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PROTEIN for breakfast

in a delicious, new
ready-to-eat cereal form

Like most of us these days, this young mother is well aware that the key to her family’s
good health is protein.

Now—with Kellogg’s Special K—she can start herself and her family out in the morning
with the kind of protein they need: concentrated high-quality protein in a delicious new ready-
to-eat cereal form.

High-quality protein (the kind in Special K) helps children grow sturdy and strong.
Expectant and nursing mothers also require more of this kind of protein than most of us. And, if
you’re getting up in years, this kind of protein can help keep you young longer.

Special K has more high-quality protein than any other leading cereal—hot or cold. It
also provides the vitamins all of us need most—specified for us by nutritionists of two leading
universities who helped develop Special K.

You’re probably wondering what Kellogg’s Special K tastes like. We can assure you that
it is unusually tempting to eat. The proof is in the package with the big, red “K” on it at your

A generous one-ounce serving of Special K costs a cent or so more than other well-
known cereals. But where else could you get so much high-quality protein for so little money?




273—Kellogg’s Special K

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