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Humans cannot truly pronounce the name of this race of intelligent deep sea creatures, but
“v-row-or-dun” is close. The vroaordun believe that gods of the “true deep” (a realm said
to be far deeper than anyone ever goes) created them and gave them unique gifts. These
gifts often manifest as incredible powers—telekinesis, telepathy, and more. The vroaordun
have a few specific names for their gods: Kyrumus, Moyag, Iibrus, and more. Some humans Moyag: For details, refer
speculate that these powers may have come from early vroaordun exposure to something to The Devil’s Spine,
strange in the Deep Dark. Perhaps, in fact, the original vroaordun were members of another page 83.
species altogether.
They have four nimble hands and swim with grace. Vroaordun have little skill or interest
in the numenera, or even most simple tools. They speak their own language and rarely any
Vroaordun are driven by wealth and influence. Theirs is a class-based society, with a rich
aristocracy claiming titles that equate to prince or king and ruling over their fellows based
solely on affluence and political power.
Motive: Wealth
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Long underwater
Modifications: Interactions as level 5.
Combat: One in three vroaordun has a special ability. Roll on
the Powerful Mutations list or simply choose a singular Powerful Mutations,
ability like teleportation or the capacity to stop time. page 125
Those without an offensive power rely on weapons to
fight. However, the typical vroaordun fights
only in self-defense.
Interaction: Without the help of
something like telepathy or an
interpreter, interaction with
vroaordun can be challenging—not
because they don’t want to talk,
but because even those who know
human languages have great difficulty
in making themselves understood
(just as humans can’t pronounce
vroaordun words accurately).
Use: Perhaps more open-ended in their Heeldran, page 64
use than any other deep sea race,
one vroaordun might be an ally while Ebon, page 48
another is a foe. They mix with other
GM Intrusion: The
races and societies well, so a heeldran vroaordun suddenly
could have a vroaordun companion, displays a new ability, one
or a pack of ebons might conveniently appropriate
have a few vroaordun for the situation at
helpers. hand—teleportation to
help it flee, invisibility to
Loot: Most vroaordun have a
help it sneak away, the
container made of shells or generation of powerful
some other simple material to heat against a flame-
hold their wealth. vulnerable foe, or the like.


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