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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris


Semester 1

16. Kode modul ajar -
17. Kode ATP acuan -
18. Nama Penyusun/Institusi/Tahun I Gst. Ngurah Sudama, S.Pd, M.pd
19. Jenjang Sekolah SMK Negeri 5 Negara
20. Fase/Kelas F/XII
21. Domain/topic - Membaca-Memirsa
- Menulis
22. Alokasi waktu (menit) 45 menit x 2 JP (Jam Pembelajaran) x 3 JP
(Jumlah Pertemuan) (270 menit)
23. Jumlah Pertemuan (JP) 3 JP
24. Metode Pembelajaran - Genre-Based Approach
- Tanya-Jawab
- Diskusi
25. Sarana Prasarana - Modul
- Lembar Pertanyaan, Lembar Jawaban/Kerja
- Laptop
- LCD, Papan Tulis, Spidol, Proyektor
- Youtube
- Speaker
26. Target Peserta Didik Pesera didik regular
27. Moda pembelajaran Tatap Muka
28. Profil Pelajar Pancasila - Gotong Royong
- Mandiri
- Kreatif
- Berfikir Kritis
- Berkebinekaan Global

Semester 1

A. Capaian Pembelajaran
1) Reading-Reviewing

By the end of Phase F, students independently read and respond to a wide range of texts
such as narratives, descriptives, expositions, procedures, argumentatives and discussions.
They read to learn and read for pleasure. They locate, synthesize and evaluate specific
details and gist from a range of text genres. These texts may be in the form of print or digital
texts, including visual, multimodal or interactive texts. They demonstrate an understanding
of the main ideas, issues or plot development in a range of texts. They identify the author’s
purpose and make inference to comprehend implicit information in the text.

2) Writing-Presenting

By the end of Phase F, students independently write an extensive range of fictional and
factual text types, showing an awareness of purpose and audience. They plan, write, review
and redraft a range of text types with some evidence of self-correction strategies, including
punctuation, capitalization and tenses. They express complex ideas and use a wide range of
vocabulary and verb tenses in their writing. They include topic sentences in their paragraphs
and use time markers for sequencing, also conjunctions, connectives and pronoun references
for linking or contrasting ideas between and within paragraphs. They present information
using different modes of presentation to suit different audiences and to achieve different
purposes, in print and digital forms.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
F.4 Menganalisis struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur kebahasaan dari sebuah teks
prosedur tertulis
F.5 Memahami dan menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait struktur teks, fungsi
sosial, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur
F.6 Menemukan informasi rinci terkiat teks prosedur secara mandiri
F.7 Menyusun teks prosedur secara mandiri

Semester 1

C. Pemahaman Bermakna

Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau
menunjuukkan langkah-langkah atau cara untuk melakukan suatu aktivitas.

D. Pertanyaan Pemantik
1) Do you always iron your uniform or clothes before going to school or any event?
2) How to iron your uniform or clothes properly?
3) What kind of tools do you need to do it?
4) Could you tell me the steps of iron uniform?

E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pendahuluan a. Guru mengucapkan Salam dan memimpin doa
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan garis besar
d. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
1) Do you always iron your uniform or clothes before
going to school or any event?
2) How to iron your uniform or clothes properly?
3) What kind of tools do you need to do it?
4) Could you tell me the steps of iron uniform?
e. Guru menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan Teknik
penilaian yang akan digunakan
Kegiatan Inti a. Peserta didik dikondisikan untuk mengenali teks prosedur
terkait tips penggunaan teknologi melalui video.
b. Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan mengenai fungsi sosial,
unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks prosedur sesuai yang ada
pada Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII.
c. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa teks prosedur tertulis.

Semester 1

d. Peserta didik diberikan lembar kerja untuk menganalisis

fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks pada teks
prosedur tertulis.
e. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas
serta tanya jawab untuk menganalisis hasil jawaban dan
menyamakan persepsi tentang materi yang dipelajari.
Penutup a. Peserta Didik diajak merefleksikan kegiatan pembelajaran
b. Guru merangkum dan menyimpulkan proses pembelajaran
c. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
d. Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengucapkan Salam.
Pendahuluan a. Guru mengucapkan Salam dan memimpin doa
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan garis besar
d. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
1) Can you operate a printer?
2) How do you print a paper?
e. Guru menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan Teknik
penilaian yang akan digunakan
Kegiatan Inti a. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan tentang materi
yang sudah dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya.
b. Peserta didik dikelompokkan berisi 4 orang.
c. Peserta didik diberikan 2 teks prosedur tentang tahapan
menggunakan suatu teknologi.
d. Peserta didik secara berkelompok diintruksikan untuk
menganalisis, memahami dan menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks prosedur.

Semester 1

e. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengumpulkan informasi

rinci terkait teks prosedur.
f. Peserta didik diberikan lembar pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh
guru beserta lembar kerja/jawaban untuk menjawab.
g. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas
serta tanya jawab untuk menganalisis hasil jawaban dan
menyamakan persepsi tentang materi yang dipelajari.
Penutup a. Peserta Didik diajak merefleksikan kegiatan pembelajaran
b. Guru merangkum dan menyimpulkan proses pembelajaran
c. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
d. Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengucapkan Salam.
Pendahuluan a. Guru mengucapkan Salam dan memimpin doa
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan garis besar
d. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
1) Can you operate a computer?
2) How do you print a paper?
e. Guru menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan Teknik
penilaian yang akan digunakan
Kegiatan Inti a. Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan tentang materi
yang sudah dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya.
b. Peserta didik diberikan 2 teks prosedur tentang tahapan
menggunakan suatu teknologi.
c. Peserta didik melakukan pengamatan pada contoh/model
teks tulis prosedur terkait teknologi.
d. Peserta didik secara berkelompok diintruksikan untuk
menganalisis, struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur
kebahasaan dari sebuah teks prosedur tertulis.

Semester 1

e. Peserta didik diberikan lembar kerja untuk menyusun teks

prosedur terkait teknologi.
f. Peserta didik memilih salah satu tempat wisata dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal yang disediakan oleh guru
g. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai
petunjuk dan mengarahkan peserta didik dalam menyusun
teks prosedur
h. Peserta didik melakukan pre-writing diawasi oleh guru
i. Peserta didik membuat draft teks prosedur terkait diawasi
oleh guru
j. Peserta didik melakukan editing process diawasi oleh guru
k. Peserta didik melakukan revising process diawasi oleh guru
l. Peserta didik mengumpulkan teks prosedur yang dibuat.
Penutup a. Peserta Didik diajak merefleksikan kegiatan pembelajaran
b. Guru merangkum dan menyimpulkan proses pembelajaran
c. Guru menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
d. Guru menutup pembelajaran dan mengucapkan Salam.

Writing Rubric

Rethoric measure Comments

 The structure of the sentence

Vocabulary Comments
 The writing has unity,
coherence, and variation
 Standard English usage is employed.
 Using appropriate/correct words
to show and develop idea Score_____/0-4

Semester 1

Sentence Comments
 Arranging the sentences
 Details are sufficient
and appropriate

Organization Comment
 Ideas or events are presented
in an effective order.
 Consistency of the conclusion
Clarity Comment
 Understandable
 The use of vocabulary

Total Score

 Petunjuk Penghitungan:

Nilai Akhir: Total score x 5

F. Asesmen
1) Diagnostik
Sebelum pembelajaran dimulai:
a. Bila 50% siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan pemantik, maka akan dilanjutkan ke
materi setelahnya
b. Bila kurang dari 50% siswa tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan pemantik, maka guru
akan menjelaskan materi tersebut
2) Formatif
a. Tertulis
Mengerjakan pertanyaan dari guru
- Peserta didik dapat menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
dari teks prosedur tertulis secara mandiri.
- Pertanyaan multiple choice
b. Tidak tertulis
- Berani dalam mengemukakan pendapat saat diskusi kelompok dan aktif bertanya
- Objektif dalam menyampaikan pendapat dan jujur dalam mengerjakan tugas

Semester 1

- Bertanggung jawab menyelesaikan tugas mandiri pantang menyerah

3) Sumatif
Disediakan procedure text tulis, peserta didik mampu menganalisis struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan secara mandiri.

Diadaptasi oleh :
I Gst. Ngurah Sudama, S.Pd, M.pd
Sumber : Lailatus Sa’diyah (Modul Ajar)

Semester 1


A. Related Material

1. What is the procedure text?

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social
function is to inform or describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps.
The communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a
sequence of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in the procedure text. The first is
goals or purposes. The second is the materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or
methods. To know the text that we read is a procedure or not is so simple. You can read the title
if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly defined that the
text is procedure text.

2. Definition of Procedure Text

There are three definitions of procedure text:

 Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction/operation manuals e.g.

Semester 1
how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax.

Semester 1

 Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science
experiments, road safety rules.
 Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g. how to live happily, how to succeed
3. Generic Structure of Procedure Text
 Goal: It states the goal to be achieved, for the example: How to make use printer, etc.
 Material or Ingredient: It lists the materials or ingredients needed. It often gives the detail
on the size, color, numbers, shapes, quantity, etc. (e.g.: the material to cook omelet are
two eggs, one onion, vegetable oil, etc.)
 Step: (e.g.: first, wash the tomatoes, onion, …., the second cut the onions becomes slice,

4. Language Feature of Procedure Text

a) Simple present tense
Procedure text must be written using the Simple Present Tense. This is because in
procedure text there are fact sentences about how to make or do something.

Semester 1

b) Command Sentences (Imperative Sentences)

What are imperative sentences in procedure text? Imperative sentences are always
preceded by verb 1 from action verbs or verbs that involve physical activity. So, we don't
need to use the subject at the beginning of the sentence. Example:
 Add 3 onions and mix it well. This sentence begins with verb 1, add. There is no
subject at the beginning of the sentence.
 Do not spray water on the control panel of the washing machine.
 Serve it warmly in the rice bowl.
c) Connectives
Connectives are used in a procedure text to connect the steps in it so that the list of
instructions made is coherent and easy to understand. Example: firstly, first, second,
secondly, then, after that, finally, and so on.
d) Adverbs (adverbs)
Adverbs are used to give an adverb of time. There are 2 types of adverbs or adverbs used
in procedure text, namely:
 Adverb of time or adverb of time that indicates how long we have to do something.
Example: in 10 minutes, for 1 hour.
 Adverb of manner or description of how to do something. Example: slowly, well,

Semester 1

5. Example of Procedure Text

Semester 1

B. Student’s Worksheet
1. Pertemuan ke-1
Read the following text and then analyze the generic structure, social function, and
language feature of the texts!


1. First, determine the type of video What you need to press a shirt are iron
output the laptop and projector you are board, iron cover, iron, hanger, needle,
using has. Make sure they are thread, splint, button, handkerchief,
compatible with each other. Common sprayer, and dry-mat foot.
video out types each VGA, S-Video, The Steps of Pressing Shirt:
and HDMI. 1. Use protector for safety
2. Second, make sure your computer 2. Plug in the electricity
and projector are both turned off. 3. Choose the suitable temperature for the
3. Third, take the Video cable cord and clothes material
connect the laptop and projector. It 4. Make wet the 100% cotton clothes if it
doesn’t matter which end you connect is necessary
to which device, connect one end to the 5. Start to iron the shirt from the collar,
Projector “Computer In” port and sleeve then body
connect the other end to the video port 6. Iron by following line if there is a fold
on the laptop. 7. After completely done, hang the shirt

Semester 1

4) After that, Plug the projector into an 8. Check the result and do it again if it is
AC wall outlet. You might need to plug necessary
the electrical cord into the projector 9. After completely ironing, put back the
first. equipment and chemicals
5) Then turn on the laptop and projector 10. And don’t forget, clean working area
and allow time for the two to fully load.
6) And the last, activate the external
video by pressing Fn and F4, F8, or F3
simultaneously. The key will either
have CRT / LCD or a picture of a
computer on it. The Fn key and the
LCD keyboard key button pushed
together once will take the laptop screen
and project it to the screen, causing the
laptop screen to become black. Pushing
the keys together twice will allow the
image to show on both the
laptop and projector screen.

The Social Function

The Structure The Goal

The Materials

The Steps

Semester 1
The Language Feature

Semester 1

2. Pertemuan ke-2
Choose the best answer!
The text below is for questions no 1-5!
Connecting JetFlash (flash disk) to a Computer
a) Plug the JetFlash directly into an available USB port on your desktop or notebook
b) When the JetFlash is successfully connected to a computer, the JetFlash ‘s LED
will light up. A Removable Disk drive* with a newly assigned drive letter
indicating the JetFlash will appear in the My Computer window. In addition, a
Removable Hardware icon and an icon Quick Menu (provided you setup JetFlash
elite) will appear in the Windows System Tray.
c) After the JetFlash is connected to the computer, you can start transferring data to
the JetFlash Just drag and drop files or folders directly onto the Removable Disk
icon that represents the JetFlash.
(Source: BSE, taken from: JetFlash manual)
1. What does the text tell us about?
a. The steps to install the JetFlash.
b. The steps to uninstall the JetFlash.
c. The steps to install QuickMenu of the JetFlash.
d. The steps to copy files and folders to the JetFlash.
2. Where do we plug the flash disk?
a. Into the IDE port.
b. Into the power slot.
c. Into the USB port.
d. Into the power outlet.
3. What indicates that the JetFlash is successfully connected to your computer?
a. The JetFlash ‘s LED will light up.
b. The computer is restarted automatically.
c. The computer is removing the data to the JetFlash.
d. The Auto Log in of the JetFlash is running.

Semester 1

4. In addition, a Removable Hardware icon and an icon Quick Menu (provided you
setup JetFlash elite) will appear in the Windows System Tray.”
The sentence implies …
a. If the icons do not appear, you must reinstall the JetFlash elite.
b. If the icons do not appear, you must check your hardware configuration.
c. In some computers with different operating systems, the icons may not appear.
d. You must install the icons so that the icons may appear in the Windows System
5. “In addition, a Removable Hardware icon and an icon QuickMenu (provided you
setup JetFlash elite) will appear in the Windows System Tray.”
The word 'icon' in the sentence is similar in meaning to ....
a. port
b. symbol
c. cable
d. drive

The text below is for questions no. 6-9!

How to Operate the Washing Machine

1. Sort your laundry
2. Turn on the main power switch
3. Open the washer door
4. Add detergent and the water. The detergent packaging will give a
recommendation about how much detergent you should use.
5. Select the program by turning the program selector.
6. Select option and setting.

6. The text above is written...

a. To tell how to operate the washing machine
b. To describe the washing machine
c. To advertise the washing machine
d. To tell how much detergent should use

Semester 1

7. What should the user do before washing?

a. Select options and settings
b. Add the detergent
c. Sort the laundry
d. Switch on the machine
8. “The detergent packaging will give a recommendation about...”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
a. Promotion
b. Suggestion
c. Calculation
d. Regulation
9. What should the user do after select the program by turning the program selector?
a. Sort your laundry
b. Turn on the main power switch
c. Open the washer door
d. Select option and setting

The text below is for questions no. 10-12!

How to Operate a Mobile Phone

If you want to call someone, follow the following instructions:

 First, press the "Power" button.
 Second, wait until the signals are full.
 Third, press the number you want to call.
 Fourth, wait until the other says "Hello".
 Fifth, start the conversation.
 Sixth, press the "Call Off" button to end the conversation.

10. What should we do to end the conversation?

a. Press the Power button
b. Press the Call Off button

Semester 1

c. Wait until the other says Hello

d. Wait until the signals are full
11. How many steps in the text above?
a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
d. Seven
12. “Second, wait until the signals are full” The underlined word can be replaced by...
a. Complete
b. Empty
c. Void
d. Vacant

The text below is for questions no. 13-15!

How to Charge Handphone

 Connect the charger to your hand phone, the flash symbol on the charger plug
must face upward.
 Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
 Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the battery icon indicates that
the battery is fully charged.
 Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.
13. What should we do if the battery is fully charged?
a. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen
b. Remove the charger
c. Connect the charger to handphone
d. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours
14. “Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone”
The word “your” refers to ...
a. The reader
b. The writer

Semester 1

c. The publisher
d. The buyer
15. “Charge the battery approximately 5 hours ...”
What does the underlined mean?
a. Eject
b. Empty
c. Load
d. Blank

Semester 1

3. Pertemuan ke-3
Write a procedure text about how to operate a technological product or tips to operate it

Semester 1

D. Glosarium
Procedure text : Teks berisi perintah atau intruksi untuk melakukan atau menggunakan
Goal : Tujuan atau maksud
Material : Bahan
Step : Langkah
Function : Fungsi
Language feature : Unsur kebahasan
E. Daftar Pustaka

Semester 1

XII – Semester 1

Semester 1

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