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Escuela Superior de Comercio

Diagnostic unit Project Management

A) -Define a project to be carried out at ESC which will improve your experience of life at
school and will be an advantage to future student cohorts. Alternatively, this can mean
an improvement in your city. Write it down.

B) -Locate stakeholders; Budget your plan: finance/ time; imagine possible constraints; etc.
Complete the stages of a project plan with information about your project in particular.

C) -Organise a meeting to introduce the topic to the school authorities. Create a dialogue

D) -Which of the problems discussed on page 23 of BR/SB do you think your group might run into?
Write the actual problems down.

E) - Discuss your problems with other groups, see if they can offer a solution to your problems.
Write the solutions down.

Your task must include a cover page that informs the reader about:
Name of goup-Group members-Logo and motto-Project name-Date
The task can be handed in on Moodle as a PDF file or via mail on


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