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International school of management and technology

First Semester


Submitted To:
Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Task 1[P1]..............................................................................................................................................4


Justification of time allocated:...............................................................................................................7

Time management skills:........................................................................................................................9

Task 2[P2]............................................................................................................................................13



Task 3[P3]............................................................................................................................................20


Application of interpersonal skills.......................................................................................................20

Role of team members.........................................................................................................................20



Task 4[P4]............................................................................................................................................23




Critical reasoning been applied to a given solution:............................................................................31


Task 5[P5]............................................................................................................................................33




Section 1...............................................................................................................................................35



Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Section 2...............................................................................................................................................37


Process theory of motivation................................................................................................................37

Reinforcement theory of motivation....................................................................................................37



Impact of motivation in workplace......................................................................................................38


Section 3...............................................................................................................................................40






Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Task 1[P1]
1.1 Produce a professional schedule for a two-day event (using project management software)
that identifies planning and resourcing prior to the event.

1.2 Design a training pack including a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building
activities and break-out sessions. It is expected that 30 employees will attend the event. There is
a large auditorium that will seat 60, and the outdoor center can accommodate 15 at any one
time for activities. In addition, there are three break-out rooms, one with computers for up to
20 and two other seminar rooms that seat up to 30.


As being an IT intern in an IT company I have organized two days training event in my college
(International School of Management and Technology). I have given Database Training to the
students of BIT faculty.

I have exposed the design and deliver methods of Database training among students (Target
audience) where I have used different communication formats and skills. I have authenticated how I
have used effective and different time management skills for Database training class. I have designed
some professional schedule plan to conduct an event effectively where I have included contingencies
and justification of effective time allocated. I have explained how I was able to design and deliver
training event effectively by the help of interpersonal skills.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

By the help of Project management software, I was able to design the schedule for my training class.
In Day 1, I delivered short introduction about the Database and following by Introduction I provided
the concept of Database techniques that includes the concept of Data, Data storage, structured data,
and undescribed data and described data. Then after 30 minutes of Tea Break, I gave blunt
information about the Intermediate Database techniques which is little bit advanced and that includes
Initial setup, Data types, Functions and operators, Query execution and Joins. Simultaneously, I gave
a verbosely Introduction of POSTGRESQL including its installation process, system monitoring and
Tuning process.

In Day 2, I provided a detail information about the MySQL Administration, its installation
process, and system components. And giving about 30 mins of Launch break I present the
presentation on topic Database training that includes short introduction about XAMPP server and

Here, I have used different communication styles while designing an event. As we know there are
two types of communication Verbal and non-Verbal. Verbal is an oral communication where the
message is transmitted through spoken words where the feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions are
expressed in the form of speeches, discussion and presentation. An example of verbal
communication is saying “NO” when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do.

Here, I have used verbal communication for my database training in the form of speeches,
discussion that helps me as well as audience to understand clearly. The process of conveying
meaning without the use of words and made between two or more persons through the use of facial
expression, gestures, hand movements, postures and gestures is Non-Verbal communication. I have
also used non-verbal communication in the form of body gesture, hand movements and visual
communication that helps the audience to have a clear vision of content of database.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Justification of time allocated:

1. 9 am to 10 am was allocated for travelling to collage from office to publicize the event as
well as to meet the collage principal.
2. The meeting with principal was fixed from 9 am onwards up to 10 am and if we couldn’t
meet principal, we would meet IT coordinator.
3. After receiving the permission from collage, gathering the team members and showing the
content finished from 10am to 11am.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

4. Managing physical infrastructure for training was held next day from 8am to 9am, where all
the stuffs are gathered from shops if not from collage.
5. After gathering team, the team work was divided among the team members which is held
from 9am to 10 am.
6. After gathering team and necessary stuffs the event conduction was started from 10pm where
all the content is explained clearly and feedback was collected and at 2pm we gave the final
7. A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job or
project is called team. Team is very essential to complete any task within a short period of
time and to achieve the goal.

The main objective of forming our team is to conduct the database training event. Task has
been assigned to each and every team member so that they can finish within the time and can
conduct the event successfully. Every one task has mentioned below:

Benju Kadariya: As I was given task to have a meeting with collage principal and organize
the event. I went to collage to meet principal and then there I explained all the content that we were
going to deliver during an event. After listening my ideas collage principal gave us permission to
conduct an event in ISMT collage.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Poonam Shrestha: After the approval of collage Principal Poonam Shrestha has prepared an
effective schedule that include every activity that should be done during two-day event. She
has separated time for launch for meeting and for presentation. Then she also motivates Niva
Shrestha to collect all essential materials.

Niva Shrestha: After the design of schedule Niva Shrestha make one list where she listed all
the materials that is essential during event. Then she went to many shops and collected all the
materials. She also arranged some snacks that we are going to provide to students during
lunch break.

I and my team members gave our best to conduct an event successfully as we have a common
goal and we are dedicated in our work and have strong cooperation among each other.

Time management skills:

Time management skills is defined as controlling the use of most valuable and undervalued
resource by managing oneself in time. It is the process of organizing and planning how much
time you spend on it. According to Zig Ziglar “Failure to plan is planning to fail”. A
time management controls a designed combination of tactics, equipment, techniques, and
strategies. There are many purpose of time management skills and they are:

 Greater productivity and efficiency.

 A better professional reputation.
 Less stress.

The main objective of using time management skills is mentioned below:

o To recognize the myths and reality of time management.

o To define their values, goals, target and priorities.
o To develop a workable balance between reactive and proactive.

As the database training was held in February 16, 2019. Here I have used effective time
management skills by applying following methods:

1. To do list.
2. Stephen’s conveys time management matrix.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

 To do list:

Task Priority

Contact college administration. Very important.

Successfully complete training event. Very important.

Get feedback. Important.

Explaining out of topic. Not important.

 Stephen’s convey Time management matrix:

Medium priority. High priority.

Important Forming group. Contacting college


Assigning work to respective Completing training before

members. deadline.

No priority Less priority

Not important Using social medias. Advertising program.

Attending personal event.

Time management strategies:

Time management strategy is more important to lead certain event successfully. In database training
event I have used following strategies:

 Goal setting.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

 Prioritization.
 Focus.
 Self-motivation.
 Planning.
 Communication skills.
 Delegation.
 Patience.
 Stress management.

I have designed a feedback form which we have distributed to all the students after the
completion of an event. And here is the feedback form;

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


By the help of Professional Development Plan, I was able to design the professional schedule that
helps me to plan in short period of time. It helped me to build the confidence as well as helped to
increase retention. During two-day event, I have used interpersonal skills such communication,
leadership, listening and team work that help me to design and deliver the essential content
effectively. As well as target audience have clear vision of content of database such as data
techniques, POSTGRESQL administration, Intermediate and MYSQL administration and they are
able to do any task related to database Above, I have designed about the two-day event training
where I have described all the content as well as I have used different communication styles which
help me to deliver a training event effectively as well as it became easy for target audience to
understand the above content.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Task 2[P2]

2.1 Design a two-hour workshop session based on ‘team dynamics. The workshop will include a
presentation which will discuss the importance of team dynamic in the success and/or failure of
a group work. You will also provide interactive links to suitable sites and prepare an activity
sheet that will require delegates (trainees/ participates) to take part in some form of team-
building task.

Team dynamics can be both success and failure of group. It depends on the team members how they
take the work as. If they are dedicated then they can achieve success but if they are not dedicated,
they cannot achieve success. Team dynamics is an invisible force that operate between different
people or in group of teams.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


It is concluded that team dynamics is a behavioral relationship between members of a group that are
assigned connected tasks with a group member. The failure or the success of the group depends on
the team dynamics. Thus, we should realize the significance of team dynamics and every team
should carry out this to achieve success.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Task 3[P3]

Following the event, your training and development manager has asked you to provide some
feedback. Produce a written evaluation of the effectiveness and application of interpersonal
skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include an evaluation of your
performance in this project and your contribution to the team you worked in.


Interpersonal skills are the set of abilities enabling a person to interact positively and work
effectively with others. Interpersonal skills are used in daily life where we interact and communicate
both individually and in a group. It also includes the wide range of skills like communication that
includes both verbal and nonverbal.

Application of interpersonal skills:

Interpersonal skills play important role in everyday basis either it will be in business or in our
personal life. Interpersonal skills help to gain an awareness of our own skills and help us to
enormously in dealing with the work tasks. It helps us to succeed in almost any work by helping us
to understand other people and adjusting our approach to work together effectively.

I have used skills like communication, leadership, listening, and teamwork in my training event
which helped me to design and deliver the event effectively. I have used verbal communication to
explain the content whereas Nonverbal communication while explaining the slide. Students has paid
attention which is sign of listening. Students as well as team members have participated to make the
event successful.

Role of team members:

Action oriented:

Shaper: In every team shaper role is performed by the person who can face and solve all the
challenges. Shaper always mention the positive attitude so that they can face the problem.
They are expert in communication skills that help them to solve the problem easily.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Implementer: Implementer is the one of the most important roles played in the team. In team
there is one person who implemented whole task being practical, efficient and well-
organized. They also cannot easily accept the changes made in the team.

Finisher: finishers are the person that have detail information about the work. They are also
regarded as perfectionist as they solve all the problems that has been raised during the
conduction of any event. They hate being delayed in the work so rather being delayed they
share their task with others.

People oriented:

 Coordinators: Coordinators are the one who lead the team. They are mature one and direct
all the team members how to manage the work and give good guidance. They also have a
great listening skill that help team members to express their problems and opinions and
help to achieve goal.

 Team members: When there is the formation of teams there arises the conflict,
misunderstanding among the team members. So, team members should do their task by
solving the conflict and misunderstanding between them. They put team cohesion ahead
of their decision-making abilities.

 Resource investigator: Resources investigators have a great networking skill so that they
can communicate with others easily and can find the important information from others.
They are the quick thinkers.

Thought oriented:

 Evaluator: They are the critical thinker so they directly don’t jump to make decision but
analyze it critically and make decision. So, there should be evaluator to make decision and
motivate team members.

 Specialist: Specialist are the person who are expert in a particular field. Their main priority is
to maintain the standards. They are also the independent member of a team.

 Plants: Plants are the members of a team that have poor communication skills. They are not
cooperated with other team members. The prefer to work alone.

When there is the formation of team then there will be many works that should be done by the team
member. Before working in the team, one should know the crew and propose of making team. Every
member should have clear vision of goal so that they can stay focus. The team members should be
dedicated and they should be cooperative with one another. When there is the cooperation among the

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

team members then there will be easy to finish the work. When any problem arises during the work
than if they have a cooperative team member, they can find the solution and can solve problem
easily. Therefore, members play an important role to achieve the goals.

Contribution of team work:

Team work is most important to achieve the goal successfully. While working in the team there may
arise the conflict between the team members. Everyone should be dedicated and should have strong
feeling to complete the task. Here, I am explaining about myself. I was assigned as a team member
and my task was to meet the collage principal and to organize an event. At first, I feel nervous
because before I have not organized any event but one of my team members motivated me and only
then I was able to organize this event successfully. So, there should be cooperation among the team
members. If one cannot do that work another should teach and motivate him or her so that we can
finish the task over a certain period of time and successfully.


The group members work effectively when they have the positive attitudes and have good
communication skills with each other. The team members may also have difficulty during team
management, different organizational questioning, and fear of losing. The main function of team
dynamics is to solve the problem by generating the great ideas to get excellent result.

Task 4[P4]

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

4.1 Produce a report discussing problem-solving and its importance in planning and running
an event. Your report should include a discussion of various problem-solving techniques and
justify the solution methodologies used during your project. You should also include a critique
of the application of critical reasoning and your experiences of it.


Problem solving is a valuable skill that can be learnt, and perfected through continual practice. A
wide range of problem-solving models and techniques are available to assist in evaluating and
solving diverse problems of varying degree of complexity. In other words, it is a systematic process
which defines a problematic situation between actual and expected and identifies the problem as an


Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Problem solving techniques and its importance in planning and conducting an event.

By: Benju Kadariya


Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

1. Problem solving steps:

2. Problem solving techniques.
3. Process of critical reasoning.
4. Problem faced during conduction of an event.

Problem solving steps:

1. Define the problem.

2. Determine the causes.
3. Generate ideas.
4. Select the best solution.
5. Take action.

Define the problem:

It is one of the most important steps of problem solving. Unless you define the problem, you cannot
find the solution of it. As I have organized an event with my team member, I have defined the
problem as poor performance by the team member so that I can develop different solutions.

Determine the causes:

I have already defined the problem and now here I have determined the main cause of problem by
the help of fishbone diagram.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

If you consider a problem as a gap between where you are and how and where you want to be, the
causes of the problem are the obstacles that are preventing from closing the gap immediately. From
above fishbone diagram it is clear that Budget, Material, Method, Weather, Manpower and Venue are
the main problem of an event.

Generate ideas:

Once you have defined the problem and determined the causes its time to generate creative ideas and
develop possible solutions to the problem. Even though all of the ideas that we generate don’t work
but just generate as many as you can.

Select the best solution:

After you come up with several ideas that can solve the problem, one problem solving technique can
use to decide which one is the best solution to the problem. I have defined the critical criteria for the
problem that have evaluated how each solution compares each other and makes me easy to choose
best solution.

Take action:

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Once you have determined which solution you will implement, it’s time to take an action.

Problem solving techniques:

Six thinking hats: Each thinking hats is the different style of techniques that help us to solve the
problem. It was designed by Edward De Bono which helps us to think deeply the main cause and to
solve the problem. The six-thinking hats are mentioned below:

White hat:

By the help of white hat, I was able to find the main root cause of the problem that was delaying to
complete our event. Our team members were in dilemma where to conduct the event as this event
was organized to give training to college student about the database.

Yellow hat:

Yellow hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. By the help of yellow hat, I can think positively
about all the decision I have made and I can see its benefits in my event. It also helps our team
members to build confident so that they can communicate easily with the audience.

Black hat:

We have already planned for our events. As black hat is a judgmental hat by the help of this hat, I
found the weakness, difficulties in my plan. So, I made another plan so that we can successfully
conduct an event.

Red hat:

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

This was my first event that I was going to organized so there was a little bit fear nervousness and
obviously all the negative thinks were stocked in my mind so by the help of red hat I was able to
control all my negative feelings and focused on my goal.

Green hat:

Obviously when we plan an event we must think creatively and should collect all the ideas,
alternatives so that there will be no problem during conduction of an event. Green hat taught me to
express new concept and new perception.

Blue hat:

It helps to manage the thinking process. It is the control mechanism that ensures the six thinking hats
guidelines were observed.

Swot analysis:

Swot analysis is a technique that enables organization or individual to move from everyday problem
and traditional strategies to a fresh prospective. It helped me to identify and build the strength.
During the conduction of an event there arise many issues such as staff issue, advertising, financial
resource issue and by the help of swot analysis I have addresses individual issue that helps me to
solve the problem.

Time management skills:

Time management skills is one of the problem-solving techniques. Time management is the process
of organizing and planning how to divide individual time between specific activities. A suitable
schedule is needed to manage the time. While designing an event I have used certain time
management skills like goal setting, prioritization, delegation, communication and planning.

Why’s Methods:

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

It is one of the most important problem-solving technique. After knowing so many weaknesses,
problems, strengths I used brainstorming method so that I can find the appropriate solutions by
creating many ideas in my mind. Here is five why’s method:

Why these problems are arising?

Why I am not able to find the root cause?

Why this problem is not solving?

Why I lack those skills and knowledge?

Why I can’t get rid of those problems?

Trial and error method:

Trial and error method are used to solve the complex problem. There are many problems that have
number of solutions. When we have many solutions, there will be dilemma to choose the right
solutions so this method is used to find the appropriate solution. In this process we try first solution
and wait till the result and then we try another solution and, in this way, we can choose the right


 It does not require more knowledge.

 It is more applicable while solving math problems.

Process of critical thinking:

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Critical thinking is not just only one skill, it is further result of many skills which is applied
effectively. Firstly, in order to think critically we should think reasonably and should able to assess
the information or sources.

 Knowledge.
 Comprehension.
 Application.
 Analyze.
 Synthesis.
 Take action.


For every problem, clear vision is the right path to solve the certain problem. So we should have the
appropriate knowledge of the problem that we are facing.


Once the problem is identified, the next step is to understand the situation and the facts aligned with
it. The data is collected about the problem using any of research methods that can be adopted
depending on the problem.


This step continues the previous one to complete the understanding of different facts and resources
required to solve problem by a building a linkage between the information and resources.


Once the information is collected then we should analyze whether the information is correct or not.
We should analyze deeply.


Once the problem is fully analyzed and all the related information is considered, a decision should be
formed about how to solve the problem and the initial route to follow to take this decision into

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Take action:

The final step is to build an evaluation about the problem that can be put into action. The result of
critical thinking should be transferred into action steps. If the decision involves a specific project or
team, a plan of action could be implemented to ensure that the solution is adopted and executed as

Problem faced while organizing events:

 Overspending.
 Not considering little things.
 Choosing the venue.
 Uncooperative weather.
 Running out of time.

Critical reasoning been applied to a given solution:

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, conceptualize, synthesize and evaluate and evaluate
information objectively and make reasoned judgment to reach in a conclusion. It involves the
evaluation of sources such as data, acts, observable, reasonable, reflective thinking and research
findings on deciding what to believe or do. The main purpose of critical reasoning in this event is
that it helped me to analyze the complicated, nuanced circumstances as well as helped me to think
about the linkage between the problems and solutions. The main objective of critical reasoning in an
event is that it helped me to communicate effectively to the target audience so that they feel easy to
understand. It gave me ability to solve the problem. The main importance is that it helps to enhance
language and presentation skills and promote my creativity. Make easy to communicate with target


Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

I have concluded that I have used six thinking hats as problem solving techniques. The problem-
solving techniques help us to be self-assure, and creative. During the conduction of an event many
conflicts may arise but when we need to make decision, we should always be creative and also
should use the alternatives methods. Numerous methodologies can be applied to solve the problem.
Organization must apply the problem-solving techniques to find out the root cause and to solve the
problem easily. Various problem-solving techniques as used in organization by observing their size.
All the staffs in organization and team members in team should pay an attention while having the
knowledge of problem-solving techniques. As I have organized an event, I have used swot analysis,
time management, why’s method and six thinking hats method to solve the problem.

Task 5[P5]

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

5.1 Having completed the Training Event Management project, you now need to reflect on
your experience and consider your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) needs.


CPD refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you
gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a record of what you
experience, learn and then apply.

CPD is necessary to every individual to show off their capability in particular filed. It also helps
them to learn new things day by day which help them to increase quality, skills, knowledge of
their professional life.


 It helps to ensures that you have maintain good knowledge and skills of particular things and
can deliver fluently.
 In today’s world everyone should be updated because there are more changing trends in
business and one should have great knowledge about the new trending things otherwise one
will be left behind.
 Work during the formation of team will be easier as well as their will be the development of
communication skills as well as their will be cooperation among the team members and all
the team members will become more dedicated in workplace.
 It helps to develop skills such as lead, manage, communicate etc.

Goal Action Achievement Targeted month

Conducting an event Meeting college Got permission to March 2019

in ISMT college. principal and getting conduct an event in
permission. ISMT college.

To make successful Create a Gantt chart. Successfully planned April 2019

plan. an event.

Collect all the Went to all the shops. Successfully collected May 2019
appropriate materials. all the materials.


Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

CPD plays an important role to enhance man and woman development and allows us to improve an
ability. It also helps us to fulfill our goal. It teaches us to be self-assured, self-motivated and self-
efficient to reach in our goal. And lastly there should be future plan and we should actively follow
that plan.

Section 1

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Consider your personal and/or career goals and identify your CPD needs and what actions
would put you in a position to achieve these goals. Produce a development plan outlining your
future goals and identifying how these can be realized.


Currently I am a student of ISMT collage (International school of management and technology) and
studying BIT. As being an IT student, my aim is to be expert in programming and to establish IT
company in my own country. To open an IT company firstly, I have to complete my bachelor and
should have good knowledge of programming, networking and database. It will take 3 years to
complete my bachelor. After completing my bachelor, I want to work as an intern so that I can have
experience in work that I have studied before in my collage. After intern, I want to become an IT
manager in an IT company so that I can collect all the resources, knowledge that is required to open
and run IT Company smoothly.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


CPD plays an important role to enhance man and woman development and allows us to improve an
ability. It also helps us to fulfill our goal. It teaches us to be self-assured, self-motivated and self-
efficient to reach in our goal. And lastly there should be future plan and we should actively follow
that plan.

Section 2

Conduct some research into motivational theories and illustrate how they can be used to
improve employee performance. Compare a number of theories and present your findings.


Motivation is a driving force which affects the choice of alternatives in the behavior of a person.
There are many motivation theories they are explained below:

Process theory of motivation:

The physiological and behavioral process that motivates a person to act in a particular way is the
process theories of motivation. This theory helps to motivate people and helps to affect the behavior
so that they can achieve the goal. To achieve certain goal in a workplace one must be conscious
about their choice. Everyone has different goal but they can motivate each other by a positive
correlation and positive performance to achieve success. They should be motivated by the fair

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Reinforcement theory of motivation:

Reinforcement theory of motivation was proposed by BF Skinner and his associates. This theory
overlooks the internal state of individual. In any workplace or in company the external environment
must be designed effectively and positively so that all the employees can feel motivated and help to
achieve their goals. There are different methods that is used by manager to control the behavior of
employees and they are;

o Positive reinforcement.
o Negative reinforcement.
o Punishment.
o Extinction.


There are many motivational theories. They may have some similarities and differences too. Above I
have explained about the process theory of motivation and reinforcement theory. Both of these
theories help us to motivate an individual that help to achieve their goal in workplace. It changes the
behavior and the environment were so positive that you can do your task positively and can achieve
goal within a short period of time.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


Process theory of motivation helps to know how motivation occurs, the way it influences motivation
and notice the needs of people and motivate them according to their needs. While Reinforcement
theory of motivation motivate people by changing their behavior by looking internally. Firstly, they
make the external environment of the company positive and then only they motivate the employee.

Impact of motivation in workplace:

Motivation theory helps you to find out the hidden talent that you have and help you to accomplish
responsibilities. The vital things that are needed to achieve goal are we should be self-assure in our
workplace with self-efficiency and we should have intention to learn new things day by day.
Motivation causes the achievement but being stimulated additionally and we need to consider that we
were not going to work alone anymore and going to do all the work with clever mind.


Motivation is one of the most important tasks in workplace. Motivation plays an important role to
achieve success in workplace. According to McShane and Von Glinow state, motivation is one of the
four cardinal drivers of individual behavior and efficiency. In a workplace without motivating
employees their will not be positive effect in an organization. Therefore, in any workplace both the
manager and employee need to know the importance of motivation and its effect to achieve success.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Section 3

Write a report on the usage of CPD within organizations and what evidence would be required
to measure how effective this CPD is in helping employees achieve their goals while using their
time and resources effectively.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


Report on usage of CPD within organization.

By: Benju Kadariya

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


 Introduction.
 Criteria.
 Usage of CPD


CPD is a holistic approach taken by professionals to enhance their skills, knowledge and capabilities,
throughout their careers. CPD also helps in the contribution of employees to achieve the goal in the


 Content focus.
 Active learning.
 Coherence.
 Duration.
 Collective participation.

Here is the explanation of criteria,

Content focus:

To achieve certain goal first we should CPD plan about the day to day activities and make
appropriate schedule. The most important thing is to stay focus on your goal. Many times, after

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

making schedule also we feel lazy and go out of track from what we should do. So, we should stay
focused to achieve goal.

Active learning:

After planning and staying focus we should be active learner. In today’s world new trending is
coming day by day and we should be Up-to-date about the new trending, content and should have
knowledge about each and every thing otherwise we will be left behind.


We should not only learn but also should have knowledge of the content. We should understand the
content so it will be helpful for us.


While planning the CPD plan we should complete the certain task over the certain period of time.
Each should have clear vision of duration so that they can finish in time otherwise there will be
ineffective CPD. Therefore, one should have clear knowledge of duration before planning.

Collective participation:

Collective participation refers to the active participation of the team members to achieve the goal.
When everyone will participate there will the professional development. By the help of active
cooperation and interaction one can learn many things that they don’t know before. Therefore, there
should be collective participation.


 It helps to ensures that you have maintain good knowledge and skills of particular things and
can deliver fluently.
 In today’s world everyone should be updated because there are more changing trends in
business and one should have great knowledge about the new trending things otherwise one
will be left behind.
 Work during the formation of team will be easier as well as their will be the development of
communication skills as well as their will be cooperation among the team members and all
the team members will become more dedicated in workplace.

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019


It is concluded that CPD has helped all the employees to have active interaction and coordination
with the team members and they have knowledge of active learning. In future if they need to plan
any event or achieve certain goal, they will stay focus, learn more and more, will be coherence
and keep in mind about the duration and will have active participation.

2011-2019, (. (2019). Skills You Need - Helping You Develop Life Skills. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jun. 2019].

Bright Hub PM. (2019). Bright Hub PM - Just another WordPress site. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jun. 2019].

Scribed. (2019). Scribed - Read books, audiobooks, and more. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jun. 2019]. (2019). Small Business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jun. 2019]. (2019). - Essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book report
and other. [Online] Ava

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)

Professional Practice 2019

Ram Khanal (HND / First Semester)


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