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Arts and Creativity literacy – I am not that much creative and I am not really good at producing
art and I am not able to express myself through art. That is why even though I can somehow
draw, I feel that I am lacking in this literacy.
Cyber literacy – Because of the pandemic, the activities and projects that needs to be passed has
become digital. But even though I have the basic knowledge in using the computer in the
internet, I feel that it is still inadequate since I am only able to do simple editing for the activities
and projects that needed to be passed especially the ones with the video format. That is why I
think that I still need to further develop this literacy so I can be much more proficient in using
this technology.
Financial literacy – this literacy is included in one of our lessons in one of our subjects and I feel
that I am not really good at things like the basics of economics and financial management. I can
see it in the scores that I get in this subject and how I often struggle in trying to understand it.
2. For Arts and Creativity literacy, I can try expressing myself through art and try to produce art
even though it is not required as an activity. For Cyber literacy, I can try attending webinars that
teaches some computer skills and techniques in editing. And for Financial literacy, I would try to
understand it more by researching on the internet and watching tutorials on YouTube.
3. Arts and Creativity literacy – Two to four years
Cyber literacy – One to two years
Financial literacy – 6 months to One year
4. For Arts and Creativity, I would need some basic art materials and for Cyber Literacy and
Financial Literacy, I would need good internet connection if I want to attend those webinars,
research the internet, and watch YouTube tutorials.
5. For Arts and Creativity, I might lack the inspiration to do art and I might also lack funds in
purchasing the art materials. As for the Cyber Literacy and Financial Literacy, the internet
connection at our place is not that good so I might encounter problems regarding that.
6. For Arts and Creativity, I think my upcoming scholarship stipend might help to cover the costs of
purchasing the art materials. As for the Cyber Literacy and Financial Literacy, I plan on
convincing my parents to subscribe to fiber internet connection since my father also needs it in
order to be able to do his job properly.

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