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BIOL 3660 Exam 3 Name: ______________________________

November 8, 2018

Read each question completely and thoroughly before answering it. Please try to write legibly.
The questions on this exam sum to a total of 75 points.


1. What is the name of a parasitic fish that became invasive in the Great Lakes in the early 20 th

A. Hagfish B. Lamprey C. Lionfish D. European eels

2. Why are sharks so vulnerable to overfishing?

A. They are long-lived and slow to mature.

B. They produce relatively few offspring.
C. Many species will drown if they are caught in a fishing net and cannot swim.
D. All of the above.

3. Which of the following organisms is a voracious predator on coral?

A. Damselfish B. Butterflyfish
C. Crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster plancii) D. Sea urchin

4. What organism does NOT have a notochord for at least part of its life?

A. Sea urchin B. Salp C. Sea squirt D. Shark

5. Which arthropod is the most abundant type in multicellular zooplankton in the ocean?

A. Copepods B. Isopods C. Krill D. Stomatopods

6. Laterally compressed fishes have a body form that is designed to:

A. Travel at a fast pace for sustained amounts of time

B. Camouflage with their surrounding environment
C. Undulate slowly
D. Engage in burst swimming while navigating complex habitat

7. Sea lilies and feather stars are members of what class of echinoderms?

A. Ophiuroidea B. Crinoidea C. Echinoidea D. Holothuroidea

8. What is NOT a unique characteristic of stomatopods?

A. They can move their appendages so quickly that water in the immediate vicinity boils.
B. They have more type of pigments than most other animals.
C. They prey upon venomous cone snails.
D. They have stereo vision in each eye.

9. This is a type of fishes discovered in South African in 1938 with lobed fins, which was
previously only known from the fossil record.

A. Appendicularian B. Agnatha C. Lamprey D. Coelacanth

10. Which species plays a central role in the food web of Antarctica?

A. Barnacles B. Krill C. Sea urchins D. Larvaceans


Directions: Be sure to write the name of the phylum and not the common name.

1. __________________ Diploblastic organisms with radial symmetry characterized by stinging

cells called nematocysts

2. __________________ Shrimp, crabs, and lobsters are members of this phylum

3. __________________ Acorn worms are a transitional group with some characteristics of both
chordates and echinoderms

4. __________________ Shelled organisms that typically have a radula and a foot

5. __________________ These lophophorate animals closely resemble bivalves and are found in
deep-sea habitats

6. __________________ Organisms in this phylum have pharyngeal gill slits and a post-anal tail

7. __________________ Worms with segmented bodies and repeating organs that occur in each

8. __________________ This phylum contains deuterostomes characterized by pentamerous


Directions: Match each statement to a term listed in the word bank below. Please note that not
all terms in the word bank will be used. Also, terms will be used no more than once.

Agnatha Amphipods Ampullae of Lorenzini Anadromous
Appendicularia (or larvacea) Aristotle’s lantern Asteroidea
Bryozoa Caudal Cephalochordata Chimaera
Catadromous Chloride cell Chondrichthyes Coelacanth
Cownose ray Copepods Crinoid Crustacea
Ecdysis Euphausiid Flatfish Fusiform
Heterocercal Horseshoe crabs Keystone species Lamellae
Lamprey Lateral line Lionfish Madreporite
Myoglobin Myomere Nauplius Notochord
Ophiuroidea Parrotfish Phoronida Poikilotherm
Pyloric caeca Ring canal Salp Salmon
Sea squirt Sea cucumber Spiral valve Stomatopods
Swim bladder

1. __________________ Organisms whose body temperature varies depending on environmental


2. __________________ Arthropod molting

3. __________________ A protein found in the muscles of fish that can give them a red color

4. __________________ Class of cartilaginous fishes that includes skates and rays

5. __________________ Cells used by bony fishes to excrete salts

6. __________________ A retractable feeding apparatus found in sea urchins

7. __________________ Part of the gills where oxygen exchange occurs in fishes

8. __________________ A type of pelagic tunicate that produces fast-sinking feces

9. __________________ This type of organism is not very abundant, but its disappearance can
have a large impact on biodiversity

10. __________________ A pelagic filter feeder that frequently build and abandon gelatinous

11. __________________ A common type of larvae found among many crustaceans

12. __________________ Sharks have this type of asymmetrical tail

13. __________________ An invasive fish species that exhibits warning coloration

14. __________________ A deposit feeding echinoderm that can discharge sticky filaments
when threatened

15. __________________ Moss-like animals that have a lophophore

16. __________________ This fish in the Class Chondrichthyes has increased in abundance in
North Carolina due to a trophic cascade

17. __________________ A benthic organism with incurrent and excurrent siphons. Some
species in this group, such as Didemnum vexillum, are highly invasive in nearshore, hand-bottom
habitats along the East Coast.

18. __________________ Muscle bands found in bony fishes and sharks

19. __________________ American eels are examples of this type of fish that spawns in marine
habitats but lives in freshwater for most of its adult life

20. __________________ A term describing the streamlined body of a shark or a tuna

21. __________________ Jawless fishes

22. __________________ The eyes of these fish migrate to one side of their body after the fish
undergoes metamorphosis


1. Counter current exchange

2. Biological pump

3. Otolith

4. Water vascular system

5. Diel vertical migration


Directions: Label the missing features in each diagram or answer the associated question. The
missing features are indicated by the numbers in boxes. Please ask the instructor if it is unclear
to you what part of the diagram a particular number is pointing out.

3. Given your knowledge of sea stars and the length of the sea star’s intestines in the previous
diagram, what do you think this organism eats? ______________________________________

Questions 4 and 5: Based on their gills shown below, what do you think each of these fishes is
likely to eat?

4. _______________________ 5. _______________________


Directions: Answer four out of the five essays. You can leave one essay of your choice blank.

1. Both the largest fishes in the sea and fishes caught by the largest marine capture fisheries are
filter feeders. What are some examples of filter feeding fishes? How do these fishes capture
their prey? Why are they some of them so large in size and why are some of them so highly

2. Describe how bony and cartilaginous fishes differ in terms of body form, irrigation of their
gills, locomotion, and sensory organs.

3. Describe three examples of how echinoderms shape and change the ecological communities in
which they occur.

4. Arthropods are the most diverse phylum of invertebrates. To help navigate their high
diversity, create a dichotomous key describing how you could differentiate six of the following
types of arthropods from each other based on their the morphological or ecological
characteristics. Type of arthropods: krill, copepods, amphipods, isopods, barnacles, decapods,
horseshoe crabs, stomatopods, pycnogonids (sea spiders).

5. You and your classmates have been magically transformed into fishes with the following sets
of characteristics. Given these characteristics, describe the likely coloration that each fish would
exhibit. How would this coloration help you adapt to your role in the ecosystem?

A. A poisonous fish

B. A small, filter-feeding fish that needs to avoid seabird predators hunting from above and
predatory fishes hunting from below

C. A fish that lives beneath 3,000 m of water

D. A small coral reef fish that needs to avoid predators on the reef

E. A cryptic flatfish

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