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Template 1

Local Art: Value, Attribute, and Meaning

1. What do you understand about “art for art’s sake”? Do you think this is the kind of value
that we ascribe to our local art?

Answer: My understanding about “art for art’s sake” is that art should not be judged on
its relationship to social, political, or moral values, but purely for its formal and aesthetic
qualities. We should adopt this to our local art because I believe everyone is free to
create art and able to express themselves through their work without fear of judgement.
It no longer matters how good you can draw or how well you can paint, the final product
isn’t the only purpose as long as you are enjoyed on your artistic journey and it doesn’t
put so much pressure to you. Let your artistic journey be fun and relaxing. Create
something different and unique.

2. How is local art supposed to be valued, “content over form” (function over form) or “form
over content” (form over function)? Give examples as presented in this article.

Answer: For me, local art should be value “form over content” because the visual
presentation of something is your first impression, it’s what makes the person decide
whether if they want to consume the content in the first place. If the content looks boring
or unprofessional, the person will choose the content that looks entertaining over content
that looks boring. For example, everyone judges a book by its cover, it the form looks
good we look at the content but if the form isn’t good, we find a different book that has a
better form. The way the form is presented is what catches someone’s attention to get
them see the actual content itself.

3. Inspired by the specific examples mentioned in the article, identify a local art (that
means specific to your very own place) as well as its attributes that reflect the local
culture and beliefs of the community. Please focus on what is truly belonging to
homegrown and not pseudo-culture.

Design - They are

woven into various
traditional patterns.

Durability - it is
long lasting and
Amakan Price -it is
cheaper than
as strong as wood
Weaving other wall

Craftmanship -
with utmost

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