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Study in Saudi Program

Personal Statement


Majdi Mohammed Said

Pursuing accounting has been a goal of mine since an early stage of my academic journey. My
passion for numbers, coupled with my excellence in comprehending mathematical concepts has
always motivated me towards this major. Beyond the classrooms, Being the go-to person for my
friends’ financial questions has shown me the practical value of understanding matters related to
money, my family’s trust and my role in managing household finances has not only given me the
confidence but also sparked a strong desire to contribute to this field and work towards
translating my passion into practice.
Taking a step back in time, accounting in fact has been the field I chose to study; I completed a
semester of studying at the university of science and technology Khartoum- Sudan, but didn’t get
the opportunity to carry on, due to the ongoing war in my country. However, this period of time
as an accounting student has built up my insights at understanding how accounting contributes
substantially at guiding business towards success.
Beyond academic aspects, having family members who are involved in accounting and
management has fueled my passion for this field. My brother who is also an accomplished
accountant has been always an inspiration. Witnessing his dedication and expertise has been a
constant source of my enthusiasm to pursue a similar path as I eagerly look forward to have an
impact in the world of accounting.
Receiving study in Saudi program, would be a promising opportunity for me, not only would it
alleviate financial constraints, but it would also provide me with support to achieve my career
goals. I’m committed to learning and actively leveraging my academic knowledge and skills to
make to the most of this opportunity. Moreover, my extroverted nature and active spirit will
contribute positively to university community.

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