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1. Educational tour to Murshidabad

Subject: Educational Trip to Murshidabad

It is hereby notified to all the students that our school is organizing an educational trip to the
historically significant city of Murshidabad on 01/10/2023 to 02/10/2023.

Murshidabad, with its rich historical heritage, provides a unique opportunity for students to
explore the cultural and historical aspects of our region. The trip will include visits to
historically significant sites, museums, and architectural marvels.

Please ensure your participation by submitting the required permissions and fees by

Active participation is earnestly solicited from all the students to make this educational trip
both enjoyable and enlightening.
2. Malaria Awareness Camp

Subject: Malaria Awareness Camp

It is hereby notified to all the students that our school will be hosting a Malaria Awareness
Camp on 01/10/2023 at 11 a.m.

Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease, and raising awareness about its prevention
and early symptoms is crucial. This camp will include informative sessions on malaria
prevention methods, symptoms, and the importance of timely treatment.

We encourage all students to actively participate in this camp to promote awareness about
the prevention of malaria.

Active participation is earnestly solicited from all the students to make this awareness camp a
success in combating malaria.
3. Sit and Draw Competition

Subject: Sit and Draw Competition

It is hereby notified to all the students that our school will be conducting a Sit and Draw
Competition on 01/10/2023 at 11 a.m.

The Sit and Draw Competition is a platform for students to showcase their artistic talents and
creativity. Participants will have the opportunity to express themselves through art and
compete for prizes.

Please ensure your participation by registering for the competition at 25/09/2023.

Active participation is earnestly solicited from all the students to make this competition a
colorful and artistic success.
4. School Magazine

Subject: Seeking contributions for the School Magazine

It is hereby notified to all the students that preparations for our school magazine are
underway, and we invite your contributions.

The school magazine is a reflection of the creativity and talent of our student community. We
welcome your written articles, poems, artwork, photographs, and any other creative works
that you would like to see featured in the magazine.

Please submit your contributions to 01/10/2023. You can approach our editorial team for
guidance and assistance.

Active participation is earnestly solicited from all the students to make this year's school
magazine a remarkable and memorable one.
5. Football tournament

Subject: Class-Wise Football Tournament

It is hereby notified to all the students that our school will be organizing a Class-Wise Football
Tournament to promote sportsmanship and teamwork among students.

The tournament details are as follows:

Programme of Class-wise Football Tournament of Durgapur Chemicals Secondary School

1. Starting Date: 01/10/2023

2. Time: 11 am

3. Venue: Durgapur Chemicals Football Maidan

This tournament provides a platform for students to showcase their football skills and
compete for the championship. Each class is encouraged to form a team and participate.

Please ensure your class's participation by registering your team with the Sports Coordinator
by 25/09/2023.

Active participation is earnestly solicited from all the students to make this football
tournament a spirited and sporting success.

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