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(AC-S14) Week 14 - Task: Assignment - Staying healthy

B: Hello teacher my name is Blanca Luz.

J: Hello teacher my name is Javier Albuquerque; Today we will talk about what we
should do to stay healthy.
J: Hi Blanca, how have you been?
B: Hi Javier, very well but lately a bit fatigued
J: Woo what happened? are you in poor health?
B: I don't know, these last few weeks I've been very tired.
J: insurance for colleges tasks.
B: Yes, I sleep late and get up early to go to work.
J: I understand, that's not good for your health, remember that rest helps you you
more energy. Apart can solid sleep help you from concentrate and you will be in good
B: Do you think that works? I tell me you that I joined the gym and I don't have time
to go.
J: it not necessary to go the gym to exercise, starting tomorrow you wake up early,
have a good breakfast and walk to work. Alright?
B: If you're right, I'll have a new routine. I just want to have more time on the
weekend and be able to relax.
J: What do you think if we go for a walk through the hills this weekend, at this time of
year they are very beautiful.
B: Great, that will help us distract and relax.
J: It also reduces stress and will make you fit and strong because cardiovascular
exercises are good for the heart, lungs and blood circulation.
B: interesting, then see you at the weekend.
J: yes, see you soon, take care
B: If we see.

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