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Time: allowed : 90 minutes

Name:.......Đàm Phương Nam............................................. Class…………

1. Choose one classroom management technique you want to improve.

One classroom management technique I really want to improve is “Using
Visual Aids”
2. Decide the keywords and find appropriate materials : What materials have
you found that are relevant to your plan? (At least 3 materials)
Keywords : visual aids
Materials :
The article emphasizes creating visual aids collaboratively, ensuring their
consistent use, and adapting them based on student needs. By integrating
technology and monitoring effectiveness, educators can maximize the impact of
visual aids in their classrooms.
The article on discusses the effective use of visuals to
manage behaviors in the classroom. The author emphasizes the importance of
visual supports for students with various learning needs, including those with
autism spectrum disorders and other developmental challenges.
the webpage provides a comprehensive overview of attention signals,
highlighting their purpose, variety, consistency, integration into instruction,
teacher modeling, and the importance of flexibility in implementation. It serves
as a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance classroom management
and engagement through attention signals.
The Venngage blog post discusses the significance of visual aids for learning
and provides templates to create effective visual materials
3. Read/Watch the materials and learn: What have you learnt from the
materials? How will you apply what you have learnt to your classroom
management kills?
From the articles, I learned that visuals can be a powerful tool for
managing behavior and increasing attention span in the classroom. Here
are some specific things I will incorporate into my classroom management
● Visuals for behavior management
- Visual schedules: Creating a visual schedule for the day that
includes pictures and words to help students know what to expect
and stay on track. This will help to reduce transitions and
confusion, which can be triggers for behavior problems.
- Behavior charts: behavior charts are used to track student progress
and reward positive behavior. The charts can be simple, with stars
or checkmarks, or more complex, with points and levels.
- Social stories: Creating social stories to help students understand
and practice expected behaviors. These stories can be
personalized to address specific challenges that students are
● Benefits of Visual Aids
- Reduced confusion: Visual aids provide clear expectations and
help students understand routines, procedures, and classroom
rules. This reduces confusion and eliminates the need for repeated
instructions, leading to smoother transitions and a more focused
learning environment.
- Increased engagement: Visuals stimulate the visual cortex,
making learning more engaging and interactive. They capture
students' attention and help them retain information more
- Improved behavior: Visual aids can be used to manage behavior
by providing clear expectations and consequences, leading to
better self-regulation and a more positive classroom climate.
- Accessibility: Visuals cater to diverse learning styles and provide
additional support for students who struggle with auditory
processing or language barriers.
● Visuals for increasing attention span
- Break down tasks into smaller steps: Breaking down tasks into
smaller and more manageable steps, which will make them seem
less daunting and help students stay focused.
- Use timers: Using timers to help students pace themselves and
stay on track. This can be especially helpful for students who
have difficulty with time management.
- Use manipulatives: Using manipulatives, such as blocks, cubes,
and counters, to help students visualize and understand concepts.
This can be especially helpful for students who are visual
- Get students moving: Using incorporate physical activity breaks
into the day to help students release energy and refocus. This can
be as simple as taking a short walk or doing some jumping jacks.
- Use graphic organizers: Using graphic organizers to help students
organize information and make connections between concepts.
This can help students to remember information and stay engaged
in the lesson.
● Impact on Classroom Management
- Improved classroom atmosphere: Students will feel more
comfortable and engaged in the learning process, leading to a
more positive and productive classroom environment.
- Reduced disruptive behavior: Clear expectations and
consequences will promote self-regulation and reduce the
occurrence of disruptive behavior.
- Increased student responsibility: Students will take ownership of
their learning and behavior, fostering a sense of accountability
and self-management.
- Enhanced learning outcomes: Visuals will aid in understanding
and retention of information, leading to improved academic
4. Plan a workshop in which you share what you have learnt
Workshop: Unleashing the Power of Visual Aids in the Classroom
Target Audience: Educators of all levels and subjects
Workshop Duration: 2 hours
Workshop Objectives:
● Understand the benefits of using visual aids in the classroom
● Identify different types of visual aids and their applications
● Develop strategies for creating and implementing effective visual aids
● Share best practices and resources for using visual aids
Workshop Agenda:
Introduction (15 minutes):
● Welcome participants and introduce the workshop topic
● Briefly discuss the importance of effective classroom management
● Highlight the potential of visual aids for improving learning and
Session 1: Exploring Visual Aids (45 minutes):
● Define visual aids and discuss their benefits for various learners
● Identify different types of visual aids, including:
- Real-world photos: Provide concrete examples and help students
visualize abstract concepts.
- Clip art and illustrations: Add visual interest and support learning,
especially for younger students.
- Cartoons and comics: Engage students and simplify complex
- Story maps: Visualize the plot and characters of a story.
- Timelines: Illustrate chronological order of events.
- Word webs: Show relationships between words and concepts.
- Flipbooks: Provide a sequence of images or animation to explain
a process.
- Infographics: Combine text, graphics, and data to present
information in an engaging way.
- Digital simulations and models: Allow students to interact with
and explore concepts.
- Visual schedules: Provide a clear structure and routine for the
- Behavior charts: Track student behavior and encourage positive
- Word walls: Display vocabulary words and definitions.
- Manipulatives: Hands-on objects that help students learn through
concrete experiences.
Session 2: Creating and Implementing Visual Aids (45 minutes):
● Guide participants through the process of creating visual aids for specific
● Provide practical tips for designing and implementing visual aids
● Discuss strategies for incorporating visual aids into different classroom
● Encourage participants to share their ideas and challenges
Session 3: Best Practices and Resources (15 minutes):
● Share best practices for using visual aids consistently and effectively
● Provide a list of helpful resources, including websites, templates, and
online communities
● Encourage participants to reflect on their learning and set goals for
Workshop Activities:
● Group brainstorming and discussion
● Case studies and problem-solving exercises
● Hands-on activities for creating visual aids
● Reflection and goal setting
Workshop Materials:
● Flip chart and markers
● Whiteboard or projector
● Handouts with information on different types of visual aids and best
● Templates for creating visual schedules, anchor charts, and other visual
● List of online resources

Expected Outcomes
● Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the power of visual aids
in the classroom
● Participants will develop skills for creating and implementing effective
visual aids
● Participants will feel confident using visual aids to enhance their
classroom management strategies and improve student learning

● Provide access to workshop materials and resources online
● Schedule follow-up sessions or webinars to address specific questions or
● Encourage ongoing collaboration and sharing of success stories among

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