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Chemistry Lab Report

Topic: Chemical Reactions

Name: María Susana Gallardo Granda.

Grade: 2do “A” BGC

Date: 27-10-2023

Teacher: Génesis Mantilla.


A chemical reaction is the process of producing a substance different from the

original substance. On the other hand, during a reaction no atoms are created or

destroyed, so the same set of atoms exists before, during and after the reaction. In

addition, in the oxidation- reduction chemical reaction, oxidizing and reducing

substances are involved. During the reaction, oxidizing solutions lose electrons, while

reducing solutions gain electrons (Alsina, 2017).

Chemists have developed a very useful way of expressing chemical changes in

written form using chemical equations. Although these terms sound similar, they should

not be confused; chemical equations are a shorthand way of describing chemical

reactions and should include the substances involved and their proportions (Alsina,

General Objective:

 Make solutions to see the oxidation- reduction chemical reaction.

Specific objectives:

 Try to obtain the name of the unknown reagent.

 Observe potassium permanganate with other substances.

Materials and Equipment:

 Test tubes (Approximately 3).

 Evaporating dish (1).

 Beaker (1).

 Spatula (Approximately 2).

 Thongs (1).

 Alcohol lamp (1).

 Bunsen burner (1).

 Spoon (Approximately 2).


 Potassium Permanganate: KMnO₄

 Water: H₂O

 Potassium Hydroxide: KOH

Experimental procedure:

1. Step 1: Wash and dry the materials.

2. Step 2: Make a concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide.

3. Step 3: Make a solution of the unknow reagent, with water.

4. Step 4: Mix the solution of potassium hydroxide with potassium permanganate

and take notes of the changes.

5. Step 5: Put potassium permanganate into the evaporating dish, using the spoon.

6. Step 6: Pick up the evaporating dish using the thongs and heat it with the

Bunsen burner.

7. Step 7: If needed use the alcohol lamp to heat the solutions.

8. Step 8: Take notes of the changes.


Unknow Reagent/ Potassium permanganate. Unknown reagent with distilled Potassium hydroxide with

water. permanganate.

The unknown reagent is green, looks like Distilled water is placed in the Put the granulated potassium

frosting and stains purple. beaker and the unknown reagent hydroxide in the beaker.

is added.

Place the porcelain capsule with the Transfer the solution to a test About 11 grains of the potassium

unknown reagent in the Bunsen burner. tube. hydroxide were put in.

Color change to golden or rusty and looks The test tube was put into the Then distilled water was added.

like charcoal. Smell of burnt leather. White alcohol lamp.

steam is emitted.

Left in the Bunsen burner for 3 to 4 minutes, After a few minutes it started to To confirm that it is potassium

generally at a temperature of 100 °C. bubble up. permanganate, the solution should

be green.

Then potassium permanganate, this is dark Purple color is intensified and Then was put the permanganate in

blue with purple, and is more granulated. concentrated. a test tube with potassium


When put in the Bunsen burner, become a Finally, a green stain is generated After a while, the substance
combination of colors between dull gray, inside the test tube. turned violet.

green, purple, yellow and brown.

Finally, distilled water is added to the two More potassium hydroxide was

solutions, the unknown reagent solution was added and the green came out.

not soluble and became fuchsia, and the

permanganate solution was soluble and

became dark purple.


In the three chemical reactions, it was possible to observe changes in color, smell like

burning that came from the test tubes. In fact, the 3 had several characteristics in

common, such as the purple or violet color observed in the three substances.

Two of all the equations of chemical reactions will be shown:

 MnO4- + e- → MnO42-
 MnO42- + 2 H2O + 2 e- → MnO2 + 4 OH-

Potassium permanganate is the key reagent in this practice, so a brief overview is

going to be given:

Potassium permanganate is compound by potassium (K) and permanganate (MnO4−)

ions. It is a strong oxidizer. It reacts with reducing materials and fuels. This poses a risk

of fire and explosion. It reacts strongly with powdered metals (Herrera., 2018).

The unknow reagent probably is:

Potassium Manganate, due to is a compound with the appearance of a corrosive crystal.

This green salt is an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of potassium permanganate,

a common chemical (Manganato de Potasio, s.f).


We can detect different types of chemical reactions, some as fast and violent as

explosions, some that can pass before our eyes without even realizing that they have

happened, and others that fascinate us because they can cause abrupt changes. Of the

latter, potassium permanganate appears to be a chemical chameleon whose compounds

impart different colors depending on what they react with and the environment (Moron,


Other experiments that were found on the Internet was:

 Acid solution reaction: If we add potassium permanganate to an acidic

solution and add 20 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid to 60 ml of water, the

manganese in the permanganate ion (purple) will be reduced to Mn2 (colorless).

The reaction is somewhat slow but significant if the temperature is at 80°C

(Moron, 2018).
 Reaction with hydrogen peroxide in an acidic medium: If we react potassium

permanganate with hydrogen peroxide in a solution acidified with a few drops of

sulfuric acid, we observe the reduction of the permanganate to brown solid

manganese dioxide (MnO2). The process is characterized by the following


The reduction half-reaction shows us that manganese is reduced from +7 to +4

(Moron, 2018).

In summary, the experiment that was carried out in the laboratory is the simplest and

most effective since only some materials and very few reagents were necessary. So, in a

matter of minutes, the chemical reactions were obtained. Internet experiments involve

another level of different techniques, materials and reagents, however to see another

type of reduction reaction, potassium permanganate and sugar could be applied, so that

a good result can be obtained.


Drawing of the most relevant steps of the laboratory practice.


 The name of the unknown reagent was obtained, which is potassium manganate,

since this reagent is green, and it is a common chemical.

 Potassium permanganate was observed with many substances, such as, distilled

water and potassium hydroxide, and the changes were noted.


Alsina, D. (2017). Química: conceptos fundamentales. Retrieved from:


Herrera, (2018). Bioremediación de disoluciones con permanganato de potasio

para generar birnesita. Retrieved from:

Anónimo. (s.f). Manganato de Potasio. Recuperado de:

Moron, E. (2018). Reacciones con Permanganato de Potasio. El Camaleón Químico.

Recuperado de:


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