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114 Wiley St.

, Kingston, Ontario K7K 5B5

Tel: 1 (613) 546.5981 Fax: 1 (613) 546.0463

February 22, 2024

To whom it may concern:

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Ms. Savannah
Medley for consideration for employment. I have worked with Savannah during the
2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years in my current position as Principal of St.
Francis of Assisi Catholic School. During this time, Savannah has worked as an
unqualified Occasional Teacher, Early Childhood Educator, and Educational
Assistant. Savannah has demonstrated flexibility and an ability to adapt to various
situations, which have enabled her to build strong relationships with staff and
students in a short period of time. Savannah has shown great leadership and has
worked tirelessly to support the needs of her students and the needs of her fellow
staff in any role she took on. It is a pleasure to work with Savannah; she has proven
herself to be a very dedicated and resourceful individual who exemplifies what it
means to be a caring and compassionate educator.

Savannah has an ability to connect with people. She is highly respected, as both a
person and a professional, by teaching staff, students, parents and colleagues. She
has very good written and verbal communication skills and is both organized and
reliable. While working at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School she has shown a
willingness to work on any assignment presented to her. She accomplishes tasks
with great initiative and a positive attitude.

In closing, I would recommend Ms. Savannah Medley for employment. She has
proven herself to be a valued member of our school community and I am confident in
her abilities to be a successful team player in any school or organization. If you would
like further elaboration regarding her qualifications or work skills, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Digitally signed by Chris Gencarelli

Chris Gencarelli DN: cn=Chris Gencarelli, o, ou,, c=CA
Date: 2024.02.22 06:57:48 -05'00'

Chris Gencarelli
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School

151 Dairy Ave, Napanee, Ontario K7R 4B2 Tel: 1 (613) 354.2255
Auto Attendant: 1 (613) 354.6257 Toll Free: 1 (800) 581.1116
Fax: 1 (613) 354.0351

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