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Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2010;16 (6):511-515

Original Article Klinik Çalışma

Management of late cervical esophageal perforation

Geç servikal özofajiyal perforasyonun tedavisi

Ming CHEN, Yi LING, Beibei YANG

We aimed to identify different methods of treating late per- Servikal özofagusun geç perforasyonu tedavisine yönelik
foration of the cervical esophagus. farklı yöntemler belirlemeyi amaçladık.
Ten late cervical esophageal perforations were caused Yabancı cisim nedenli 10 adet geç servikal özofajiyal per-
by foreign bodies. The subjects were divided into three forasyon olgusu incelendi. Olgular, tanılarına ve tedavile-
groups according to their diagnosis and treatment as fol- rine göre üç gruba bölündü. Grup I: Servikal apseli olgu-
lows: Group I: Cases with cervical abscess were drained by lar; bu hastalar daha sonra servikal insizyonla drene edildi
lateral cervical incision and primarily repaired, Group II: ve primer olarak tamir edildi, Grup II: Servikal apseli olgu-
Cases with cervical abscess were drained by lateral cervi- lar; bu hastalar daha sonra servikal insizyonla drene edildi
cal incision, and any foreign body granulomas found were ve yabancı cisim granülomu olan apseler çıkartıldı ve Grup
removed, and Group III: Foreign bodies were removed. All III. Yabancı cisimler çıkartıldı. Bütün olgulara geniş spekt-
cases were given broad-spectrum antibiotics and were pro- rumlu antibiyotikler verildi ve oral yolla herhangi bir gıda
hibited from any oral food, except Case 5. almaları bir hasta dışında kısıtlandı.
All patients recovered without mortality and retained nor- Bütün hastalar mortalite gerçekleşmeksizin düzeldi ve nor-
mal swallow function. The time for treatment in each group mal yutma fonksiyonu korundu. Her gruptaki tedavi zama-
was different. nı farklı idi.
The conservative management of removal of foreign body, Yabancı cismin çıkartılmasında, oral yolla gıda alımının
prohibition of oral food and administration of broad-spec- yasaklanması ve geniş spektrumlu antibiyotikler verilmesi-
trum antibiotics is supported. Perforations with the pres- ni içeren konservatif tedavi uygundur. Apse ile birlikte olan
ence of abscess can be surgically treated by debridement perforasyonlar, strip kas flep tamiri ve irrigasyon drenajı ile
closure combined with strip muscle flap repair and irriga- bir arada uygulanan debridman yoluyla cerrahi olarak teda-
tion drainage. Granuloma can be removed by lateral cervi- vi edilebilir. Granüloma daha sonra servikal insizyon ve va-
cal incision and vacuum sealing drainage. kum drenaj ile çıkartılabilir.
Key Words: Esophageal perforation; late cervical management; Anahtar Sözcükler: Özofajiyal perforasyon; geç servikal tedavi;
primary repair. primer tamir.

Esophageal perforation is a rare condition in oto- Esophageal perforation can be divided into two
laryngology practice. Due to its serious complications, types by the time interval from the perforation to its
prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are vital. diagnosis and treatment. Early type is defined as diag-
Despite the recent advances in the diagnosis and nosis made in less than 24 hours, whereas late type is
treatment, esophageal perforation is associated with diagnosis after more than 24 hours.[4,5] Many authors
high morbidity and mortality. The optimal approach have suggested that early type could be managed by
to esophageal perforation remains problematical and repair of the perforation and drainage of the contami-
controversial.[3,4] nated area.[4,6,7] In a delayed diagnosis of esophageal

Department of Otolaryngology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Medical School, Zhejiang Tıp Fakültesi, İkinci Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz Kliniği,
Zhejiang University, PRC. Zhejiang, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti.

Correspondence (İletişim): Beibei Yang, M.D. Jiefang Road 88 Hangzhou 310009, Zhejiang Province, China Hangzhou, PRC.
Tel: +86-057187783524 e-mail (e-posta):

Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg

perforation, despite the high morbidity and mortality, Those patients were divided into Group III and other
either exclusion-diversion or conservative treatment (Group I and Group II with/without primary repair)
was recommended.[6-8] In esophageal perforation with according to the cervical abscess and/or granuloma.
delayed treatment, mortality was 27% (0%-46%) if In term of clinical features, they all had odynophagia
diagnosed in 24 hours or more compared to 14% (0%- and leukocytosis. Some had fever, dysphagia, subcu-
28%) if diagnosed in less than 24 hours.[4] taneous or mediastinal emphysema, neck abscess, and
foreign body granuloma due to migration of the fish
We present herein the results of the management
bone through the esophagus wall into the lateral neck.
of 10 late cervical esophageal perforations, with either
conservative or surgical therapy, which included pri- Group I- Two cases with cervical abscess were
mary repair of the perforation by reinforcement with drained by lateral cervical incision and primarily re-
cervical strip muscle. Our aim was to identify differ- paired, and the site of perforation was located by
ent means of treatment in perforation of the esophagus esophagoscopy during the operation. Then, the perfo-
and to evaluate their clinical outcomes. ration was closed with absorbable suture (3.0 Vicryl),
and reinforced with cervical strip muscle. Further-
MATERIALS AND METHODS more, irrigation drainage was used in Case 1, with
A retrospective study of 10 late cervical esophageal double drain tubes. Only vacuum sealing drainage
perforations due to foreign body was performed. All was applied in Case 2, with one drain tube. 0.5% po-
patients were treated at the Second Affiliated Hospi- vidone-iodine and antibiotic solution irrigation were
tal of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, from used to clear the abscess cavity daily after the opera-
April 1994 to April 2008. The study was approved by tion, though it was impossible in patients with vacuum
the Ethics Committee of the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of sealing drainage.
the Medical School.
Group II- Unfortunately, although the foreign
The sample included 2 male and 8 female pa- body was extracted in a local hospital, a large perfo-
tients, with a mean age of 48.6 ± 17.9 years (range: ration was neglected in Case 3 (Fig. 1). Cases 3 and
5-71 years). Diagnosis of esophageal perforation was 4 with cervical abscess were managed with irrigation
delayed more than two days. Their perforations were drainage after lateral cervical incision, without pri-
caused by foreign body: fish bone (7), piece of glass mary repair. Foreign body granuloma was removed
(1), chicken bone (1), and window ring (1) (Table 1). by lateral cervical incision in Case 5 (Fig. 2). Therapy

Table 1. Treatment and clinical characteristics of late cervical esophageal perforation

Case Sex/ Time Foreign body Rigid esophagoscopy and its Abscess/ Management Fever Subcutaneous Time
Age † result in local hospital Granulation or Mediastinal of
Operation Result emphysema cure

I 1 F/58 10 d Fish bone Yes Not found Abscess Rigid esophagoscopy Yes Yes 12 ds
4.0x0.4 cm Primary repair
Irrigation drainage
2 M/71 7d Fish bone No FB vomited Abscess Rigid esophagoscopy Yes No 50 ds
3.0x0.2 cm Primary repair
Vacuum drainage
II 3 F/56 7d Fish bone Yes Extracted Abscess Irrigation drainage Yes Yes 40 ds
4.0x1.5 cm
4‡ F/37 3d Piece of No – Abscess Rigid esophagoscopy Yes Yes 24 ds
glass Vacuum drainage
5 M/52 10 d Fish bone No – Granulation Rigid esophagoscopy No No 7 ds
3.0x0.3 cm Vacuum drainage
Granuloma removal
6 F/51 4d Fish bone No – Small Rigid esophagoscopy Mild No 14 ds
1.5x0.2 cm abscess Vacuum drainage
granulation Granuloma removal
III 7 F/37 3d Chicken bone Yes Not extracted No Rigid esophagoscopy No Yes 11 ds
3.5x1.5 cm
8 F/5 3d Window ring Yes Not extracted No Rigid esophagoscopy No Yes 10 ds
(2 cm)
9 F/67 3d Fish bone Yes Not found No Rigid esophagoscopy Mild Yes 11 ds
3.5x0.2 cm
10 F/52 2d Fish bone Yes Not found No Rigid esophagoscopy No Yes 9 ds
3.0x0.2 cm

d: Day; † Time indicates time interval from presenting symptom (pain, dysphagia, emphysema and leukocytosis, etc.) to management in our hospital.
‡ Rigid esophagoscopy was performed in our hospital to extract pieces of glass, and abscess was formed in three days.

512 Kasım - November 2010

Cervical esophageal perforation

ministration of broad-spectrum antibiotic, and patients

were kept nil by mouth, with a nasogastric tube (ex-
cept Case 5). Adequacy of recovery was confirmed by
a 76% gastrograph in all cases.
All patients recovered without any morbidity and
retained normal swallow function during follow-up. In
Group I, recovery time was 12 days in Case 1 and 50
days in Case 2. Because esophageal fistula emerged
on day 9, it was closed by daily redressing. Recovery
time in Group II patients was 40 days, 24 days, 7 days
and 14 days, and in Group III patients, was 11 days, 10
Fig. 1. The arrow indicates a perforation days, 11 days and 9 days.
of the esophagus (2.0×3.0 cm).
of Case 6 with foreign body granuloma and small ab- Compared to other esophageal diseases, esopha-
scess (0.7×1.5 cm), which was shown by ultrasonog- geal perforation is a rare condition that can be dif-
raphy, was similar to that of Case 5. Vacuum sealing ficult to diagnose and manage due to lack of experi-
drainage was used in both. ence.[6] Esophageal perforation can occur due to sharp
or pointed foreign body ingestion.[9] Kay[10] reported
Group III- Four cases without abscess and granu-
a perforation rate of 15%∼35%. In 149 patients from
loma were managed by rigid esophagoscopy, then for-
five recent series,[1,5,9,11,12] we found that cervical esoph-
eign bodies were taken out and cervical esophageal
ageal perforations were associated with a mortality of
perforation was confirmed.
5.9% (0%-20%), whereas thoracic perforations were
Standard postoperative care was provided with ad- associated with a mortality of 10.4% (0%-36.8%).

Fig 2. CT reveals granulation and fish bone in the base of the neck. The fish bone ex-
tracted during the operation is shown.

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Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg

Breigeiron’s research[13] showed the risk factors for the results in Group different? It might be that single
surgical management of esophageal perforation were: tube drainage was not enough to minimize wound
age ≥50 years, time delay to treatment >24 h, and as- contamination, especially in a patient with a serious
sociated lesion in another cavity. complication, so that alleviating the swelling around
the tissue of the esophageal perforation was slow and
Management of esophageal perforation can be di-
cure failed. Irrigation drainage was shown to be ben-
vided into conservative or surgical therapy. Conserva-
eficial in alleviating the swollen tissue and resolving
tive approach can be acceptable in selected patients
the esophageal perforation. Righini[16] reported one
with well-contained perforations and minimal cervi-
successful case with abscess: the impacted foreign
cal and mediastinal contamination.[3,4] In Group III,
body was successfully extracted under rigid esopha-
esophagoscopy and conservative treatment were used
goscopy, and direct suture was required to close the
in all patients without cervical and mediastinal con-
esophageal perforation. Although the technique of re-
tamination. Because inflammation was local, cervical
inforcement with cervical strip muscle was not used,
incision was not necessary. This concurs with the view
this strong multi-tubular silicone drainage rapidly
of Wu,[3] who revealed that nonoperative manage-
minimized contamination and was sufficient to cure
ment had a role in selected patients who had cervical
the perforation. In addition, therapy should include
esophageal perforation with minimum systemic signs.
administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and total
Lam[1] reviewed that conservative treatment was suc-
parenteral nutrition or adequate nutrition through na-
cessful in seven perforation patients without abscess
sogastric tube.
and in one patient with neck abscess who refused sur-
gery. If conservative treatment in patients with cervi- Cases 5 and 6 were successfully treated by remov-
cal esophageal perforations is unsuccessful, computed ing the granuloma with a lateral cervical incision. We
tomography (CT) or ultrasonography should be per- believe that foreign body granuloma should be re-
formed to identify possible complications such as cer- moved and the operation area should be drained; pri-
vical and mediastinal abscess. If an abscess is found, mary repair was not necessary because the perforation
surgical intervention should take place without delay. had almost resolved and inflammation was local. Re-
For these delayed patients, the exploration and lief of pain and fever and normal leukocytosis suggest
surgical drainage by cervical incision are usually rec- perforation recovery. Water-soluble contrast agents
ommended;[2,4,5,8,14] however, repair of the perforation were used to detect the perforation condition. If the
was unnecessary.[3,4] Miller[15] reported that ultrasound- result was negative, oral feeding was resumed.
guided catheter (“pig-tail”) drainage of abscesses was In conclusion, on the basis of these data, delayed
a feasible choice. esophageal perforations with existence of abscess can
The presenting symptom, fever, pain, dysphagia, be successfully treated by debridement closure com-
leukocytosis, and subcutaneous or mediastinal emphy- bined with strip muscle flap and irrigation drainage.
sema, should not occur in uncomplicated cases of in- Granuloma can be removed by lateral cervical incision
gested foreign bodies.[1,16] In our series of esophageal and vacuum sealing drainage. We support the manage-
perforation, except for Case 5 who had mild local pain ment of removal of foreign body, administration of
and odynophagia, the others had these symptoms. All broad-spectrum antibiotics and no oral feeding.
cases of ingested foreign bodies should be under close
observation in order to identify the complication of
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