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# Video #4 How to Hypnotise People, Complete FREE online Hypnosis course by Steven

00:00:00.640 hello there and welcome to today's

00:00:02.399 lesson today's lesson is going to be a
00:00:04.400 nice easy one there's nothing that you
00:00:06.160 really need to remember or learn just a
00:00:08.080 few concepts and ideas that i want to
00:00:09.679 run by you
00:00:10.880 the reason i'm doing this lesson today
00:00:12.559 is because the way i learned to do
00:00:14.920 hypnosis back in the early 90s was in my
00:00:17.680 opinion completely upside down and it
00:00:19.840 took me a really really long time to get
00:00:21.520 my head around what was going on
00:00:23.680 i learned
00:00:25.519 all the words you have to say the
00:00:27.439 scripts that you use and i learned all
00:00:28.960 that stuff first but i didn't really
00:00:31.279 have um
00:00:32.880 a proper grasp of the entire hypnotic
00:00:35.280 concept i didn't really understand what
00:00:36.559 was going on and it was because of that
00:00:38.719 that i had this false belief that
00:00:41.280 hypnosis required some kind of mind
00:00:42.960 control or mystical psychic influence
00:00:45.040 over another person
00:00:46.480 now back then i obviously knew i didn't
00:00:48.079 have any of those mystical skills so i
00:00:50.640 had a really hard time believing that i
00:00:53.520 could become a hypnotist i had all the
00:00:55.520 scripts i knew all the psychology but
00:00:57.600 because i still had this false belief
00:00:59.600 about what hypnosis was
00:01:01.520 which had really been created by the
00:01:02.800 media i was really really struggling
00:01:05.760 with my own confidence
00:01:07.680 so the way i like to teach hypnosis is
00:01:09.840 to give people a really solid foundation
00:01:12.880 a really thorough understanding of the
00:01:14.479 hypnotic process from a distance before
00:01:17.040 you get into the nitty-gritty of the
00:01:18.560 script it's like when you understand
00:01:20.560 hypnosis um you understand what trials
00:01:23.119 is what gets people into trance and
00:01:24.720 naturally occurring states and all that
00:01:26.159 kind of thing then all of a sudden um
00:01:28.560 it's like a light bulb moment it
00:01:31.040 suddenly clicks in your mind you realize
00:01:32.880 how incredibly easy it is just to get
00:01:35.759 someone from a normal wake instead of
00:01:37.360 consciousness into the state that we
00:01:39.200 call hypnosis and when that seems easy
00:01:42.000 and you're using the induction scripts
00:01:43.920 they're much more effective
00:01:46.320 mainly because you feel more confident
00:01:48.479 and the person can pick up on that so
00:01:50.159 your expectation of them going into
00:01:51.600 trance is much higher because you
00:01:53.520 understand that to go into trance is a
00:01:56.000 very very easy and natural thing
00:01:58.719 also um what a lot of people think at
00:02:01.280 the beginning when they're first
00:02:02.159 learning about hypnosis is that you do
00:02:05.119 something to the other person it's like
00:02:07.200 you put them under you're doing
00:02:09.199 something that somehow
00:02:11.440 changes that person's uh psychology so
00:02:14.000 that they become hypnotized and they
00:02:15.920 start accepting suggestions
00:02:17.760 now that's not the whole truth it's not
00:02:20.480 exactly what's going on
00:02:22.800 what is more accurate is to say that all
00:02:26.480 hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and
00:02:29.440 you're just working a little bit like a
00:02:31.120 guide
00:02:32.239 one of the best ways
00:02:34.480 i can think of to describe this
00:02:35.920 relationship between you and the person
00:02:37.440 you're hypnotizing is a little bit like
00:02:39.680 learning to drive
00:02:41.360 for example let's say you're sat in the
00:02:43.760 driving seat of a car on your very first
00:02:46.160 lesson and you don't have a clue how to
00:02:48.319 drive
00:02:49.760 you're at the controls but you have a
00:02:51.599 person next to you with no controls at
00:02:53.599 all who knows exactly how to drive the
00:02:56.080 car and they've got to somehow get their
00:02:58.879 knowledge into you so you can make the
00:03:01.040 car move
00:03:02.400 what happens they give you simple
00:03:04.159 instructions they tell you which pedals
00:03:06.319 to press how to turn the wheel and what
00:03:08.080 to do you follow their instructions and
00:03:10.720 you make the car move now it's exactly
00:03:13.280 the same with hypnosis
00:03:15.200 when you hypnotize somebody you're like
00:03:17.680 that uh car uh driving instructor
00:03:20.319 sitting in the passenger seat with no
00:03:21.760 controls all you can do is give the
00:03:24.800 person learning the instructions you
00:03:26.959 give them instructions they follow the
00:03:28.800 instructions and they actually put
00:03:30.000 themselves into hypnotics into a
00:03:31.840 hypnotic state
00:03:33.680 now
00:03:34.480 it's the subtlety of those instructions
00:03:37.120 and how detailed you are in the of those
00:03:39.200 instructions that are effective
00:03:41.120 for example one of the things that
00:03:44.080 will cause someone to go into a hypnotic
00:03:45.680 state
00:03:46.480 is to increase their levels of
00:03:47.760 relaxation to get them to release stress
00:03:50.319 but if you just said to someone okay i
00:03:51.920 want you to just relax
00:03:53.440 not many people really know how to do
00:03:55.280 that so your job as a hypnotist will be
00:03:57.760 to help that person to relax so you
00:03:59.760 might as i want you to tension muscles
00:04:01.040 for a moment and as you be out just let
00:04:03.200 go and now you may like to imagine
00:04:05.519 you're having a nice relaxing foot
00:04:07.120 massage and just imagine your legs are
00:04:09.040 getting heavier and heavier and all
00:04:11.120 those kind of things it's the kind of
00:04:12.879 stuff that you will hear in any hypnotic
00:04:15.120 induction
00:04:16.560 but what it does is it gives the person
00:04:18.959 being hypnotized some direction
00:04:21.199 something to follow something to think
00:04:22.639 about and the result of that will be
00:04:24.320 they will relax themselves and because
00:04:26.800 they're relaxing themselves they'll
00:04:28.160 enter into the state that we call
00:04:29.440 hypnosis
00:04:30.560 in fact in the next lesson we're going
00:04:32.320 to
00:04:32.960 explore this idea of how relaxation
00:04:35.520 causes trance in a lot more detail but
00:04:38.000 today
00:04:39.280 i kind of want to stick with that car
00:04:41.680 analogy for a moment
00:04:44.320 meditation is quite similar to hypnosis
00:04:48.880 when you're talking about
00:04:50.800 driving the car and the actual process
00:04:52.639 of driving the car being the process of
00:04:54.960 being hypnotized
00:04:56.400 if you've got a driving instructor
00:04:57.680 telling you what to do that's almost
00:04:59.199 like you've got a hypnotist hypnotizing
00:05:01.759 a person if you've got a person that's
00:05:03.520 just driving around by themselves that's
00:05:05.440 a person doing self-hypnosis
00:05:07.840 if you've got a person that's driving
00:05:09.840 around by themselves with no real
00:05:11.919 destination in mind and they're just
00:05:13.440 enjoying the scenery and having a nice
00:05:15.120 sunday drive in the country
00:05:16.800 that's a little bit like meditation
00:05:19.360 now the main difference between that and
00:05:21.919 the idea of using self-hypnosis
00:05:24.560 hypnotherapy stage hypnosis or whatever
00:05:27.600 is the idea of having a goal in mind a
00:05:29.840 destination so when you hypnotize a
00:05:32.320 person it's very much like you're
00:05:34.639 sitting in a passenger seat of a car
00:05:36.800 you're telling them how to drive the car
00:05:39.039 they're driving the car and you're also
00:05:41.120 telling them where to drive the car to
00:05:43.520 so they can have an experience when they
00:05:45.280 get there
00:05:46.320 now it's also worth bearing in mind that
00:05:48.320 when they do get there they need to get
00:05:50.880 out of the car and get into the
00:05:52.639 experience so there is a point during a
00:05:55.360 hypnotic session where you start off
00:05:57.759 with
00:05:58.960 what you would call a hypnotic induction
00:06:01.039 which is the how you drive the car
00:06:03.600 we deepen that which is the enjoying the
00:06:06.000 driving the car and then when we get to
00:06:08.240 the destination we get out of the car
00:06:10.960 and we do whatever it is that we've gone
00:06:12.720 there to do and that is the actual
00:06:15.039 therapy part or it's the actual stage
00:06:17.520 hypnosis part
00:06:19.280 now it's worth mentioning here
00:06:21.280 that it doesn't really matter if you're
00:06:24.400 hypnotizing a person to
00:06:26.880 help them in some way through
00:06:27.919 hypnotherapy uh whether you're doing a
00:06:29.919 past life regression uh whether you are
00:06:34.080 doing a stage hypnotic routine with that
00:06:35.840 person or whatever the purpose of
00:06:37.280 hypnosis is that doesn't really matter
00:06:39.919 the actual induction itself can be
00:06:42.319 exactly the same now they're usually not
00:06:44.800 and the reason for this
00:06:46.639 is a couple of reasons actually
00:06:48.400 first and foremost stage hypnosis
00:06:51.120 inductions
00:06:52.560 are normally uh much more dynamic and
00:06:55.680 the reason is that not only do you need
00:06:57.919 to hypnotize the people to do the
00:06:59.599 station but the induction itself needs
00:07:02.319 to be entertaining for the audience that
00:07:03.919 are watching so they want to come along
00:07:05.759 and they want to see something
00:07:06.800 entertaining if you're going to go
00:07:08.319 through a 30-minute progressive
00:07:09.680 relaxation induction on stage that's
00:07:11.759 going to bore your audience to sleep as
00:07:13.440 well
00:07:14.560 and of course um stage hypnotic
00:07:17.440 inductions
00:07:18.880 they are faster they are more dynamic
00:07:20.800 but there tends to be a a lot more um of
00:07:23.759 an authoritarian approach you tend to
00:07:25.759 jerk people around and you can't demand
00:07:27.840 them to do certain things that might not
00:07:30.240 be appropriate in a therapeutic setting
00:07:32.560 when you get some welcome for
00:07:33.520 hypnotherapy uh quite often you'll get
00:07:35.840 someone
00:07:36.880 who it wouldn't be appropriate to yank
00:07:39.360 their arm down which is something you
00:07:40.880 might do on a stage hypnosis setting in
00:07:43.440 order to shock somebody into trance
00:07:45.440 what's much more probable if you'll have
00:07:46.960 them lie down on a comfortable couch and
00:07:49.120 then you'll talk them into hypnosis just
00:07:51.440 using a relaxation script
00:07:54.080 so that about
00:07:55.520 wraps up today the main key points of
00:07:57.680 today the reason i wanted to get this
00:07:59.120 lesson right here at the beginning
00:08:01.599 is so that you get a much broader
00:08:03.680 understanding of the hypnosis
00:08:06.000 process
00:08:07.120 um also the relationship between you and
00:08:09.599 the person that you're hypnotizing it's
00:08:11.440 not about mind control it's not about
00:08:13.199 psychic influence or any kind of mind
00:08:15.120 power or anything like that you're just
00:08:16.960 giving someone a set of instructions so
00:08:18.479 they can accomplish something which is
00:08:20.319 quite natural anyway and uh in
00:08:22.720 tomorrow's lesson we're going to be
00:08:24.240 looking at that whole idea of people
00:08:27.759 going down into a hypnotic state just
00:08:30.080 because of relaxation we'll explain why
00:08:32.159 that happens how you can take advantage
00:08:34.080 of that and how you can start creating
00:08:36.080 your very own hypnotic scripts so until
00:08:38.719 tomorrow you take care and have a
00:08:40.240 wonderful day bye

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