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PHILOS may be incomplete

Friday, October 13, 2023 3:16 PM

Sir did not provide and Module 1 or Module 2 idkk

just a bunch of screenshots
1. Epistemology Sophia - "Wisdom"
- "TRUTH VS OPINION" Philosophy - Love of Wisdom
- studies the nature of knowledge and the Philosopher - Lover of Wisdom
knowledge and the rationality of belief


- "...may god, supreme being" 1. Pythagoras
- asks questions about the essence and - Ionan Greek Philosopher
existence of a being - first person to name himslef a philospher
- Known for Pythagorean Theorem in geometry
3. Logic
- "reasoning" or truth 2. ??? Legit only one history lmao
- truth or "reasoning
- "...focuses sa truth" NATURE of PHILOSOPHY
- Humans possesses a keen desire to now
4. Ethics/Axiology - Search for knowledge is induced by theoretical
- matter of "value/morality" considerations
- Needs to find the answers to many questions about
5. Aesthetics things existing around him
- explores the nature and appreciation of art,
beauty and taste

Limitations of the Human Persons

- Human persons are biologically deficient beings
- Not equipped with the best physical attributes
- "do not have the natural ability to fly"
- Basically, we can't do the shit that some other animals can

Definition of Terms
Defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as:
1. Chance something might exists, happen or be true;

1. Exceeding usual limits or SURPASSING
2. Extending or lying beyong limits of ordinary experience
3. Kantian philosophy: beyong the limits of all possible exp
and knowledge

"bcuz of the transedence of ppl, we made planes"

The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit
- As embodied spirit, provides us numerous opportunities to explore everything around us
- Despite natural limitations, we used our intelllect to devise means to achieve several feats

1. Transcendence
- ability to surpass limits
- beyond many of our physical limits
- overcoming oneself
- like having the ability to fly by planes

- even if the body reminds us of certain tendencies.

- ^ basically controlling our desires like eating, pleasure

2. Spiritual Dimensions
- we can transcend because of that
- being physically limited doesn't prevent us from hoping/aspiring for greater things

Essence of Transendence
- To awknowledge our limitations
- Identify possibilites for development
- Change ourselves for the better

"You also can take on a mental challenge like learning a new skill or doing better in studies"

"possibilites for transendence give us the opportunity to work toward becoming better versions
of ourselves"

Don't know if kasama sa test

Natural Scope of Philosophy
- "acquired through the use of reason"
- Alultimate explanations can be arrived at by applying reasoning to facts supplied by exp.
Material Object of Philosophy
- "studies all things"
- All aspects of reality can be the object of a philisophical study
Formal Object of Philosophy
- "through their ultimate couses"
- Seeking the deepest explanations regarding the existence and nature of beings

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