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General science assingment 1

quarter 2
Group members

Nathan Zekarias

Elyana Biruk

Yafet Yonas
There are 10 hard
questions that Mr.
Siham Dula Daniel made and we
group 3 answered all the
Yohannes Mearegu question in harmony so
If you are reading this,
Shalom Wondimu please suit yourself and
read it.

Kidus Ephrem

Brooh Asebe

Christian berhanu

Natan Ermias

1.what is microscope? (briefly! including its properties and
A microscope is a scientific instrument used to magnify a view
of small objects that are not visible to the naked eye. It works
by using lenses and light to magnify the image of the object
allowing for detailed examination and analysis. Microscope is
commonly used in fields such as biology, medicine, chemistry
and material sciences to study cells microorganisms, cry stalls
and other tiny structures.
Type of microscopes each designed for specific purposes
1.optical microscope: also known as a light microscope. It uses
visible light and lenses to magnify and view samples. It is widely
used in biology, medicine and other fields.
2.Electron microscope: uses a beam of electrons to create an
image. It has much higher magnification and resolution than
optical microscopes allowing for the visualization of very small
3.confocal microscope: this type of microscope this type of
microscope uses a laser to scan the sample and create a sharp
image. It is often used for studying flu or recently labeled
specimens. does microscope enable scientists to explore the
invisible world?
Imagine the world like a vast library, with some sections only
accessible with special tools. A microscope acts like a powerful
magnifying glass, letting scientists "zoom in" on the tiniest
sections – the ones hidden from our naked eye. These sections
hold the secrets of the "invisible world," a realm teeming with
microscopic life and structures invisible to us.

Here's how it works:

 Magnification: Microscopes use lenses or other

technologies to bend and focus light, making it appear as if
tiny objects are much larger. This allows scientists to see
details they wouldn't be able to otherwise, like the
intricate structures of cells or the delicate wings of a
butterfly's eye.
 Resolution: Besides magnification, microscopes also
enhance resolution, which is the ability to distinguish fine
details close together. This is crucial for seeing the true
shapes and relationships between tiny objects.

By combining magnification and resolution, microscopes unlock

a whole new level of understanding. Scientists can:

 Study the building blocks of life: They can explore the

inner workings of cells, viruses, and bacteria, revealing
their structures and functions. This knowledge is vital for
understanding diseases, developing new drugs, and even
creating artificial life.
 Unravel the mysteries of nature: Microscopes help us
understand how tiny organisms like plankton contribute to
the health of oceans, or how microscopic minerals form
the foundation of rocks and mountains.
 Develop new technologies: Studying the microscopic world
inspires the development of new
materials, electronics, and even medical devices.

In short, microscopes act as gateways to a hidden world,

allowing scientists to explore, understand, and even manipulate
things too small for our unaided eyes. It's like opening a new
chapter in the library of life, filled with incredible stories
waiting to be discovered.
3.what differentiates light microscope from electron
microscope and what advantages does each type offer in
scientific investigation?

Both light and electron microscopes allow us to explore the

hidden world of the microscopically small, but they do it in very
different ways:

Light microscope:

 Uses: Ideal for viewing living cells, tissues, and larger

 Magnification: Up to 1,500x
 Resolution: Limited to about 0.2 micrometers
(μm), roughly the size of a bacterium.
 Advantages:
o Relatively inexpensive and easy to use.
o Can observe live, unstained specimens.
o Provides color information.

Electron microscope:

 Uses: Reveals the ultra-fine structures of

viruses, molecules, and materials.
 Magnification: Up to 2 millionx
 Resolution: Down to 0.002 μm, allowing you to see
individual atoms!
 Advantages:
o Much higher magnification and resolution for
incredibly detailed views.
o Can analyze the chemical composition of specimens.

In a nutshell:

 Think of a light microscope as a powerful magnifying

glass, great for seeing the broad strokes of the microscopic
world, like cells and their organelles.
 Think of an electron microscope as a super-powered zoom
lens, revealing the tiniest details, like the internal structure
of viruses or the arrangement of atoms in materials.

Choosing the right microscope depends on your research


 For studying the general structure and behavior of cells, a

light microscope is often sufficient.
 For understanding the ultra-fine details of
molecules, viruses, or materials, an electron microscope is

Both types of microscopes are essential tools in various

scientific fields, from biology and medicine to materials science
and nanotechnology. They've helped us understand the
building blocks of life, develop new medicines, and create
innovative materials.

4. can you identify and explain the intricate functions of the eye
piece, objective lenses, stage, condenser, diaphragm and light
source in a microscope? (briefly and explanatory)
A microscope is like a detective's magnifying glass for the tiniest
clues in the unseen world. Each part plays a crucial role in
revealing these secrets, working together to bring clarity to the
miniature. Here's a breakdown of their functions:

1. Eyepiece: This acts as your viewing window, magnifying the

image formed by the objective lens. Think of it like a powerful
zoom on your phone camera, bringing the tiny details into focus
for your eyes.

2. Objective Lenses: These are the true magnification

powerhouses, mounted on a rotating nosepiece. Each lens has
a different magnification level, allowing you to switch between
broader views and sharper close-ups. Imagine them as
interchangeable magnifying glasses, each revealing a different
level of hidden wonders.

3. Stage: This is the platform where you place your specimen,

the tiny detective's evidence. It can be moved up and down,
allowing you to focus on different depths of your microscopic
4. Condenser: This lens concentrates light from the light source
onto your specimen, ensuring it's evenly illuminated. Think of it
as a spotlight for the microscopic stage, highlighting every nook
and cranny for clear observation.

5. Diaphragm: This adjustable opening controls the amount of

light passing through the condenser. Imagine it like the iris of
your eye, regulating the brightness to achieve the optimal view
without washing out the details.

6. Light Source: This provides the essential illumination for your

microscopic investigation. Different microscopes use different
light sources, from traditional bulbs to LEDs, each ensuring your
tiny suspects are bathed in enough light for proper

Remember, each part works in harmony to unveil the

microscopic marvels. The objective lenses magnify, the
eyepiece brings it into focus, the stage positions the specimen,
the condenser illuminates it, the diaphragm fine-tunes the light,
and the light source powers the whole operation.

While understanding the intricate details of each part can be

fascinating, the true magic lies in what they reveal together: the
awe-inspiring complexity of the unseen world, right at your

5.who were the key contributors to the historical development

of microscope, and what were their significant contributions?
The journey of the microscope is a fascinating tale of curiosity
and innovation, with several key players influencing its

Early Pioneers (16th-17th centuries):

 Zacharias Janssen and Hans Janssen: Around 1590, this

Dutch father-son duo crafted one of the earliest
compound microscopes using multiple lenses, paving the
way for magnified exploration.
 Galileo Galilei: Though not directly involved in microscope
design, Galileo's work on telescopes influenced early
microscope development, including lens-making

The Compound Microscope Takes Shape (17th-18th centuries):

 Robert Hooke: This English polymath made significant

improvements to the microscope, publishing detailed
illustrations of magnified objects in his book
"Micrographia," including the first description of a cell.
 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: He perfected a single-lens
microscope, achieving incredible magnification and
observing bacteria and other microorganisms for the first
time, earning him the title "Father of Microbiology."

Overcoming Challenges and Refining Technology (19th-20th

 Joseph Jackson Lister: He, along with William
Tulley, addressed crucial issues like spherical and
chromatic aberration, improving image quality and paving
the way for wider microscope use.
 Ernst Abbe: This German physicist developed the
theoretical foundation for high-resolution lens
design, significantly impacting microscope development.

Beyond Light: Electron Microscopy (20th century):

 Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska: These German scientists

invented the first electron microscope, revolutionizing our
ability to see even smaller structures with much higher

These are just a few of the many who contributed to the

microscope's evolution. Each played a vital role in pushing the
boundaries of magnification and resolution, opening doors to
new scientific discoveries and fields of study.

Keep in mind that the history of science is often collaborative,

with knowledge building upon the work of those who came
before. Therefore, attributing "key contributors" can be
complex and involve many individuals' contributions, not just a
select few.

The development of the microscope is a testament to human

ingenuity and curiosity, forever changing our understanding of
the world around us. From the early glimpses of cells to the
intricate structures of viruses, the microscope continues to be a
powerful tool for uncovering the hidden secrets of the unseen

6.In what ways do cells represent the fundamental units of life,

and how does their study revolutionize our understanding of
living organisms?

Cells: Tiny Titans of Life

Imagine a bustling metropolis, but on a microscopic scale. Every
building, every street, every bustling citizen - all miniaturized
and packed into a single sphere. That's the world of a cell, the
fundamental unit of life. These tiny titans, invisible to the naked
eye, hold the secrets to existence itself, and their study has
revolutionized our understanding of living organisms.

Building Blocks of Life:

Universal blueprint: Every living thing, from a towering

redwood to a flitting hummingbird, is built from cells. They're
like Lego blocks, the basic units that come together in different
arrangements to create the incredible diversity of life on Earth.
Organized compartments: Each cell is like a tiny factory, with
specialized compartments called organelles that handle
different tasks. Think of a kitchen for energy production, a post
office for sending and receiving messages, and a recycling
center for breaking down waste.
Genetic blueprints: Inside each cell lies the instruction manual
for life itself - DNA. This molecule stores the genetic code that
determines everything from your eye color to your
susceptibility to disease.
Revolutionizing our understanding:

Unveiling the unseen: The invention of the microscope in the

17th century opened a window into the cellular world.
Scientists like Robert Hooke and Anton van Leeuwenhoek were
the first voyagers on this microscopic voyage of discovery,
revealing a hidden universe teeming with life.
Understanding life's processes: Studying cells has shed light on
fundamental life processes like how organisms obtain energy,
reproduce, and fight disease. This knowledge has led to
breakthroughs in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
Unifying the tree of life: By studying the similarities and
differences between cells of different organisms, scientists have
been able to map out the evolutionary relationships between
all living things. This "tree of life" reveals how everything from
bacteria to humans is interconnected and descended from a
common ancestor.
The ongoing quest:
Despite the immense progress, the world of cells still holds
many mysteries. Scientists are constantly pushing the
boundaries of knowledge, exploring areas like:

Stem cells: These remarkable cells have the potential to grow

into any other type of cell, holding promise for regenerative
medicine and treating diseases.
Cell communication: How do cells talk to each other?
Understanding this complex language could lead to new
therapies for cancer and other diseases.
The origin of life: How did the first cells arise? By studying the
building blocks of life and the conditions on early Earth,
scientists hope to unlock the secrets of our very existence.
The study of cells is not just about peering into a miniature
world; it's about understanding the very essence of life itself.
It's a journey of discovery that continues to this day, driven by
curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. So, the next time you look
at a blade of grass or a fluttering butterfly, remember the
incredible world of cells that makes it all possible. These tiny
titans are the foundation of life, and their secrets continue to
unfold, shaping our understanding of ourselves and the
universe around us.
7.why do cells exhibit such a diverse range of shape and sizes,
and how does this variability contribute to their specialized
Diversity in Design: The Shapes and Sizes of Cells Matter

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types
of cells? It's like a bustling city where each citizen (cell) has a
unique job and needs the perfect outfit (shape and size) to do it
best. This variety in cell shape and size isn't random; it's crucial
for their specialized functions. Here's why:

Shape Matters:

 Flat and broad: Think of epithelial cells lining your skin or

intestines. They're like tiny tiles, forming a protective
barrier due to their flatness.
 Elongated and spindle-shaped: Muscle cells need to
contract and expand. Their long, slim shape allows them to
efficiently pull and push, like tiny rowing oars.
 Star-shaped or irregular: Nerve cells have branched
extensions to send and receive signals quickly. Their
intricate shapes maximize surface area for communication.

Size Matters:

 Big and powerful: Muscle cells again! They need more

"engine" to generate force, so they're larger to pack in
more machinery (organelles) for the job.
 Tiny and nimble: Red blood cells are small and flexible to
easily squeeze through tiny capillaries and deliver oxygen
efficiently throughout the body.
Function Follows Form:

 Surface area: A larger surface area allows for increased

absorption, secretion, or communication, depending on
the cell's task.
 Volume to surface area ratio: Smaller cells have a higher
ratio, meaning their internal machinery (organelles) is
closer to the surface for efficient exchange of materials.
 Movement and support: Certain shapes, like cilia and
flagella, help cells move or create fluid flow. Strong, rigid
shapes like bones are built from specialized cells for

It's All About Efficiency:

Nature is all about optimization. Each cell's shape and size are
perfectly adapted to its specific function, allowing it to work
with maximum efficiency. It's like having the right tool for the
job, ensuring your body runs smoothly.


 Cell shape and size are determined by genes and the

environment they're in.
 Some changes in shape and size can happen during a cell's
life cycle, adapting to its changing needs.
 Studying cell shape and size helps us understand diseases
and develop new treatments.
So, the next time you think about cells, remember the
incredible diversity and how their unique shapes and sizes are
essential for their specialized roles. It's a testament to the
amazing design and efficiency of life at its smallest level! and describe organelles found in eukaryotic cells,

highlighting their unique structures and role in cellular process.
Eukaryotic cells are like bustling cities, filled with tiny organelles
that function like specialized buildings, each playing a crucial
role in keeping the cell alive and well. Let's explore some of
these fascinating residents:

1. Nucleus: The control center, housing the cell's DNA in a

protected envelope. Think of it as the city hall, storing
blueprints and issuing instructions for all other organelles.

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2. Mitochondria: The powerhouses, generating energy for the

cell through respiration. Imagine them as miniature power
plants, converting food into fuel to keep the city running.
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3. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The "rough" and "smooth" ERs

handle different tasks. The rough ER has ribosomes attached,
making proteins – like construction workers building new
buildings (molecules). The smooth ER transports and modifies
these proteins.

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4. Golgi Apparatus: The packaging and shipping center,

modifying and sorting proteins for transport throughout the cell
or outside. Think of it as a busy post office, getting packages to
the right destinations.
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5. Lysosomes: The recycling and sanitation department,

breaking down waste materials and worn-out organelles.
Imagine them as tiny garbage trucks, keeping the city clean and

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6. Vacuoles: Storage units for food, water, and waste. Think of

them as warehouses, keeping essential supplies and recycling
unwanted materials.
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7. Ribosomes: Tiny protein factories, scattered throughout the

cell or attached to the rough ER. They're like skilled workers,
assembling proteins according to the instructions from the

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8. Cell Membrane: The city walls, controlling what enters and

leaves the cell. It's a selective barrier, allowing essential
materials in and filtering out waste products.
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These are just a few of the many organelles found in eukaryotic

cells, each with its unique structure and vital role. By working
together, they keep the city of the cell running smoothly,
ensuring its survival and function.

Remember, this is just a glimpse into the amazing world of

cells. There are many other organelles with fascinating jobs,
and scientists are still discovering new ones all the time!

9.can you discuss the breakthroughs and innovational that

propelled microscopy from its initial discovery to its current
advanced state?

Early Beginnings (16th-17th centuries):

 Compound microscopes: The invention of the compound

microscope, using multiple lenses for magnified
viewing, laid the foundation for microscopic
exploration. Pioneers like Zacharias Janssen and Hans
Janssen paved the way for further advancements.
 Microscopic observations: Scientists like Robert Hooke
used early microscopes to observe and document
previously unseen structures, like plant cells and
microorganisms, opening doors to new fields of study.

Refining the Technology (17th-19th centuries):

 Lens improvements: Scientists like Antonie van

Leeuwenhoek perfected single-lens
microscopes, achieving incredible magnification and
revealing the existence of bacteria and other tiny
creatures, forever changing our understanding of life.
 Illumination advancements: Advances in light sources, like
the use of mirrors and condensers, improved image quality
and allowed for better observation of internal structures.

Pushing the Boundaries (19th-20th centuries):

 Theoretical foundation: Scientists like Ernst Abbe laid the

theoretical groundwork for high-resolution lens
design, enabling the creation of microscopes with
significantly sharper and clearer images.
 Beyond light: The invention of the electron microscope by
Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska revolutionized the
field, allowing us to see structures much smaller than ever
before, opening doors to the study of viruses and

Modern Advancements (20th-21st centuries):

 Automation and digitalization: Microscopes have become
increasingly automated and integrated with
computers, enabling faster image capture, analysis, and 3D
 Specialized techniques: New microscopy techniques, like
fluorescence and confocal microscopy, offer enhanced
contrast and specificity, allowing researchers to study
specific molecules and processes within cells.

These are just some of the many breakthroughs that have

propelled microscopy forward. Each innovation has brought us
closer to understanding the intricate workings of life at its
tiniest scales, contributing to advancements in medicine,
materials science, and countless other fields.

The future of microscopy holds even more exciting possibilities,

with the development of super-resolution microscopy
techniques promising to reveal even finer details of the cellular
world. It's a testament to the power of human curiosity and
innovation, and a journey that continues to push the
boundaries of our understanding of the unseen world.

10.list and discuss on the difference between plant cells and

animal cells?

Plant cells and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells, meaning
they have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
However, despite their similarities, they also have some key
differences that reflect their distinct roles in living organisms.

Here are some of the main differences between plant and

animal cells:

Cell wall:

 Plant cells: Have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose that

surrounds the cell membrane. This provides support and
protection to the plant cell.

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Plant cell wall

 Animal cells: Do not have a cell wall. Their plasma

membrane, which is similar to the membrane under the
plant cell wall, provides flexibility and allows for

 Plant cells: Contain chloroplasts, which are organelles that

capture sunlight and use it to produce food through

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Plant chloroplasts

 Animal cells: Do not have chloroplasts and must obtain

their food from other organisms.


 Plant cells: Have a large central vacuole that stores

water, nutrients, and waste products. It also helps
maintain the cell's shape.
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Plant vacuole

 Animal cells: May have small vacuoles, but they are not as
prominent as in plant cells.


 Plant cells: Are typically rectangular or square due to the

presence of the cell wall.
 Animal cells: Can have a variety of shapes, such as
round, irregular, or elongated, depending on their

Other differences:

 Plastids: Plant cells have plastids, which are a group of

organelles that includes chloroplasts. Some plastids can
store pigments or starch. Animal cells do not have plastids.
 Centrosomes: Animal cells have centrosomes, which help
with cell division. Plant cells do not have centrosomes.
 Size: Plant cells are generally larger than animal cells.

These are just some of the key differences between plant and
animal cells. By understanding these differences, we can better
appreciate the unique adaptations that allow plants and
animals to thrive in their respective environments.

References used:

Extreme book

Submitted to Mr. Daniel

Submitted by group 3 submission date on

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