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Thanh Quyên (070 893 5425) Modal Verbs

1. Must / Have to
a) must / have to : chỉ sự cần thiết hoặc bắt buộc
+ Must: từ phía người nói (cảm xúc và mong ước của bản thân)
Ex: I really must stop smoking.
+ Have to: do tình thế hoặc điều kiện bên ngoài (nội quy, luật, quy định …)
Ex: You have to turn left.
b) Must: suy đoán hợp lý, chắc chắn. (có cơ sở và dẫn chứng)
Ex: John is asleep. It must be someone else outside.
c) Have to: ưu tiên dùng khi kết hợp với các thì và các dạng động từ.
Ex: You will have to bring it back.
I had to go to the dentist yesterday.
No one likes having to pay taxes.
d) Mustn’t = không được phép (cấm)
Don’t have to = don’t need to (needn’t) (không cần phải)
Ex: You ___________ park in front of the entrance.
You ___________ go to school on Sundays.
2. Should < ought to < had better (not)
a) Đều được dùng đưa ra lời khuyên
b) Should và ought to:
+ Dự đoán (should: mong đợi; ought to/have to: hợp logic)
Ex: We should arrive before dark.
We are spending the winter in Miami. That ought to be nice
+ Sự bắt buộc, bổn phận
Ex: You shouldn’t drink and drive.
We ought to start at once.
3. Will / would / shall
a) Cách dùng của will: dự đoán, đề nghị giúp đỡ, lời hứa, đe dọa, quyết định tức thì, lời mời.
Ex: The team will win the game.
I will carry the bags for you.
I won’t tell anyone what happened, I promise.
Won’t you stay for lunch?
I will hit you if you do that again.
Ms. Thanh Quyên (070 893 5425) Modal Verbs
These is a knock at the door. I will answer it.
b) Cách dùng của would:
+ Giả định (if 2)
+ Dự đoán, thói quen ở quá khứ (=used to)
Ex: It would be fun to have a beach party.
When I was a child, I would sing folk songs.
+ Lời yêu cầu lịch sự: would / will (+ you …?)
Ex: Would you post these letters for me?
+ Các công thức khác của would

 Would like / love / prefer + to V?

 Would you mind + Ving?
+ if S + V2/ed?

 Would rather: Would rather Vbare than Vbare = Would prefer to V rather than Vbare
Would rather + S + V2/ed / had V3/ed
c) Shall dùng cho I và We: hỏi xin ý kiến, lời khuyên.
+ Shall I …: đề nghị giúp đỡ
+ Shall we…: gợi ý (suggest)
Ex: What shall I do?
Shall I do the washing-up?
Shall we go to the movies?
4. Can / could / be able to
a) Can và could đều được dùng để
+ Diễn đạt khả năng (Hiện tại – Quá khứ)
+ Xin phép (dùng can / can’t trả lời)
Ex: Can I use your phone?
Could I ask you something?
 Yes, of course you can
 No, I am afraid you can not.
+ Yêu cầu: could you > can you
+ Đề nghị:
Ex: Let’s have lunch. We can go to that new restaurant.
b) Can / could và be able to
+ Can / Could + Verb of perception (see/smell/feel/hear/taste/understand/remember)
Ms. Thanh Quyên (070 893 5425) Modal Verbs
+ Be able to:

 Cố xoay sở trong tình huống đặc biệt.

Ex: She was able to cross the river under heavy rain.

 Khi kết hợp với các thì và các dạng động từ.
Ex: It is nice to be able to go to the opera.
I haven’t been able to sleep recently.
5. May / Might
a) Có thể xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai (may > might)
Ex: Ann may not come to the party tonight.
b) Xin phép/ cho phép (dùng may not từ chối)
Ex: May I go out?
 Yes, of course
 No, I am afraid you may not.
c) Câu chúc
Ex: May you both be happy!
1. Must have V3/ed (chắc chắn xảy ra)
Ex: The phone rang but he didn’t hear it. He must have been asleep.
2. Can’t / Couldn’t have V3/ed (chắc chắn không xảy ra)
Ex: Daniel can’t / couldn’t have caught the bus. It doesn’t run on Sundays.
3. Should have V3/ed (đáng lẽ phải …): Một chuyên nên làm nhưng đã không làm.
Ex: You should have done your homework at home.
 Shouldn’t have V3/ed (đáng lẽ không nên …)
Ex: You shouldn’t have called him a fool.
*NOTE: Ought (not) to have V3/ed = Should (not) have V3/ed
4. May / Might have V3/ed (có thể xảy ra)
Ex: He may have left his wallet at home.
 May / Might not have V3/ed (có thể đã không …)
Ex: I mightn’t have locked the door.
5. Needn’t have V3/ed (đáng lẽ không cần phải)
Ex: You needn’t have cooked so many dishes. These is only two of us.
6. Can / Could have V3/ed (có thể đã): Một chuyện có thể đã xảy ra nhưng đã không xảy ra.
Ex: He can have lent me some money but he didn’t have any.

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