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Self-evaluation of the Pro Gaala in Kaapelitehdas 18th of January 2023

1. What was your main task in Pro Gaala?

Offer drinks to customers and in case of. that they did not know where their table was located help them
find their table number in the lists they gave us

2. How did you manage it from your point of view?

I think it's very good, except that at the beginning of the night I didn't feel so confident speaking English
since the guests intimidated me in a certain way because I had never attended an international event or in
which I did not have to speak in Spanish, However, as the night progressed, I began to have more
confidence in myself and speak more fluently with the guests.

3. What were the most important things you learnt in the event briefing?

That you should stop being afraid of your experience, since at some point you have to start and that
speaking in another language and with other cultures is an extremely comforting experience and above all
that makes you notice

4. What kind of observations did you make about:

a. security of the event? It seems to me that the security of the event was not so notorious,
however we knew that there was one since in case of an emergency we were told that we
would only have to follow the instructions of the security personnel since they knew the
measures that had to be taken
b. interior of the event? It seems to me that the interior of the event was decorated very
nicely at the beginning when I entered there were some kinds of strips hanging from
balloons that I think were going to be noticeable during the event and this was going to
seem in bad taste but as the night approached they stopped noticeable and it seemed to
me that everything was thought out perfectly and there was nothing out of place
c. functionality of the event (timetable, resource of the stuff members, space etc)? It seems
to me that the timetable was very well thought out because I remember that Jonina just
asked us to clarify to the guests the moment in which the event was going to start and also
since those of us from Porvoo had to leave early, I realized that the timetable He was not
late for a minute at any time, the people who were directing the event seem to know
exactly how many minutes they had to speak and function correctly during the event.
d. programme of the event? In my opinion, the program of the event was very long and many
prizes were awarded, but prize-giving events may always be that long and, having never
attended a similar one, it seemed strange to me, but in general, the program was very
complete. And of course, since each of the guests was given a program to know what was
going on. happen at all times of the night
e. service of the event? Regarding the service of the event, I was not very aware since it was
not the area where we were going to develop, but at least I can say that the welcome
cocktails in which I was involved were never lacking, even when there were times when
they arrived Lots of people and the table practically emptied. There was never a time when
a customer wanted a drink and either had to wait for it or was left wanting one because
they had run out. That seemed impressive to me, very good service
f. guests of the event? The guests, on the other hand, are super polite since everyone was
patient with you even when they spoke to you on weekends and we as staff answered
them in English, they were never rude or answered you in a bad way. They were all very
elegantly dressed and that of course stood out a lot at the awards ceremony

5. What elements made the event succeeding?

It seems to me that what made the event successful was that they had everything perfectly planned in
terms of timing and above all that they anticipated each detail in the organization of the event, it might
seem even the smallest but they knew exactly where everything was going in the event

6. Were there something which didn`t work out? What do you think why not?

From my point of view there was nothing in the course of the night that did not work or did not come out
as planned

7. How would you describe the collaboration of different actors of the event?

It seems to me that what I have to highlight in this question is the perfect communication that was had
between the teams, since many times Jonina did not do things just because they occurred to her at the
moment, but she waited, for example, to talk about it with the chef as soon as possible. to the arrangement
of the dishes since she knew perfectly where she had to put it since she had already planned the menu for
the night

8. What did you learn about producing an event in Pro Gaala generally?

that you must consider each aspect and think about even the last detail, even when you think that it is the
most insignificant or that you can solve it at that moment because it will not cause you much problem, it is
better to anticipate situations and have different resolutions to that problem even when They will probably
never happen, it doesn't hurt to be prepared

9. What kind feedback did you get from the event (from Jonina, guests, collaborators, fellow

On behalf of Jonina, she clarified that the staff got along very well and there were no complaints from the
guests. It seems to me that this was the only feedback they gave us.

10. What kind of feedback did you give to the others?

Unfortunately I did not give any feedback to anyone but if I had to do it, it would be that all of the staff,
although we started very nervous, managed to carry out the night very well and without any problem and
that is a great achievement for us.

Please return your answers by 28th of February here in Teams.

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