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Test Name: WHI_Rome Test_2023_PHHS

Test ID: 3284232

Date: 12/12/2023

1. Why did Christianity spread so quickly throughout the Roman Empire?

A. Large numbers of Jews converted to Christianity

B. Apostles carried the message throughout the empire

C. Constantine decreed that Romans must convert to Christianity

D. The production of Bibles by the printing press

2. Which of the following was an ECONOMIC impact of the Pax Romana?

A. Establishment of a uniform system of money

B. Increased emphasis on the family

C. Created a civil service system

D. Developed a uniform code of law

3. In Ancient Greece and Rome, human characteristics, natural phenomena, and life events were
explained by

A. Stories passed down through families (Oral history)

B. Early religious beliefs

C. Wars with neighboring states and empires

D. Biblical teachings of Abraham


The design of the Roman engineering accomplishment shown above made significant use of the
architectural structure of the

A. Turret

B. Dome

C. Column

D. Arch

5. As a result of the Pax Romana, the Roman Empire

A. Experienced continuing hostilities among neighboring regions

Survived invasions from barbarian tribes

Shrank in size and wealth

Experienced peace and prosperity
6. The Republic of Rome divided its population into classes known as —

A. monarchs and dictators

B. senators and artisans

C. patricians and plebeians

D. consuls and tribunes

7. Which individual started a civil war in the Roman Republic?

A. Julius Caesar

B. Alexander the Great

C. Hannibal

D. Constantine

8. Which was an impact of Rome's military conquests on the empire?

A. Slavery became geographically important to the layout of the empire's city-states.

B. Slavery became politically important because it identified the weaknesses of a republican system.

C. Slavery became economically important because it maintained the empire's agricultural production.

D. Slavery became socially important because it defined how important the emperor was to Rome.
9. Look at the map.

Identify where Roman civilization originated.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4
10. Look at the Venn diagram.

Which of the following best completes the shaded area on the diagram?

A. Prevented Romans from influencing North Africa

B. Provided protection from foreign invasion

C. Promoted trade with other empires

D. Allowed for easy access to Northern Europe

11. Which Roman Emperors tried to save and restore the power of Rome?

A. Augustus and Julius Caesar

B. Justinian and Theodora

C. Diocletian and Constantine

D. Marcus Aurelius and Constantine

12. Look at the graphic.

Which effect best completes the graphic?

A. Julius Caesar establishes a representative democracy.

B. The Roman Republic begins to fall apart.

C. Unemployment declines throughout the Roman Republic.

D. Carthage is destroyed by the Romans.

13. Which of the following were Roman gods or goddesses?

A. Poseidon and Artemis

B. Athena and Hera

C. Jupiter and Venus

D. Zeus and Hades

14. How did the Mediterranean Sea impact the development of Rome?

A. It limited the city's interaction with other people.

B. It provided numerous sea-borne trade routes.

C. It allowed enemy forces to easily enter the city.

D. It prevented Rome from expanding its empire.

15. Look at the map.

Which number represents the empire that extended its influence over the entire Mediterranean basin
because of its central location?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4
16. Look at the image.

How did this new form of technology impact ancient Rome?

A. It provided clean water to public baths and water systems in the empire.

B. It provided a central location for spectators to observe the gladiators fight to their death.

C. It provided a place for citizens to trade and meet with people for official business.

D. It provided a place for Romans to worship all of the pagan gods of the empire.

17. How did the Emperor Constantine contribute to the development of Christianity?

A. He converted to Christianity and made it legal throughout the empire.

B. He was responsible for the genocide of non-Christian believers.

C. He moved the capital of the empire from Constantinople to Rome.

D. As one of the Apostles, he helped spread the Christian doctrine throughout the empire.
18. What was the official language of the Roman Empire?

A. Latin

B. Romanian

C. French

D. Greek

19. In which field did Virgil make significant contributions?

A. Medicine

B. Literature

C. Astronomy

D. Government

20. Which principle of Roman law is used by the United States today?

A. Innocent until proven guilty

B. Right to a lawyer

C. Right to a jury of patricians

D. A person can not be forced to testify against himself

21. Which structure was built as a marketplace in the center of Rome?

A. Pantheon

B. Forum

C. Colosseum

D. Tabularium

22. The Aeneid was written by —

A. Ptolemy

B. Virgil

C. Homer

D. Aeneas

23. What was the highest elected position in the Roman government?

A. Senator

B. Governors

C. Tribunes

D. Consul
24. As a result of the increase in the number of slaves in the Roman Republic, what happened to the
farmers of Rome?

A. Many became slaves.

B. Most became soldiers in the military.

C. They left their farms to find work in the cities.

D. Farmers bought slaves to work on their farms.

25. Look at the graphic.

What is the best title for the graphic?

A. Political Factors that Led to the Fall of the Roman Empire

B. Economic Factors that Led to the Fall of the Roman Empire

C. Social Factors that Led to the Fall of the Roman Empire

D. Military Factors that Led to the Fall of the Roman Empire

26. Read the list.
• Spread of slavery in the agricultural system
• Migration of small farmers into cities and unemployment
• Civil war over the power of Julius Caesar
What is the best title for this list?

A. Causes for the Decline of the Roman Republic

B. Results of Alexander the Great's Conquests

C. Causes for the Decline of the Roman Empire

D. Causes of the Punic Wars

27. How did the Roman government differ from Greek government?

A. Women were allowed to participate in the governing process.

B. The people chose the officials who governed.

C. The people made all political decisions.

D. Slaves did not have any political rights.

28. The Colosseum served as —

A. a marketplace in the center of Rome

B. a temple to the gods of ancient Rome

C. an amphitheater for gladiator contests

D. a site for religious worship

29. Look at the timeline.

Which individual is most responsible for the events listed in the timeline?

A. Paul

B. Constantine

C. Jesus

D. Diocletian

30. Look at the graphic.

What best completes the graphic?

A. Civil unrest and weak governments

B. Increase in the size of the military

C. Increase in the value of Roman currency

D. Renewal of faith in Rome

31. The democracy of Rome differed from Greece in that Rome —

A. borrowed the Greek concept of a direct democracy

B. kept the aristocracy as their leaders

C. created a republic

D. believed strongly in a dictatorship as the perfect form of government

32. Which concept best explains the cause of the Punic Wars?

A. Nationalism

B. Religious differences

C. Competition for trade

D. Shortage of food

33. The Roman Empire included areas on all of the following continents EXCEPT —

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. South America

D. Europe
34. Rome fought three wars with which African power?

A. Greece

B. Carthage

C. Egypt

D. Kush

35. As a result of the Punic Wars, Rome controlled —

A. the western Mediterranean Sea

B. the area from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf

C. the Italian peninsula

D. all of Africa

36. Which text correctly identifies the teachings of Christianity?

A. New Testament

B. Torah

C. Quran

D. Vedas
37. After the fall of Rome, the most unifying force in the lives of the people of western Europe was the

A. military

B. monarch

C. church

D. schools

38. Look at the Venn diagram.

Which of the following best completes the shaded area on the diagram?

A. Belief in one god

B. Spread by the Apostles

C. Led by Jesus of Nazareth

D. Belief that Jesus is the Messiah

39. Which event proved to be a crucial step in extending Christianity throughout the Mediterranean

A. Christianity was made legal throughout the Roman Empire.

B. Rome's first emperor converted to Christianity.

C. Jesus of Nazareth was proclaimed the Messiah.

D. The rise of the Roman Empire in Europe and Asia.

40. Why is the New Testament considered a sacred text for Christians?

A. It explains the process for identifying the future Messiah.

B. It is about the life and teachings of Jesus.

C. It supports the polytheistic beliefs of the Roman Empire.

D. It discusses the fundamental belief of reincarnation.

41. Which statement best explains why Christianity became popular in the Roman Empire?

A. The belief in one god was popular throughout the empire.

B. The Apostles carried the message throughout empire.

C. It established Jesus as the Son and incarnation of God.

D. It was very similar to the polytheistic beliefs of the empire.

42. What is the fundamental difference between Christianity and the religion of the ancient Roman

A. The religious beliefs of the Roman Empire stem from Judaism while Christianity was created
independently of Judaism.

B. The religious beliefs of the ancient Roman Empire include the belief in life after death which conflicts
with the Christian belief in reincarnation.

C. Christianity's fundamental belief in one god conflicts with the belief in many gods of the ancient
Roman Empire.

D. Christians do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah while most Romans believed Jesus was the
Son of God.

43. Which of the following are characteristics of Christianity?

A. Monotheistic

B. Roots in Judaism

C. Polytheistic

D. Life after death

E. Roots in Islam

44. The government of the United States is based on the ideas developed in ancient-

A. Greece and Rome

B. Greece and Egypt

C. Rome and Egypt

D. Rome and China

45. Which statement best describes Rome during the years following the Punic Wars?

A. Rome experienced civil war and economic unrest.

B. Rome experienced devastating invasions by the barbarians.

C. It was an area that experienced 200 years of peace.

D. Rome experienced a "golden age" of prosperity and cultural achievement.

46. Complete the sentence.

Julius Caesar is considered the last ruler of the _________ ( Responses: Roman Republic, Imperial
_________ , and Augustus is considered the first ruler of _________ ( Responses: Roman Republic,
Imperial Rome) _________ .

47. The laws of Rome were known as —

A. the Senate’s Rules

B. the Ten Commandments

C. the Twelve Tables

D. Draco's laws
48. Locate Greece, Rome, and Mali on the map.

49. Which mountain range provided protection to the city of Rome?

A. Alps

B. Himalayas

C. Hindu Kush

D. Pyrenees
50. What form of government was developed in ancient Rome?

A. Royal democracy

B. Direct democracy

C. Representative democracy

D. Free democracy

51. The religion of ancient Rome was influenced by which civilization?

A. Egypt

B. Greece

C. Mesopotamia

D. Persia

52. The most powerful part of Rome’s government was —

A. the Senate

B. the Assembly

C. the Ephors

D. the Consuls
53. The term “Pax Romana” refers to the —

A. years of the rule under Octavian

B. two hundred years of peace in Rome

C. years of rule under Julius Caesar

D. years after the fall of Rome

54. If Alexander the Great’s soldiers had not been tired and homesick, he might have been able to
conquer -

A. China

B. Rome

C. India

D. Mesopotamia

55. Who established an era of peace as the first Emperor of Rome?

A. Julius Caesar

B. Mark Antony

C. Pompey

D. Augustus Caesar
56. Which of the following was a flaw in the structure the imperial government of Rome?

A. The lack of a monetary system to control the economy

B. There was no plan for the succession of emperors.

C. The Senate had to vote in the next emperor.

D. The term of office was limited to two terms.

57. Classical China and Rome, during the Pax Romana, have which of the following characteristics in

A. Christianity as the major religion

B. a democratic form of government

C. use of a civil service system in government

D. widespread belief in Confucian principles

58. Members of the upper class of Rome were known as —

A. plebeians

B. military rulers

C. patricians

D. farmers

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