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Алла Андрієнко

Англійська мова
Типові тестові завдання

• 10 комплексних тестів у форматі З Н О

• Бланки відповідей
• Відповіді до всіх тестових завдань

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Андрієнко А.А.
А65 Англійська мова : типові тестові з а в д а н н я / А. А. А н д -
рієнко. — Т е р н о п і л ь : Навчальна книга — Богдан, 2020. —
112 с.
I S B N 2005000016523
У посібнику запропоновано завдання для перевірки рівня
засвоєння лексичного та граматичного мінімуму і підготов-
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Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.
1. What building was N O T mentioned in their talk?

• A • b • c


Д т > 1
І POLICE | / - ^ 4
-Ц-@ І (о

2. How many eggs does the woman need?

• A „ Q B • c

3. What thing is being advertised?

• A • c

4. What is true according to the speaker?

I j A Taking pictures is an easy and exciting hobby.
I | В Taking pictures requires some skills and knowledge.
I | C Taking pictures is as difficult as shooting a film.

5. What action will be of most use to the speaker's brother?

I | A cleaning the room
I | В buying a present
I | C walking the dog

6. Which statement is N O T true according to the speaker?

I | A Albert Einstein is a famous scientist.
В Albert Einstein created the Nobel Prize for science.
C The word 'Einstein' means the same as the word 'genius'.

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Matt has been active in the outdoor sports since his early childhood.

• •
8. Matt is a well-read lecturer.

• •
9. Matt's interest in high-altitude alpine climbing started after conquering Everest in 2007.

• •
10. Matt's dream was to summit five highest peaks in the world.

11. In the summer of 2008 Matt summited three highest mountains.


Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.
12. Where do the campers live?
I | A hotel rooms О В school rooms Q C suites
13. Where does at least one adult live?
Q A in each room []B on the floor О C in the residence
14. Each room comes with the basic necessities except . . . .
• A a closet О В furniture О C a washroom
15. How many activity periods is the camp's life organized in?
• A three [ЦВ four \Z\C five
16. Which activities are instructed during the recreational activity period?
• A all • В none • C not all
Complex test 1 5


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

I | A Only pizza delivery car can park here. |«BmHL

І І' В Do not throw rubbish in the streets.
I I C You can park only on the road.
I | D You cannot walk on the grass here.
I I E One more parking place left.
I | F You can only move ahead in your car here.
О G If you park your car here, it will be removed.
ЦН Your car can be serviced at this parking. Qy^

1| щж
1 да l « l

- І
Please Don't Park
• Ц і

Ш ї f

PUT RUBBISHU b(g>jj<§)Ld S Р А С E

j o se eve yoi/

® ©

I S S f N 0>j

17 18 19 20 21

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Bethany Hamilton was born in Hawaii. She lived with her parents and two brothers, Noah and Timmy. Both of
her parents were surfers who moved to Hawaii from the continental United States for the surfing opportunities.
Hamilton was taught how to surf by her parents and, in her book, says that she couldn't have done it without
support from her brothers. Her surfing abilities progressed very quickly. She entered two of her first major surf-
ing competitions at the age of eight, taking first places in both.
With dreams of a career as a surfer, Hamilton began competing more seriously at the age of nine. She
won the 1999 Haleiwa Menehune Championships 23rd annual contest. In February 2000, she placed 1st at the
Volcom Puffer Fish contest. She picked up a sponsor, Rip Curl, who aided her with her plans of becoming
a professional surfer.
On October 31, 2003, Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach, Kauai with friend Alana
Blanchard, and Blanchard's father and brother. Around 7:30 a.m., she was lying on her surfboard with her left
arm dangling in the water, when a 14 ft tiger shark attacked her, ripping her left arm off just below the shoulder.
If the shark had bitten two inches further in, the attack would have been fatal. Hamilton had lost almost 60%
of her blood that morning. Her friends helped paddle her back to shore, and rushed her to hospital. Her dad
was supposed to have a knee surgery that morning but she took his place in the operating room. She then spent
seven more days in recovery at the hospital.
Despite the trauma of -the incident, Hamilton was determined to return to surfing. Less than one month
after the incident, she returned to her board and went surfing again. Initially, she adopted a board that was
longer and slightly thicker which made it easier to paddle. After teaching herself to surf with one arm, she has
again begun surfing competitively. She is now back to using competitive performance short-boards again.
In July 2004 Hamilton won the ESPY Award for Best Comeback Athlete of the Year. She was presented
with a special courage award at the 2004 Teen Choice Awards. In 2005, with one arm, Hamilton took 1st place
in the NSSA National Championships, a goal she had been trying to achieve since before the shark attack. In
2008, she began competing full-time on the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Qualifying
Series (WQS). In her first competition against many of the world's best women surfers, she finished 3rd.

22. Bethany learned to surf . . . .

I | A with the help of her parents Q C herself
В with the help of her family О D with the help of her brothers
23. Bethany took part in her first important competitions ... .
• і A when she was nine [ ] C at the age of ten
В when she was eight Q d at the age of eleven
24. Haleiwa M e n e h u n e C h a m p i o n s h i p s takes place ... .
і | A every month Q C every five years
і В every year Q D every February
25. T h e shark attacked Bethany . . . .
I | A when she was taking part in the competitions
! j В when she was teaching her friend Alana Blanchard to surf
I | C when she was resting on the board
і | D when she was surfing with Blanchard's father and brother
26. ... rushed her to hospital.
I] A Her dad I | C Her friends
| | В Her brothers • D Her friend's father
Complex test 1 7

Read the passages below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer
27 .
Whether you're the primary parent or not, you are the one in charge of formally disciplining the kids. You
decide and administer all punishment. As a result, the kids love and fear you. You know and understand that
discipline is an important part of development for your kids, so you try to teach them responsibility, justice
and accountability.

28 .
You are the one in the middle between your kids and each other a n d / o r your kids and mum. It is your job
to resolve conflicts within the home. Being a man, this is not always easy, as it requires lots of empathy
and excellent listening skills. It is frustrating, though, to deal with the same problems over and over again.
Your goal is to achieve peace and harmony in the family, as well as encouraging everyone to play nice.

29 .
This is often a fun way to connect and see your kids interact in a group setting. You gain great satisfaction
by teaching them to share, compete and achieve goals. You like to see your kids participate in competitive
activities (and win), although you are proud of them for doing their best whether they win or lose. The
strategies you use often spill over into the home.

30 .
You are the master repair man of the home. You enjoy helping your kids, and it gives you great satisfaction
to see the look on their face when you hand them a repaired toy. You like to teach the kids how to be
industrious and useful. They learn a lot of handy skills from you. At times, you may feel like you struggle
to find other ways to connect with them on a personal level.

31 .
You are the kind of dad who spends a lot of time making sure the house is 'baby-proofed' and all things
potentially harmful are secure and out of reach. You tell your kids often about the dangers in the world,
and you assure them that you won't let anything bad happen. Your family knows they can count on your
for security and protection. You feel good about creating a safe environment for the kids, but it's hard for
you to let go and allow them to make mistakes on their own.
You are the dad who treats fatherhood like a part-time job. You are engaged with your children, but only
occasionally — maybe only on the weekends, when it's most convenient for you. You have good intentions,
but your children require more time than you're willing or able to give. Your children need you to be a full-
time dad, but you're content with giving them a part-time effort.

Which father is:

• A The Reserved Duty Dad • E The Tech Guy

• В The Coach • F The Protector
• C The Deaf Ear • G The Enforcer Dad
• D The Fixer • H The Referee

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one that best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.




It's funny that the meteorological term best known to the British layman is 'a depression'. Given that
depressions characterize so much of our weather, even a forecaster might think that's fair enough, and rather
appropriate too. We all know the familiar welcome that greets us (33) . You board the
plane in bright sunshine and fly home through peerless blue skies. Then, as you approach home, the plane
descends through a thick carpet of cloud; underneath it's all unceasing grey (34) .
Unceasing grey and drizzle? Yet monotonous is exactly (35) . We have the pure,
blind luck to live in a maritime climate which never stops surprising. More than one maritime climate, in
fact, (36) — namely Arctic, Polar, Tropical and Returning Polar. Add to that
the two Continental air streams — Polar and Tropical — and it's a complex, volatile picture. No wonder
that we have such a highly developed forecasting network. And no wonder that we're a nation of obsessives:
(37 ) ?
It all makes travelling around Britain a risky business. A romantic weekend in the Lake District can
be a wash-out and Brighton isn't much fun in the pouring rain. The trick is to be flexible in when you go:
(38 ) — high pressure is generally A Good Thing — before heading off for that
weekend. Of course, this tip doesn't hold good for Bank Holidays.

і | A what British weather isn't

• B as four of the six major air streams that dictate our weather are Maritime
I | C wait until there's a nice stable weather system
j | D when we return from whatever sunny paradise we've been visiting
I | E have some of Britain's finest scenery
I | F and drizzle and you'd never know the blue was up there
I | G but they receive a frighteningly high proportion of the rainfall
] H where else would tens of thousands of people tune into the shipping forecast for pleasure
Complex test 1 9

Read the texts below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The United Nations Member States (39) the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
in 2015 because they understood that it would not be possible to build a peaceful world if steps are not taken
to (40) economic and social development for all people everywhere, and ensure that
their rights are (41) . The Sustainable Goals (42) a broad
range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate (43) , gender
equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment and social justice.

39 submitted emphasized adopted brought
40 grab achieve negotiate effect
41 fostered issued hedged protected
42 cover lid top guard
43 difference variation change violation

Sustainable Development Goal 13 "Climate Action" is a (44) for immediate

action by all to (45) greenhouse emissions, build resilience and improve education
(46) climate change.
Affordable, scalable solutions such as (47) energy, clean technologies are available
to (48) countries to leapfrog to greener, more resilient economies.

44 challenge slogan motto call
45 rise lower raise strengthen
46 in at on off
47 definite renewable infinite possible
48 ability able enable disabled

Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Pi Day (49) on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter " я " ) is the
symbol (50) in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference
of a circle to (51) diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual
opportunity for math enthusiasts (52) the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends
(53) math, and to eat a pie.

49 celebrates was celebrating is celebrated will be celebrated
50 use used using to used
51 it its it's its'
52 reciting recited has recited to recite
53 of about at off

Mometrix is a test preparation company that (54) the world's largest collection
of educational materials for (55) individuals pass high-stakes standardized tests.
They pride themselves on producing the very best content for exams and certifications across the country. What
they care about even more, however, is empowering individuals across the nation (56)
their dreams. In fact, creating 'prep that empowers' is in their company's DNA.
Mometrix's goal is for their study materials, coupled (57) diligent effort, to empower
a test-taker to attain the highest score within their ability to achieve. Mometrix (58)
people to achieve their dreams by helping them overcome the testing hurdles necessary for them to get where
they want to be.

54 created has created had created was created
55 help to help helping helps
56 to achieve achieving achieved has achieved
57 about for of with
58 to prepare prepares preparing will be preparing
Complex test 1 11

59. Write a letter to your friend about your last weekend.
• where you went;
• what you saw;
• what you did.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with




Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

1. What kind of hat does the speaker prefer?

• a ^^^ G B • c

2. How many socks will the speaker probably buy?

• a M DB

3. Where does Martin work?

• A

4. What should one do to protect themselves?

Zj A keep personal information to oneself

І І В give out information
I | C buy everything on the Internet

5. Who invented video games?

A a scientist
і | В tennis players
j | C students

6. What is being advertised?

[ J A a seaside resort
| і В a mountainous trip
| | C a city guided tour
Complex test 1 13


Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •
т F

• •
7. In this place all people are fishermen.

• •
8. In the early morning, the locals go out to look for tourists.

• •
9. All of the restaurants there sell fresh fish dishes.

• •
10. The best grilled fish is served in Sunset restaurant.

11. The author recommends to order local food in Lovina.


Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. Jacques Cartier made his discoveries in ... .

• A the 14th century []]в the 15th century О C the 16th century

13. Jacques Cartier was ... explorer to be invited by King Francis I.

I IA the first « Q ] В the second • C the third

14. Jacques Cartier sailed to ... .

і | A North America О В South America • C Asia

15. Jacques Cartier was commissioned to discover . . . .

I | A new ways to Americas

І і В new rich places
I | C new passages to the markets of Africa

16. On the way of Jacques Carrier's crew . . . .

| A encountered some rare species of birds

| В learned about exotic birds
I | C killed a great number of threatened species

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which notice says this?

I | A You can have dinner here.

Ц В This is not for kids.
I | C Come here to book a holiday.
| | D They will help you to find the way around here.
I | E This is for pedestrians only today. Adults only.
I | F This city is closed for transport. Open Sat. - Son.
I | G You can not go there at weekends.
I [ H You pay less for breakfast here. ©
Half-price drinks
i r l t h 3-course meals!


© ©

17 18 19 20 21

Complex test 1 15

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Diirer was born on 21 May 1471, third child and second son of his parents, who had between fourteen and
eighteen children. His father was a successful goldsmith, originally named Ajtysi, who in 1455 had moved to
Nuremberg from Hungary.
Diirer's godfather was Anton Koberger, who left goldsmithing to become a printer and publisher in the
year of Durer's birth. He quickly became the most successful publisher in Germany, eventually owning twenty-
four printing-presses and having many offices in Germany and abroad. His most famous publication was the
Nuremberg Chronicle, published in 1493 in German and Latin editions. It contained an unprecedented 1,809
woodcut illustrations.
After a few years of school, Diirer started to learn the basics of goldsmithing and drawing from his father.
Though his father wanted him to continue his training as a goldsmith, he showed such a precocious talent in
drawing that he started as an apprentice to a leading artist whose name was Wolgemut at the age of fifteen in
1486. A self-portrait, a drawing in silverpoint, is dated 1484 (Albertina, Vienna) "when I was a child," as his later
inscription says. Wolgemut was the leading artist in Nuremberg at the time, with a large workshop producing
a variety of works of art, in particular woodcuts for books. Nuremberg was then an important and prosperous
city, a centre for publishing and many luxury trades. It had strong links with Italy, especially Venice, a relatively
short distance across the Alps.

22. When Albrecht Durer was born, his godfather was . . . .

]A a goldsmith О C an illustrator
[ І ] В a publisher [ ] d an apprentice
23. Nuremberg Chronicle was famous for ... .
і | A the quality of publication
В the number of languages it was translated into
J C the wonderful portraits it contained
і I D publishing the drawings never existed before
24. Durer started to learn the basics of goldsmithing and drawing . . . .
• A from his school teachers Q C from his siblings
I ! В from a leading artist Q D from his father
25. Durer created his self portrait, a drawing in silverpoint . . . .
! I A when he was a child
і І В when he was a teenager
I I C when he studied at school
! | D when he was a leading artist
26. At that time Nuremberg ... .
I | A was a rich and successful city
J В was a centre of fashion
I | C was known for its architecture
]D had strong links with many countries


Read the passages below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer
27 .
This children's book is about the tragic fate of the imaginary town of Chewandswallow. It's a place where
there are no grocery stores, because all the food the people ever need falls from the sky! But the people of
Chewandswallow soon find out that there really can be too much of a good thing. From gigantic meatball
storms to tomato tornadoes, the weather just keeps getting worse, until the townsfolk are forced to make
a difficult decision.
28 .
This delightful book tells the story of a tattered, stuffed teddy bear named Corduroy. He explores his
surroundings at night as he waits in the department store for someone to come and buy him. At the end,
the lonely bear gets a new home, a new friend, and a new button for his overalls.
29 .
This is a wonderful book to read to children as old as six or seven, but it's also a great book to read to a baby.
The text is simple, the story is about a caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly. The story itself is only
14 quick pages long. The artwork, however, will have parents and children alike adoring the pages for much

30 .
This could be the one children's book that everyone remembers clearly from their childhood. It is certainly
a classic. Written in the characteristically zany rhyming verse style that made Dr Suess one of the best loved
children's writers of all time, this book is illustrated in full color artwork that is, well, a little creepy, but
also one of the many things Dr Suess fans love about his work.

This just might be the very best children's book to read at bedtime. The illustrations are beautiful, but they
are rendered in a way that makes each scene look like a bedroom that is dark and ready to be slept in. The
text is intentionally repetitive, and is one child's nightly ritual of saying goodnight to everything he can see.
This is a great book for a child who needs calm, quiet, and minimal distractions at bedtime.
32. »
This is a classic children's book about five kids who win a chance to tour Willy Wonka's mysterious candy-
making operation. It's a vividly told wild ride with amusing, cartoon-like sketches that will keep kids
excited and laughing.

Which book:

I I A has lines that can be listened again and again

і І В only takes a couple of minutes to read aloud
П C is about a cute toy character that finds a new friendly home
• D is written in a form of comic poems
j I E was adapted for a film which is loads of fun
I | F tells about an imaginary place where people have a bad destiny
I | G tells about a boy who has an incredibly bad day
Q H is about an imaginative little boy who colours his world exactly the way he wants it
Complex test 1 17

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one that best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.


Acid rain is a result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, (33) .
The smoke that comes from a fire or the fumes that come out of a car exhaust d o n ' t just contain the sooty grey
particles that you can see — they also contain lots of invisible gases (34) .
Power stations, factories and cars all burn fuels (35) . Some of these gases
(especially nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide) react with the tiny droplets of water in clouds to form sulphuric
and nitric acids. The rain from these clouds then falls as very weak acid — (36) .
The release of sulphur dioxide can also occur naturally when a volcano erupts.
Acid rain can be carried great distances in the atmosphere, not just between countries but also from continent
to continent. The acid can also take the form of snow, mists and dry dusts. The rain sometimes falls many miles
from the source of pollution but wherever it falls (37) . In the 1970s the effects
of acid rain were seen at their worst.
Forests all over the world are dying. In Scandinavia the fish are dying; lakes were crystal clear
(38) . Many of Britain's freshwater fish are threatened, their eggs are damaged
and deformed, fish are being hatched. This in turn leads to fish-eating birds and animals also being affected.

• A it can have a serious effect on soil, trees, buildings and water

I | В acid rain can cause trees to grow more slowly
I I C seems to have more effect in some areas than it does in others
I | D but now contain no living creatures or plant life
I I E that is why it is known as 'acid rain'
! I F that can be even more harmful to our environment
! I G and therefore they all produce polluting gases
[ | H lots of different chemicals are produced

Read the texts below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The Roof Gardens is on (39) of a building in Kensington High Street (in
central London). Open to the public, there are three gardens: a Spanish-style garden, a Tudor garden, and
an English woodland garden. The gardens are (40) to several species of trees and
a (41) with ducks and flamingos. There's also a nightclub, a restaurant and a bar,
which (42) a range of cocktails and barbecue food. One reviewer on the website Yelp
wrote, "You're in the middle of London but feel like you're in a secret courtyard in Spain. Beautiful fountains,
walkways and hedges. Just (43) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ around with a drink is an experience."

39 crown cap top scale
40 mansion home castle cave
41 ocean river sea pond
42 offers proposes brings gets
43 tiptoeing walking trudging marching

Embedding hand hygiene promotional (44) as a national priority is key for

sustainability. Efforts have therefore been made to (45) countries or areas with large
scale activities to promote hand hygiene in health (46) .
W H O Patient Safety supports an informal network of coordinators/leaders of such activities with the
aim of (47) experiences and learning from each other. At this m o m e n t there are
48 participants in the network with coordinated activities to promote hand hygiene in health care either as specific
activities or as part of infection (48) and control activities or patient safety initiatives.

44 activities tasks assignments happenings
45 take hold support withdraw
46 protection care hospitals scale
47 connecting dividing losing sharing
48 obstacle prevention halt continuation
Complex test 1 19


Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A restaurant in Las Vegas, The Heart Attack Grill, is famous (49) its extremely
unhealthy food. One of the items (50) its menu includes the Quadruple Bypass Burger,
which has 900 grams (51) beef and 20 slices of bacon! The restaurant's slogan is, "Taste
Worth Dying For!" But just recently, a customer actually had a heart attack while eating there. He was taken
(52 ) hospital and survived, thankfully. Now, some doctors want the restaurant closed because
they say it promotes unhealthy eating. But owner Jon Basso has refused, saying the doctors just "want to take
(53 ) our right to have a simple hamburger, a Coke, some fries and enjoy our lives the way
we want to." That's freedom for you!

49 on about of for
50 in on at off
51 in out of at
52 to at off in
53 away from of with

March 11 (54) Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day. It is a day to treat yourself to not just waffles,
but the healthier version of the popular breakfast food.
Waffles (55) a popular baked treat during the Middle Ages. The original recipe called
for just flour and water, so vendors sold waffles (56) the streets during the religious fasting
season. Bakers (57) the waffles with coats of arms, religious symbols, and the traditional
honeycomb pattern we (58) to today. Eventually people began adding other ingredients like
eggs, butter, milk, and honey.

54 be is has been will
55 become became are becoming had become
56 at on under off
57 branded branding were branding would be branded
58 will accustom are accustomed were accustomed be accustomed

59. You had a birthday party last week but your friend couldn't come to it.
Write a letter to your friend about your birthday party.
• when and where the party was;
• what you did at the party;
• what presents you got and how you felt.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with



Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

1. Where is the conversation taking place?

.STORE! НАДІ Showrdom
nil • •
- = —«

[ " '

2. What kind of laptop is the customer

• Ar~ L _

3. What picture is being described?

• A • c

4. When are they going to meet?

• A 12.00 П в 12.30 D C 11.30

5. Why is the woman so disappointed?

I I A She cannot afford to buy the things she wants.

Ц В She's lost the great sum of money in the convenience shop.
I I C She's won the lottery.

6. What profession is on demand?

• A graphic designer Q В computer animator Ц C children's animator


Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Mount Batur is a good spot to observe the daybreak in Bali.

• •
8. It takes an hour to get to the top of the mountain,

• •
9. The bus trip was irritating.

• •
10. The early breakfast was needed.

11. They started their ascent up the mountain at dawn.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. Who was the first to set ink to paper?

I | A Chinese scholars Ц В Chinese monks \Z\ C Chinese peasants

13. What was one of the earliest surviving books printed in this fashion?

[ A an ancient Christian text

В an ancient Hindu text
Q C an ancient Buddhist text

14. Where was the book hidden?

~ A inside the tomb Q В inside the cave Ц C inside the monastery

15. When were the carved wooden blocks also used in Japan and Korea?

| ! A in the 6th century Ц В in the 8th century Q c in the 11th century

16. What did a Chinese scientist Bi Sheng's do?

j A He documented the method of printing.

В He developed the method of printing.
j C He changed the method of printing.

Complex test 3 23

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this?

I | A Only laptops are allowed in this room.
I | В You are not allowed to use any devices here.
I | C You must save electricity.
I D This encourages you to make attempts in studies. NO C E I L PHONES, TABLETS,
• E No chatting here. PORTABLE ELECTRONIC
' I F You cannot bring any seeds of fruits into the classroom.
I | G You should learn to make mistakes.
I | H Remember that err is human. (\T)

Turn-off-the' "м
C ^ k .

flh talk
I t ' s ofcay
t o n o t Know.

I t ' s n o t o K a y Please do not bring any

tree nuts, peanuts or foods
t o n o t t r y . containing nuts into this area.

© ' ©

17 18 19 20 21


Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Until 1950 the term teenagers had never before been coined. Children were known as girls and boys were
known as youths once they displayed signs of puberty. Then young people were grown up at 18 and fully adult
legally at 21 when they often married and set up a home of their own, even if it was a rented room. Getting married
was a way of showing the adult world that you belonged to their world and was a way of escape from puberty.
During the 1950s a range of influences including films, television, magazines and the rock music scene
created a new market grouping called teenagers. Teens made themselves known. A sudden flurry of consumer
goods denied to war torn Europe were available and a consumer boom was actively encouraged.
These single young people with cash from paid work soon had their own fashions, own music, own cafes,
own milk bars and by the end of the decade even their own transport in the form of fuelled scooters. Teenagers
suddenly dominated style in clothes, haircuts and even travel abroad. A generation gap began to emerge between
parents and teen offsprings. It seemed almost unholy at the time and was viewed as rebellious, but compared
to later anti-fashion and anarchic movements it was all rather innocent.
American influence on European teenagers was huge. Rock and Roll idols including Elvis Presley, Bill Hayley,
Jerry Lee Lewis and film stars James Dean and Marlon Brando set fashions almost unwittingly. The main looks
for teenagers were greasers and preppies.
Greasers followed the standard black leather and denim jeans look set by Marlon Brando in "The Wild
One" (1953) and later emulated in the 1978 film called "Grease". They raced about town on motorbikes and
were consider outrageous.
Preppie qualities were neatness, tidiness and grooming. Teen girls wore full dirndl or circular skirts with
large appliques on their clothing. Neat pleated skirts were also popular. The pleated skirts were made from a then
new fabric called T E R Y L E N E (polyester) which helped maintain razor sharp sunray pleating.
The skirts were supported by bouffant paper nylon or net petticoats. On top, teens wore scoop neck blouses,
back to front cardigans, tight polo necks or three quarter sleeve white fitting shirts often with a scarf knotted
cowboy fashion at the side neck. These teen clothing fashions that originated in America, filtered to Britain in
watered down fashion.

22. What influenced the formation of a new teenage grouping?

[ |A Films, television, magazines and the rock music
І ІВ Films, radio, magazines and the rock music
і |C Travels, radio, magazines and the rock music
і |D Travels, radio, newspapers and the rock music
23. T h e teens made themselves known . . . .
0 A at the end of the twentieth century Q C at the beginning of the twenty-first century
• B in the middle of the twentieth century Q d at the beginning of the twentieth century
24. During the after war years the teens . . . .
1 | A had no cash to buy goods Q C bought as many clothes as they could afford
• | В sewed fewer clothes • D didn 4 have money to buy new outfits
25. Misunderstanding between teens and their parents . . . .
і | A was not easily controlled or kept in place Q C didn't occur
П в no longer existed Q D wasn't a problem
26. European teenagers ... .
I | A influenced American teenagers Q C were new teen clothing fashion idols
[ І В were known to set fashion trends Q D were influenced by American idols
Complex test 3 25

Read the passages below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer

27 .
Here's a building that should really get your attention when walking past it. The Dancing House is considered
as one of the most real controversial buildings in Prague. The DH was actually designed by a great architect
from California, which only proves that he had done some type of hallucinogen while designing it.
28 .
The Bank of Asia is a very famous building in Bangkok. It was made way back in 1985, and its robotic
appearance is just a symbol of the modernization of banking. It also has the ability to transform into a mega-
robot. So, if Godzilla ever decided to show his green face in the land of Bangkok, they would have to fight!
29 .
If you saw this picture for the first time, you'd probably thought that it was hit by a massive earthquake.
But it wasn't. In true fashion of the Ripley Legacy, it was built to reflect the odd 1812 earthquake that mea-
sured 8.0 on the rick. The building has now become one of the most photographed in the world because of it.
30 .
This somewhat modernized building was actually built between 1971 and 1974. Its unique design gives the
Wilson Hall a great sense of structure, and a prominent landmark for the skyline. The building provides big
laboratories, offices, and supports space for over 1500 scientists. And it houses all kinds of strange experiments.
31 .
This bizarre house really doesn't have an official name, but it does have a 135 degree angle. So that's what
we're going to call it. Unfortunately, the only info we have about this house is that it was built in China or
Japan. And that it has a silly pink roof. And if you look real close, you'll notice that its on a 135 degree angle.
32 .
This is a residential building in Conwy Quay, North Wales. With a red-painted fasade, the house measures
3.05 m (10 ft) high and 1.8 m (5.9 ft) wide. Despite its cramped size, the house was inhabited from the 16th
century until 1900, when the last occupant — an ironically tall fisherman — moved out. It remains as the
tourist attraction today, /

Which building:

і I A is recognised as the smallest house in the UK by the Guinness Book of Records

• В is used by the scholars for the research work
і I C can be changed into a machine able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically
I I D has a strange position from which it is viewed
I I E was designed in Europe by an architect from another continent
I I F was found in an unknown place
I I G was designed as if it survived the natural disaster
і I H doesn't have an official name but is famous all over the world

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one that best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.
Humarts and their ancestors (33) . The agricultural revolution reduced the
need for survival hunting in most parts of the world. Hunting has continued, however, for several reasons, and
poaching remains a possibility wherever hunting is an important part of the economy or culture.
Animal products, such (34) _ _ _ , are sold to dealers who make clothes, jewelry and
other materials from them. In some African and Latin American societies, animals are poached for game meat.
In Congo, for example, wild monkey meat is sold in the open market, and in many parts of North America,
white-tailed deer is hunted for food.
Some animals have religious value (35) . For example, among the Banyoro,
Baganda and Batooro of West and Central Uganda, the king traditionally sits on a leopard skin. Many tribes in
Congo consider leopard skin a symbol of magic, and many witch doctors in the region use these skins to show
their powers. Many animals are killed for ceremonial purposes, (36) .
Animals are also believed to be a source of local herbs and have medicinal value. For example, it is believed
by some Lendu in Eastern Congo that the lion's liver cures skin diseases, and it is also used as a poison. Mbuti
pygmies of Western Uganda and Eastern Congo (37) . Animals in the developing
world are also hunted as vermin by communities that leave near forests and game parks. The aim is to kill the
animals and stop them from encroaching on farms.
Hunting for sport is also practised in various nations. Though most of it is controlled, (38) _ _ _ _ _
. Many sport hunters keep the animals as trophies.
N o matter the reason why an animal is killed, all types of hunting or poaching have led to extinction of
species, and if uncontrolled many more animals will become extinct.

I | A are said to use snake poison on their fighting arrows

j | В such as cleansing a bad omen, asking gods for rain, etc.
I 1 C have hunted for over 400,000 years
j j D resulting in the illegal taking of wildlife
I | E illegal sport hunting is c o m m o n in developing countries
I | F enforce various sanctions on the hunting of wild animals
• G as hide, ivory, horn, teeth and bone
I | H and are used as totems and in witchcraft
Complex test 3 27

Read the texts below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
International Thank-You Day is an annual celebration (39) on January 11th of every
year. Often we forget (40) a thank you as is taken for granted. It is essential to show the
(41) from the bottom of the heart to those who made your life better and happier. The
good manners of a person will be shown in the sense of words he/she (42) . Of course,
some say a thank you out of duty and not from the heart. Never (43) to utter these simple
words which give more of sense.

39 admitted issued adopted observed
40 to show to tell to bring to have
41 gratify gracious gratitude grateful
42 has joins presents uses
43 hesitate pick hang weigh

The Grammy Awards, (44) annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and
Sciences (NARAS), are considered the most coveted of the many contemporary music (45) ___ , .
Despite the h o n o r the awards carry and the ratings success of the televised awards show, many industry
insiders (46) the Grammys to be merely a reflection of mainstream commercial success. The
awards are traditionally (47) around the start of February each year; the music honored
at the awards is (48) in the window of October-September of the preceding year (so the
2019 awards were given for music released between October 2017 and September 2018).

44 played presented joined occur'ed
45 rewards cups trophies awards
46 consider take put assemble
47 taken put given shown
48 distributed released published freed

Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The International Music Council (49) U N E S C O in 1949, since 1975 it annually
(50) International Music Day, that is a greatest music festival, (51)
in various cities across the world. Roughly 150 countries worldwide organize free concerts, where people can
enjoy music and appreciate its importance in everyday life.
International Music Day events also include talent shows (52) new emerging musicians.
People attend free exhibitions, dedicated to music. Local authorities may order a few minutes of silence, stopping
traffic and other activities that pollute sound environment of the city, to enjoy (53) to
music in silence.

49 were f o u n d e d was f o u n d e d is f o u n d e d has been f o u n d e d
50 hosting to host hosted hosts
51 hold holding held to hold
52 seeking to seek seeks is seeking
53 listening listen listened listens

Make Music Day (or just "Make Music") is a free (54) of music around the world
on June 21st, the summer solstice.
Completely different from a typical music festival, Make Music is a open to anyone who (55)
to take part. Thousands of amateur musicians play in public spaces, often for their first time. Professional musicians
perform for new audiences, who come out from under their headphones (56) unfamiliar
groups risk-free. And everyone (57) to sing along and enjoy the first day of summer.
Today, Make Music is observed on the same day in more than 1,000 cities around the world. It is the
world's (58) annual music event.

54 celebratory celebrating celebration celebrate
55 wanted will want wants has wanted
56 to hear hearing heard hears
57 are invited is invited were invited have invited
58 the largest large largest larger
Complex test 10 29

59. You are on summer vacation in the language school abroad now.
Write a letter to your friend about your summer vacation.
• where you are spending weekends and what you are doing;
• how you are spending weekdays;
• ask your friend about his/her vacation.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with


Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B,
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.
1. What will the weather be like at the weekend?

• A П В • c

4 / й ' л ' й / й /

' . Л ' І Ч ' Л

2. What did the woman do on holiday?

• A • c

3. Where is the man's book?

• A • b • c

4. What has the woman ordered?

Ц а a steak and a salad

_ В a steak with potatoes and some lemonade
і ; C a steak, rice and a glass of lemonade

5. Why is the woman tired?

]] A She's been teaching much for two weeks.

_ В She's been preparing for exams.
I I C She's been helping her friend to get ready for final exams.

6. What kind of weather is going to last till the end of the week?

і I A wet О В warm Q C windy

Complex test 10 31

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •
• •
7. The tourists were amazed by the beauty of the place.

• •
8. They regret having booked the riding elephant tour.

• •
9. The elephants are treated fairly well.

• •
10. Elephants Farms in Thailand are a good place for animals.

11. The author is sure the tourists should check the animals before riding.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. How many clothes did they pack?

EH A a lot EH В not many О C a great number of items

13. How much did their backpacks weigh?

• A 15 kilograms О В 50 kilograms EH C 55 kilograms

14. What did they do with the used stuff?

і I A They mended it. EH В They donated it. EH C They sold it.

15. What kind of clothes did they mostly buy?

EH A warm clothes EH В casual clothes EH C designer clothes

16. Which continent did they visit last in their travel?

! I A Europe EH В Asia EH C Africa



Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this? PARK RULES
I | A Please, pick up after your dogs, • No glass containers
• Noise ordinance enforced
j j В This parking place is not for all. • No overnight parking or
I | C You must limit your speed here. • No littering
• Hunting is prohibited
! I D N o pets are allowed. • Pets must be on leash
• No motorized vehicles except
I | E Dogs cannot run freely around. In designated parking areas
• No metal detectors
I | F You can only walk in this area. • No alcohol except in
designated areas
! | G N o beverages in the park, • No skateboarding in
roadways or parking lots
j H This is an off-leash dog park.



© ©
17 18 19 20 21
Complex test 10 33

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
A group of pandas in China are adapting well in their new home after the Wolong Nature Reserve was
destroyed in that devastating earthquake. N B C ' s Meredith Vieira reports.

The 44-pound stray cat named 'Prince Chunk' is being adopted by a New Jersey family.'s
Dara Brown reports.

TODAY'S Meredith Vieira talks to T o m and Allie Harvey, the owners of the zoo where a dog is nursing
three tiger cubs abandoned by their mother.

TODAY'S Ann Curry talks to the Villacis family about reuniting with their beagle after he went missing
five years ago.

Here's the beef: Chilli, a cow in England that stands 6-foot-6 and weighs more than a ton. Animal sanctuary
director Jenny Wheadon introduces Chilli to the TODAY hosts.

"Margaritaville" songwriter Jimmy Buffett chats with TODAY'S Meredith Vieira about his new novel,
"Swine Not?".

A1 talks to the owners of Gracie the cat, and the stranger who found her in a pile of luggage after her
accidental flight.

22. A group of pandas are kept in a new home ... .

і IA for entertainment of the public
|В because their population has become rare
I |C because of a natural disaster
I |D because their new reserve is being renovated
23. The tigers are being nursed by the dog because their mother ... .
I | A was killed by the hunters Q C ceased to look after them
I | В was seriously injured Q D got into a trap
24. The Villacis family reunited with ... that hadn't been home for five years.
I | A another member of the family Q C the pet bird
! ! В their hound Q D their beloved cat
25. The cow that weighs more than a ton is ... .
• A on the farm in Chili Q C in the TV studio
і j В in the field in England Q d i n a nature reserve
26. The cat was found ... .
I I A in a pile of clothes in a washing machine
[ j B i n a pile of dishes in a stove
i n a pile of plates in the microwave oven
J D in the things containing personal belongings for a journey

Read the passages below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are three
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer
27 .
This is a classic early school days from 30 years ago. How many children saw it on a Saturday morning,
singing a long to the tunes and plenty of them still know the words. Now your grandchildren can see it too. Take
your children down memory lane with this latest edition out now. Let your kids take over the remote control
and keep rewinding it learning the words to the songs.

The film starts off with Thomas helping to build the brand new Search and Rescue Centre. A special type
of wood, called 'Jobi wood', is needed to build it. Diesel tries to take the wood himself, but ends up nearly
crashing! Thomas saves him, but all the wood is washed away into the sea. Thomas tries to save it but his raft
breaks away from the ship, and he ends up marooned o n . a place called Misty Island, where he meets three
new engines.

29 .
There is so much going on in the film, it's hard to spot everything the first time you watch it. The basic
plot is that the monsters are hidden in the closet to scare small children. They do this to provide power to
monster city, Monsteropolis. The monsters are as afraid of the kids as much as the kids are of the monsters.
Unexpectedly a little baby named 'Boo' escapes into the monster world. It is now up to Sulley and his nervous
partner Mike to save the baby, put her back where she belongs.

30 .
Spongebob lives in a pineapple happily at the bottom of the sea in a city. He has a pet snail called Gary
and some of the other members. All the characters are peaceful, loving and friendly. Living two doors down
from Spongebob is his best mate, Patrick Star a d u m b pink star fish that lives under a rock. Squidward Tentacles,
the octopus lives between the two and causes havoc for everyone all around.

31 .
It is an interactive type of DVD which children should find fun. It teaches the letter names and sounds in
a creative way. Leap Frog bring this to life through wonderful characters like Leap, Lily and Tad who sing their
songs and go on adventures into the letter factory. This is then reinforced through the catchy songs which will
have parents and toddlers all shouting out the letter's names.

32 .
It is considered one of Disney's greatest animated musicals, but it does have some scary moments. The
most disturbing violence is the death of Simba's father, Mufasa. But despite a few sad sequences and a few evil
characters, the overall message is one of hope, love, and family responsibility.

Which movie:
I | A has been made to be both entertaining for children as well as educational
0 В is about the character who finds himself on an isolated place
Q C is about a girl who through a twist of fate meets her best friends
1 | D is about the creature that causes great confusion or disorder
I \ E was very popular with the kids' grandparents when they were young
і j F shows the characters who must overcome various obstacles
Q G is about the kid who gets into the world of large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creatures
H is a powerful musical king-of-the-beasts blockbuster
Complex test 10 35

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one that best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.

Mint tea, (33) , is common to Middle Eastern cultures and other cultures worldwide.
The fresh scent of mint makes it an excellent choice in either hot or cold weather, and as a naturally low-calorie
drink, it can help reduce your overall calorie consumption, helping you meet your weight-loss goals. To keep
mint tea healthy, limit the amount of added sugar you use.
Peppermint tea, made from fresh or dried leaves, (34) , with only 2 calories per
8-ounce serving. A same size serving of fruit soda has 101 calories, which means that drinking soda in place of
tea can increase your total calorie intake by 99 calories. This is roughly 5 percent of your daily calorie amount
for those on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. In turn, drinking mint tea (35) can lead to
almost 3 pounds of lost body weight.
Mint tea, especially the type that is brewed in Middle Eastern cultures, often contains a lot of added sugar,
as the traditional preparation calls for a very sweet tea (36) . A diet high in added
sugar increases your chances of weight gain as well as obesity, so the American Heart Association recommends
no more (37) . Added sugar offers no nutritional value and is considered to be only
'empty' calories. Instead, choose to sweeten your tea with stevia, (38) that is made
from the stevia plant.

A to be consumed at the end of a meal

В a calorie-free sweetner

C made from peppermint leaves

D had strong anti-microbial and anti-viral activities

E is naturally low in calories

F in place of soda twice a week for a year

G than 6 to 9 teaspoons a day
H when the leaves come into contact with water

Read the texts below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Research has shown that cats can (39) their own names, even when they are
being called by a stranger.
In the words of author Mary Bly, "dogs c o m e when they're called; cats take a message and get back to
you later". But (40) a Japanese researcher who has spent years (41)
our feline friends, cats are much more attentive than we give t h e m (42) for. Basing
her study on 78 cats living in 'cat cafes' across Japan, psychologist Atsuko Saito (43)
that not only do cats know their names, but they recognize t h e m even when they're spoken by someone
they d o n ' t know. *

„ A В C D
39 say recognize interpret tell
40 inspite although according to due
41 studying living giving discovering
42 thanks credit glory fame
43 had researched looked found

Spring is normally the time (44) you work yourself up to finally try some of the
(45) fashion trends of the year. The weather (46) and the days are
longer, but spring collections also tend to be a little more animated and colorful (47) to
the outerwear-heavy ones for fall. So as you prepare your (48) for the equinox, consider
going back to the basics: Start with colour.

44 when why where which
45 big major better useful
46 clears up clears d o w n clears away clears of
47 varied consisted compared differed
48 closet wardrobe case outlook


Complex test 4 37

Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The European Day of Languages (49) every year on 26th September. It was first
officially celebrated in 2002 (50) the success of the European Year of Languages in 2001.
The day (51) jointly by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Europe is lucky to enjoy a rich diversity of language and cultures with 200 European languages, 24 Official
EU languages and it (52V around 60 regional or minority languages. These figures do
not include languages (53) by people from elsewhere of the world who migrated to live
within the EU which enrich the diversity of languages spoken still further.

49 celebrates can celebrate is celebrated will be celebrated
50 following followed to follow will follow
51 were organized has been organized will be organized was organized
52 estimates estimated was estimating has estimated
53 speak speaking spoken speaks

The purpose of the European Day of Languages is (54) both the cultural and linguistic
diversity within Europe and to encourage and promote language learning.
The aims of the European Day of Languages (55) :
• To celebrate the (56) of languages and cultures within Europe.
• To encourage language (57) at any age.
• To promote intercultural (58) .
• To diversify the range of languages learnt.

54 celebrate celebrating to celebrate celebrated
55 including included include to include
56 diverse diversity diversify differ
57 learn to learn learned learning
58 understanding to understand understood misunderstand

59. You have recently visited a big city. Write about the excitement of the life
in a city.
• the places you visited;
• the sights you saw;
• the entertainment you had.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with



Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

4. How much does the food cost?

I I A about fifty-five dollars Q В about fifty dollars | | C about fifteen dollars

5. How long will the speaker be absent?

I | A almost a fortnight О В a week ] C a month

6. What is Greg supposed to help with?

j | A uploading various things

В doing some shopping
J C preparing things for a party

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Helen Thayer was the first person to travel to the world's Poles without any support.

• •
8. She reached the North Pole with the help of the dog sled.

• •
9. She has walked thousands of miles in the desert.

• •
10. She went boating for several thousands of miles down the river.

11. She has climbed one of the world's highest mountains.

№ І.'|НШт
Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. Steven Callahan set sail in a ... .

0 A small sailboat • В big yacht Q C big raft

13. In a week the ship was struck by ... .

і A the tsunami П В the storm П C the hurricane

14. Steven Callahan survived on ... .

1 | A the rubber boat Q В the inflatable raft О C the row boat

15. He drifted ... .

I | A for three months CH В for a month Q C for more than two months

16. Steven Callahan's story was made into ... .

_; A a movie []B a newspaper article Ц C a book

Complex test 10 41


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which notice says this?

I | A You can see this sign by the sea.

• B Do not go faster than this.
• C This hotel is full.
I | D Some people have this on their desk.
I | E This tells you how to get help.
I I F This offers you a discount.
I I G The swimming pool is closed today.
[ H You cannot get a job here.

17 18 19 20 21

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
"Race to Witch Mountain" is a science fiction adventure film and a remake of the 1975 fantasy film, "Escape to
Witch Mountain". Both versions of the film are based on the 1968 novel "Escape to Witch Mountain" by Alexander
Jack Bruno is a cab driver in Las Vegas. One of his passengers is Dr., Alex Friedman, a failed scientist who is
giving speeches about legitimate scientific theories of UFOs and outer space.
The next day, Bruno notices two children, Sara and Seth sitting in the back seat of his cab. They tell him
they need to go to a certain destination and are willing to pay all they have to get there. They lead him to
a house in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, Major Henry Burke is searching for information on the two
aliens that landed some days earlier.
When they arrive at the house, Bruno follows them out of concern and curiosity. There, the kids retrieve
the device they were looking for, contained within alien flora.
When leaving, they are attacked by a 'Siphon', a creature built to destroy a certain target. The Siphon
pursues them, until its spaceship crashes into a train, the locomotive is destroyed by an explosion in the railroad
tunnel, and the creature is wounded. The trio eventually find themselves in a small town. The children explain to
Bruno that they are aliens from a distant planet, who are sent to Earth by their parents because the government
of their dying planet intends to attack and invade Earth so that their kind may live on there. They also explain
that the object they obtained at the house contains the results of an experiment which their parents set up. The
research from this experiment will save their planet without having to attack and invade Earth. However their
planet's military prefer the idea of invading Earth and sent the Siphon assassin to stop them. They are next
pursued by government agencies trying to retrieve the children for experiments.
They are joined by Dr. Friedman at the U F O Expo. With help of one of Dr. Friedman's friends, the kids
discover that their crashed spaceship has been relocated to a government base at Witch Mountain. The group,
now including Dr. Friedman, after evading the pursuing government agents, eventually arrive at Witch Mountain.
There, the children are captured, along with Bruno and Friedman. The government agents began running Tests
to try to discover the secret of their powers in attempt to harness them. The movie ends with the spaceship
taking off and returning to their planet.
During the end credits, Bruno and Dr. Friedman are speaking at a U F O convention about their new
successful book called "Race to Witch Mountain". As the couple get into their car and are about to leave, the
device the kids gave Bruno activates, implying that they may be returning.

22. Dr. Alex Friedman is ... scientist.

]] A a talented О C an unsuccessful
^ В a successful []D an unsure
23. ' S i p h o n ' is ... .
A a robot built to kill []C a mechanism in the spaceship
• В a part of the U F O []D a kitchen utensil
24. The spaceship . . . .
| 1 A crashes into a mountain C destroys the secret base
_ В causes the accident in the railway tunnel ] D kills the aliens from another planet
25. T h e device they f o u n d in the house ... .
1 ] A is a weapon for explosion C contains poisonous substances
j В has a secret information about space ] D can be used for saving Earth and its people

26. Bruno and Dr. F r i e d m a n ' s cooperation resulted

• A in releasing a film • C in doing a scientific project
J В in publishing an interesting book D in their leaving into space
Complex test 10 43

Read the passages below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer
27 .
Travel the vast spaces of the north-west coast of Australia into the red heart of the outback on this incredible
journey from Perth to Darwin. Discover the rugged beauty of the landscape, swim with dolphins, explore gorges
and tackle some of the toughest roads in Australia on this adventure to remember.
28 .
Cambodia offers one of the richest cultural legacies in South East Asia and this trip combines a wonderful
contrast with visits to Phnom Penh, the capital, and the spectacular fabled city of Angkor, the eighth wonder
of the world. Phnom Penh, once considered one of the most beautiful cities of the Orient, has an exciting feel
with reminders of Cambodia's violent past. We visit the Tuol Sleng Museum, a Testament to the horrific crimes
of the Khmer Rouge, before moving on to the killing fields of Choeung Ek.
29 .
Sarawak — the land of longhouses, tribal culture, wildlife, jungles and rainforest, is a fascinating place to
explore. The tour starts and ends in Kuching, with its colourful markets selling exotic spices. We visit Semengoh
Orang Utan Sanctuary where orang utans are being rehabilitated back into the wild, and see them being fed.
In Bako National Park, we go exploring in search of proboscis and silver leaf monkeys, long-tail macaques and
other wildlife.
30 .
Enjoy the best of Uganda from its super friendly people, to the adrenaline rush of rafting the source of
the Nile. See for yourself the lush scenery that inspired Uganda to become known as the 'Pearl of Africa' and
perhaps spend a day helping out on a community volunteer project. The highlight of this tour is the exhilarating
trek through the rainforest to get close to the mountain gorillas, the rarest of the apes. This is truly an experience
not to be missed!
From spectacular Victoria Falls, this journey takes you to Chobe National Park in northeast Botswana.
Chobe boasts one of the largest concentrations of game in all of Africa and has lush plains and dense forests, as
well as various inland lakes and marsh areas. Wildlife is particularly dynamic here. After a thrilling flight into the
Okavango Delta, the world's largest inland delta, you will explore the prolific wildlife in this unique environment.
32 .
This island nation — the world's biggest by far — contains diversities of wildlife and scenery to which few
other lands can compare. Over 80% of the country's wildlife exist nowhere else on earth. Snow falls in the
Blue Mountains while afternoon temperatures average 30°C in the Top End. Queensland has the world's largest
coral reef, the world's biggest rock lies right in the heart of Australia, and Humpty Doo the world's massive-est
statue of a Boxing Crocodile.

Which tour offers:

П А to see endangered animals in the nature preserve
і і В hunting for sports or food activities
• C an entire continent almost in itself
Q d to learn about hidden dynasties of the country
I j E the exciting water rides down a river
• F to experience life in the bush
[ ] G to explore narrow valleys between hills or mountains, typically with steep rocky walls and a stream
running through it
[ ] H to explore the untouched beaches and rugged outback terrain

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one that best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.


Fifty years ago, not much was being thrown away. Almost everything had a considerably longer life span
(33) . What led us to this place of having and wanting so much stuff? Stuff that
we literally don't know what to do with or where to put when we're done with it.
Shorter life span in your home means more frequent shopping sprees to the store. What could be wrong with
that? Growth in America was being driven by a new sense (34) . Paper plates and
cups, frozen foods, TV dinners, foil and plastic pouches, aerosol cans, and squeezable tubes were the way of the
future, (35) — especially the housewife's. Packaging became the new billboard
for marketers inside the supermarket. "Miracles in Packaging and Processing are Radically Simplifying U.S.
Cooking" is a headline Strasser cites from a 1959 LOOK magazine article. Why spend time cleaning pots and
pans and dishes (36) when you're done? Easily disposable items offered a new
freedom that was quickly linked to the notion of abundance.
From then on, changes in styles and new technologies gave way to new and improved products
(37 ) . "Out with the old and in with the new" became ubiquitous. Once it was
put onto the curb as garbage, we no longer had to think about it. It was out of sight and out of mind. Abundance
and waste soon became synonymous with the American way of life. More choices, more conveniences,
(38 ) more accessible money made Americans very conspicuous consumers. With
only 5 percent of the global population, the U.S. consumes a whopping 30 percent of the planet's resources and
churns out 30 percent of its wastes.

• A of convenience and disposability

і В that were increasingly affordable to more people
I | C we hardly realize the global impact
I I D and with the invention of credit cards
I | E than that plastic bag holding our groceries has today
j | F when you can toss it all away in the garbage
j | G bringing a new convenience and ease to everyone's lifestyle
I | H what we keep and throw away
Complex test 10 45

Read the texts below. For questions (39-48) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

There is a special connection that (39) family members together. They provide an unyielding
(40) system to get you through the hardest of times and they are there to celebrate and create
memories during important life (41) . Either way, we need our families and they need us.
To celebrate Visit Your Relatives Day, stop by and say hello to family (42) that you
don't get to see that often. Send them a free ecard, call them, or better yet, host a family reunion! The older
generations of your family will be so (43) of you for bringing everyone together and starting
a new family tradition.

39 sticks binds laps glues
40 reinforce embed support stay
41 cases groups days milestones
42 rulers members household misters
43 satisfied pleased proud worried

If you have any health problems or (44) , see your doctor before commencing the regular
practice of sport. In some cases, your doctor even can (45) what kind of sport to choose to
(46) your health or such training can be a part of the rehabilitation. Plus assess your fitness
level and fitness goals that certainly (47) your decision. If you want to kill extra calories and
(48) your shape choose more active kinds of sport. If you want to get out of your office more
often and talk to your friends, billiards or bowling will fit you well.

44 wounds injuries blisters cuts
45 supervise give recommend take
46 improve heighten raise widen
47 effect affluent upset affect
48 support take hold maintain

Read the texts below. For questions (49-58) choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Every year, over 600 monkeys attend a feast (49) held in front of the Pra Prang Sam Yot
temple in Lopburi just north of Bangkok (in Thailand). Known as The Monkey Buffet Festival, the monkeys
enjoy over two tonnes of (50) grilled sausage, fresh fruit and vegetables, ice cream, and other
treats. Between 2,000 and 3,000 monkeys inhabit the village and bring thousands of tourists to the area. So,
the feast (51) is seen as a way of thanking the monkeys for (52) helping
the local economy. The event is, of course, monkey-themed, with festival-goers dressed in monkey masks
and costumes. The monkeys (53) have become accustomed to humans over the years, and
are extremely friendly.
The festival was described as one of the strangest in the world by London's Guardian newspaper.

49 holding held to held was held
50 grilling to grill grilled was grilled
51 can see is seen are seen will be seen
52 help to help helped helping
53 have b e c o m e became becomes is b e c o m i n g

For almost everyone on the planet it is the perfect opportunity (54) big and imagine
what life would be like as a millionaire! While a million dollars (55) what it used to be, seeing
a seven-figure number in your bank account (56) a major financial milestone.
The first multi-millionaire in the United States (57) _ John Jacob Astor (1763-1848). Astor
made his fortune in trade and later established the first trust in American history. His great-grandson, John
Jacob Astor IV, was (58) person aboard the Titanic.

54 to d r e a m dreaming dreamt was d r e a m i n g
55 wasn't isn't weren't aren't
56 still considers still is considered was considered still is still considered
57 was were had been are
58 wealthily wealthier the wealthiest wealthy
Complex test 10 47

59. Write a letter to your friend about your trip to the seaside.
• when and where you went;
• how you travelled and how long the journey was;
• your feelings.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or
addresses. Start your letter with



Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

1. What kind of pizza is probably be ordered?

2. What bothers the man?

• A • c

What is being described?

• A • в

4. What is the guest enquiring about?

! | A the free things in the hotel Q В the restroom Q C the swimming pool

Has the guest used up all the stuff in his bathroom?

J A yes • В no • C not all

Complex test 10 49

6. How do the hotel staff react?

I | A They refuse to supply the guest with more soap and shampoo.
і І В They agree to bring the guest a basketful of amenities.
І I C The housekeeping will deliver all the amenities the guest likes.

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Nelly Bly travelled less than in 80 days.

• •
8. Nelly Bly didn't take heavy luggage for her trip.

• •
9. The newspaper editor supported Nelly in her decision to go on a trip.

• •
10. Nelly Bly investigated some topics of interest in the places while she was travelling.

11. Her stories brought about changes in various areas of society.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. Tigers living on the Malayan Peninsula are at risk of going extinct in just the next . . . .

• A eight to ten years О В three to four years Ц C two to three years

13. How many tigers are now estimated to be left in the wild in Malaysia?

I I A less than 20 tigers Ц В less than 200 tigers Q C less than 100 tigers

14. The biggest threat to their survival is ... .

• A the climate change О В the poachers Q C the habitat loss

15. In the last decade the local patrol teams have removed . . . .

I I A hundreds of snares Q В thousands of snares О C millions of snares

16. Since September ... have been arrested.

• A nearly fifty people П В fifty people Q C more than fifty people



Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this?

I j A This pool is a property.

В All kids aren't allowed to be alone here.
' | C Adults aren't permitted here.
і ! D You should go to the bathroom if lecessary.
I | E Remember that nobody watches tin 2 pool.
, і F You cannot swim here today.
| j G You can get the job here.
і H This pool is only for grown ups.

17 18 19 20 21
Complex test 10 51

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


When you think about robots, you probably think of R2-D2 in the "Star Wars" movies or Rosie the Maid
in "The Jetsons" cartoons. But robots aren't only in the movies and on TV. One 'real' robot married a couple
at a wedding ceremony in Tokyo, Japan not long ago.
Fifty guests stood as the music played and the bride walked down the aisle. Only one guest remained
seated — the minister, who happened to be a robot that was bolted to a chair. For this special occasion, the
four-foot tall robot named I-Fairy wore pigtails and a wreath of flowers around her head. I-Fairy's eyes flashed
coloured lights as she pronounced the couple man-and-wife and asked the groom to kiss the bride. The wedding
was the first time a marriage had been led by a robot, according to the company that built I-Fairy.
A robot might seem like an unusual choice to lead a wedding, but if you knew the couple you would think
I-Fairy was the perfect choice. That's because the groom teaches robotics at a university and the bride works
for the company that built I-Fairy. Besides building robots like I-Fairy, the company has built robotic dinosaurs
that you might have seen in museums or on TV.
Japan is one of the world's leaders in the field of robotics. The newly married couple hopes their wedding
will encourage more uses for robots. They hope their wedding will give people ideas about ways in which they
might use robots to do 'everyday things' in their lives in the near future.

22. How many people were present at the ceremony?

I I A more than sixty • C fifteen
I | В half a hundred • D forty
23. Why couldn't one of the guests stand?
• A he was crippled ] C he was screwed
О В he had a special mission О D he played the keyboards
24. How tall were the robots present at the ceremony?
I | A almost a meter high ] C a meter high
і | В fifty centimeters high I | D nearly l meter 20 centimeters high

25. What did the robots have on their heads?

О A a plait Q c a flower arrangement
• В a ring [] D a dinosaur

26. Who were the married couple?

]] A a student and an employee I | C two robots
] В two workers О D an employee and a teacher

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
27 .
StoryBots. In each episode of this Netflix series, the cartoon guide-bots answer a question posed by a real
kid. Live action and cartoons are intercut with joyous song breaks, and each episode features a guest star like
Snoop Dogg or Tony Hale. My favourite one is " H o w do people catch a cold?" T h e bots start out in
a d o c t o r ' s office — the doctor is played by Wanda Sykes — then journey inside a human body, where they
encounter a friendly macrophage. The macrophage eats the virus, creating antigens that kick-start T-cells, which
then activate B-cells to help white blood cells attack the cold virus. — Emily Gould
Beat Bugs. A cast of animated insects in an overgrown suburban lawn embark on adventures modernises to
the lyrics of Beatles songs. In the tradition of 21st-century animation, the numbers are reinterpreted by celebrity
musicians: Sia does "Blackbird," Eddie Vedder does "The Magical Mystery Tour." — Boris Kachka
29 .
Great British Baking Show. There is little mention of winners or losers on the show, no monetary prize at
the end, no cruelty. The judges are gentle with their criticism and sentimental with their praise; the contestants
support each other. Eveiyone seems to cry at some point, but they are crying about a fallen cake or because
their pie has a soggy bottom. — Meaghan О 'Connell
30 .
Phineas and Ferb. I love Phineas. He never stops talking. Phineas is really cool, and I can't believe how he
manages to find all the material for his inventions. Like, you never see him buying it. Ferb doesn't say much,
but he also helps. They create inventions that should take a year, and it takes, like, only one day. Phineas and
Ferb also have a pet platypus named Perry. He is actually a secret agent, flies around with a jet pack, and has
a secret lab underneath their house. — Eddie Rice
Shaun the Sheep. For toddlers, Shaun the Sheep works because of its simplicity and brevity. Stories are only
five to seven minutes each, and because the show is nearly wordless, the narrative plays out in big, silly, visual
ways. For older kids, Shaun is a font of humor, often playing on small-scale dramatic ironies and big broad
payoffs — there's a lot of generous slapstick, and the stakes stay pretty low. — Kathryn VanArendonk
32 .
Stranger Things. The year my son was in fourth grade, it seemed like everyone in his class had seen Stranger
Things, a show about kids being actively terrorized by otherworldly creatures. This was not true. But like all
matters in which peer pressure is involved, it felt true. When he came home and asked if he could watch, I did
what parents and caregivers do more often than they're willing to admit: I made an impulsive decision. I told
him yes, but we would watch together, and if he felt scared or nervous at any time, we could turn it off. — Jen

Which episodes:
1 jA invite the kids to do their own inventions
I |В enable the kids to listen to famous musicians' performance
| |C let the contestants not compete for the cash prize
I |D give the viewers an opportunity to watch a mute series
j |E are not advisable for kids because they show violence
[ |F help the kids learn much from the curious inventors
I |G invite kids to become real participants of the show
і |H are attractive because they are short and brief
Complex test 10 53

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.


We were taught at school that there were nine planets, but now there are eight (scientists said Pluto is
not a planet). Now we may have to change our thinking about how many continents there are. We are taught
there are seven continents — Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.
Geologists, (33) , now say there is an eighth continent — Zealandia. This is a huge,
largely underwater landmass in the southern Pacific Ocean. Six per cent of this landmass is above water and is
what we know as New Zealand and New Caledonia. Around 94 per cent of it is under the ocean. In total, it
measures five million square kilometres, which scientists say (34) .
The main author of the article, (35) , said scientists have been researching data
to make the case for Zealandia for more than two decades.
"The scientific value of classifying Zealandia as a continent is much more than just an extra name on a list,"
the researchers explained. They wrote a research paper and published it (36) . They
argue that the land does not have to be above water for it to be a continent. They said four different points
make Zealandia a continent. It is a lot higher than the surrounding area, it has a unique geology, it is easy to
find the shape of the continent, and it is a lot thicker (37) . Nick Mortimer said it
would be easy to understand that Zealandia is a continent, "if you could pull the plug on the world's oceans"
and let the water out. However, Zealandia will face an uphill battle in obtaining the same popular name
recognition (38) . Whatever it is called, Mortimer says, studies of Zealandia should
help biogeographers to better understand how New Zealand's endemic plants and animals arose — and give
geologists a boost in learning how continental crust can be reshaped.

• A is big enough to be a continent

S ] В than the ocean floor
I | C people who study the land and the earth
[ ] D in the Geological Society of America's Journal
I | E New Zealand geologist Nick Mortimer
j | F they have decided to show it
• G as Eurasia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and North and South America
| H at the lessons of geography

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (39-48)
choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.

The main advantage of distance learning is that it (39) you to fit your learning
around your work and home life. You can usually also (40) your own pace of study. It
is your decision as to when and where you study. It doesn't (41) where you live — you
can (42) a degree from anywhere in the world. As with a full-time degree, students may
(43) that they gain useful, transferable skills, such as planning and research. A distance
learning course often costs less than a full-time degree.

39 lets allows gives gets
40 set sit seat sat
41 matter mean know realize
42 take give gain pick up
43 spot notice identity find

The downside is that you will not enjoy the merriment of being on a campus and rubbing shoulders with fellow
students (44) a daily basis. Loneliness and feelings of isolation (45)
be avoided however by frequent online contact with tutors and taking (46) in virtual
forums, virtual help groups and discussion (47) . Distance learning providers usually
(48) dedicated support to their online or distance learning students.

44 in on of at
45 ought should has gets
46 part place action activity
47 territory range rooms capacity
48 suggest attempt try offer
Complex test 10 55

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33-42) choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Since electronic computers (49) in the 1950s, packet networking (50)

in place. The US awarded defense contracts in the 1960s (51) packet networking, which
could (52) the first version of the Internet. Our modern Internet, (53) ,
is thanks to Tim Berners-Lee and his research at C E R N in the 1980s.

49 invented were invented have invented had been invented
50 had been was has been is
51 involving involved having involved were involved
52 consider be considering have considered be considered
53 though however moreover thus

The Internet (54) the world a smaller place. It has also helped people (55)
more anonymous in their interactions with (56) , which has created a certain level of
conflict that (57) in the past. There are many pros and cons of the Internet that worth
(58) .

54 make has m a d e made was m a d e
55 become becoming to b e c o m e becomes
56 others other another the others
57 wasn't exist d o e s n ' t exist d i d n ' t exist h a s n ' t existed
58 to consider considering consider considers

59. Write a letter to your friend about your daily routine.
• what you do in the morning;
• what you do in the afternoon and evening;
• how you help about the house.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with

Dear vl

Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

1. What do they need to buy?

• A • b • c

2. What is the woman's son studying at the moment?

• a QB • c
_ I ® 0 §
3. What is in the suitcase?

• A • в • c

4. What is the speaker worried about?

• A entrance exams
1 | В future job
! і C college specialties

5. What will the speaker probably do in the afternoon?

' | A He will be in the library.

J В He will write a book report.
• C He will do sports.

6. What is the speaker looking for?

]] A a map
Ш В a block of flats
l ] C a bus stop

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Gertrude Bell was an experienced climber.

• •
8. The woman mostly travelled in Africa.

• •
9. Gertrude Bell taught Persian and Arabic during her travels.

• •
10. Her archeological findings can be seen in the National Museum of Iraq.

11. The museum of Archeology was established after her death.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. Ann Rodgers was reported missing in the ... .

і | A mountains Q В forest О C desert

13. On the first night she . . . .

• A stayed in the car О В left the car CH C brought the supplies into her vehicle

14. She didn't have ... for survival.

П A extra clothes О В any food П C cellphone connection

15. Her major mistake was to ... .

П A drink pond water П В leave the vehicle Ц C eat turtles on the way

16. The helicopter pilot found her alive when he noticed ... in the desert.

_ A her car EH В a sign 'help' О C scent dogs

Complex test 10 59

Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this?
sumcto RfVfRStil I WN
I I A You mustn't leave your bags here under any circumstances.

В You may not see your property again if you leave it here.
| | C You should not be here unless you are the owners.
I | D This could be very dangerous to open. PROPERTY
і I E Look for this in case of the alarm.
I | F You won't be able to practise you backstroke here.

I | G Don't go here if you d o n ' t have money in your pocket. KEEP OUT!
П H If your car is not clean, you don't have to clean it yourself.

E m e r g e n c y exit
Keep clear


17 18 19 20 21

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The latest lizard found in the Philippines — a bright-speckled cousin of the monitor lizard — was first spotted
in 2001. Scientists saw members of the islands' Agta tribe carrying the lizard from the forest. The tribespeople
would not give up their catch, because the lizard was going to be a tasty meal for them and their families. They
did, however, let scientists take pictures of the lizard.
Finally, in 2009, scientists captured a lizard of their own to study. They named the new lizard the Northern
Sierra Madre monitor lizard because it was discovered in the islands' Sierra Madre Mountains. The 6-foot-long
lizard had bright yellow markings that distinguish it from more boring-looking monitors. Its legs were mainly
yellow, and its tail was striped black and yellow. So how could scientists work in the Philippines' rain forests
for years without finding the new lizard until now? They say the Northern Sierra Madre monitor is unlike
other monitor lizards and their larger cousin, the Komodo dragon. All of those lizards are meat-eaters. But the
newfound lizard eats fruit. That means it never has to come down out of the trees. Its uniquely colored skin,
quiet manner, and treetop home helped it remain camouflaged from scientists' view for many years.
The discovery of the Northern Sierra Madre monitor is making scientists realize that Philippines' rain forests
may hold many undiscovered species. But those species will not be found if the rain forests keep disappearing.
Twenty years ago, forests covered about 35 percent of the Philippines' land. But people have been logging that
land and building on it. Today, forests cover less than 25 percent of the country's land.
The rain forests are a 'conservation hot spot' that need to be protected, scientists say. "I hope we can make
the new lizard a 'poster child' for conservation of the land," said one scientist. "Conserving the rain forest will
trickle down to its other inhabitants."
monitor or monitor lizard — варан
trickle — проникати
22. When was a never-before-seen reptile found for the first time?
• A in 2000 ] C in 2009
• В in 2001 • D in 2010
23. In what way does this finding differ from the previous ones?
I S A It is very short. П C It eats plants.
В It lives in the water. Q D It looks like a snake.

24. What has this finding proved?

] A There are many unknown animals in the Philippines.
І І В The rainforests are in danger.
I | C The tribespeople need immediate help.
J D We will have a new tasty meal.

25. How much of the Philippines's territory do the rainforests comprise?

Ц A more than a quarter of the country's land Ц C less than a half of the country's land
J В less than a quarter of the country's land О D more than a quarter of the country's land

26. How can the scientists' finding help the rainforests?

• A It will reduce felling the trees in the territory.
ПИ В It will show new oil deposits.
]] C It can be used as a public notice.
] D It will be exhibited in the museum.
Complex test 10 61

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
27 .
Acapulco Beach
Acapulco is a lovely beach in Mexico, which is also referred to as the 'Pearly of the Pacific'. The beach
provides great opportunity to relax in the day and enjoy the lively nightlife, during the shady hours. The beach
is popular for its groovy night clubs, which offer their best during early morning hours.
28 .
Cancun Beach
Cancun is the most popular beach in Mexico, which is frequented by visitors in great numbers. It is the
best place to enjoy a relaxing vacation, amidst fine weather. Tourists can enjoy both quiet moments as well as
action. Cancun beach is also apt for foreigners as most of the people in this area speak English.

29 .
Cabo San Lucas Beach
Cabo San Lucas is yet another lively beach in Mexico. It is located at the far tip of Baja Peninsula, also
known as the 'Gulf of Mexico'. The region is a real paradise, offering natural reserves at its best. Diving is one
of the favourite sports here. Tourists can enjoy water sports, play golf or relax on the sand.

30 .
Tulum Beach
Tulum Beach, located on the Caribbean coast, is one of the prettiest beaches in the world. Adding majesty
and splendor to its beauty are the picturesque Mayan ruins, overlooking the beach. It is a tiny, but perfectly-
formed white sandy cove, featuring palm shade and azure Caribbean waters. There are many souvenir shops,
cafes and restaurants located here, along with a few hotels and restaurants.
31 .
Puerto Vallarta Beaches
Puerto Vallarta offers some stunning beaches, which are ideal for swimming. Most of the beaches here are
secluded and can be reached by boats and cruises. The place can undoubtedly be called a water lover's paradise.
Besides, you can try the unusual sport of whale watching as well.
32 .
Cozumel's clear turquoise waters and powdery sands coax travelers from cold winter climates to this roughly
185-square-mile island off the Yucatan Peninsula. Cruise ships are a constant feature of Cozumel's coastal views,
and the atmosphere on this charming island is often interrupted by tourist chatter. In fact, Cozumel's charms
are so effective that the shopping plazas along the waterfront stay congested much of the year.

Where to go if ... ?
IA you can't stand noisy crowds
П В you have decided to take some scuba diving lessons
IC you haven't got much money
j |D you are a night club lover
I |E you are keen on purchases
I I F you want to practise English while having an interesting rest
J G watching very large marine mammals is your cherished dream
I | H you are fond of history

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.

Holiday Lights at the Beach, presented by Liberty Tax Service, brings joy and every holiday season!
Festive fish, jumping dolphins, frolicking porpoises — all in bright, coloured lights against the clear night-time
sky, (33) , a holiday-themed light display at the Virginia Beach oceanfront!
They are joined by Santa, elves, and a 40-foot tall Christmas tree (34) and in
the beautiful parks along the Virginia Beach boardwalk.
It's the only time of the year that cars (35) — for over 30 blocks! 30,000 vehicles
a year make the trek through this holiday wonderland. This "Fanta-Sea" of lights is sure to dazzle and amaze
holiday travelers (36) * . Hotels create special packages (37) to
the light show. New displays are added each year so it's never the same show twice! One of the highlights is
the giant "12 Days of Christmas" display, (38) 20 and 30 feet high! And, best of all,
Santa himself makes a grand appearance to greet all his loyal fans as the evening winds down and thousands of
families take the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Virginia Beach oceanfront!

і | A visiting Virginia Beach

В where some fixtures (кріплення) stand
I | C are the stars of McDonald's Holiday Lights at the Beach
j j D making it easy to see
I | E that include free tickets
I | F erected on the beach
j | G C D of holiday music
| H get to drive right on the boardwalk
Complex test 10 63

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (39-48)
choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.
Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to chat with someone half a world (39) in real
time. Businesses can (40) global video conferences (41) of paying for
people to fly in for meetings. Entrepreneurs can start with a good idea and (42) it to a global
audience from a home computer. We can communicate cheaper and easier with one (43)
more than ever before in history.

39 aside out away along
40 hold occupy take engage
41 in spite because besides instead
42 broad expand continue enlarge
43 other another others the o t h e r

Remember when you (44) to go down to your bank or credit union to deposit a check?
Now you can (45) a picture of it with your tablet and send it to your bank through an app
thanks to the Internet. You can (46) bank balances in real time. Instead of printing out
a manuscript and mailing it, a writer can electronically (47) their work via email instantly.
The Internet (48) us be more productive and still gives us more time to spend with our
family and friends.

44 had managed made did
45 make do hold take
46 control check ignore look
47 continue give submit take
48 lets allows permits brings

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (49-58) choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

The roots of (49) Olympic G a m e s date back to the ancient Olympic Games, held
2,800 years ago. Also (50) as the "Olympiad," the event took place in the Olympia region
of ancient Greece. There are various opinions (51) its origins. It (52)
that the event was an athletic and artistic festival dedicated to the worship of the gods. But the ancient Olympic
G a m e s were hindered (53) numerous conflicts and finally came to an end in 393 AD.

49 today today's todays todays'
50 known was known is k n o w n knows
51 regarded regards regarding was regarding
52 says is said said has said
53 with at in by

Then 1,500 years later in 1892, a French educator (54) Baron Pierre de Coubertin began
the Olympic revival movement. Baron de Coubertin's idea (55) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Olympic G a m e s was
presented to the audience (56) the international congress in Paris, 1894, and his proposal
was unanimously (57) . Two years later the unforgettable first modern Olympic G a m e s
(58) in Athens, Greece, the homeland of the ancient Olympic Games.

, A В C D
54 was n a m e d is n a m e d named has n a m e d
55 to reestablish reestablish reestablishing reestablished
56 on at within of
57 approving approves approved approve
58 had been held were held had held are held

Complex test 4 65

59. Write a letter to your friend about your free time and hobbies.
• what you enjoy doing in your free time;
• what your hobbies are;
• what your favourite sport is and how you do it.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with


Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

1. Who is the man's cousin?

What are they going to do after lunch?

• а і ZJ^ І •

3. When will the project be probably finished?

• A

4. How much does the copy cost?

| | В ten cents • C it's free
I | A five cents

5. What's the problem?

| | C The woman is absent.
Q В The woman is injured.
J A The woman is senseless.
at ... .
6. The guest is asking for wake up
• B 7.15 • C 7.30
• A 7.00
Complex test 10 67

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •
т F

• •
7. Louise Boyd was an explorer and a writer.

• •
8. She collected botanical specimens in Greenland.

• •
9. Louise Boyd travelled by different means of travel.

• •
10. She visited Poland as a tourist.

11. During the World War II Louise Boyd was a secret agent.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. How many species of rhinos are highly endangered?

• A all of them
В one or two
I | C none of them

13. Due to efforts of governments and conservationists some populations . . . .

I | A are out of danger

В are extinct
j | C have rebounded

14. The rhinos are killed . . . .

I 1 A for food
В for the valuable part of the body
і | C for their skin

15. Rhinos are killed by ... .

I | A criminal gangs
: ] В illegal hunters
• C locals

16. According to the activists which group of rhinos is the least in number?

і і A black rhinos
В Sumatran rhinos
j ! C Javan rhinos


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this?
, | A You can be offered a position in this five star hotel.
В You don't have to take a taxi from the airport.
і ! C You can go there if you are not happy at work.
• D If you want to spend time outdoors, go here.
I ] E This is where you need to go if you want to buy something.
I I F Before you go to Paris, spend some time with this person.
[ ] G The teacher gives lessons of English for kids.
H You can take a taxi to the airport 24 hours.
Complex test 10 69

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C
or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
As a ship traveled slowly along the coast of an island near Antarctica, passengers stared in awe at what
they saw. A large colony of King Penguins — thousands of them — wobbled about the island as the boat passed
by. As passengers scanned the scene, a few of them noticed an unusual sight. In a sea of black-and-white, one
penguin stood out from the rest. From its head to its feet — front and back — the penguin was all black.
Penguins have no natural fear of humans, so some of the passengers were able to get off the boat. One
passenger, Andrew Evans, sat on the ground in front of the penguin and took pictures of it. From his close-up
view, the all-black penguin seemed to be in excellent health, Evans said. It seemed to fit in well with the other
penguins. It even appeared to have a black-and-white mate.
While some people have reported seeing all-black penguins before, scientists say this is the first proof
they have that such birds exist. "This is astonishing," said bird expert Allan Baker when he saw pictures of the
penguin. "It's one in a zillion discovery."
So how did this rare penguin come to be? Baker explains that a natural pigment called melanin is what
makes some of a'penguin's feathers black. Penguins can have varying amounts of melanin, Baker says. About
one in every 250,000 King penguins can be mostly black, but even those penguins always have patches of white.
Until now, that is. This is the first all black penguin Baker has ever seen. The penguin must have a very high
amount of melanin in its body, he says.
King penguins can be found across a handful of islands in southern parts of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
The islands are located where cold and warm waters mix, which makes them perfect feeding grounds for Kings.
Antarctica's South Georgia Island, where the all-black penguin was found, is home to several million penguins.
zillion — величезна кількість

22. ... attracted their attention.

! | A The island • C A black bird

A black and white bird О D A white bird
23. One of the travelers managed to ... .

I I A feed the penguins • C to catch some small birds

ЗИ В to grasp one penguin Ц D to photograph one of the birds
24. Scientists state that ... .

і | A there are many black birds in the penguin's colony

, | В there are no black penguins at all
I C there's one black bird among the great quantity of penguins
! I D penguins are very rare nowadays

25. The penguin must have ... of melanin in its body, to be all-black.

Ц A little • C not more than 10

В a very great quantity П D less than 1 gram

26. King penguins can be found ... .

і | A in the northern hemisphere • C in Africa's savannas

В in the southern hemisphere J D in the Pacific ocean's water basin


Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Virginia Beach Oceanfront
Virginia Beach Oceanfront is a relaxing place, which is just right to spend quality time with your friends and
family. Besides the boardwalk and a vast beach, there is lot more to hit upon at Virginia Beach. It's a complete
holiday resort, together with an amphitheater, fine restaurants, night clubs, amusement parks, excellent golf
courses and unusual events.

28 .
Mount Trashmore
To be found in the heart of Virginia Beach, Mount Trashmore is crafted out of trash and is partially
surrounded by lakes. Here you can see skateboard park, lakes, playgrounds, landform, wildlife, and much
more to mention.

Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center
Virginia Aquarium holds over 700,000 gallons of water, and is actually much more than just an aquarium.
It is principally a sanctuary for rescued animals, including green sea turtle, harbor seals, dolphins, sharks,
young humpback whales, stingrays, etc. Here you can witness more than 300 exhibits. Besides them, the other
attractions are touch tanks, aviary, curiosity carts, boat trips, 3D IMAX, and much more.

Ocean Breeze
Ocean Breeze waterpark has 16 waterslides, an inner-tube course and a million gallon Runaway Bay wave
pool. Paradise Pipeline, Hurricane, Coconut Drops, Bamboo Shoots, Jungle Falls, Largo Loop, Mat Slides,
Pirates Plummet. Activities and slides for small children too.

31 .
Motor World
Motor World is your place to race in Virginia Beach. 11 go-kart tracks and 16 styles of go-karts to choose
from. The Adult Speed Track is new. Also the Splat Zone paintball fields.

32 .
Just a few minutes from Sandbridge is Virginia Beach's expansive agricultural community known as Pungo.
Driving through you'll discover countryside charm while feeling worlds away from the bustling Oceanfront.
A few delicious restaurants have popped up recently and many farms offer pick-your-own berries, produce, and
flowers for a truly Pungo experience.

In what place can you ... ? ,

I ! A make a seashell house

] В practise rollerblading
і j C find excellent entertainment
_ D see a concert or a show in a special place
| | E get your adrenaline going
[ ] F enjoy rural serenity
_ G extend your knowledge about endangered marine species
H you're a wildlife lover
Complex test 10 71

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.

The American Music Festival is a celebration of music of all genres. This festival, held annually at various
stages along the Virginia Beach Oceanfront and Boardwalk, features three days of music, dozens of vendors,
and over 20 national, regional, and local bands. Many of the concerts are free and open to the public.
The sounds of rock, jazz, c o u n t r y , blues, R&B, and more flood the Virginia Beach o c e a n f r o n t
(33) over Labor Day Weekend at the Verizon Wireless American Music Festival.
The largest outdoor music event on the East coast, (34) brings together local,
regional, and national acts to play on a gigantic 60-foot wide and 60-foot tall stage on the beach at 5th Street
(35) along the beautiful Virginia Beach oceanfront.
Festival goers love the appeal of being outdoors on the beach with the Atlantic Ocean providing the perfect
background for some of the greatest live music of all time! Food vendors, beer, and merchandise kiosks enhance
the festival atmosphere (36) .
Exclusive VIP passes provide separate entrance to the area (37) for viewing Friday
and Saturday concerts, access to two free beers or wine, and tickets to both Friday and Saturday concerts. This
is the ultimate way for fans (38) !

П A to enjoy the concerts

I | В the Verizon Wireless American Music Festival
I | C along the boardwalk
і D right in front of the stage
[]E as well as stages in all parks
Q F to swim in the ocean
I I G for three sun-filled days
; H near the waterfront

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (39-48)
choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.
If you're planning on camping for (39) days, you'll (40) to
make a few camping meals for you and your group. But remember, you're now cooking and eating with wild
animals (41) and that means you need to (42) them. Never leave
your food out, instead, put it in air-tight containers. These containers ensure you end up with raccoons and
bears (43) their way into your campsite. Airtight containers trap food smells and protect
it from hungry animals.

39 few a few little less
40 must ought have able
41 around among along amid
42 respond respect release resolve
43 learning looking selecting sniffing

I don't know about you, but when I go camping — I spend (44) all my time outdoors.
I don't understand people who go camping only hide in their tent or RV all day. My favourite camping day is
to go fishing in the morning and go (45) a hike in the afternoon. And being outdoors more
than normal is a recipe for a (46) sunburn. And you can still get burnt even if it's a cloudy
day. So you'll want to (47) sure everyone in your group is wearing some S P F protection.
(48) getting the waterproof kind if you'll be out on the lake all day and re-apply often.

44 near nearby near to nearly
45 on to at off
46 strong nasty worse stormy
47 get do make go
48 Consider Think Look See
Complex test 10 73

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33-42) choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
One of the most important things for your health is (49) the kilogram creep — the
weight that (50) to go on each year and stay on.
Preventing weight gain is as relevant (51) women who are within the healthy weight
range as it is for those who are overweight or obese and to women of all ages.
Younger women, 2 5 - 4 5 years, (52) weight at a faster rate than any other age group.
The value of (53) weight gain lies in avoiding the considerable risks for women's
health posed by being overweight.

49 prevent prevention to prevent prevented
50 tend tends to tend tending
51 to for of at
52 gain gained had gained are gaining
53 prevention preventing having preventing preventive

Fruit and vegetables (54) a wonderful source of many important nutrients. By

(55) the recommended number of serves each day and including lots of variety, you
(56 ) many important nutrients to keep you healthy and help protect you from cardiovascular
disease, diabetes and some cancers. As well as (57) an important source of fibre, eating
a variety of fruit and vegetables (58) vitamin C, folate, potassium, beta-carotene (vitamin A),
and other vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.

54 are to be have been being
55 eat being eaten eating eaten
56 will get have got had got would get
57 be being to be t o being
58 provide provided provides providing

59. Write a letter to your friend about your studies at school.
•what school you study at;
•what subjects you learn and what your favourite subject is;
•what you usually do at the lessons and after school and what you like
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with



Listen to the speakers. For questions (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В
or C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to
each recording twice.

4. Where does the conversation take place?

I I A in a restaurant Q b m a pub О C in a takeaway food shop

5. What did the woman's neighbours notice on the roof?

I | A a little baby []B an animal О C nothing

6. Why are museums important?

I | A They entertain people.
В Museums can be fun places to learn more about the history of just about anything.
і ! C Museums display ancient books.

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. Annie Smith Peck broke many mountain climbing records.

• •
8. In her time women were not used to climbing in trousers.

• •
9. A mountain in Peru was named in honour of this woman.

• •
10. She was the founder of the Peruvian Alpine Club.

11. Peck was still climbing mountains in her late eighties.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. What made the woman's fall cushioned?

j | A the branches and leaves of the trees

І І В her airplane seat
I | C the straps of the seat

13. She followed the waterway because . . . .

! j A she had noticed a shelter nearby

і В she had learned a useful lesson before
I 1 C she had had a good training

14. She survived with ... .

• a no injuries
L j В only one injury
I | C several injuries

15. A group of passengers didn't survive because they ... .

I ! A stayed where they landed /

В followed the waterway
! j C were killed by wild animals

16. Juliane's mother died from ... .

і | A injuries
] В hunger
I j C blood poisoning
Complex test 10 77


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which notice says this?
і | A You cannot go swimming today.
і і В You can use this way in case of emergency.
I I C You will have to take a cold shower.
J і D This is not a good time to need a medical assistance.
і E Be careful before you eat this.
j j F This is the wrong place for a cold beer.
і ! G You can have cheaper drinks here.
[JH N o drinks for sale here.

17 18 19 20 21

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
It used to be that a 'green classroom' referred to the colour of paint on the wall. But today's green class-
rooms are greener than that! New 'green' classrooms help schools save money and provide clean environments
where students learn better.
Many classrooms are going green by adding solar panels to their roofs. The solar panels collect energy from
the sun and use it to power lights and computers. The panels help make green classrooms grid-neutral, which
means the panels create at least as much electricity as the classrooms use. In addition, new lighting and air
systems can be programmed to lower energy costs and water use.
Many new 'green' classrooms are built using recycled materials. Some even use scraps of material from
blue jeans to insulate walls and ceilings. The old-jean insulation cuts heat and air conditioning bills as it helps
to soundproof classrooms too.
Green schools feature many other new ideas. Some classrooms are painted using special odor-free paints
that help improve indoor air. Some use no glues or tiles that add chemical smells to the air. Others use triple-
pane windows and skylights to help keep classrooms warm in cold weather and let in lots of natural daylight.
Experts say the benefits of building greener classrooms go beyond cost savings. Studies show that a healthful
environment with good air quality can cut colds and flu by more than 50 percent. That means fewer sick days for
students and teachers. Studies have shown that natural light and other green features improve student learning
and test scores too.

22. 'Going green' can ... .

j | A help build new schools Ц C save schools money

і В protect schools from crime Q D produce solar panels

23. Some schools use solar panels to ... their own electricity.

I | A insulate П C paint
! ! В produce О D combine

24. Sometimes ... are being used in walls and ceilings to keep students warmer.

I | A paper wastes Q C cellophane tapes

І В clothes scraps Q D additional tiles

25. Some schools use special paints . . . .

j | A that make the classrooms greener

, і В that are cheap and eco-friendly
J C that don't let in the daylight
| j D that don't add chemical smells to school air

26. Students in 'green schools' ... than kids in other schools.

j | A get colds oftener О C study poorer

І В often have better attendance О D rarely have better mood
Complex test 10 79

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
27 .
Team Umizoomi
After a few episodes of Team Umizoomi on Nick Jr., little kids will start zooming through their own home-
work assignments. The series follows little Milli and G e o and their robot Bot as they solve all kinds of math
problems and help the tots of Umi City with counting, shapes and other mathematical fun.
28 .
Thomas & Friends
In this beloved series, Thomas the blue tank engine lives on the island of Sodor with his other engine
friends, including Percy the small engine, James the red engine and Gordon the big engine. Thomas is always
working hard to be a "Really Useful Engine," but sometimes he gets into mishaps when he tries to undertake
tasks better suited for bigger engines.
29 .
If you have kids who are already hooked on technology, they'll probably enjoy this animated trip through
cyberspace. When Matt, Jackie and Inez are zapped into another world from their library's computer, they join
Digit and Motherboard in the fight against Hacker and his evil sidekicks. Together, they solve math problems
and break through obstacles.
30 .
Airing on PBS Kids and based on the book series by Marc Brown, Arthur follows an 8-year-old aardvark
named Arthur Read, who learns life lessons while growing up. As Arthur faces challenges such as school bullies
and piles of homework he learns to overcome his problems with the help of his family and friends.
31 .
Peg + Cat
In each 12-minute episode of the show Peg + Cat, the duo are faced with a math word problem that
they must solve. Every story incorporates fun songs and encourages preschooler's interest in basic math as the
characters use charts and diagrams to find a solution.
32 .
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Introduce youngsters to Mister Rogers, the cardigan-clad grandfather figure we all know and love. The
30-minute episodes feature puppets, characters and music, plus take kids on tours of factories, show them
experiment demos, offer craft ideas and more — all with Mister Rogers speaking directly to them. Who wouldn't
want to be his neighbour?

Which TV show is it?

і I A Episodes tend to feature everyday activities of different creatures.

В The goal is to help the kids develop new skills and strategies for solving problems creatively in their
daily lives.
C The host of the programme explores various topics for young viewers through presentations and
] D The show revolves around the lives of eight-year-old creature, his friends and family, and their daily
interactions with each other.
! I E The series focuses on a boy who leads a crew of search and rescue dogs.
| | F The series is dedicated to three children from Earth brought to cyberspace, a digital universe, to
protect the world from a hacker vilfain.
G The characters of the show help others to learn maths.
H The animated film-tells about the adventures of locomotives endowed with human qualities.

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.

Beach Music Weekend blends the best of the 'oldies' with dancing (33) .
Settle into the sand as the top Beach Music bands from up and down the East Coast descend on the Virginia
Beach oceanfront in a nostalgic salute to the 'good old days' of cool cars and hot tunes. A three-day series of
free concerts is presented on a stage (34) at 30th Street. Individuals from throughout
the region will display their autos. The car show feature turns the boardwalk into a local version of "Route 66",
with cars and trucks from yesterday and today competing for trophies and Best in Show cash prizes.
Evening shows on Thursday and Friday give way (35) on Saturday and more
daytime concerts on Sunday. All performances are (36) . Thursday's ticketed show
takes place (37) . The festival atmosphere is enhanced with beer and food
served in tents on the sand alongside a sea of beach chairs and dancing couples! Boardwalk sponsors and vendors
overlook the beach, luring visitors (38) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ into the fun of Beach Music Weekend!

і | A free to the public

j | В under the stars
I | C four meters long
• D i n a local restaurant
I | E built right on the beach >
і | F as it is shown
і | G to a full day of entertainment
I | H from the boardwalk
Complex test 10 81

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (39-48)
choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.
Skipping meals is one of the biggest mistakes women (39) . Regular meals, and snacks
when needed, maintain your energy and (40) the nutrients you need each day so you will
feel more like being active, your mood will be better and you will be less (41) to overeat.
Breakfast is an important start to the day. Healthy snacks can be part of your eating plan but (42)
care not to eat too much over the day. Some people prefer to eat smaller meals and include a snack in between
meals to control their hunger. Snacks may be a good way for you to (43) an extra serve
or two of fruit and vegetables or get some extra calcium from a yoghurt or fruit smoothie.

39 do make attempt get
40 afford minister provide equip
41 likely probable unlike like
42 give take get make
43 carry consist include build

Sugar is an ingredient in many (44) foods and drinks. Some foods (45)
naturally occurring sugars, for example, fruit and products made with fruit, whilst many others contain added
Sugar does not (46) cause chronic disease but (47) to excess
energy intake and is (48) linked to overweight and obesity. It is also a contributing
factor to tooth decay and erosion (the surface of the tooth is worn away). Nutritious foods that contain a small
amount of sugar are unlikely to be a concern.

44 loaded collected packaged gathered
45 consist contain involve get
46 right straight at o n c e directly
47 contributes donates sends receives
48 however though similar therefore

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (49-58) choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Distance learning is a way of learning remotely without (49) in regular face-
to-face contact with a teacher in the classroom. In the UK such learning has its roots in students learning
(50) correspondence courses. More than 270,000 undergraduate students (51)
their first degrees via distance learning, (52) , with some 108,000 postgraduate students.
In recent years the advent of the Internet and widespread use of the computer (53) to
a huge growth in distantly delivered tuition and study.

49 be to be being having been
50 through on in with
51 take are taking had taken were taking
52 all among together plus
53 has led led had led were leading

At undergraduate level distance learning usually (54) students engaging with learning
materials at home or work. These materials (55) by the university, college or learning
provider and are (56) sent directly to the student or more usually today accessed via
the Internet. Tutorial support (57) via a virtual learning environment, telephone, email
or other electronic means. There may be occasional face-to-face encounters with tutors and attendance at
(58) summer schools.

54 meant mean means meaning
55 are p r o d u c e d produced were produced are producing
56 or as neither either
57 providing is provided was provided has been provided
58 weeks-long week's long week-long week-length
Complex test 10 83

59. Write a letter to your friend about your trip to another city.
• where you travelled;
• what you did and saw;
• your impressions.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with


1. What is the telephone number?

• A 060768498877 • В 060768458877 • C 060768598877

2. What time will they be at the restaurant?

4. What kind of vehicle does the guest want to get via the front desk?

I | A a private car • B a limo • C a cab

5. Who is Benny?

I | A a man's friend []b a man's pet []C a man's barber

6. What will $100 be paid for?

і | A cooking I | В cleansing | | C construction works

Complex test 10 85

Listen to the text. For statements (7-11) choose T if the statement is true
according to the text, F if it is false. Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet. You will listen to the text twice.

• •

• •
7. They are from Europe.

• •
8. They have been on a long trip.

• •
9. The first review about travelling experience was written on a bus.

• •
10. The scenery is breathtaking.

11. The author is flying across Europe.

Listen to the text. For questions (12-16) choose the correct answer (А, В or
C). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet. You will listen to the
text twice.

12. How many continents did they travel through?

• A one • В three • C six

13. How many countries did they visit?

• A fifteen П В fifty D C twenty-five

14. How many cities did they see?

• A eighteen П В thirty-eight Ц C eighty-three

15. How many languages did they speak?

• A three • В thirteen • C thirty

16. What Janguages were the most difficult?

A Arabic and Thai Q В Turkish and Arabic О C Thai and Swiss



Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (17-21). There are three choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which notice says this?

I | A If you don't want to walk, go here.

; В You could easily have an accident here.
• C If leave a bicycle here, it will be removed.
[ | D If you want to have a kickabout, go somewhere else.
• E G o here if you fancy some Japanese food.
Q f Do not keep stuff on the way.
S | G This is the best place to buy clothes.
j H This door should be cleaned.

17 18 19 20 21
Complex test 10 87

Read the text below. For questions (22-26) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Jordan Romero (born July 12, 1996) is an American mountain climber who, on May 22, 2010, became
the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. Romero was accompanied by his father Paul Romero, his father's
girlfriend Karen Lundgren, and three guides, or sherpas, who know the mountain well. He was inspired to climb
the tallest mountains of each continent when he saw a painting in the hallway of his school that had the seven
continents' highest mountains.
Jordan is an experienced mountain climber who has proven himself on many other mountains. When he
was just ten years old, he became the youngest person to climb Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro. In
2008, he climbed North America's highest mountain, the 20,000 foot-high Mount Denali in Alaska. So far, as
a matter of fact, Jordan has climbed the highest mountain on Earth's seven continents.
Jordan knew all about the difficulties he could face on his Everest climb. Hurricane-force winds blow atop
Everest much of the year. Temperatures can sink to 100 degrees below zero, and climbers often experience
difficulty breathing as they climb. His group chose a northern route out of Tibet and carried a G P S tracking
device and satellite phone. Along the way to the top, Romero conducted an interview from an intermediate base
camp 18,700 feet above sea level. Upon reaching Mount Everest's summit, a Skype interview was accomplished.
After Jordan climbed Mount Everest he and Katherine Blanc wrote a book "The Boy Who Conquered
Everest: The Jordan Romero Story". The book is a visual journey through Jordan's quest, there are pictures of
everything from Team Jordan training and base camps to finally standing on the summit of Mt. Everest. There
are also inspirational messages and tips on goal-setting from Jordan.
22. When Jordan reached the Everest summit he was ... years old.

• A 12 П С 14
• в 13 П о 10

23. There were ... who stepped on the Everest top with Jordan.

• A two more people О C four more people

I j В three more people Q D five more people

24. Jordan has already proved to be ... .

• A a competent climber О C a diligent climber

В an immature climber Q d a feeble climber

25. Atop Mount Everest, temperatures can ... to 100 degrees below zero.

• A rise О C drop
O b drown Q d blow

26. Jordan was familiar with all the ... he might face on his adventure.

I A hardships Q C sherpas
В animals Ю D climbers

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (27-32). There are two choices
you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

27 .
Runaway Bay Wave Pool
Our million gallon wave pool is Ocean Breeze Waterpark's very own 'ocean' with no sand, no jellyfish —
just a wide beach leading to Hugh Mongous waves. Float the day away in a tube, jump in the deep end waves,
play in the spray or stay cool in the shallows — the wave pool has something for everyone in the family.

28 .
Coconut Drops & Bamboo Shoots
Perfect for a quick, cool thrill. Here is your chance to go off the deep end with a waterfall rush. Of course
you're not afraid to take the plunge.

29 .
Pirates' Plummet and Walk the Plank
The two newest slides are not for the faint of heart! They are pirate-themed body slides that allow you
to experience the thrills and chills of life on the high seas. Walk the Plank is a 200 foot dark tunnel with an
exhilarating 50 foot drop down into Davy Jones' Locker! Pirates' Plummet has a tunnel that opens up just as
you begin the steep plunge — Straight Down!

30 .
Climb to dizzying heights and then rocket feet first down an enclosed tube before plunging into the eye of
the hurricane. The pressure builds as you spin, swirl and finally get released for a drop you will never forget.

31 .
South Seas Silly Slides
Everyone loves to slide and splash! This happy trio of slides will send your children smiling into a shallow
pool at the end. Feeling silly too? Parents are welcome to join their kids in the fun!

32 .
Operation Splashdown
The star spangled rafts will launch from atop a 70 foot high platform, first heading in to a dark, enclosed
opening with a series of unpredictable twists and turns, leading to breathtaking drops and sharp curves. The raft
will then shoot through a tunnel, blast through a wildly fun s-shaped waterway and your crew will catch some
major hang time along high bank walls before finally, splashing down!

Which attraction is filled with slides and activities for ...

і jA those who want to experience the life of a buccaneer

В those who are ready for their first voyage
1 |C those who dare to ride out the storm
I |D those who prefer energetic excitement
j IE the whole family
I |F the smallest ones
G those who anticipates a family raft ride with more smiles per gallon
J H those who are taller than 2 meters
Complex test 10 89

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space
(33-38). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers
on the separate answer sheet.


Kite fliers and spectators (33) experience a visual feast at the Atlantic Coast
Kite Festival. This popular event features a variety of activities appropriate for all ages and all levels
(34) . Kite vendors are always on site to sell various kinds of kites. Everyone is invited to
take part in the Atlantic Coast Kite Festival's "Best Kite Contest."
To enter this contest, participants must build a kite and (35) . The contest consists of
two parts: the actual kite itself and how well it is made, and the participant's ability (36) .
Participants must be able to fly their kites consecutively in the air for 5 minutes (37) .
Kites are judged on Flight (ability to fly for 5 minutes), Structural Design, Craftsmanship, and Visual Appeal.
There are three competitive divisions: Master, Novice, and Youth (ages 7 - 1 4 ) . Trophies are awarded for all
Kites are photographed and entered (38) , where festival attendees get to vote on
their favourite kites! Awards are also be given each day for oldest and youngest kitefliers, funniest kite, most
unusual kite, and biggest kite.
The Best Kite Contest is free to enter.

; I A have fun
В of all ages
C in the "People's Choice" contest
[ j D of kite lovers
I | E bring it to the festival
I | F all around the year
• G at a height of 100 feet
O H to fly the kite

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (39-48)
choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate
answer sheet.
The Olympic Games, (39) almost all Greek games, were an intrinsic part of a religious
festival. They were (40) in honour of Zeus at Olympia by the city-state of Elis in the
northwestern Peloponnese. The first Olympic champion (41) in the records was Coroebus
of Elis, a cook, who won the sprint race in 776 BC. Notions that the Olympics began much earlier than 776 BC
are (42) on myth, not historical (43) .

39 as like similar alike
40 given spent held maintained
41 listed known caught enrolled
42 found founded constructed raised
43 illustration stories evidence secrets

Japanese educator, Jigoro Kano is considered the 'father of the Olympic Movement' in Japan. He was the
(44) of the Tokyo Higher Normal School and (45) great efforts to
(46) judo. In 1909, Kano became the first IOC member to serve from Asia. Following this,
he (47) the Japan Sports Association in preparation for Japan's eventual participation in the
Olympic Games. In 1911, he organized an Olympic qualifying competition, from which short distance runner
Yahiko Mishima and marathoner Shiso Kanaguri qualified for the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm — the
first Olympic Games in which Japanese athletes (48) .

44 boss headmaster customer student
45 made did took spent
46 build push promote contribute
47 established implanted landed provided
48 visited held ran participated
Complex test 10 91

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (49-58) choose the correct
answer (А, В, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Have you thought (49) your camping water plan? Will your campsite have a public
water pump? Or is it a remote site near a lake or creek? What if your campground (50)
any drinkable water nearby?
You need (51) what the water situation is before you (52) . You'll
need to plan differently for a site with potable water vs a remote place in the desert.
Either way, you'll want (53) a large water container and leave it at your campsite for
daily use. You'll need it for tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and extinguishing your campfire.

49 about off on through
50 not have d o e s n ' t have d o n ' t have isn't having
51 to know know knowing known
52 will go would go going go
53 have having to have to be having

Sleeping bags (54) a staple for campers for years. Sleeping bags go with tents
(55) peanut butter goes with jelly.
I even take (56) during warm summer camping, because there's always a chance it gets
really cold in the middle of the night. And if you (57) , you could wake up in the middle
of the night freezing. Then you'll have (58) to add multiple layers of clothes just to stay
warm — not fun. So get a nice warm one for those cooler nights.

54 were had been have been was
55 like as similar also
56 my mine me I
57 unprepared have unprepared are unprepared was unprepared

58— t o scramble scramble scrambles scrambling


59. Write a letter to your friend what you are going to do tomorrow afternoon.
• who are you going to spend your day with;
• where you are going to be;
• what are you going to do.
Write a letter of at least 150-180 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with

Український центр оцінювання якості освіти
Цей бланк перевіряс комп'ютер! Ваші відповіді в бланку є результатом Вашої роботи.

Англійська мова
. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Позначте н о м е р Вашого зошита так X

Правильну відповідь у завданнях позначайте тільки так: Ю

Неправильну відповідь можна виправити, замалювавши попередню позначку та поставивши нову:
т х
1 7 12
2 8 13
3 9 14
4 10 15
5 11 16

17 22
18 23
19 24
20 25
21 26

27 33
28 34
29 35
30 36
31 37
32 38

39 49
40 50
41 51
42 52
43 53
44 54
45 55
46 56
47 57
48 58
Англійська мова
Увага! Писати в полі екзаменаторів з а б о р о н е н о !
Поле екзаменаторів
Робота Робота не відповідає
Код екзаменатора не написана умовам завдання

а1 а2 аЗ Ь1 Ь2 с d
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

Відповідь на завдання 59. Відповідаючи на завдання, не виходьте за межі ліній!

Кінець бланка Б.
Task 1
1. Woman: Can you help me out today? I have so much to do.
Man: Sure. What do you need?
Woman: I need to mail this package. Could you drop it off at the post office for me?
Man: I can do that. Is the post office near the bank?
Woman: It is on the same street, but further east. It's past the police station.
Man: Oh, OK. So, it's next to the grocery store?
Woman: The post office is across the street from the grocery store, next to that new restaurant.
Man: Oh, yeah. Now I remember where it is.
2. Woman: Hi, Matt. Thanks for stopping by. I need help.
Man: OK. What can I do?
Woman: I'm in the middle of baking cookies to sell, and I just realized I'm out of eggs!
Man: Well, I can go to the store and get some for you. How many do you need?
Woman: Let me check. It looks like one batch of cookies has three eggs in it.
Man: So, I'll get you three eggs.
Woman: Actually, I'm making four batches. I'm going to need to add three eggs for each batch.
Man: OK. I'll be back in a few minutes with your eggs.
3. Are you looking for a way to do your work from home? Do you need an easier way to keep in touch
with people? Maybe you just want to be able to do research at home. In any case, we can help you out. C o m e
down to our store, and we will give you a great deal on one of our different models. You don't have to know
a lot about technology to use our computers, and we know you will be satisfied with our products.
4. Many people believe that it is easy to take good photos. They think all you have to do is point your
camera and press a button. But there is more to taking pictures than that. When snapping a photo, you have to
make sure your camera is focused on an object. Lighting is also important in pictures. It can't be too dark or
too bright in the area you are shooting. You must also be careful not to take out your film in the light. Doing
that can ruin your pictures.
5. Man: How was the basketball game last night?
Woman: It was so fun! I can't believe my brother got me a ticket.
Man: You should do something nice for him to pay him back. Maybe you could get him a gift.
Woman: I'd love to, but I don't have any extra money.
Man: You could vacuum or do the laundry.
Woman: I don't have much free time this week. I'm not sure if I could get either of those done.
Man: Doesn't he have a dog? Maybe you could walk his dog.
Woman: That's a great idea! He's always complaining about having to do that.
6. Albert Einstein is a famous scientist whose work is still studied across the world today. He was born in
Germany, and his family always supported his education. Einstein planned to be a teacher but then got a job
looking at inventions for the government. His discoveries led to him being awarded the Nobel Prize for physics
in 1921. In fact, 'Einstein' is now used as a word for 'genius' in everyday speech.

Task 2
A Boulder native, Matt has been active in the outdoors since his early youth and is a competitive freestyle
skier, mountain biker and rock climber. In addition to his outdoor pursuits, Matt is an accomplished public
speaker and advocate on behalf of many causes including American Himalayan Foundation.
It was a climb to Everest Base Camp and a summit of Kala Patar in April 2007 that ignited Matt's enthusiasm
for high-altitude alpine climbing.
Within months of returning from Nepal, Matt set a lifetime goal to summit the seven highest peaks on each
continent known as the "Seven Summits".
In June 2008, at the age of 10, he became the youngest person to summit Mount Elbrus, the highest point
in Europe. Also in June, Matt summited Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa. In December 2008,

Matt again set a world record by becoming the youngest person to summit Cerro Aconcagua, the highest point
in the Americas. Matt holds certificates for all three of the ascents.

Task 3
Learning was never more fun than in the great outdoors of Lakefield Camp with a choice of many different
programs and an amazing range of sports, adventures and the arts.
At Lakefield Camp, campers are housed in the school residence in twin or triple rooms with washroom
and shower facilities on every floor. According to requests and in order to keep the camp international the staff
will try to ensure that roommates are of similar age but different nationality. At least one staff member lives on
the floor with the campers.
Each room will come complete with the basic necessities such as a bed, a desk and a closet for each camper.
Boys and girls are accommodated separately and placed according to age.
A typical day at Lakefield C a m p is spent learning new skills in five activity periods. Each week campers
select different activities from water sports such as sailing, canoeing, kayaking or windsurfing. They may also
choose from field and court sports such as archery, tennis, soccer, mountain biking or beach volleyball, the arts,
dance, drama, guitar, or theatre.
A recreational activity period is also offered daily, allowing you to take part in your favourite activity or in
a specialized activity such as water tubing, swimming, videography or ropes/climbing wall. These activities are
supervised, but not necessarily instructed. A different set of activities will be offered daily.

Task 1
1. Man: Hi. Can I help you find something today or are you just window shopping?
Woman: Actually, 1 am looking for a hat.
Man: What kind of hat are you looking for?
Woman: 1 need something to wear when I work in the garden.
Man: How about this one?
Woman: I think a black hat will be too warm in the sun. I need something light-colored that will keep
the sun out of my eyes.
Man: OK. It sounds like you want a straw hat. Do you like this one?
Woman: No. That looks like something a cowboy would wear. I think I like the one with flowers on
it better.
2. Woman: Can I help you with something?
Man: Yeah, thanks. 1 really like these socks. Can you tell me how much they are?
Woman: Sure. They cost four dollars per pair, with tax.
Man: That's great. 1 need as many pairs as I can get. My old socks are all worn out.
Woman: Well, how much money do you have to spend?
Man: I have about $20.
Woman: OK. Let me figure out how many pairs of socks you can get at four dollars a pair.
Man: Thanks for your help.
3. Man: Oh, hi. How are you?
Woman: Hi, Martin. Oh, 1 meant to ask yesterday if you finished cleaning the oven.
Man: Not yet. I plan to finish it right away on Monday morning when I get to the pizzeria.
Woman: That sounds great. So, what are you doing with your weekend?
Man: I'm just trying to find some new music. Have you heard this band before?
"Woman: Oh, yeah. They're one of my favourites.
Man: They sound amazing. Well, I guess I'll get this C D .
Woman: I hope you like it. Well, I'll see you on Monday.
4. These days, you can do almost anything at home on your computer. You can keep in touch with your
friends, look for jobs, pay your bills, and buy almost anything you want on the Internet. Most people think it's
nice to be able to do these things from home. But it can be dangerous to give out your personal information
online. It is possible for people who know a lot about the Internet to find your information and use it to help
themselves. If you suspect this, you should protect yourself by only giving out your information to websites you
can trust.

5. Video games began as learning tools. The first video game was invented by a scientist to show how to
find the location and path of rockets. It showed a ball bouncing off a line at the bottom of the computer screen.
They called it "Tennis for Two." A few years later, a group of college students made the first video game that
people could play. The game was called "Spacewar," and it let players shoot at each other's spaceships.
6. Are you looking to get away? Do you need to stop working so much and just relax? If it's time for you
to take a vacation, we have just the place. Imagine the warm sun on your shoulders, waking up to gentle waves
hitting the shore. In our tropical paradise, we provide hammocks and a free guided tour. Give us a call. We
will set you up in your own personal room on an exotic island. All you need to bring is your swimsuit and
sunscreen. We'll take care of the rest.

Task 2
In Lovina, almost everyone owns a boat or has a friend, brother or son who owns a boat. In the early
morning, they go out with the tourists to look for dolphins. After that, many go back to go fishing. There are
many restaurants that sell a catch of the day and we had one of the best fish ever here in Lovina. If I can
recommend only one place to eat fish I would definitely recommend Sunset in the street JL, Lovina. Ask them
to prepare a whole mahimahi with traditional sauce. You will get the best-grilled fish you ever tasted, with freshly
made oil garlic sauce and a red tomato pepper sauce together with white and fried rice. Finger licking good!
Another place I would recommend is the Global Village Kafe, not only for its food but for the whole
atmosphere. A cool laid-back joint with good music. The only remark I would make about the food: keep it local.

Task 3
Jacques Carrier was born in 1491 in Saint-Malo, the port on the north-east coast of Brittany. Carrier,
who was a respectable mariner, improved his social status in 1520 by marrying Mary Catherine des Granches,
member of a leading family.
In 1534 Carrier was introduced to King Francis I. The King had previously invited the Florentine explorer
Giovanni da Verrazzano to explore the eastern coast of North America on behalf of France in 1524.
On April 20, 1534 Carrier set sail under a commission from the king, hoping to discover a western passage
to the wealthy markets of Asia. In the words of the commission, he was to "discover certain islands and lands
where it is said that a great quantity of gold and other precious things are to be found".
It took him twenty days to sail across the ocean. Starting on May 10 of that year, he explored parts of New-
foundland, the Strait of Belle Isle and southern shore of the Labrador Peninsula, the Gaspit and North Shore
coastlines on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and some parts of the coasts of the G u l f s main islands, including Prince
Edward Island, Anticosti Island and the Magdalen Islands. During one stop at the bird sanctuary, northeast of
Brion Island in the Magdalen Islands, his crew slaughtered around 1000 birds, most of them great auks (extinct
since 1852). Carrier's first two encounters with aboriginal peoples in Canada on the north side of Chaleur Bay,
most likely the Mi'kmaq, were brief; some trading occurred.

Task 1
Salesman: Morning, madam. How can I help?
Customer: Well... I'm looking for something second-hand...
Salesman: Well, you've come to the right place. What are you looking for? Do you want something
Customer: Just something reliable, please — and not too big.
Salesman: All our vehicles are reliable. Can I ask how much you want to pay?
Customer: Well, I'm on quite a tight budget.
Salesman: Not a problem... We have this very nice model over here.
Customer: Yes, it is nice, isn't it?
Salesman: And we're offering it at a very special price.
Customer: I see the door's been painted. What happened to it?
Salesman: Oh, it had a few scratches — nothing serious.
Man: Excuse me, could I ask a few questions?
Woman: Certainly, sir. What do you want to know?
Man: Actually, yes, I'm interested in this laptop. Could you tell me how old it is?
Woman: Er, it's only a couple of years old, I think.

Man: OK. And can I ask if the software's up to date?

Woman: Absolutely. It's got the latest operating system.
Man: Right. Is it guaranteed?
Woman: To be honest, it's second-hand and a very good price, and... Well, we don't give guarantees
on laptops, I'm afraid.
Man: OK, I'll have to think about it, but thanks for your help.
3. The painter of this work chose to show a sea with no human figures in it. In the center of the painting,
there is a group of rocks. Waves crash against these rocks and rise in the background. The top of the water is
white with foam, while the rest of the water is dark. The sky above is cloudy and grey. The painting appears to
take place during stormy weather.
4. A: Morning, Erica. Do you want to meet for lunch today?
B: Yes, sounds great. How about 12.30?
A: I'm sorry, did you say, "Half past 12"?
B: Yeah, that's right. Where do you want to go?
A: How about the cafii around the corner?
B: Do you mean Fred's Cafe?
A: That's the place. See you later.
B: See you.
5. Julie: I can't believe it. This is insane! Fred, you have to come see this!
Fred: Julie, what are you so excited about?
Julie: I just almost won the lottery.
Fred: How do you almost win the lottery?
Julie: I was only one number off. My ticket number was 1443, and the winning ticket was 1444.
Fred: So, you mean you lost.
Julie: Yeah, I lost. But I was really close!
Fred: I have to admit that is pretty exciting. Where did you buy the ticket?
Julie: From the convenience store on Johnson Street. That is where I always buy my lottery tickets.
Fred: Cool, hopefully next time you will actually win.
Julie: I hope so! And if I win, I will buy you a new bike.
Fred: Oh! That is nice of you. What would you get for yourself if you won?
Julie: H m m . I would buy a big-screen TV, some new clothes, and a lot of video games!
6. Hello! This is an important announcement from Big Image Studios in Los Angeles, California. We are
looking for creative, artistic, hard working, and good at computers people. They spend their days working with
fun and exciting images. Movies like Shrek, Cars, and WALL-E were all done by them. If this sounds like an
interesting job, and you want to apply, please contact Danny Kim at our head office. We are currently hiring
50 new animators this month. It is OK if you don't have any experience; we will train you! The number to our
office here is 310-555-7575. We hope to hear from you today!

Task 2
Mount Batur is located in the central mountains of Bali and is an amazing spot to watch the sun rise over
the Island of The Gods. Jeff, an incredible photographer, and a group of his friends decided to trek 2 hours to
the top to see what it's like to watch morning arrive 1,717 metres above the island.
Our trip began at 2 a.m., which I must tell you was not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination, getting
up at that hour took some serious effort. We met our friends at Ubud Yoga Centre to get on the arranged bus
ride to the Volcano. The bus was another annoyance as it was not comfortable at all. I'm not one to complain,
but if you were on that bus ride, you'd be rolling your eyes and heaving a heavy sigh too.
On the way, the bus stopped unexpectedly, at least to me, to get breakfast. At 3 a.m. the last thing I want
to do is eat, especially before going up a mountain, but most of the people with us went in. There was no reason
to make that stop except to sell some half-asleep foreigners food at an ungodly hour.
The volcano draws quite a few people to the site every day, so when we arrived around 3.30 a. m. there
were already lots of vehicles in the lot — way more than I would have expected. We got off the bus, met our
guide and started our ascent up the volcano.

Task 3
Nearly 600 years before Gutenberg, Chinese monks were setting ink to paper using a method known as
block printing, in which wooden blocks are coated with ink and pressed to sheets of paper. One of the earliest

surviving books printed in this fashion — an ancient Buddhist text known as "The Diamond Sutra" — was
created in 868 during the Tang Dynasty in China. The book, which was sealed inside a cave for nearly a thousand
years before its discovery in 1900, is now housed in the British Library in London.
The carved wooden blocks used for this early method of printing were also used in Japan and Korea as
early as the eighth century.
An important advancement to woodblock printing came in the early eleventh century, when a Chinese
peasant named Bi Sheng developed the world's first movable type. His method of printing was well-documented
by his contemporary, a scholar named Shen Kuo. In his 1 lth-century work, "Dream Pool Essays," Kuo explains
that Sheng's movable characters were made out of baked clay. The ink he used was a mix of pine resin, wax
and paper ashes, and as Kuo tells it, Sheng's method could be used to print thousands of copies of a document
fairly quickly.


Task 1
1. So, tomorrow and Friday, we can expect more of this lovely hot weather, with bright sunshine and
temperatures up to twenty four degrees, so don't forget to wear sun cream! Saturday and Sunday will be cooler
and cloudier, but it will stay dry without any rain, so you won't need your umbrellas, and there might be a few
sunny periods.
2. Man: You're back! Did you have a nice holiday?
Woman: Oh yes, it was wonderful!
Man: You're very brown! Did you do a lot of sunbathing?
Woman: I was going to. I was so tired last week when I left. I planned to do nothing all week except
lie in the sun and occasionally go for a swim in the sea.
Man: Didn't you then?
Woman: No, I got bored! I actually went walking in the mountains. It was great. I saw some really
lovely villages, lots of pretty flowers and some fantastic views of the sea and the beach.
Man: Oh, it sounds wonderful!
3. Man: Have you seen my French book?
Woman: It's on the shelf isn't it? I saw it next to the flowers.
Man: It was there this morning, but it isn't there now.
Woman: Maybe you put it on your desk with all your other books.
Man: I've looked there already. I can't see it.
Woman: What about in the cupboard next to the television? There are several books in there.
Man: H m m , it might be there. I'll have a look. Oh, here it is! It was on the shelf all the time.
4. Man: Hello, are you ready to order your dinner yet?
Woman: Yes, but I am in such a hurry.
Man: OK, what would you like?
Woman: A steak cooked medium rare. What does that come with on the side?
Man: The meal comes with mashed potatoes and a salad. Is that OK?
Woman: No, I don't like potatoes. Can I have rice instead?
Man: Sure. Would you like something to drink with your meal?
Woman: Yes, I would like to have lemonade, please.
Man: Anything else for you?
Woman: No, thank you. Do you know how long it will take?
Man: Yes. Your meal will be served in about twenty minutes.
5. Man: I'm glad that's over.
Woman: I know. I've been stressed out about this test for two weeks.
Man: So, how did you do? You're always a diligent student. I'm sure you did fine.
Woman: I did all right, but I'm exhausted. I haven't slept the past couple of nights because 1 was
studying until dawn. What about you?
Man: I did well, actually, which was a surprise. 1 only studied for a couple of hours yesterday.
6. Good morning, New York. I'm Phil Fontaine with your weather forecast for the rest of the week. Today
should be a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, very little cloud cover, and highs in the mid-seventies. But
don't get too excited. A cold front will be moving in overnight, leaving us with cold temperatures and a chance

of rain tomorrow. I expect this front to stay around for quite a while, leaving us with a couple of days of rainy
weather. By Sunday, the rain should be gone, but it will remain clo,udy, so get out there, and enjoy today's
sunshine! It may be the most we'll have for a few days.

Task 2
It was our first week in Thailand, we were overwhelmed by the beauty of the culture and style of life in
Chiang Mai. As silly tourists we booked a day tour including rafting, hiking to waterfalls and Elephant ride.
That was an awful decision! I regret we booked the riding elephant tour. At the moment was fun, but after
I discovered what they do with the animals and how they are horribly treated.
Lesson learned, now I always try to check the background of the tour company we choose. Elephants Farms
in Thailand are a big issue and many animals are in danger. If you want to be in contact with these beautiful
giants you can visit rehabilitation centers, help and learn. Nomad is Beautiful wrote an amazing article about
Elephants and Tourism in Thailand.

Task 3
The world is our address, but our house is very tiny when we go travelling around the world. Everything
needs to fit in two backpacks and two small front bags. That's it, nothing more!! Clothes, shoes, toiletries and
electronic stuff. Said that you already assumed that we can't buy souvenirs or new clothes everywhere we go.
All our purchases need to be done wisely, and every time we buy something new, an old one needs to go away.
That's what I call a minimalist style.
We can't accumulate stuff, nor carry an extra backpack. Our backpacks can only weigh 15 kg — the weight
allowed on most of the low-cost airline companies. So what did we do with our used stuff? We put everything
in plastic bags and gave to people on the streets. A simple way to help and say thanks for all the blessings we
received during the year.
So far, in this one year of traveling around the world we bought the following new clothes:
Rob bought four T-shirts, two pairs of jeans, some underwear, socks, two jumpers and two pairs of runners.
I bought four tops, two pairs of flat sandals, one skirt, one pair of jeans, two leggings and a woolen hat.
When we left Asia at the beginning of April, we bought some warm clothes to face the springtime in Europe.
Thank God we got more jackets and gloves because in April the weather was pretty chilly at the old continent.
For the first time on this trip around the world, we got temperatures below 5єС. To travel light you always need
to think about the weather of the places you will travel to, spring and summer are definitely the best seasons
for backpackers.

Task 1
1. Woman: This is my favourite ice cream store! You always have new flavours!
Man: Would you like to try our new chocolate melon flavour?
Woman: That sounds delicious.
Man: Great. How many scoops would you like?
Woman: How much would it cost for four scoops of ice cream?
Man: Four scoops of ice cream will cost $8. Would you like anything else?
Woman: Yes, I'd like a coke, too, please.
2. (A phone rings.)
Man: Thank you for calling Pizza House. How may I help you?
Woman: Hi. I was wondering if I left my handbag there last night.
Man: Let me check the lost and found. What does it look like?
Woman: It's smooth leather and grey. My student ID should be in it.
Man: Ok. I think this handbag might be yours. What's the name on the ID?
Woman: Susan Ferents.
Man: Yes, this is your handbag.
Woman: Good! I was worried that it was gone. I'll be there soon.

3. Woman: I'm nervous.

Man: Why? What's going on?
Woman: I'm going to visit my sister in London. She's having a housewarming party.
Man: That's exciting! England is beautiful.
Woman: I know, but I'm terrified to fly on an airplane.

Man: Don't be scared. Nothing will go wrong. I wish 1 could fly somewhere exciting!
Woman: I know, but I've never been on an airplane before.
Man: You'll do fine! Just imagine that you are a bird. Plus, the flight attendants will help you if
you need anything.
\ Woman: I'll do that! Thank you for the help.
4. Waitperson: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?
Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see the menu, please?
Waitperson: Certainly, here you are.
Customer: Thank you. What's today's special?
Waitperson: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
Customer: That sounds good. I'll have that.
Waitperson: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Yes, I'd like a coke.
Waitperson: Thank you. Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
Customer: Thank you.
Waitperson: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: N o thanks. I'd like the cheque, please.
Waitperson: That'll be $14.95.
Customer: Here you are. Keep the change!
Waitperson: Thank you! Have a good day!
Customer: Goodbye.
5. Man: I heard you are planning to book a flight to South America. When do you leave?
Woman: I leave on the morning of Tuesday the nineteenth.
Man: Where are you going?
Woman: I'll be in Costa Rica on a guided tour for the first three days.
Man: Then what? I've always wanted to go to Panama, are you going there?
Woman: I leave for Belize on the twenty-second. I'm planning on lying on the beach for a while.
Man: How long are you staying there?
Woman: Four days. Then, I'm going to Guatemala on the twenty-sixth and Mexico on the twenty-
Man: Wow, it sounds like you have a really exotic trip planned. When do you come home?
Woman: The twenty-ninth. I can't wait!
Man: I strongly recommend you d o n ' t forget your sunscreen.
6. Woman: Hey, Greg, are you coming to my birthday party next Sunday?
Man: Yeah, have you decided on a place to have it?
Woman: It's going to be at the park since the weather forecast says it's going to be a sunny day.
Man: OK, what time does it start?
Woman: It starts at 12, but can you come a little early?
Man: Sure, do you need help decorating or cooking?
Woman: No, I need help unloading things from my car and taking them into the park.
Man: OK, I'd be happy to help.
Woman: Great! Can you be there at 11:45?
Man: Of course. Do you need me to bring anything?
Woman: Only my birthday present!
Man: Ha ha, ha, OK. See you at a quarter to twelve.

Task 2
New Zealand born Helen Thaye's life is a testament to setting goals and achieving them.
She was the first woman to travel alone to any of the world's Poles. She skied at age fifty to the Magnetic
North Pole without a dog sled, snowmobile, resupply or support.
Helen Thayer was the first woman to walk 4,000 miles across the Sahara from Morocco to the Nile River.
She kayaked 2,200 miles of the Amazon River.
In a unique study in the wild, Helen lived near a wolf den above the Arctic Circle for a year.
Helen won the American national luge championship and represented three countries in international track
and field event. She has climbed some of the world's highest mountains.
The Explorer's Club awarded Helen the Vancouver Award for Excellence in Exploration.

Task 3
On the night of January 29, 1982, Steven Callahan set sail alone in his small sailboat from the Canary
Islands bound for the Caribbean. On February 5, the ship sank in a storm, leaving Callahan alone in the Atlantic
in a five-and-a-half-foot inflatable rubber raft — naked, except for a T-shirt, with only three pounds of food,
a few bits of gear, and eight pints of water.
He drifted for 76 days, and over 1800 miles of ocean, before he reached land and rescue in the Bahamas.
Callahan's autobiographical account of the story, "Adrift", is a gut-wrenching book which clearly details the
extreme mental toughness required to survive at sea. And even though Callahan was alone, his mind divided
into a "Captain" character and "crewman" character. The written log from the ordeal records a detailed fight
over the water ration. The "Captain" won the fight, the rations continued, and Callahan ultimately survived.

Task 1
1. Man: What do you think of the pizzas here?
Woman: People say they're better than anything else in town! In fact, the chef has a new bacon and
cheese special tonight.
Man: Great. I love cheese.
Woman: Well, our classic thin layer is light on the stomach and crispy.
Man: That sounds good. I'll have that, then. Thanks.
Woman: You're welcome, sir. Will there be anything else?
Man: No, that'll be all.
2. Woman: So, tell me what is going on.
Man: I hurt my arm when I fell over a tree branch on a walking trail.
Woman: You should be more careful!
Man: I know. I guess I just wasn't paying attention. How bad is the arm? Will I need a cast?
Woman: No. However, you will have to wear a sling for a few weeks.
Man: Oh, no. I have a volleyball game next Saturday.
Woman: I'm afraid that you'll have to miss it. N o sports for several weeks.
Man: I can't believe that I hurt my arm right before the big game!
3. This is a very important thing to have in your kitchen. It operates by using electricity. Usually, a light
bulb turns on when you open its door. People store food inside of this; it is usually full of things the family
likes. It is usually shaped like a big box. Before this was invented, people could not keep certain items of food
for very long. It keeps your food fresh and prevents it from spoiling. Before this invention, some people had
to preserve their food in boxes of ice or even in snow.
4. Man: Good morning, ma'am.
Woman: Good morning.
Man: I'd like to request some more amenities.
Woman: Amenities? What do you mean by amenities, sir?
Man: Well, the free stuff! You know: the soap, lotion, shampoo, etc.
5. Woman: Have you used up all the amenities in your room?
Man: Not at all. I still have enough for the next few days.
Woman: Then what is the problem, sir?
Man: I need some to keep as souvenirs!
Woman: Souvenirs?
Man: Yes, souvenirs. Trinkets to remember my trip by!
6. Man: Excuse me. I need some things to keep as souvenirs.
Woman: Souvenirs?
Man: Yes, m a ' a m . Where can I take some?
Woman: We do have a souvenir shop on the first floor, sir.
Man: Oh, that's not the same. I never pay for hotel souvenirs!
Woman: I'll call the housekeeping. Someone will be up with more amenities shortly.

Task 2
In 1890, Nelly Bly became the fastest person to circumnavigate the globe. She set out to beat the fictional
Phileas Fogg of Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 Days" — and she did it, pulling the job off in just 72 days.
When she told her newspaper editor about her plans for the trip, he said that a man would have to do it,
since a woman would require heavy trunks and piles of luggage. Nelly Bly proved him wrong, traveling with
just a small bag and the clothes on her back.
Bly was also a pioneer in the field of investigative reporting, and her stories brought about changes in areas
of society that desperately needed attention, such as asylums, sweatshops, orphanages, and prisons.

Task 3
Tigers living on the Malayan Peninsula are at risk of going extinct in just the next two to three years. Less
than 200 tigers in Malaysia are now estimated to be left in the wild, with poaching the greatest threat to their
survival. Driven by demand for their parts used in traditional Chinese medicine, poaching has grown in recent
Malaysia's tigers can only be saved with more action directed toward combating poaching and the illegal
wildlife trade. Local organizations work closely with local communities to establish patrol teams that include
Indigenous peoples in the tiger site of Belum-Temengor. Since 2014, these patrol teams have removed more
than 250 active snares and recorded more than a thousand old snare sites, saving tigers and other large mammals
in the area.
On the national level, the Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysia's Department of Wildlife and National Parks
recently initiated a joint operation on wildlife crime, which has resulted in the arrest of almost 50 people since
September. They are calling for the establishment of the National Tiger Conservation Committee to ensuring
this and spearhead multiple other tiger conservation initiatives.


Task 1
1. Man: Okay, what do we need? '
Woman: Well, we need some butter.
Man: Do we? We already have some in the fridge.
Woman: I don't think it's enough. We need three hundred grams but we only have about half a packet.
Man: The recipe says we need four eggs.
Woman: We've got plenty of eggs.
Man: Alright. Are we okay for flour?
Woman: I think so. There's half a kilo in the cupboard and I think we only need two hundred grams
of it.
Right then. I'll go to the shop and get what we need.
2. Man:
How is your son enjoying university?
Well, not a lot. He's finding the journalism course quite difficult.
Man: Journalism? I thought he was studying law.
Woman: He was, but he changed his course about three months ago. He didn't like it. He had to do
a lot of reading, and he soon realised that the other students on the course were a lot more
hard-working than him!
Do you think he'll stay on the course he's doing now?
I doubt it. Last time I spoke to him, he told me he's thinking of becoming a mechanic!
3. Man: I think I'll have a shower before we go out. Where's the soap? Is it in the blue bag with the
Woman: I'll have a look. N o , it's not here. I've found the toothpaste, but there's no soap.
Man: Maybe I put it in the suitcase with the towel.
Woman: Yes, it's in here. Here you are. But there's no towel in here.
Man: Oh no, did I forget to bring it?
Woman: It looks like it. You'll have to use the hotel one. But perhaps you should buy a new one
before we go to the beach.
4. Man: Are you still trying to decide on a college major?
Woman: Yeah, I'm getting really worried. It's one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make.

Man: Don't be. It's a difficult decision for everyone.

Woman: I guess so. I just can't decide on a specific area to study.
Man: Oh, I understand. I was in the same situation.
Woman: Really? How did you choose?
Man: I thought about what I liked doing the most. If you like what you are doing, then it won't
feel like work.
Woman: But I like so many things. How did you decide on just one?
Man: Actually, I didn't. I chose to have a double major. You could do that.
Woman: Hmm... maybe. I'll think about that.
Man: OK, just remember that you can always change your mind.
5. Woman: Jack, what book are you writing your report on?
Man: I don't know. I haven't decided yet.
Woman: D o n ' t you have any ideas?
Man: Nope. I'm planning on going to the library later this week.
Woman: The report is due really soon. Don't you think you should go to the library today?
Man: Maybe, but I really wanted to go to the miniature golf course this afternoon.
6. Man: Excuse me, I don't know my way around here. I'm looking for the nearest bus station, and I can't
find it. Can you tell me where it is?
Woman: Yes, I can show you on that map you're holding.
Man: Oh, great! Thank you so much! I have the address, but I just can't figure out where the
building is on this map.
Woman: Let me show you. OK, so we are here. And see the bus station? It is right here.
Man: That seems close. Do you think I could walk there?
Woman: Sure. Follow this street for three blocks, then turn left.
Man: Really? Then I'll be there?
Woman: Almost. The bus station is about four blocks from there, on the right. The whole trip should
take you about ten minutes on foot.
Man: Great! I think I can find it now. Thank you for your help.
Woman: D o n ' t mention it.

Task 2
An archaeologist, author, and linguist, Gertrude Bell climbed to the top of her professions just like she
ascended to the top of mountains. She was a passionate learner, teaching herself Persian and Arabic during
her travels through what was then Greater Syria, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and Arabia. She was also an avid
and vocal supporter of Iraqi freedom, and is credited with drawing the boundaries of the modern state of Iraq
in the 1920s. Evidence of Bell's passion and dedication as an archaeologist — which is how she spent her final
years in Iraq — lives on today through the highly acclaimed Baghdad Archaeological Museum (now called the
National Museum of Iraq), which she established just before her death. She charted new routes up mountains,
defied social norms for woman, and was among the finest mountaineers of her time. Her passion and curiosity
for the world make her a female adventurer worth remembering.

Task 3
72-year-old Ann Rodgers of Tucson, Arizona was reported missing on March 31, 2016 by her family. After
taking a few wrong turns on a remote dirt road in eastern Arizona, she ran out of fuel. To worsen the situation,
she was out of range on her cellphone. Rodgers made the right move on night-one of her situation, staying
with her car. She had extra clothing for warmth, and some snacks and water for sustenance. On the second
day however, she made a decision which has killed many people over the past century — she left the vehicle
to look for help. Had she stayed with the vehicle, her ordeal would have been shortened by several days, since
local police found the abandoned car on April 3.
But aside from this major blunder, Rodgers showed remarkable skill and tenacity. Each night, she built
a fire for warmth. She drank 'pond water' for hydration. She even found edible plants along the way and
a turtle which she roasted and ate for nourishment. Each of these skills, she claimed to have learned from
a survival class and her continued research on the topic of desert survival. Rodgers told the authorities that
she was angry with them at one point, since help hadn't come. "I was frustrated, but I knew there were
people who cared enough to make sure somebody found me..." But it wasn't because local authorities weren't
trying. The local s h e r i f f s department and the Department of Public Safety were looking for her, with man
trackers, scent dogs and aircraft.

But again, Rodgers' know-how came into play. She had made a large "help" sign from sticks and rocks,
which a DPS pilot spotted on the ninth day of her predicament. Rescue helicopter pilot Lowell Neshem was
quoted saying "I was completely shocked. Up to that point I thought we were looking for a body. I didn't expect
to find her alive." After the helicopter set down and picked her up, Rodgers was flown to a local hospital and
soon released.


Task 1
l . Woman: Hi, Frank. How are you? Are you shopping alone?
Man: Actually, I'm here with my cousin Helen. Have you met her?
Woman: No, where is she?
Man: She's standing over there next to the till.
Woman: Is she the one with short, red hair and the basket of fruit and vegetables?
Man: No, she's the one with the shopping cart.
Woman: But there are two women with shopping carts. Is she the one with short, straight, fair hair?
Man: No, she has long, black hair.
Woman: Oh, OK. I think I see her. She's wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans, right?
Man: Yeah, that's her. Come on, I'll introduce you to her.
Woman: Hurry, Matt. The line is getting longer.
Man: Wow, that line is too long. I'm not standing in it. Let's just go to the video arcade instead.
Woman: I know it's always overcrowded here, but I really want to go again. Please?
Man: No, I'm already soaking wet.
Woman: I know, isn't it great? The log ride is my favorite!
Man: I think we should eat lunch. I'm hungry.
Woman: I guess we can eat lunch, but afterward, can we ride again?
Man: No, I want to ride something different. I don't care for the log ride.
Woman: OK, what?
Man: Let's ride the roller coaster! I heard it's the fastest in the world. Then after that, I want to
ride on the bumper cars.
Woman: All right, that sounds like fun.
3. Woman: So, you're remodeling your kitchen?
Man: Yeah, I met with the builder last Thursday.
Woman: How exciting! You must be thrilled.
Man: I am. The work should begin on Monday.
Woman: How long until the project is finished?
Man: The builder thought he would be finished by Wednesday, but since some of the materials
won't arrive until later and there are many problems with the plumbing, the project won't
be finished until Friday.
Woman: I hope you don't mind my asking, but how much is it going to cost?
Man: I received a really great deal! It is only going to be $2,000 plus materials.
Woman: How did you get such a great price?
Man: My brother-in-law is an architect. He asked his friend to give me a discount.
4. Man: Hi, can you tell me where I could make a copy of a document right now?
Woman: Sir, you can come downstairs right now to the computer lab.
Man: That's great. I don't suppose the copy machine is free for guests?
Woman: Sir, each copy is ten cents or one dime, whichever you prefer.
Man: In the good old days, it was only five cents a copy. I'll be right down.
Woman: Those were the good old days, sir, indeed.
5. Man: Get a doctor here, immediately!
Woman: What's the problem, sir?
Man: My wife is on the floor, she's unconscious!
Woman: Sir, could you calm down a little bit, please?
Man: Calm down?! My wife is unconscious, and you're telling me to calm down?!
Woman: Hold on just a second, sir. I'm dialing 911.

Man: Hurry up, please.

Woman: I'm connecting you now, sir.
6. Man: Hello! Tomorrow I'm going to need a wake-up call.
Woman: Not a problem. What time shall we call you?
Man: I always hit the snooze button, so give me two calls, one at 7 and another at 7:15.
Woman: It'll be our pleasure. We'll call you at 7 and then at 7:15.
Man: Oops, cancel that. Change the second call to 7:30, will you, please?
Woman: N o sooner said than done. Can I help you with anything else?
Man: No, that's about it for now. Thanks.
Woman: Okay, sir. Have a pleasant evening.

Task 2
Louise Boyd is remembered for her extensive exploration of both Greenland and the Arctic, and her writings
about those journeys. She became the first woman to fly over the North Pole in 1955.
In Greenland, Boyd photographed, surveyed, and collected hundreds of botanical specimens, which were
later catalogued by the American Geographical Society.
Ever the adventurer, she also set out across the Polish countryside as a delegate to the International
Geographical Congress in Warsaw.
She traveled by car, boat, train, and on foot, and took hundreds of photographs that were later published
by the American Geographical Society in 1937.
During World War II, Boyd worked on secret assignments for the U.S. Department of the Army and she
was awarded a Department of Army Certificate of Appreciation for her service in 1949.

Task 3
All five rhino species are threatened with extinction. Due to the efforts by governments and dedicated
conservationists, some populations have rebounded, but they are not completely out of danger.
The scarcity of rhinos today and the corresponding intermittent availability of rhino horn only drive the
price higher and intensify the pressure on the declining rhino populations, according to Save The Rhino.
Poachers are now being supplied by international criminal gangs with sophisticated equipment to track and
kill rhinos.
Today, only 29,000 rhinos survive in the world, down from 500,000 in the beginning of the 20th century.
Black rhinos, Sumatran rhinos and Javan rhinos are "critically endangered," which is the list's highest
risk category. There are 5,055 black rhinos, fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos and only 35 to 44 Javan rhinos,
according to the activist group.

Task 1
1. Rita: Mom, what are you reading?
Mom: It's a magazine article about the best beaches in the world.
Rita: Which beach does it say is the best?
Mom: The article doesn't actually say one is the best. It just talks about three of the author's favourites.
His favourite three are the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand, Playa del Carmen in Mexico, and Corfu
in Greece.
Rita: What is your favourite beach, Mom?
Mom: You know I haven't been to many beaches. But from all the pictures I've seen, I think the
beaches of Bora Bora Island are the best.
Rita: Is Bora Bora an island in French Polynesia?
Mom: Yep!
Rita: Why is it your favourite?
Mom: Because it has the bluest water of any place I have ever seen. And I heard the seafood there is
Rita: Maybe if we are really nice to Dad, he will take us one day.
Mom: I doubt it; you know how Dad feels about beaches; he won't even take us to the beach an hour
Rita: I know.

2. Woman: Can I help you with something?

Man: Yeah, thanks. I really like these jeans. Can you tell me how much they are?
Woman: Sure. They cost thirty dollars.
Man: That's great. Can I try them on?
Woman: Sure. The changing room is over there.
Man: Thanks.
3. Man: Hi. What can I get for you today?
Woman: I need a cake for my friend's birthday.
Man: OK. What size of cake do you want?
Woman: 1 don't want a huge one. 1 think a round cake would work.
Man: What kind of cake does your friend like?
Woman: She loves chocolate, especially chocolate frosting.
Man: Well, how about this one? Do you like the swirls of frosting on it?
Woman: 1 think 1 like the cake with strawberries on it better. I'll take that one.
4. Man: Excuse me, ma'am. Can I please take your plates?
Woman: Yes, please. And would it be possible for you to bring me a container to take the rest of my
meal home?
Man: Sure, I'll bring one right away. Did you enjoy everything?
Woman: Yes, it was delicious. It's better than I expected.
Man: You saved room for dessert, right?
Woman: Maybe I'm pretty full, though. What do you have to offer?
Man: Well, we have a fantastic triple chocolate cake. I could pack it so you could take it home.
Woman: Oh, I don't really care for chocolate.
Man: We also have a great lemon cheesecake.
Woman: That does sound good. I don't want to eat it now, but I'll take it home with me.
5. Claire Walters was watching TV in her living room when she suddenly heard two fire engines pull up in
the street outside her house. Terrified that her house was on fire, she rushed outside and saw a crowd of people
all looking upwards. Claire also looked up and saw a sheep standing on her roof.
A fire service spokesman said that the sheep had got onto the roof from a garage at the back of Claire's
house. Firefighters climbed up a ladder and talked to the sheep for 40 minutes, and finally persuaded the animal
to climb back down.
The sheep was later spotted eating a mouthful of grass in its field near the small town of Usk in South
Wales. It seemed unharmed and none the worse for its adventure.
6. Museums around the world are often filled with art and artifacts spanning thousands of years. Unfortunately,
these museums are sometimes regarded as boring or even uninteresting places to visit. But some museums choose
to take a different approach to learning. There are many interesting museums like this throughout the world.
In Washington, D C there is a potato museum that shows various books, toys, and foods related to potatoes.
In Wisconsin, there is an entire museum dedicated to bathroom tissue, and in Tennessee, an entire museum
showcases beverage containers.

Task 2
Annie Smith Peck was a noted mountaineer and a scholar who set several mountain climbing records. As an
early feminist, she scandalized society by climbing in trousers rather than skirts. She planted a flag championing
votes for women atop Mount Coropuna in Peru. As the first climber of the north peak of Peru's HuascarGn, it
was later named Cumbre Аса Peck in her honor.
Not only was she one of the first female initiates of the Royal Geographical Society, but she was a founder
of the American Alpine Club. Peck was still climbing mountains in her early 80s, proving that nothing can keep
a lady adventurer down!

Task 3
Juliane Diller was the sole survivor of the 93 passengers and crew in the December 24, 1971, crash of
LANSA Flight 508 in the Peruvian rainforest. The airplane was struck by lightning during a severe thunderstorm
and exploded in mid-air. A young lady, who was 17 years old at the time, fell thousands of feet still strapped
into her seat. The thick deep jungle canopy cushioned her fall, and she survived with only a broken collarbone,
a gash to her right arm and her right eye swollen shut.
The girl had no training or gear, but her parents had once told her that the best way to find people in the
jungle was to follow a waterway, since people often build camps and villages along the rivers. With no one else
in sight, she struck out alone. Armed with only that bit of information, she was soon able to locate a small

stream, which she followed for nine days. She finally found a canoe and a nearby shelter, where she waited,
and was soon rescued by two loggers.
Without any survival skills or equipment, this brave young lady rescued herself — simply by knowing which
way to go. Sadly, she was the only one to survive the event. Unbelievably, others had made it to the ground
alive, their fall broken by the heavy vegetation. These survivors decided to await rescue, which didn't arrive
until weeks after the plane explosion. Her mother was among this group — who all died of starvation and their
injuries before searchers located the wreckage.

Task 1
1. Woman: Good morning, Custom Car, how can I help you?
Man: U m , yes, good morning, could I speak to Jessica, please?
Woman: I'm sorry, did you say, "Jessica"?
Man: Yes, that's right.
Woman: I'm sorry, but she's on the other line. Could I take a message?
Man: Oh, well could you ask her to call Mike Jones.
Woman: Yes, of course, sir. What's your number?
Man: Er, it's erm... oh six oh, seven six eight, four nine, double eight, double seven.
Woman: Sorry, did you say, "Five, double eight, double seven"?
Man: No, no, that's nine, double eight, double seven.
Woman: OK, so that's oh six oh, seven six eight, four nine, double eight, double seven.
Man: That's correct.
Woman: I'm sorry, what was your name again?
Man: It's Mike... Mike Jones.
Woman: OK, Mr Jones, I'll ask her to call you as soon as she's available.
Man: Thanks very much. Goodbye.
Woman: Goodbye.
2. Boy: Hello?
Girl: Hi, Mike. How's it going?
Boy: Oh, hey Davina. Fine, thanks.
Girl: So... where do you want to go on Friday?
Boy: Well, I really want to try the new Chinese place on the high street.
Girl: Uh, I'm sorry, what did you say?
Boy: I said, "The new Chinese restaurant on the high street".
Girl: Oh, OK yeah. So, what time's best for you?
Boy: Did you say, "What time"?
Girl: That's right. What time shall I book it for?
Boy: Well, I dunno, er, how about 7.30?
Girl: Sorry?
Boy: Wait, I'll just go inside for a minute. I said, "7.30".
Girl: Yeah, 7.30 sounds good. Let's meet outside the station about 15 minutes before.
Boy: OK, so, do you mean meet at 7.15?
Girl: Yes, that's right.
Boy: OK, see you outside the station at 7.15.
Girl: Yeah, see you there.
3. A: Hi, John. Are you busy on Tuesday?
B: I'm sorry, what did you say?
A: I said, "Are you busy on Tuesday?"
B: No, I'm not. Why?
A: I've got tickets for the football. Do you want to come?
B: So that's in the evening, right?
A: Yes.
B: Yeah. Sounds good.
4. A: I need to get a taxi.
B: We have a variety of transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle to a taxi?
A: No, that won't be necessary. I just need a taxi.

В: Perhaps you'd prefer a limousine. That's such a stylish way to travel.

A: Just a taxi, please.
B: And what is your destination?
A: I'm going to Rockefeller Center.
В: I see. What time do you want to depart from the hotel?
A: I want to leave as soon as possible.
B: Okay, a taxi will arrive in seconds, sir.
A: Thank you, I'm coming down now.
B: It won't be but a few seconds, sir.
5. Woman: Thank you for fitting me in on such short notice.
Man: N o problem at all. The receptionist told me that you needed to get an appointment right
Woman: Yeah, I was pretty frantic when I called because I know you have a busy schedule. It's hard
to find a good pet groomer in this town.
Man: Anything for one of my best customers.
Woman: When I looked at Benny this morning, I knew he needed help. I hope you can do something
for him.
Man: Sure. First, though, I'm going to give him a bath.
Woman: Good idea. I just really want Benny to look good since he's going to be in a family picture
the day after tomorrow.
Man: That's nice. He really is a great dog.
Woman: He certainly is. And do you think you can give him a haircut, too?
Man: N o problem.
6. Woman: I have double checked, and I can handle adding your house to my cleaning schedule.
Man: G o o d , I'm glad. What's your fee?
Woman: For a house this size, I usually charge $130.
Man: Really? I thought it would be a little cheaper than that.
Woman: Well, since it seems like you are pretty neat most of the time, I can do it for $100.
Man: That's a little better, I guess. Thanks. What day will you be coming by?
Woman: It would be best for me if I could come on Friday or Saturday.
Man: Oh, those days I'm so busy with work. What about Sunday?
Woman: No, I d o n ' t work on Sundays. Maybe Thursday?
Man: That would be fine. I'll see you then.

Task 2
I can't believe, 365 days have passed by since we started our nomadic life! Love and Road is celebrating
one year of life, one year traveling around the world. The biggest life decision we have ever made, and we never
imagined we would be so happy with it! Now it's time to look back and realize how far we have gone!
In October 2014 I wrote our first Love and Road review, six months traveling around the world. The post
was written during a bus trip from Pamukkale to Cappadocia in Turkey. This time I'm putting my ideas together
on a train trip from Amsterdam to Berlin, and from Berlin to Barcelona. Not sure why, but long trips make me
more thoughtful and the stunning landscape passing by my window makes me realize how lucky 1 am.
I believe you already know how this story started, our wake up call, how we sold everything, packed our bags
and left Brazil. So now let's go to the point: our travel costs and secrets of 1 year traveling around the world.
How we did, how much we have spent, best moments, curiosities and misadventures. Laughs, tears, fears, and
achievements. A true roller coaster of emotions with breathtaking views from different corners of the world. Now
I can proudly say that Rob and I are professional travelers, digital nomads, travel writers, and happy people!

Task 3
A world map, many dreams, and some money in the bank account. That's how Love and Road started.
To celebrate our first anniversary we gonna share with you our best and worst travel moments, and at the end
of the post, you are going to find our travel bill. I'm sure you will be surprised by the amazing things we have
done and the amount of money we have spent.
We travelled through Africa, Asia, and Europe.
We visited fifteen countries — Cambodia, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Monaco, Morocco,
the Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey.
We saw eighty-three cities. We communicated in thirteen languages. Arabic and Thai were the most difficult.
1C 2C 3B 4В 5С 6В 7F 8Т 9F 10F 11Т 12В
13B 14C 15C 16С 17С 18В 19G 20А 21F 22В 23 В 24 В
25C 26C 27G 28Н 29В 30D 31F 32А 33D 34F 35А 36В
37H 38C 39C 40 В 41D 42А 43С 44 D 45 В 46 В 47 В

48C 49C 50 В 51В 52D 53В 54В 55С 56А 57D 58В

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13B 14A 15B 16С 17В 18А 19Е 20D 21С 22В 23D 24D
25B 26A 27F 28С 29В 30D 31А 32Е 33Н 34F 35G 36Е
37A 38 D 39C 40В 41D 42А 43В 44А 45С 46 В 47 D
48B 49 D 50В 51С 52А 53А 54В 55В 56В 57А 58 В

1C 2C ЗВ 4В 5А 6В 7Т 8F 9Т 10F 11F 12В
13C 14B 15В 16А 17В 18С 19Н 20D 21F 22А 23В 24С
25A 26D 27Е 28С 29G 30В 31D 32А ЗЗС 34G 35Н 36В
37A 38E 39D 40 В 41С 42 D 43А 44 В 45D 46А 47С
48B 49 В 50 D 51С 52А 5 ЗА 54С 55С 56А 57В 58С

1A 2A ЗВ 4С 5В 6А 7Т 8Т 9F 10F 1 IF 12В
13A 14B 15В 16А 17Е 18F 19В 20А 21С 22С 23С 24 В
25D 26D 27Е 28В 29G 30D 31А 32Н ЗЗС 34Е 35F 36А

37G 38B 39В 40С 41А 42В 43D 44А 45В 46А 47С
48B 49C 50А 51D 52А 53С 54С 55С 56В 57D 58А

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13B 14B 15С 16С 17Е 18В 19А 20 Н 21D 22С 23А 24 В
25 D 26B 27G 28D 29А 30Е ЗІВ 32С ЗЗЕ 34А 35D 36F

37B 38D 39В 40С 41D 42 В 43С 44 В 45С 46А 47 D

48 D 49 В 50С 51В 52D 53А 54А 55В 56D 57А 58С

1C 2B ЗА 4А 5С 6В 7Т 8Т 9F ЮТ 11Т 12С
13B 14B 15А 16А 17А 18В 19С 20 D 21Е 22В 23С 24D
25C 26D 27G 28 В 29С 30F 31Н 32Е ЗЗС 34А 35Е 36D
37B 38G 39В 40А 41А 42С 43D 44 В 45В 46А 47С
48D 49 В 50С 51А 52D 53В 54В 55С 56А 57С 58D

1A 2A ЗС 4С 5С 6С 7Т 8F 9F ЮТ 11F 12С
13B 14C 15В 16С 17С 18А 19G 20Е 21В 22В 23С 24А
25B 26C 27D 28F 29В ЗОН 31G 32Е ЗЗС 34F 35Н 36А
37E 38B 39С 40А 41D 42В 43В 44А 45D 46 В 47С
48A 49 В 50А 51С 52В 53D 54С 55А 56В 57С 58В

1A 2C ЗС 4В 5А 6С 7Т 8Т 9Т 10F 1IX 12А
13C 14B 15В 16С 17F 18D 19А 20Е 21В 22С 23D 24С
25B 26 В 27D 28В 29Н ЗОС 31Е 32F 33G 34В 35Е 36С
37D 38A 39В 40С 41А 42 В 43D 44 D 45А 46 В 47С
48A 49C 50В 51А 52D 53В 54А 55С 56А 57В 58С

IB 2B ЗА 4А 5В 6В 7Т 8Т 9Т 10F 11F 12А
13B 14C 15А 16В 17Е 18А 19Н 20G 21В 22С 23В 24 В
25D 26В 27G 28 Н 29F 30D ЗІВ 32С 33В 34 Е 35G 36А
37D 38Н 39В 40С 41А 42В 43С 44С 45В 46 D 47А
48 D 49С 50А 51В 52С 53А 54С 55А 56D 57В 58С

1A 2С ЗС 4С 5В 6В 7F 8Т 9Т ЮТ 11F 12В
13A 14С 15В 16А 17А 18В 19Е 20G 21F 22С 23D 24А
25C 26А 27Е 28D 29А ЗОС 31F 32G 33В 34D 35Е 36Н
37G 38С 39В 40С 41А 42 В 43С 44 В 45А 46С 47А
48 D 49А 50В 51А 52D 53С 54С 55А 56В 57С 58А
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