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1st slide

Electricity is the blessing that we cannot imagine our life without. It has become such an integral part of
our lives that it is hard to think of a day passing by without electricity. It is hard to imagine life without
electricity. It has become such an integral part of our lives that it is difficult to remember what life was
like before its invention. Electricity has brought comfort, convenience and safety into our homes and
workplaces. For many of us, it is hard to imagine living without electricity. We rely on it for so many
things in our daily lives, from powering our homes and businesses to keeping us connected with the
outside world.

Without electricity, we would be living in a very different world. There would be no lights, no computers,
no refrigeration and no televisions. especially to gen z in todays era.

2nd slide

In today's generation, only two emotions we feel if there's no electricity, one is being happy, happy

because you don't want to reply to your girlfriend who has a red flag or because you are fighting
because you are not allowed to go where you want to go with your friends. or you're annoyed because
you can't text your boyfriend anymore, the type you can't update him or because you can't call anyone
or there are other reasons because if you use mobile data you get irritated because you're hanging up
on what you're watching.

3rd slide

The electricity just went out for a while and your news feed is full of "electricity, where are you?" "Here
it is waiting for you #electricity" "come back I'm not mad anymore #electricity" "it's going to pay a lot"
"it's raining just a moment, there's no electricity anymore" "my phone already low percent, I hope you
too" "even if he doesn't come back as long as the electricity comes back".

4th slide

and people now are now flirting when there is no electricity, so you can just say I hope all, it seems that
when there is no electricity, it has become a routine for people to post about electricity, especially those
from La Union

5th slide

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