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Rizal: Life , Works and Writing

Good day to you all, I just want to share the opportunity to talk to a hero Dr. Jose Rizal. I

have a lot to ask why he is so good at everything. If our national hero were alive, I would

ask what his secret was how he was able to overcome everything he did. Perhaps he

graduated and went abroad to continue his medical practice. If only Gat Jose Rizal were

alive, he would be hurt because nowadays the youth are the ones who are lost. In what

he said "The youth is the Hope of the people" who are now shining with temptations.

I will try and I will not waste the opportunity to talk to Dr. Jose Rizal. I also have many

questions about why he dedicated his life for the town. Why he chose to go abroad to

study and what he learned he will dedicate to our country. If only the time could be

restored when you could approach our national hero, and I can only express the

grievance to our government that it is purely corruption. Now that a pandemic of corrupt

officials is rampant, we do not know who really cares about the people. The people are

deaf to various issues involving officials. That is also the one I will ask why until now

there is still greed for power.

Since he left, many tragic events have befallen the Philippines and until now the people

are still enjoying the suffering. There must be a Dr. Jose Rizal who can fight for the

country just like the Chinese claimed the land of the Philippines. Not only did our

President defend him but he became even more friendly. It is a great loss to lose Dr.

Jose Rizal because he is unique. I know many of us who wants to talk to our national

hero, many want to ask, express grievance. It hurts but one day someone will change

the course of the Philippines. Come back in abundance, May this pandemic be gone.

I know Dr. Jose Rizal on what is happening in tin not only in the country but around the

world. So I wish I could talk to and be able to ask our national hero, which I am glad to

have to answer the long -standing grievance of all Filipinos. Because your

disappearance was quick, the rest of our ancestors didn’t even reach you. Maybe if the

Lord was with you, you would have told him all your vision and plans for the country that

you want to happen.

You can rid the country of conquests. It's a pity we didn't reach you, we just observed

you in a book. It is sad to say that young people today are forgetting to respect the

elderly. Forget the other heroes who taxed our lives, let Dr. there is still hope, there will

be someone like you in the country to be a brave, prudent in life.

Maybe that's all my questions or stories are up to. I am glad that our National Hero

could read my grievances. But I still do not lose hope that a Jose Rizal will live and

dedicate his life for the country. Thanks for the love Dr. Jose Rizal not only in the

Filipino but in the Philippines, you already have everything, you have nothing like it. You

can be considered a national hero.

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