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Nama Penyusun : Naning Safrika
Institusi : SMP 7 Karya
Bangsa Tahun Penyusunan : 2024
Jenjang Sekolah : Junior High School
Kelas 7
Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 45 minutes
Kompetensi Awal :
1 Learners have learned Punctuation, and sequencer (Firstly, secondly etc.)
2 Learners have studied plural and singular nouns.

Profil Pelajar Pancasila dan Pelajar Rahmatan lil Alamin :

 Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang ingin dicapai adalah : Students to have
faith,believing, fearing,the Almeghty God (YME) and having noble
character, mutual coopertion, critical thinking, creativity, and global
 Profil Pelajar Rahmatan lil Alamin yang ingin dicapai adalah : Student to
tolerance, civilization, exemplary, citizenship and nationality.

Sarana Prasana :

1. Facilities :
a. Laptop/smartphone
b. Power Point
c. Worksheet
d. Writing tools/stationary.
e. LCD Projector
f. Internet Network
g. Comfortable classroom
Target Peserta Didik : 7th grade (Regular)

Model Pembelajaran : Problem based learning.


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Students can communicate their ideas about their favorite food or food
experiences orally or through simple paragraph.
2. Student recognize procedure texts.
3. Student can show development in the use of specific vocabulary and
simple sentence structure through procedure text.

B. Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Students are able to describe their favorite food.

2. Students are able to asking and giving information about favorite food.
3. Students are able to identify vocabulary about food tools and ingredients.
4. Students are able to make a simple procedure text and read it in front of
the class.

C. Pemahaman Bermakna

In daily life, students have their own favorite food. People want to make
their favorite food by finding information about how to make it by writing a
procedure text. So that students learning about how to follow a procedure text, we
expecting that they’re able to make their favorite food or something else in the

D. Pertanyaan Pemantik

1. What do you thinking when you heard the word culinary?

2. What is your favorite food?
3. Have you ever heard the word procedure?
4. What are you thinking when you heard the word procedure?
E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)

1. Teacher prepares the learners.
2. Opening with greetings, and praying to start the lesson.
3. Teacher checking the attendance of students.
4. Teacher asking about last week’s lesson.
5. Students are given trigger question.
Kegiatan Inti (30 menit)
1. The teacher shows vocabularies related to foods and beverages.
2. The teacher reads the vocabularies related to foods and ask the students to
repeat, and then together identify their meanings into Indonesian language.
3. The teacher explains about asking and giving information related to
favorite food.
4. Teacher asks some student to be volunteer to read the dialogs.
5. The teacher explains about the procedure text and its structure.
6. The teacher assigns the students to make a simple procedure text.
7. Students read their work in front of the class.
Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)
1. Teacher and students draw conclusions about the lesson at the meeting.
2. Teacher conveys the material that will be studied at the next meeting.
3. Teacher and students reflect on today’s learning activities
4. Teacher giving motivation words to the students.
5. Teacher and students perform closing prayers and say closing greeting.

F. Asesmen

 Asesment Formatif
a. Performance (Doing the assignments ,presenting individual
work,group work)
b. Daily Assessment
 Asesment Sumatif
a. End of semester test (Final Test)
G. Pengayaan dan Remedial

 Pengayaan : Giving variety of higher level questions.

 Remedial : Giving repetition of basic material and specific material
that is not mastered by students.

H. Glosarium

- Food : Makanan
- Drink/Beverage : Minuman
- Asking : Bertanya
- Giving : Mmemberi
- Procedure : Langkah-langkah membuat,menyusun,atau melakukan sesuatu.
- Goal : Tujuan
- Material : Bahan
I. Daftar Pustaka

Ahmad, A. (2023, 11 20). Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Procedure Text.

Retrieved from
Sya'roni, H. (2022). Procedure Text (Making a recipe). Retrieved from

Mengetahui, Tulungagung, 14th March 2024

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Prof. Dr. Erna Iftianti, S,S.,M.Pd Naning Safrika

NIP. 197203072009012002 NIM. 1860203221049

Bahan Ajar :
Foods and beverages vocabularies

Asking and Giving Information

1. Giving Information about food and drinks that you like
I - I like
You Like Name food/drink noodle.
We Because it
They is yummy
- Martin
and Deni
it’s savory
She - He likes
He orange
It Likes Name food/drink juice, it is
(Singular person refreshing
name) - Rama
it’s sweet

2. Giving Information about food that you dislike.

I Don’t like Name food/drink - I don’t
You like
We coffee, it
They tastes
- Dina and
don’t like
salad, it is
She Doesn’t like Name food/drink - Billy
He doesn’t
It like soda,
(Singular Person it is so
name) sweet.
3. Asking if someone likes certain food/drink.
Do I Like Name - Do you
You food/drink like ice
We cream?
Does She Likes Name - Does she
He food/drink likes
It chocolate?
person name)

4. Asking someone their favorite food/drink

What Food/drink Do You Like?
Example : What food do you like, Andy?
What drink do they like?
What Food/drink Does She Likes?
person name)
Example : What food does she likes?
What food does Ali likes?

Dialog 1.
Febri : Hi Lucy. What food do you like?
Lucy : I like chicken curry, how about
Febri : I like yellow rice. It’s savory and yummy. Anyway, do you like
coffee? Lucy : No, I don’t like coffee. It’s a bit bitter..
Febri : I see. And do you like vanilla ice cream?
Lucy : Yes I do. It’s creamy and sweet. How about you?
Febri : No I don’t like it. Because it’s cold and I have a toothache.
Procedure Text
Scoring Rubric
- Scoring for Appearance
No Aspect Description Score
1 Speaking Fluentness 1-5
Correct pronounciation 1-10
Clearness and volume of the voice 1-5
2 Appearance Good mannerism 1-10
Active 1-5
Confient 1-5

Total 40
- Scoring for Tasks
No Aspect Description Score
1 Writing Grammar 1-20
On time (collecting) 1-15
Vocabulary 1-15
Coherensi & Cohesi 1-10
Total 60

Total Score : Score Appearance + Score Task =


1. Choose one your favorite food and one your favorite drink. Make a
proper procedure text based on the generic structure and the language
features. Good luck!
Name : Class :

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