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Republic of the Philippines


Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032) 474-8104; 474-8383
Fax Nos.: 474-8196; 474-8383

Mendez, Niño Noel L. Mrs. Rosalea Fenina P. Margallo

BAEL 3 Computer Mediated Communication


Instruction: These are statements from different CMC users. Analyze which CMC theories ,
(Text-Based, Hyperpersonal, Social Presence, Politeness and Uses and Gratification) are
being portrayed in these statements. You can answer multiple theories. Support your answer
with a discussion.

1. “I came to know that setting up online meetings needs more time when compared to
face-to-face meetings.

2. In times of crisis or emergencies, CMC proves to be a lifeline, enabling swift information

dissemination, improved coordination, and rapid response.

3. “Using only text to collaborate with other team members and not being able to see whom
are interacting is a challenge as we do not know how the other team members are reacting
to the text that has been written.”

4. “Everyone was talking at the same time in the group chat, so it was a bit difficult to
comprehend who was talking with whom and for effective communication with the team
members we had to address the person as ‘@Person’ such that, it is clear for whom the
message is meant for.”

5. Through CMC technologies such as email, social media, and video conferencing, we
connect in real-time, maintaining personal and professional relationships irrespective of

6. “When the team was expecting the answer/response form one of the members and due
to network
problem or may be he/she was taking time to construct the answers, but many times there was
a delay in getting the answers. [. . .] a frustrating part to wait for the answer from a member for
longer time.”

7. “I also understood the role of verbal cues their importance in CMC and of course there
is lack of social of cues as compare to FtF communication.”

8. “From my past work experience when I was collaborating with people online, I was
hostile to people whose opinion did not confer with the idea’s I held. This in turn made the other
participant hostile and the communication quickly descended into a conflict and resulted in a
very unfriendly atmosphere.”
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032) 474-8104; 474-8383
Fax Nos.: 474-8196; 474-8383

9.” Through CMC, we have increased personal and professional productivity by streamlining
processes and enhancing efficiency using digital tools and platforms.

10. “The technology failure impacted the whole project. We tried to use video conference at the
beginning, but it failed. And wigglo couldn’t save our meeting chat log is very annoying.
Technology in CMC team work is considered a risk.”

11. “I never understood how tasks could be done through CMC because in some projects
even though all the team members are physically present it is sometime difficult to complete the
project. .

12. “CMC has revolutionized sectors including business, education, healthcare, and
diplomacy, enhancing problem-solving capabilities on a global scale.

13. “Lonely or shy persons tend to seek social gratifications from CMC to compensate for
their perceived isolation or anxieties.

Answers and Discussions :

1. CMC Theory: Text Based

- because it alludes to the employment of text-based digital technologies for
interpersonal communication. Email, instant chat, and online forums are examples of
text-based CMC.

2. CMC Theory: Uses and Gratification, Social Presence

- The argument is based on the ideas that media consumers actively choose the
material they consume and are aware of the motivations behind their choices.

3. Social Presence
-According to the social presence theory, different media have varying abilities to
convey verbal and visual cues (such as physical distance, gaze, postures, facial
expressions, voice intonation, and so on) that make other people appear physically

4. Text Based, Social Presence

-because it alludes to the employment of text-based digital technologies for
interpersonal communication. Email, instant chat, and online forums are examples of
text-based CMC.
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032) 474-8104; 474-8383
Fax Nos.: 474-8196; 474-8383

5. Hyperpersonal, Social Presence, Uses and Gratifications

-The term "hyperpersonal communication" refers to the way that internet
communication can occasionally outpace face-to-face contact in terms of sentiment and

6. Text Based, Social Presence

-According to social presence, the ability of the chosen medium to facilitate the
necessary sort of communication will decide the outcome of an engagement.

7. Social Presence
-The "sense of being with another" and how it is affected by digital interfaces in
human-computer interactions are the subjects of social presence theory.

8. Social Presence, Politeness

-because according to social presence, the ability of the chosen medium to
facilitate the necessary sort of communication will decide the outcome of an

9. Hyperpersonal, Uses and Gratifications

-because the Hyperpersonal Model is a theory of interpersonal communication
that contends that computer-mediated communication (CMC) can become
hyperpersonal because it "exceeds [face-to-face] interaction," giving message senders
a number of advantages over conventional face-to-face (FtF) interaction. The model
illustrates how people communicate differently while representing themselves to others,
how others interpret them, and how the interactions create a recidivist relationship.

10. Uses and Gratifications

-From this angle, media use by people is not passive. They choose their material
with interest and motivation. Second, individuals are conscious of the factors influencing
their choice of media. To choose media that will best serve their unique goals and
needs, they rely on their understanding of their motives.

11. Uses and Gratifications

-because new research areas for uses and gratifications have been created as a
result of the increased control and choice provided by new media, especially in relation
to social media, which has also led to the discovery of new gratifications.
Republic of the Philippines
Moalboal, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032) 474-8104; 474-8383
Fax Nos.: 474-8196; 474-8383

12. Uses and Gratifications, Social Presence

-Two assumptions about media users are the foundation of the uses and
gratifications theory. First, it portrays media consumers as deliberate in the media they
choose to consume.

13. Uses and Gratifications, Social Presence

-According to Uses and Gluttonies, people are motivated and active in the media
they choose to consume and the opposite of feelings as well.

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