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Subjects: P.

E & Health Section: Grade 11 A & B

Date 09/18/2023 09/19/2023 09/20/2023 09/21/2023 09/22/2023

a. Identify the health - related fitness components and barriers to physical activity and on one's diet. B.
expalin the importance of assessing health - related fitness status.

Subject Matter Physical Fitness Test

Reference Physical Education and Health 11 - Learner's Module

Competencies Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet (Weeks 1-7). PEH11FH-Ig-i-6
a. Prayer b. a. Prayer b. a. Prayer b.
Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance


Before the Lesson

During the Lesson

a. Self-Testing Activities for a. Self-Testing Activities for

Health - Related Fitness. Health - Related Fitness.
B. Let the students Homeroom Guidance B. Let the students Homeroom Guidance Homeroom Guidance
After the Lesson perform the following activities: perform the following activities:
Curl-up 3-Flexed Arm Support




Prepared and Submitted by:

Subject Teacher
Subjects: Science Section: Thomson, Dalton and Mendeleyev
Date 09/18/2023 09/19/2023 09/20/2023 09/21/2023 09/22/2023
1. Explain why there are diseases that are exclusive only in males
and absent in females and vice versa. 2. Infer how one's sex
1. Determine the blood types of affects his/her traits received.
offspring given the parents' 1. Identify the possible sex of an 1. 85% of the learners passed the
Objective/s blood types. offspring. summative test.

Subject Matter Multuple Alleles Sex Determination Sex-Linked Genes, Sex-Limited Traits and Sex-Influenced Traits

Reference Science 9 - Learner's Module

Competencies Explain the different patterns of nonMendelian inheritance.(S9LT-ld-29 )

a. Prayer b. a. Prayer b.
Checking of attendance c. Checking of attendance
a. Prayer b. Review a. Prayer b.
Before the Lesson Checking of attendance c.
Checking of attendance c. Review

a. Discussion on how to solve a. Explain why there is a 50

a. Ask the learners on disorders that mostly present in males and
problems involving multiple percent chance of having male
During the Lesson absent in females and vice versa. 2.
alleles b. Provide or female offspring by doing the
Discussion of the lesson.
examples activity.

Summative Test.

a. Ask the learners why animals

a. Provide problem to solve that of different species cannot
After the Lesson a. Summary of the lesson.
relates to multiple alleles. interbreed with other

1. Complete the table by providing

the possible blood types of 1. Differentiate sex-linked genes, sex-limited traits and sex-
Assessment offspring given the parents' blood influenced tarits.

Prepared and Submitted by:
Subject Teacher

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