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Question - How has technology impacted Sports Journalism

Intentions - My intentions are to identify the changes of sports journalism over the past
couple of years and has it changed for the better.

Aims - I have a wide range of aims to help me put together a professional essay and make it
sound appealing to the audience.

- Get a feeling on the difference from 2019 - 2024

- Get an understanding of the threats that Journalists may face in the next 10 years
- Opinions from Sport Journalists and the general public about their views
- Why does Sports Journalism look more detailed than recent time
- Using figures from various sources to correct a comparison

Introduction -

- Laying out my essay by bringing into some opening words about what I'll be writing.
- Talk about the figures and make an comparison
- Introducing the main topic and what I will be wanting to do in this essay

Middle -

What has changed?

I will be taking things out of some articles from 2019 and explaining the difference between
then and now (2024) LINKS TO - and
ier-league-match-report - I will also be talking about how sports journalism has changed

from 2019-2024 in terms of broadcasting from transfer deadline day LINKS TO -
The final hour of Transfer Deadline Day! | LIVE and DEADLINE DAY LIVE!

Where will Sports Journalism be in 10 years?

What does the future of sports journalism look like? LINKS TO -
ust%20it. - “I can’t see sports journalism having a healthy future” LINKS TO -
aving-a-healthy-future/ - Will AI take over sports journalism and what will be the damages
to Journalists - LINKS TO -

What are the benefits of today's Sports Journalism?

Here’s why local sports journalism is more relevant than ever in the digital age - LINKS TO
relevant-than-ever-in-the-digital-age-5f22614800d8 Benefits of Pursuing Journalism and
Mass Communication Degree - LINKS TO
nctive%20outlook%20on%20the%20world. How Digital Media Has Changed Sports
Journalism - LINKS TO When The Sports
World Won’t Stick to Sports, What Does That Mean For Sports Journalism? - LINKS TO

Conclusion -

I will be talking about the whole difference on a whole and my own personal thoughts on the
current state of sports journalism and what is going to the main factors of

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