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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

Subject: ENGLISH

Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 3

No. of Hours/Days

Cognitive Process Dimensions / Item Placement

No. of Items





Present a
report on
differing 12 15 6,8,10 1,2,3,9,41,42,44 43 4,45 7 5
on an issue
based on how
the author 11-15, 22-
developed the 16,26- 17,31- 48-
28 35 19, 18,20, 24,36-
elements 30 35,47 50
21,25 40,46

TOTAL 40 50 11 9 7 9 10 4
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

Division 3rd Quarter Assessment

English 6
Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score:

Directions: Read the narrative below then answer the questions that follow.
Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

The Fox and the Crow

By: Aesop
One day, a Fox saw a Crow flew off with a piece of cheese in its beak
and settled on a branch of a tree. “That’s for me, as I am a fox, “whispered
the Fox. And he walked up to the foot of the tree.
“Good day, Crow,” he cried. “How well you are looking today. How
glossy your feathers are and how bright your eyes are. I feel sure your voice
will surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does. Let me hear but one
song from you that I may greet you as the queen of birds.”
The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the
moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to
be snapped up by the master Fox.
“That would do,” said the Fox. “That was all I wanted. In exchange for
your cheese, I will give you a piece of advice for the future: “Do not trust

1. What did the crow find one day?

A. a bird B. a cheese C. a fox D. a tree

2. Where did the crow sit to eat it?

A. beside the tree B. branch of a tree
C. foot of a tree D. on top of the tree

3. Who wanted to take the crow’s cheese?

A. Bird B. fox C. rat D. tree

4. What plan did the fox have?

A. to get the cheese B. to make friends with the crow
C. to seek advice from the crow D. to share cheese with the crow
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

5. What is the moral of the story?

A. We should not trust flatterers. B. We must share what we have.
C. Never trust people we don’t know. D. We should make friends with

6. What is a group of sentences related to a particular topic?

A. topic B. sentence C. paragraph D. phrase

7. What is the most important piece of information that the author wants you to
know about the paragraph?
A. main idea B. sentence
C. paragraph D. supporting details

8. The sentence which expresses the main idea is called the .

A. main idea B. summary
C. Introduction D. topic sentence

9. The topic sentence and all the supporting sentences must follow a logical order
to have a paragraph.
A. coherent B. confused C. disordered D. disarranged

10. support the main idea by describing or explaining it.

A. conclusions B. paragraphs
C. key sentences D. supporting sentences

11. What element of a story talks about the place and time?
A. character B. plot C. conflict D. setting

12. Who is the character known for their selfless actions benefiting everyone
around them?
A. hero B. theme C. setting D. villain

13. Who is the character depicted with a negative behavior in the story?
A. hero B. theme C. setting D. villain

14. What is the most important part of the story?

A. character B. plot C. conflict D. setting

15. A person or an animal that takes part in the actions of the story.
A. character B. plot C. conflict D. setting

16. Which of the following is a direct description of the setting?

A. Her name is Perla. C. They had already met.
B. He ran out to his car. D. That morning he missed the bus.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

17. Which of the following is not a part of the setting?

A. scenery B. time C. villain D. weather

18. What is the main source of conflict for the main characters?
A. character B. setting C. hero D. villain

19. What is the term for the main character of the story?
A. character B. setting C. hero D. villain

20. Whose intentionally harm others in the story?

A. character B. setting C. hero D. villain

21. What element of a story tells something about the events?

A. character B. plot C. setting D. conflict

22. The events that may appear through dreams or memories of the character to
create a background of the present situation, place or person are called .
A. en medias res B. chronological C. sequence D. flashback

23. It refers to another story that is narrated in the middle of a story.

A. sequence B. en medias res C. flashback D. chronology

24. What is the element that refers to the most exciting part of the story?
A. rising action B. climax C. falling action D. resolution

25. It is a person or an animal that takes part in the action of a story.

A. plot B. conflict C. character D. setting

26. Once upon a time, in a beautiful castle in the middle of the forest there was a
Princess who lived.
The underlined phrase is an example of .
A. Conflict B. Plot C. Character D. setting

27. In the pale morning light, Gillian waved as Father pushed their small boat off
from the dock.
The character/s is/are
A. pale morning B. Gillian and Father
C. small boat D. from the dock

28. In a fairy tale, this is when the characters live “happily ever after”.
A. exposition B. falling action
C. resolution D. rising action
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

29. The boy who was lost for a long time was finally found. This event is the
of the plot.
A. falling action B. resolution
C. climax D. rising action

30. Charlie is in Grade 6 and an outstanding pupil since he was in Grade 1

because he is a very studious boy. This is an example of .
A. exposition B. climax
C. falling action D. rising action

For items 31-35, identify the element of the story described in each
statement. Choose your answer from the options inside the box and write the
letter of your answer.

A. Exposition B. Rising Action

C. Climax D. Falling Action G. Flashback
E. Resolution F. En medias res

31. The real owner of the dirty sweater eventually admitted that it was hers.

32. Mrs. Price put the dirty sweater on Rachel to shame her.

33. It happened in ancient times that a slave named Androcles escaped from his
master and fled into the forest.

34. Plucking up courage, he seized hold of the thorn and drew it out of the lion’s
paw, who roared with pain when the thorn came out.

35. The emperor of Rome was in the royal box that day and gave the signal for the
lion to come out and attack Androcles.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

For items 36-40, read the following passages and identify the narrator’s point
of view. Choose your answer from the options inside the box and write the
letter of your answer.

A. First Person Point of View

B. Second Person Point of View
C. Third Person Point of View
D. Omniscient Point of View

36. It’s simple to wash your hands the right way, and it usually takes no more than
a minute. But did you know that simple a scrub can help reduce the spread of
everything from respiratory illness to diarrhea? Handwashing is also one of the
best ways to remove germs, help avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of
germs. So, handwashing is important to remember, and an important habit to teach
your kids. For effective handwashing, follow these five steps: First, wet your hands
using clean, running water when available. Second, lather the front and back of
hands, between fingers, and under fingernails with soap. Third, scrub hands
together for at least 20 seconds. Fourth, rinse hands under clean, running water.
Finally, dry hands completely with a clean towel, or air dry.

37. “Do you love candy?” I asked my friend Roxis. I always make friends with other

38. Daniel was nervous about going to Patricia's birthday party. He was afraid that
he wouldn't know anyone but Patricia, and she would be so busy with her guests.
"Mom, I don't want to go to the party." Daniel's mother furrowed her brow and said,
"Daniel, we already told her we'd be there. We bought her a present. We have to go
and give it to her." Daniel shook his head. He still didn't want to go. His mom put
her hand on his shoulder.

39. Pete didn't feel like doing homework. He felt like playing baseball. He grabbed
his mitt off the shelf and began to fantasize about being out in the field. His fantasy
was interrupted shortly by the opening of his bedroom door. It was his mom. She
started to yell, "Pete, you're not failing baseball class! You're failing math class! You
need to study. Put the mitt away!" Pete put the mitt away, but he didn't know the
first thing about studying math.

40. If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and
ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material.
Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your
education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are
still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you
additional instruction. You are worth it. Don’t give up on yourself.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

For items 41-45, read the article below about TV viewing then answer the
questions that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheet.

The impact of prolonged TV viewing on young children

TV viewing affects the language development of young children. It has a negative
effect by delaying the language of a child. The opinion of most experts is that
children under two years of age should not watch television.
TV viewing causes obesity among children. It is most likely that longer TV
viewing time results to inactivity. An average teenager sees commercials on fast
food, junk food and sugary food. These two are the main reasons of obesity
among young children as experts claim.
TV viewing affects the child’s literacy. When someone watches television, it
lessens the time that a student spends in reading. Research shows that there is
a connection between reading and having a good test score. It is possible that
watching TV is one cause of poor test results among learners.
TV viewing influences the behavior of the child. Research shows that children
who view violent actions are most likely to show aggressive behavior. Other
studies show that there is a link between watching too much TV and bullying.

41. What is the topic sentence in the first paragraph?

A. TV viewing affects the child’s literacy.
TV viewing causes obesity among
TV viewing influences the behavior of the child.
TV viewing affects the language development of young children.

42. What is the topic sentence in the second paragraph?

A. TV viewing affects the child’s literacy.
B. TV viewing causes obesity among children.
C. TV viewing is one cause of poor test results among learners.
D. TV viewing lessens the time that a student spends in reading.

43. What are the two main reasons of obesity among children as stated in the
second paragraph?
A. inactivity
B. watching television
C. seeing commercials on television
D. inactivity and eating unhealthy foods

44. What is the main idea in the last paragraph?

A. Violent actions viewed on television
B. Negative effects of watching movie
C. The link between watching too much TV and bullying
D. The influence of TV viewing on the child’s behavior
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

45. Which sentence supports the topic sentence in the third paragraph?
A. TV viewing affects the child’s literacy.
B. An average teenager sees commercials on fast foods.
C. Children under two years of age should not watch television.
D. When someone watches television, it lessens the time that a student
spends in reading.

For items 46-50, read the following narratives, then answer the questions that
follow in your answer sheet.
Long ago in a little town in the East, there lived a couple. They lived in a modest
house together with their son and the father of the husband. For a while, the old
man lived happily with his son, his daughter-in-law and his grandson.
But when he grew very old, he became very feeble. Every time he ate at the table,
he always broke a plate because his hands trembled so much. The old man’s
awkwardness soon made his son angry, and one day he made a wooden plate for
his father. The poor old man had to eat all his food on his wooden plate.
When the grandson noticed what his father had done, he took some tools and
went down under the house. Then, he took a piece of board and began to carve it.
His father saw him and said, “What are you doing, son?” The boy replied, “Father
I am making wooden plates for you and mother when you are old. As the son
uttered these words, tears gushed from the father’s eyes. From that time on, the
old man was allowed to eat at the table with the rest of the family. He was no
longer made to eat from a wooden plate.

46. What point of view was used in narrating the story?

A. First Person B. Second Person
C. Third Person D. None of the above

47. What human right is highlighted in the last two sentences of the selection?
A. Right to vote
B. Right to education
C. Right to be respected and treated well
D. Right to acquire property

48. What is the theme of the narrative?

A. Presence of mind does more good than harm.
B. Treat others as you would wish them to treat you.
C. Treat parents well only when they are young and capable.
D. The old man and the weak never deserve good treatment.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION III – Central Luzon

“We are in a different war with COVID-19. This is not like ISIS where we can see
the enemy,” said Dr. Alicia Macmac, rural health unit officer in Lumba Bayabao,
Lanao Del Sur.
The impact of the Marawi City siege in 2017, an armed conflict between
Philippine government forces and ISIL-affiliated militants, aggravated the poverty
situation in Lanao del Sur, which is the poorest province in the country. More
than 17,000 Maranao people displaced by the conflict remain in temporary
shelters in the province. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased their
vulnerability on top of the ongoing humanitarian situation.
Dr. Macmac and other health care workers face enormous pressure to stop
COVID-19 infections. As government-run hospitals face shortages of critical
supplies to help contain the spread of the virus, UNICEF is providing disinfection
supplies, tents, personal protective equipment, and infection prevention and
control training for community health workers, sanitary engineers, and

49. Based on the story, the character is likely to be a .

A. Bicolano
B. Capampangan
C. Muslim
D. Bicolano

50. What is the theme of the narrative?

A. Heroism
B. Faith in God
C. Love for peace
D. War and conflict

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