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Shermaine Japor


Regarding the philosophical perspective on art and the functions of art, I

don’t agree with the proposition that “The beauty of an artwork is solely determined
by its function.” Art is a form of an expression that is meant to evoke emotions and
feelings in people. It is not just about the function but also aesthetics. The beauty of
an artwork is not solely determined by its function but also by its form. Art is meant
to be appreciated for its beauty and not just for its functions, an artwork can be
beautiful even if it does not serve any practical purpose.
Artists create art to express themselves and to communicate their ideas and
emotions to others. They use different forms and style to create something unique
and beautiful. The beauty of an artwork is subjective and can be appreciated in many
different ways. Some people may find it beauty in the technical skill of the artist,
while others may find beauty in the message conveyed by the artwork.
Functionality is just one aspect of an artwork and it does not determine its
beauty. For example is a chair, it can be functional and serve its purpose as a
furniture to sit on, buy it may not be considered as beautiful by everyone. On the
other hand, a sculpture may not have any practical function but it can still be
considered beautiful for its aesthetic qualities.

In conclusion, the beauty of an artwork is not solely determined by its

function but also by its form. Art is meant to be appreciated for its beauty and not by
its function.

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