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Narrative report

Mango Graham

A pleasant day everyone this is our report about what happen during
our product testing. We asked for feedbacks to the students who tasted
our product. We received both positive and negative feedback/comments.
One of the positive feedback was the taste of the graham was not too
sweet and not too bland which means to say that it was perfect, it
was also creamy and milky. One student mentioned the texture was good
it blends with the mango. For the negative feedback it was too soft
and watery it was not refrigerated. Another negative comment was the
mango was not fresh.

Our overall take away with this product is we need to improve the
quality and the taste to make sure that the students will love it. We
will make sure that we will not rush the process in making and
refrigerate the product and we will also select some fresh mango. We
will make sure that the next product that we will sell will be more
better and will be more presentable for the costumers.

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