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Speaker 1: Today in philosophy class we brought up the topic that physical education should be
mandatory. What do you think?
Speaker 2: I completely agree that physical education at school should be compulsory, as students
need to clear their minds and move around after sitting for several hours.
Speaker 1: I understand your point of view, but there should be electives, since there are people who
find it difficult to exercise, do not like it or even cannot.
Speaker 2: Absolutely, but those who find it difficult or do not like it could walk or even do exercises
for relaxation and to strengthen and release their tensions and burdens, because after several days of
sitting without stopping they should move.
Speaker 1: Time spent in physical education could be used more effectively to improve academic
outcomes in other areas, especially in a school environment where competition is high.
Speaker 2 : Maybe you´re right but Physical education provides an opportunity for students to develop
fundamental motor skills, coordination and balance, which are essential to their physical development.
Speaker 1: the decision as to whether physical education should be mandatory in school depends on
the educational philosophy adopted by each school system and how they balance the physical and
social benefits with other academic priorities.
Speaker 2: Yes, I completely agree

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