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The Acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus ( Lemon grass) Extract and Banana

Charcoal as Mosquito Repellent Insence

Mosquito-borne diseases continue to pose a significant threat to public health globally,
with over half the world's population at risk of infections such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika
virus. The quest for effective, safe, and sustainable mosquito repellents has led researchers to
explore alternative natural compounds and resources. In this pursuit, the combination of
Cymbopogon citratus (commonly known as Lemongrass) and Banana Charcoal as a potential
mosquito repellent incense holds great promise.
Cymbopogon citratus, with its rich history in traditional medicine and culinary
applications, has shown promise as a natural insect repellent due to its high citral content, which
is known for its insecticidal properties. Furthermore, Banana Charcoal, a byproduct of banana
agriculture, has demonstrated absorptive properties that could enhance the longevity and efficacy
of the incense. By synergizing these natural elements, this study aims to not only evaluate the
effectiveness of the Lemongrass and Banana Charcoal incense but also gauge its acceptability
among communities at risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
In light prior investigation conducted by Sukumar et al.'s (2015) meticulous investigation
zeroes in on the insecticidal efficacy of lemongrass and citronella oils, illuminating their role as
potent agents in the fight against mosquitoes. This research not only advances our understanding
of the biological mechanisms underlying the repellent properties of these botanical extracts but
also emphasizes their potential in contributing to public health initiatives. The study by Sukumar
et al. represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of natural and environmentally friendly
solutions for mosquito control, offering a promising avenue for future research in this critical area.
Banana Charcoal, derived from the discarded peels of bananas, is characterized by its
rich carbon content and porous structure. This unique composition allows it to absorb and retain
a variety of substances, making it an intriguing candidate for enhancing the efficacy of mosquito
repellent incense. Furthermore, Lemongrass, renowned for its citrusy aroma and therapeutic
properties, contains citral, a natural compound known for its insecticidal properties. This powerful
ingredient has been utilized in various traditional remedies for centuries, illustrating its potential
in insect repellent formulations. This research aims to bridge this knowledge gap by assessing the
acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus and Banana Charcoal-based incense, considering factors
such as odor, burning characteristics, and perceived efficacy.

According to Mopoung S. et al.'s (2017) research underscores the economic viability of

utilizing banana waste for charcoal production, providing a cost-effective and sustainable
alternative to conventional methods. Their work illuminates the potential for banana charcoal to
play a crucial role in mitigating environmental impact while simultaneously addressing practical
household heating needs. This study serves as a foundational reference for our investigation into
the acceptability of lemongrass extract and banana charcoal as mosquito repellent incense, building
upon the demonstrated benefits of banana-based charcoal as a versatile and eco-friendly resource.
This research embarks on a vital endeavor to address the persistent threat of mosquito-
borne diseases by investigating the potential of a Lemongrass and Banana Charcoal-based incense
as a natural repellent. By leveraging the inherent properties of Cymbopogon citratus and Banana
Charcoal, we aim not only to assess the effectiveness of this botanical combination but also to
understand its acceptability among communities at risk. Building on previous studies, this research
aspires to contribute valuable insights towards a sustainable and accessible solution for effective
mosquito control. The subsequent sections will provide a detailed account of the methodologies
employed and the significant findings garnered during the course of this investigation.


This research lies in the pressing need for safe and sustainable alternatives to synthetic
mosquito repellents. By harnessing the inherent properties of Cymbopogon citratus and banana
charcoal, we aim to contribute to the development of a natural, eco-friendly, and accessible
solution to combat mosquito-borne diseases, ultimately benefitting public health and the
environment. Moreover, this study aligns with the global trend towards adopting natural and
sustainable approaches to pest management.
The utilization of natural substances as mosquito repellents has garnered considerable
interest in recent years, owing to growing concerns about the adverse effects of synthetic repellents
on human health and the environment. Among these natural alternatives, Cymbopogon citratus
(lemongrass) extract and banana charcoal have shown promise due to their inherent insect-
repelling properties. Previous studies have established that lemongrass possesses potent insect-
repelling properties attributed to its high citral content. Additionally, banana charcoal has been
explored for its potential as a sustainable and eco-friendly mosquito repellent owing to its
adsorbent properties.
However, despite promising preliminary findings, there remains a notable gap in the
comprehensive evaluation of the efficacy and acceptability of lemongrass extract and banana
charcoal as mosquito repellent incense. Specifically, there is limited research addressing the
synergistic effects of these two natural substances when combined in incense form. It is imperative
to address these gaps in the existing body of knowledge to provide a holistic understanding of the
potential of lemongrass extract and banana charcoal as mosquito repellents. This study seeks to
bridge this lacuna by conducting rigorous empirical research encompassing various aspects
including efficacy, safety, user acceptability, and environmental impact.


This study aims to determine the acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) extract and
banana charcoal as mosquito repellent incense. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following
research question:

1. What is the level of acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) extract and

banana charcoal as mosquito repellent incense in terms of the following indicators;

1.1 Appearance
1.2 Duration
1.3 Smell
1.4 Residue or smoke
1.5 Effectiveness

2. Is there a significant effect of lemongrass and banana charcoal as mosquito repellent on


3. Is there a significant effect differences between lemongrass extract and banana charcoal
as mosquito repellent incense compared to other mosquito repellents?

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is known for its aromatic properties, primarily
attributed to the presence of citral, a natural compound. Citral has been identified as a significant
component, comprising about 65-85% of lemongrass essential oil (Chanotiya et al., 2010). This
compound is recognized for its insect-repellent properties
Banana charcoal, derived from the waste of banana plants, possesses unique porous
characteristics. These pores enable it to adsorb various volatile organic compounds (Su et al.,
2012). This property suggests a potential for it to act as a carrier for active repellent compounds,
enhancing its efficacy in mosquito repellency.
Mosquito repellents function through several mechanisms, including interference with
mosquito olfactory receptors, masking of human scent, or creating a barrier effect (Debboun et al.,
2014). The effectiveness of a repellent is determined by its ability to disrupt the mosquito's sensory
perception, making the host less detectable.
Natural plant extracts have been extensively studied for their mosquito repellent
properties. Lemongrass extract, in particular, has shown promising results due to its citral content.
Amer and Mehlhorn (2006) demonstrated the effectiveness of various essential oils, including
lemongrass, against Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex mosquitoes. This highlights the potential of
lemongrass as a natural repellent


- Combine lemongrass extract

with banana charcoal powder.
Adjust the proportions based on
Acceptability of Cymbopogon desired strength.
citratus (lemongrass) extract - Gradually introduce a
and banana charcoal as binding agent (like water or
mosquito repellent incense in natural gum) to achieve a paste-
terms of the following; like consistency.
1.1 Appearance - For sticks, roll the mixture
1.2 Longevity around bamboo sticks.
1.3 Fragrance Mosquito repellent incense
1.4 Effectiveness - Air dry the formed incense in from Cymbopogon citratus
a well-ventilated area, which (lemongrass) and banana
may take a day or more, charcoal
MATERIALS: depending on humidity.
-Lemongrass extract - Store the incense in an
-Banana charcoal powder airtight container to maintain
-Binding agent
-Testing insence
-Bamboo sticks
- Collecting data through
survey questionnaire
-Analyze the data collected

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The research aims to assess the acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass)
extract and banana charcoal incense in terms of appearance, longevity, fragrance, and
effectiveness. The materials required for this study included lemongrass extract, banana charcoal
powder, a binding agent and bamboo sticks.
The process involves crafting mosquito repellent incense by preparing lemongrass
extract and banana charcoal incense, subjecting it to testing, gathering data through survey
questionnaire, and subsequently analyzing the collected information.
The cultimination of this endeavor output in the creation of a mosquito repellent
incense, derived from Cymbopogon Cirtratus (lemongrass) and banana charcoal, with an aim to
offer an effective and natural solution for repelling mosquitoes.

The following null hypothesis was tested in this study:
There is no significant difference in the efficacy of mosquito repellent incense containing
lemongrass extract and banana charcoal compared to conventional commercial mosquito
The study aims to assess The Acceptability of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass) extract
and Banana Charcoal as Mosquito Repellent Incense. The included variables are the acceptability
of the mosquito repellent incense, the formulation with lemongrass extract and banana charcoal,
and its effectiveness in repelling mosquitoes.
This study is conducted to provide valuable insights into the potential effectiveness and
acceptability of Cymbopogpon citratus (lemongrass) and bana charcoal as mosquito repellent
incense as an alternative method for mosquito control. The study will be conducted from 2023 to
2024 to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the acceptability and effectiveness of the
formulated incense over an extended period. Data will be gathered in Culao, Claveria, Cagayan,
to ensure a representative sample from an area prone to mosquito-borne diseases.


The present study was significant to the resident in mosquito- prone areas, travelers and tourist,
outdoor enthusiast, the community, families and future research
RESIDENTS IN MOSQUITO-PRONE AREAS will benefit from an effective, natural mosquito
repellent that can help improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS can benefit from this research as they often visit regions where
mosquitoes are prevalent. Providing a natural and effective solution can enhance their travel
experience and reduce the risk of mosquito-related health issues.
OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS who enjoy activities like camping, hiking, and gardening will
find value in a natural mosquito repellent that allows them to enjoy outdoor activities without the
nuisance and potential health risks associated with mosquitoes.
THE COMMUNITY as a whole benefits from reduced reliance on chemical insecticides,
which can have environmental and health implications. Using natural ingredients like lemongrass
extract and banana charcoal promotes eco-friendliness and sustainability.

FAMILIES can provide a safer environment for their children by using a natural mosquito
repellent. This is especially important in regions where mosquitoes carry diseases.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS can build upon this study, using it as a foundation for further
investigations into natural mosquito repellents or related fields. This contributes to the
advancement of knowledge and the development of sustainable solutions.


For the reader’s clearer understanding of the present study, the following terms were
defined operationally;
Cymbopogon citratus (Lemongrass). A plant known for its citrusy aroma and
therapeutic properties. In this study, Lemongrass is utilized for its high citral content, which is
known for its insecticidal properties.
Banana Charcoal. A charcoal derived from discarded banana peels, characterized by
its rich carbon content and porous structure. It is being explored for its potential to enhance the
efficacy of mosquito repellent incense.
Mosquito-borne diseases. Diseases transmitted to humans through the bite of infected
mosquitoes, including malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.
Mosquito repellent incense. A form of incense that is designed to repel mosquitoes,
potentially utilizing natural compounds like Lemongrass and Banana Charcoal.
Acceptability. The extent to which communities are willing to use and find the
Lemongrass and Banana Charcoal-based incense effective in repelling mosquitoes. This includes
factors like odor, burning characteristics, and perceived efficacy.
Insecticidal properties. The ability of a substance to kill or repel insects.
Participant recruitment and consent. The process of selecting individuals to
participate in the study and obtaining their voluntary agreement to take part.
Pre-test questionnaire. A set of questions administered before the participants use the
incense to assess their baseline knowledge, attitudes towards mosquito repellents, and establish
their usage patterns..
Data analysis and interpretation. The process of examining the collected data to draw
conclusions and make sense of the findings.
Conceptual framework. A structure outlining the inputs, processes, and expected outputs
of the research study.

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