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Second Quarter in Earth and Life Science 12

Name: _____________________________________ Section: __________________ Score: ______________

I- TRUE/FALSE. Read the following statements carefully and write the letter T if the statement is correct,
otherwise letter F if it is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____1. Inner core is the innermost layer of the Earth.

_____2. The outer core is the outer layer of the core that is made up of liquid iron and nickel.
_____3. The portion of the interior beyond the crust is called mantle.
_____4. Inner core is also made of iron and some nickel.
_____5. Crust is the outermost solid part of the Earth, normally about 8-40 kms thick.
_____6. The mantle has about 2,900 kms in thickness.
_____7. The major constituent elements of the mantle are silicon and magnesium.
_____8. The major constituent elements of the crust are silica and aluminium.
_____9. Inner core is the thinnest layer making up the liveable area of the Earth.
_____10. The mantle makes up about 84 percent of the Earth’s total volume.

II- Classify the following statements as to Physical, Chemical or Biological weathering by writing the letter
only on the table provided below.

a. Water freezes in a large crack of a rock.

b. Glaciers carve its pathways.
c. Insects secrete acidic substance on rocks.
d. Rocks fall down from the mountain and break.
e. Strong winds blow small particles of the rocks.
f. Balete tree grows at the wall of the building.
g. Rocks form bubbles after the heavy pour acid rain.
h. Construction workers use power tools to break the rocks.
i. Rainwater combined with iron on rocks produces rusts.
j. Carbon dioxide mix with water produces carbonic acid that reacts with rocks.

Physical weathering Chemical weathering Biological weathering

III- Multiple choice. Read the following questions carefully and write the correct answer on the space provided
before each number.

_____21. Rock undergoes changes when it is stressed. How does the rock behave when a tension stress acted on it?
a. It is pulled apart when or lengthen.
b. It is compressed.
c. It formed fold or fracture.
d. It is deformed
_____22. Stress between two plates may cause rocks to be compressed or pulled apart. In which plate boundary does
shear stress commonly occur?
a. Convergent boundaries c. Transform boundaries
b. Divergent boundaries d. Both a and b
_____23. What happened to the rocks under shear stress?
a. The rocks are squeezed c. The rocks are pulled apart
b. The rocks fold or fracture d. The rock walls slip to each other on opposite direction
_____24. Which of the following is the main source of Earth’s internal heat?
a. Dense materials in the core of the Earth.
b. Primordial heat from the beginning of the Earth.
c. Decay of radioactive elements in the core of the Earth.
d. Gravitational pressure acting on the materials of the internal layers.
_____25. How is magma formed?
a. Magma is formed through movement of rocks and minerals.
b. Magma is formed under the Earth’s mantle through solar radiation.
c. Magma is formed through heating and cooling of materials on the Earth’s surface.
d. Magma is formed under certain circumstances in special location deep in the crust or in the upper mantle
of the Earth.
_____26. What causes changes in the composition of a rock during the process of metamorphism?
a. increase in pressure c. reaction with hydrothermal fluids
b. increase in temperature d. all of these
_____27. Which of the following transformations is directly related to pressure in producing metamorphic rocks?
a. formation of foliation c. the increasing size of mineral crystals
b. change mineralogical in the rock d. change mineral composition of the rock
_____28. Which of the following has the correct set of major agents in metamorphism?
a. temperature and pressure c. temperature and mineral fluids
b. pressure and tectonic forces d. hydrothermal fluids and pressure
_____29. What type of metamorphic rock will form if a mud rock experiences high-grade metamorphism?
a. slate b. schist c. phyllite d. gneiss
_____30. Which of the following is the cause of high temperature and pressure in regional metamorphism?
a. impact force c. the local intrusive heat source
b. greater depth of burial d. increased rate of radioactive decay

IV- Complete the graphic organizer below. (31-40)


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