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The Board of Directors met at Clark Smith’s home on January 18, 2024.

President Mary Dupuis called the

meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Teri Riggins gave the end of year Treasurer’s Report. The current balance is $26,292.37 but did not
include the number of recent snows on December 25, 2023 (which was double time due to being a
holiday), January 6, 12 and 18th snows for a total of $10,082 so far. She shared that last year the HOA
spent $7994 for the entire winter, so we are 25% higher in snow expenditure already.

As a reminder, Ray’s will come shortly after any snow accumulation has finished to remove the snow of 1
inch or greater.

Social Committee – Ann Brase has requested to be removed from the Social Committee. Linda Hanson
has been asked by the Social Committee and approved by the Board to replace Ann. Welcome Linda!

The Board has appointed a committee comprised of Chair Clark Smith, Chris Armitage and Sandy Stark
for the Nominating Committee. Mary Dupuis has asked the committee to find a new President for the
HOA. The other three Board members agreed to continue serving. If you are interested in serving on
the Board, please contact one of the committee members above.

The Board will look at dates for the Annual meeting in Spring and finalize a date for members at the
March Board meeting.

The Board is continuing to collect emergency contacts for members in that just the Board of Directors
will retain in case an emergency arises to support members best interests.

The board adjourned at 7:53 pm. The next meeting will be at the home of Mary Dupuis on March 14,

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