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LOZANO, Alfred T.

Make a reaction paper on the following issues.
1. The recent hacking of the Philhealth website.

Breach of cybersecurity is a serious problem, particularly when it involves private

data. It emphasises how important it is to have strong security procedures in place to
protect sensitive data. Organisations must prioritise cybersecurity and move quickly to fix
vulnerabilities, bolster their digital defences, and guarantee the privacy of individuals'
personal data. I hope PhilHealth moves quickly to look into what happened, work with
the appropriate authorities, and put in place thorough safeguards to stop similar
incidents in the future, so that people can once again feel comfortable that their systems
are secure.

2. The role of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in the Information Technology (I.T.) era.

The field of information technology (I.T.) is changing because to artificial

intelligence (A.I.), which functions as a digital wizard to do jobs that were previously
only done by humans. I.A. acts as a powerful force in information technology, allowing
systems to grow, change, and learn. It builds machines that are capable of
comprehending, reasoning, and making decisions in addition to automation. A.I. ranges
from chatbots providing immediate assistance to algorithms examining enormous
databases. IT is revolutionised.
A major advantage of AI. consists on swiftly analysing large amounts of data,
finding patterns, forecasting trends, and improving decision-making. This skill is
essential in a world where data is being generated at a rate never seen before. Artificial
intelligence (AI) has a big influence on production and efficiency since it automates
repetitive jobs and frees up human workers to concentrate on innovation.
However, enormous power also entails responsibility. The ethical implications of
A.I. are crucial. Systems are increasingly complex. Ensuring decision-making processes
are fair, transparent, and accountable is crucial. To fully utilise artificial intelligence (AI)
in technology, a balance between ethical and technical growth must be struck.
Ultimately, A.I. IT is empowered. to overcome obstacles, improve productivity,
and open doors. A happy cohabitation between artificial intelligence and humans is
ensured by responsible integration that takes ethical considerations into account.

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