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Topics: Ways to protect the environment

Conducter: Group 1 – ENTH1511_01

Supervisor: Mrs. Duong Thi Hong Tham

HA NOI – 10/2023


Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
(Lần 1)
Học phần: Tiếng anh 2
Giảng viên: Dương Thị Hồng Thắm
Lớp HP: 2312ENTH1511_01
Nhóm: 1
I. Thời gian và địa điểm
1. Thời gian: 20h30 ngày 25 tháng 09 năm 2023
2. Địa điểm: Nhóm chat Zalo
II. Số thành viên tham gia: 3/3
III. Nội dung thảo luận
1. Tìm hiểu, nghiên cứu đưa ra hướng giải quyết đề tài thảo luận, lập đề cương.
2. Nhóm trưởng phân chia công việc.
IV. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp
Các thành viên tích cực trong quá trình thảo luận và nhận nhiệm vụ mà nhóm
trưởng giao.
Ngày 25 tháng 09 năm 2023
Nhóm trưởng
Lê Vũ Quỳnh An
Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
(Lần 2)
Học phần: Tiếng anh 2
Giảng viên: Dương Thị Hồng Thắm
Lớp HP: 2312ENTH1511_01
Nhóm: 1
I. Thời gian và địa điểm
1. Thời gian: 20h ngày 02 tháng 10 năm 2023
2. Địa điểm: Nhóm chat Zalo
II. Số thành viên tham gia: 3/3
III. Nội dung thảo luận
Họp nhóm để tổng hợp lại phần nội dung, các thành viên đưa ra nhận xét, đánh
giá, thống nhất ý kiến và chỉnh sửa
IV. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp
Các thành viên hoạt động sôi nổi, tích cực đóng góp ý kiến hoàn thiện nội dung
thảo luận.
Ngày 02 tháng 10 năm 2023
Nhóm trưởng
Lê Vũ Quỳnh An
Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
(Lần 3)
Học phần: Tiếng anh 2
Giảng viên: Dương Thị Hồng Thắm
Lớp HP: 2312ENTH1511_01
Nhóm: 1
I. Thời gian và địa điểm
1. Thời gian: 20h ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2023
2. Địa điểm: Google Meet
II. Số thành viên tham gia: 3/3
III. Nội dung thảo luận
1. Tổng duyệt phần thuyết trình
2. Nhóm trưởng: Biên bản họp nhóm, biên bản phân công nhiệm vụ và đánh giá
IV. Đánh giá chung kết quả cuộc họp
Các thành viên tích cực, nhiệt tình trong quá trình thảo luận.
Ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2023
Nhóm trưởng
Lê Vũ Quỳnh An
Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

Học phần: Tiếng anh 2

Giảng viên: Dương Thị Hồng Thắm
Lớp HP: 2312ENTH1511_01
Nhóm: 1
STT Họ và tên Công việc Đánh giá
1 Lê Yến Nhi Overview about
environmental pollution
+ Air pollution and
2 Ngô Thị Chuyên Water pollution and
solutions + Word
3 Lê Vũ Quỳnh An Land pollution and
solutions + Power point

Ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2023

Nhóm trưởng
Lê Vũ Quỳnh An

Table of Contents
I. Overview about environmental pollution...................................................7
II. Types of environment pollution..................................................................7
1. Air pollution ...............................................................................................7
2. Water pollution............................................................................................7
3. Land Pollution.............................................................................................8
III. Solutions.....................................................................................................9
1. Solutions for air pollution...........................................................................9
2. Solutions for water pollution.......................................................................9
3. Solutions for land pollution.......................................................................10

I. Overview about environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution is the introduction of harmful materials or substances
into the environment that cause adverse changes. It can be caused by human
activities or natural processes.
There are many different types of environmental pollution, including:
● Air pollution
● Water pollution
● Land pollution
Environmental pollution can have a serious impact on human health and the
environment. It can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory
problems, heart disease, cancer, and neurological disorders. It can also damage
ecosystems and reduce biodiversity.

II. Types of environment pollution.

1. Air pollution .
Air pollution is a major environmental problem that affects people all over the
world. It is caused by the release of harmful gases and particles into the
atmosphere from a variety of sources, including vehicles, factories, power
plants, and agriculture. Air pollution can have a serious impact on human health.
2. Water pollution.
The pollution of water sources is a pressing issue that poses significant threats to
ecosystems and human health. There are various causes of water pollution, and
it is crucial to address them to ensure the availability of clean and safe water for
all. One of the primary causes of water pollution is industrial activities. Many
industries release untreated or inadequately treated waste water containing
harmful chemicals and pollutants into rivers, lakes, and oceans. These pollutants
can contaminate water sources and disrupt aquatic ecosystems, leading to the
loss of biodiversity and the accumulation of toxins in the food chain. Besides,
agricultural practices also contribute to water pollution. The use of fertilizers,
pesticides, and herbicides in large-scale agriculture can result in run-off, where
these chemicals enter water bodies. Another significant contributor to water
pollution is improper waste disposal. Municipalities and individuals often
dispose of solid waste and sewage directly into water bodies or rely on
inadequate waste treatment systems. This leads to the contamination of water
sources with pathogens and harmful substances, posing serious health risks to
humans and aquatic organisms.
3. Land Pollution.
Land Pollution refers to the deterioration of the earth’s land surfaces.
Furthermore, it occurs mainly due to the indirect and direct effects of human
activities. Similarly, when we misuse the land resources, land pollution happens.
It is a global issue that needs to be fixed immediately. The unnecessary materials
contaminate the quality of our land. For instance, even the garbage on the streets
is a kind of land pollution only.
There are various causes which contribute to this pollution. The various
substances that spill on the land cause land pollution. Similarly, these substances
have different sources of origin. The most common ones are:
• Garbage
This is one of the most common causes of land pollution. You will find garbage
in every household. Tonnes of garbage is produced by common households
annually. When such massive amount gets generated, the ways to dispose of it
falls short. Therefore, all this garbage gets dumped onto land. This land of
disposal is referred to as a landfill. It is basically a wastage of free land which
also gives birth to new problems. For instance, these landfills release toxic gases
that harm living beings as well as the ozone layer.
• Factories
Factories contribute largely to land pollution. They produce toxic waste products
and chemical which prove very damaging to land. Furthermore, these factories
dump off their waste in lands and water bodies. While some countries have
stringent laws against this, some do not. This increases land pollution.
• Farming
We know farming is very important for every person. They fulfill our food
demands. However, irresponsible farming becomes very harmful sometimes.
Clearing of forests for land area in order to farm makes way for land pollution.
Moreover, the insecticides and fertilizers sprayed on crops also damage the land.
• Mining
It is yet another activity that contributes to land pollution. In order to obtain coal
and minerals, we dig holes into the land. This results in land erosion. Similarly,
it also produces harmful gases and toxins which results in contaminated land as
well as the air.

III. Solutions
1. Solutions for air pollution

There are a number of solutions to air pollution.Some of the most important

solutions include:
Reducing our reliance on cars: Cars are a major source of air pollution. We can
reduce our reliance on cars by walking, biking, taking public transportation, or
Controlling industrial emissions: Industrial facilities are another major source of
air pollution. Governments can implement regulations and incentives to reduce
industrial emissions.
Planting trees: Trees can help to filter the air and reduce air pollution. We can all
plant trees in our yards and communities to help improve air quality. Checking
the air quality forecast: Air quality forecasts can tell you when air pollution
levels are high. You should not go out at this time.
Wearing a mask: If you must spend time outdoors on days when air pollution is
high, you can wear a mask to protect yourself from breathing in harmful

2. Solutions for water pollution.

To address water pollution, several solutions can be implemented. Firstly, strict
regulations and enforcement must be in place to ensure that industries treat their
waste water before releasing it into water bodies. The development and
implementation of advanced waste water treatment technologies can
significantly reduce the discharge of pollutants. Additionally, promoting organic
farming methods can help prevent water pollution caused by synthetic fertilizers
and pesticides. Improving waste management systems is crucial. Governments
should invest in proper sewage treatment plants and waste disposal
infrastructure, ensuring that waste is treated before being discharged into water
sources. Public awareness campaigns and education on proper waste disposal
practices can also encourage individuals to play their part in preventing water
pollution. In conclusion, addressing the causes of water pollution and
implementing practical solutions are vital for preserving our water resources. By
enforcing regulations on industrial wastewater treatment, promoting sustainable
agricultural practices, improving waste management systems, and raising public
awareness, we can ensure the availability of clean and safe water for present and
future generations.
3. Solutions for land pollution

There are many ways which can be taken on a bigger level as well as a small
one. It can help in preventing land pollution. In order to execute it, the
government and citizens must come together to do so. We can begin with:
• Reducing the usage of chemicals and pesticides
Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can help in preventing
land pollution. In addition to contaminating the soil, they also do no good to the
crops. Therefore, farmers must use natural ingredients instead of these harmful
toxins. They can switch to manure and bio-fertilizers. This will help in
minimizing land pollution.
• Reforestation
As we know that forests and grassland bind the soil. We must practice
reforestation to protect the land from pollution. It will further prevent floods and
soil erosion. Moreover, it will make the land more fertile and enhance
• Recovering and Recycling Material
We must recycle waste material to stop it from polluting the land. We must
properly dispose of organic and inorganic waste separately. It will help in
lessening the burden of landfills. Moreover, it will save more natural resources.
In conclusions, the negative consequences of land pollution can be greatly
reduced with the cooperation of everyone. By making a conscious effort to
contribute to a safer environment, the health and well-being of all can be

In conclusion, protecting the environment requires a multi-faceted approach that
combines sustainable practices, technological innovation, policy interventions,
and education. It is not just the responsibility of governments or organizations
but of every individual. By making conscious choices and advocating for the
environment, we can ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to

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