Yes, most of the time. have extended her answer for the second question.
Student B: Yes, most of the time. Student B:
Does the student use intonation correctly? No. He talked for approximately 40 seconds. The
Student A: Yes, most of the time. examiner repeated the question about the photos,
Student B: Yes, most of the time. and the student gave a brief answer to the question.
He needs to ensure he speaks for the appropriate
For more details about the Students’ performances see amount of time for each question and to offer relevant
the Optimise Speaking Test Video Analysis. information in the first instance.
Exercise 4 Exercises 8 & 9
1 F 2 F 3T 4 F 5T 6T 1 together 2 two minutes 3 have some time 4 discuss
Exercise 5 the points together 5 a minute 6 should try to agree
Students’ own answers 7 must 8 will

Exercise 6 Exercise 10
Students’ own answers Students should tick:
C, D, F, G, H, K, L
Exercise 7 Accept all reasonable suggestions for examples of
Does the student compare the photographs describing useful language.
similarities and differences? Give examples.
Student A: Exercise 11
Yes: ‘And also in the second picture they are like in a 1 They did not always answer the question directly.
bbq … So I think in the first and in the second erm … They talked about who they would prefer to talk to,
rather than what they could learn from the speakers.

Optimise B1+ Optimise B1+ Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.
This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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OPTIMISE YOUR EXAMS Speaking | Answer key B1+

2 They listened to each other and answered each Exercise 15

other’s questions. Student A
3 Yes, they talked about all options, but they did not 1 She started off by saying ‘the most important things
answer the question. are accent’, giving a clear answer. However, she
4 Student A: She used ‘So …?’ and ‘Any ideas?’ to invite thought the speakers would be English speakers, and
her partner to talk. Student B: He asked ‘What do you did not answer the first question directly.
think?’ to invite his partner to talk. 2 She spoke fluently in response to the second question
5 Both of the students used ‘I think’, and Student B and addressed the question directly. She didn’t use
asked ‘What do you think?’ three times. It would be ‘like’ or ‘er’ as much as in the other three parts.
better if he could vary the way he invites his partner 3 ‘because’ and ‘but’ – She gives a realistic choice and
to talk. Student A responded with ‘interesting’ every contrasts it with her ideal choice: ‘I go like, medicine
time. She would benefit from varying her responses. because I love er, helping people like him but if I
She also said ‘I think it’s better if we eliminate the could choose any work I could take astronaut’.
others and only keep two …’ 4 She mentioned technology to justify her answer to
6 Student A: ‘Yes, that’s true but …’ the question about more people working from home
Student B: ‘Yes, I agree with the explorer.’ in future.
7 Student A: She asked questions about the clothes 5 No.
designer to express her thoughts about what a clothes 6 She reacted to her partner’s opinion in the third
designer does: ‘Why is this like fashion and this not? question and added information: ‘I agree with him
Why we have to wear this on each occasion?’ and I have to add …’.
Student B: He tries to develop an opinion about why
they should ‘eliminate’ the writer. He also adds to her Student B
final point about a clothes designer. He needed to add 1 He didn’t address the first question coherently: ‘to
and develop more ideas. talk about a job is [better] that someone to talk about
8 In the second question, the students didn’t reach a job is better than someone talks to you who works
an agreement on the two people to choose, but they in the job’ and didn’t provide any reasons to clarify
aren’t penalised on this in the exam. his position.
2 He hesitated and did not answer the first question
Exercise 12 coherently or the second question fully.
Students’ own answers 3 He used a conditional structure to connect and
express his ideas: ‘I think it’s better to be happy in
Exercise 13
your job because if you are not, if you are not happy
Do schools prepare students well for the future world
in what you are doing, you er, will be very sad, and …
of work?
er you don’t want to be sad, so …’.
What things might you need to consider before doing
4 He didn’t provide any reasons to clarify his position
further studies or choosing a job?
in his answer to the first question.
What’s more important – being happy in your job or
5 No.
earning a lot of money?
6 He mentions ‘robots’ in response to the question
Some people think in the future more and more people
about more people working from home in the future,
will work from home. What do you think?
adding to Student A’s comment about technology.
And if you could choose any job to do, what would
it be?
Exercise 14
1C 2A 3B

Optimise B1+ Optimise B1+ Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.
This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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