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PRECALCULUS TOPIC: Principle of Mathematical Induction

LAS (Enhancement Activity ONLY) Pascal's Triangle and the Concept of Combination/ Binomial Theorem
1st Quarter-Week 8

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______________________

TRACK-STRAND/SECTION: _______________________ CP #: ________________________

Independent Practice
Using mathematical induction, prove that
1+4 +7+7 +…+ ( 3 n−2 )= (3 n−1)

Expand the following using pascal’s triangle.
√x 2
1. ( 3 − 2 )

2. (3 x−2 y)11

Math selfie!
Expand the following using Binomial theorem. ( 3 x−2 y )11

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________________________________________ _________________________________
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DATE FINISHED: _____________________________
Feedback of the Teacher:

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Date Received: ________________
Parent’s name and signature

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