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Kimberly Martinez

English 1301

Dr. Sharity Nelson

15 September 23

Health, Medicine, & Society

A flyers to transmit information to promote, recruit, and inform for educational purposes towards

students. The author of the flyer for the Health, Medicine, & Society course, Virginia Berndt,

created a flyer to invite Texas A&M International University students to join the “Sociology

4375” course. Through the application of a flyer, Virginia Berndt extends an invitation to all

TAMIU students who are interested in Health, Medicine, and society. The author, Virginia

Berndt, Catches the students attention by using conventions such as the title and how it is

displayed. Next the small intro that is being presented and made eye catching lastly the date and

time. This flyer catches the attention by using bold title letters, TAMIU school colors, and by

presenting the information in an organized and appealing manner to allure students who pass by

the bulletin board and take a moment to read about an elective course that may be of interest to

them. The instructor Virginia Berndt who is providing this course uses the convention of the

flyer title to catch the attention of students interested in the healthcare field looking for a

stepping stone to further their knowledge in the cultural and societal aspects of science and

medicine. Author Virginia Berndt Uses the use of For example, the title of this flyer is "Soci

4375: Health, Medicine, and Society." The title is located in the middle left side of the flyer in

bold maroon letters under an image in a gray box to emphasize the main point of the flyer. The

title catches the attention of any TAMIU student who is slightly interested in health to take a

moment and read what the flyer has to offer. The title on the flyer is crucial because it is the
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student's first introduction to the course. In this flyer, the title is used to capture attention, provide

a clear idea of the content of the flyer, and differentiate it from other flyers. The title of this flyer

is used to attract the attention of students who are interested in having a more in-depth

knowledge of healthcare who happen to be walking down the hallways and come across this

flyer. “Furthermore” The title is an important convention since it is the first thing students

usually see on a flyer and it goes two ways: either it attracts the student or it doesn't attract the

student. The author's use of the title was clearly made to be an attention grabber and this

convention was made interesting by the use of boldness and use of colors.

Author Virginia Berndt includes a small summary that informs the students of what will be

introduced and discussed in this course. The small intro consists of the following: “Enroll to

learn how culture, medicine, religion, disasters, policies, laws, and more affect health and

illness!” The small intro is in a gray box with a maroon border around in black letters located in

the bottom middle of the right side. Its main purpose is to provide context, communicate its

purpose, and grab the attention of the reader. The convention is being used in a way to grab the

reader's attention by seeming appealing to the eye as it is the only box in gray and very big letters

with a very thick marron outline around it. Although these letters are not bolded they are the

third biggest letters in the flyer making this textbox very eye-catching. The use of convention in

this part is made differently from the rest and therefore seems more different then other

conventions in this flyer. In addition, author Virginia Berndt provides the date and time: “M, W,

F, 1:00-2:05 pm”in this flyer. The way the convention is being used is by including small logos

that represent the main idea of what's being mentioned. On the left side of “Class Days/Time:”

There is a logo that is a timer that looks like one of those circled clocks with ears that appear

small. The logo is used to entertain the reader and make the flyer appealing and not too plain and
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too simple. The flyer is made more interesting by making the flyer seem creative and

entertaining with little logos instead of creating a blank flyer that is displayed as plain and just

includes all information and no details. This convention adds a little more detail and a creative

touch to the section as to not make the flyer seem dry and uninteresting.

In conclusion, all of the conventions stated above are thoroughly important for this flyer

because the conventions are used to make a poster or flyer more appealing to the people who

happen to see it. This author's use of conventions were done nicely and organized to seem

eye-catching. The use of color boxes and formatting were also done very well.
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Work Cited

TAMIU Flyer “HEALTH, MEDICINE, & SOCIETY” Texas A&M International

University, FALL 2023. Author -

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