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Arthur T.

lozano Jr
TEC 101
What was the first major innovation that brought technology into the traditional classroom
setting, and how did it change the way students learned?
For me, the first major innovation was the invention of the overhead projector in 1930, and the
radio in the 1920s. According to Dale's cone of experience, 50% of what we see and hear can be
adopted, and this percentage can increase to 90% if they can practice and have hands-on
experiences, as we do when we watch something and practice it on our own. So, for me, the first
major benefit of technology was the advent of the overhead projector, which made learning
simpler back then since students could see and hear what instructors wanted them to learn. This
technological development had a major effect on students' learnings at the time, but it is now
easier to understand and accept because there are so many tools and platforms that can help
students in their learnings.

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