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cultivate Yetiştirmek, ekip And the problem is fundamental: the structure of

biçmek the TT is such as to cultivate tricksters.
trickster Dalavereci, üç
Insist Israr etmek, A better test is one that insists on a certain
diretmek restrictive epistemic relation between an artificial
restrictive sınırlayıcı agent (or system) A, its output o, and the human
Epistemic Zihinle kavranabilen architect H of A — a relation which, roughly
somut bilgi speaking, obtains when H cannot account for how A
roughly speaking Kabaca söylemek produced o.
Obtain Elde etmek,
Originate Yaratmak, We call this test the “Lovelace Test” in honor of
kaynaklanmak Lady Lovelace, who believed that only when
computers originate things should they be believed
to have minds.
celebratory Şenlikli New Year’s Eve of 1999 has come and gone, all the
pyrotechnics piroteknik gösteri, celebratory pyrotechnics have died
havai fişek gösterisi
Toddler Yürümeye yeni
başlayan çocuk
shallow sığ
precursor öncü like those seen at the Dartmouth conference at
which a precursor to this paper was presented
merely Yanlızca, sadece
In question Söz konusu The agents in question seem to fall prey
prey Yem, kurban, tuzak
utterly Tümüyle, tamamen,
Perceive algılamak
naive Toy, sade
complaint Şikayet, yakınma
anemic Kansız, solgun
refutes Yalanlamak, aksini
sustain Güç vermek, ayakta
belletristic Edebiyatla ilgili
strength of sayesinde Jones has no reason whatever to
fluke Şans eseri, talih believe that A succeeded on the strength of a fluke
hardware error
whatever Hangi, hangi çeşit
Entail gerektirmek
provisionally Geçici olarak
regarded adledilen
genuinely Gerçekten,
if and only if Ancak ve ancak
Yield getiri
rough-and-ready Hazır halde,
Rather Tersine, ziyade
stipulate Şart koşmak
Obvious besbelli
Cook up Uydurmak,
explicate açıklamak
astonishing Hayrette bırakan
Percept Anlayış, idrak, algı
utterance Ses, söyleyiş,
append Sona ekleme
synthesizer Birleştirici,
candidate Aday olmak
prose Düz yazı
rhyming Uyaklı, kafiyeleme
preserved Korunmuş, korunan
seminal Ufuk açıcı
Embodiments Cisimleştirme,
envision Kafasında
Connectionist bağlantıcı
Grueling meşakkat
surmounted Yenmek, üstünde
concieved Tasarlanmış,
mentation Zihinsel aktivite,
notion Kavram, düşünce
Anticipate Ummak, beklemek
nascent Yeni doğmuş Nascent terms
Prowess Kahramanlık, hüner
exceed Sınırı aşmak
Pioneer öncü
Grant Hibe, bağış, kabul if a computer can pass for human in online
ediş chat, we should grant that it is intelligent
Concisely Kısaca, kısa öz
Consciousness bilinç
İntentionality Amaçlılık,
Acquire Elde etmek,
İmplication İma, çıkarım, saklı
olan anlam
pervasive Yayılmış, sinen, her
zaman hissedilen
subside Geçmek, bitmeye
yüz tutmak
Embodied Bedenleşmiş Embodied cognition
Antecedent öncül
constitutive Temel, den
decipher Şifrelenmiş gizli As part of the WWII project to decipher German
mesaj, deşifre military encryption
unbeknownst Tanınmayan, unbeknownst to me
Odd Acayip, garip, tuhaf, do I then know how to play chess, albeit with
tek sayı an odd phenomenology?
Albeit -de olsa
Circa Yaklaşık, takriben he published a circa hundred page report
İntuition Ön sezi
İnartuculated belirsiz
Burgeon Filizlenmek, some in the burgeoning AI community
tomurcuklanmak started to claim that their programs could
understand English sentences
Myriad Pek çok, çok büyük A fourth antecedent to the Chinese Room
sayıda argument are thought experiments involving
myriad humans acting as a computer.
protagonist kahraman
Virtue Fazilet, erdem
Extraterrestrial Dünya dışı, dünya extraterrestrial aliens
dışı varlık
Constitute kurmak
plausible Akla yatan makul
Colloquium Müzakere, belirli bir
konunun tartışıldığı
İnstantiate Kanıt göstermek, Let a functionalist theory of pain (whatever
savunulan savı kanıt its details) be instantiated by a system the
göstererek subassemblies of which are not such things as
C-fibers and reticular systems but telephone
lines and offices staffed by people.
Subsequently sonradan This scenario has subsequently been called
“The Chinese Nation”
qualia şahsi ve kişiyle
yakından bağlantılı
Decades On yıllar
Debate Çekişme, tartışma
contribution Katılım, katkı
purport anlam
reductio ad aksinin saçma veya
absurdum imkansız olduğunu
göstererek bir şeyi
yarayan dolaylı
Elucidate açıklamak The first premise elucidates the claim of
Strong AI.
endow Bahşetmek, vermek The conclusion of this narrow argument is
that running a program cannot endow the
system with language understanding
Attribute Atfetmek, It is also worth noting that the first premise
dayandırmak, above attributes understanding to “the
nitelik system”.
Distinguish Ayırt etmek, fark Criticisms of the narrow Chinese Room
etmek, sivrilmek argument against Strong AI have often
followed three main lines, which can be
distinguished by how much they concede
Concode Kabul etmek
Despite Rağmen
intuition önsezgi
come across karşılaşmak In the original BBS article, Searle identified
and discussed several responses to the
argument that he had come across in giving
the argument in talks at various places.
Contradict Çelişmek
İnternalize Özümsemek,
proposition Önerme This article can be viewed as an attempt to
explore the
consequences of two
Quest araştırma
intentionality Amaçlılık, Intentionality in
yönelimsellik, human beings (and animals) is a product of
zihinsel durumlar causal features of the brain
inançlar, arzular,
empirical Deneysel
Casual relations Deneysel ilişkiler
Instantiate Örneklerle
Strict Katı, mutlak This is a strict logical consequence of 1 and 2
trivial önemsiz
Cautious İhtiyatlı, tedbirli
Rigorous titiz For example, it enables us to formulate and
hypotheses in a more rigorous and precise
Precise Kesin, keskinlik
Thereby böylece
even though Rağmen, -sa bile
Gedankenexperimen Düşünce deneyi
Squiggle karalama Japanese writing or
meaningless squiggles.
İndistinguishable Benzer, ayırt
edilmesi olanaksız
Slightest En ufak
attribution Özellik, niteleme
İnternalize özümsemek
İncorporates Birleştirmek The individual then incorporates the entire
Encompass Etrafını çevirmek, isn't anything at all to the
kuşatmak system that he does not encompass
İmplausible Mantıksız
Postulate Doğru varsayılan
kanıtsız önerme
Bear on İlgli olmak
Ought sorgulama The idea that computer simulations could be
the real thing ought to have seemed
suspicious in the first place because the
computer isn't confined to simulating mental
operations, by any means.
confined Sınırlı olmak
Pounder yükümlülük
Tacit Zımmen, örtülü
digress Konu dışına çıkmak Before countering this reply I want to digress
to note that it is an odd reply for any partisan
of artificial
intelligence (or functionalism, etc.) to make
Solely Sadece, yanlızca But could something think, understand, and
so on solely in virtue of being a computer
with the right sort of
Distinction Ayrım, seçicilik the distinction between the program and the
Constitutive Oluşturan, tertip Well if programs are in no way constitutive of
eden mental processes, why have so many people
believed the converse?
suspicious Kuşkulu, şüpheli
Drenched Sırıl sıklam etme No one supposes that computer simulations
of a five-alarm fire will burn the
neighborhood down or
that a computer simulation of a rainstorm
will leave us all drenched.
Residual Artık, artan şey Second, in much of AI there is a residual
behaviorism or operationalism.
indebt borçlandırmak I am indebted to a rather large number of
people for discussion of these matters and
for their patient attempts to overcome my
ignorance of artificial intelligence.
İnquiry Sorgu, tahkikat,
cited Alıntı yapılmış

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