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Space Vector Modulation and Control of a Unidirectional Three-PhaseLeveYSwitch

VIENNA I Rectifier with LCL-type AC filter

Tero Viitanen, Heikki Tuusa
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Institute of Power Electronics
P.O. Box 692, FIN-33101 Tampere
Tel: +358-3-3115 3698
Fax: +358-3-3115 2088

Absfracf - This paper presents a novel three-level space

vector modulation method applied to a vector controlled
kilowatts while the average switching frequency is dozens of
kilohertz [2,3,4]. Such applications require very fast
VIENNA I rectifier with LCLtype AC filter. The principle computation for the duty cycle of the switching device
modulation algorithm operation, basic assumptions and because of the short pulse period. It is therefore reasonable to
restrictions due to the main circuit are analysed in case of implement modulation by using analogue techniques. At
conventional L filter. Then the analysis is extended to include
the LCL filter. On the hasis of the key equations derived from higher power levels and lower pulse frequencies, the digital
the system examined, the vector control system Is realised. The computation of the duty cycles is easy to implement e.g. by
theoretical analysis of the proposed modulation technique and using a micro-controller. This allows us to use space vector
vector control system is verified by Simplorer and Matiab modulation instead of analogue modulation. This paper shows
Simulink simulations, taking into consideration the total how three-level vector modulation is applied to the vector
harmonic line current distortion, the losses in the active and controlled 5OkW VIENNA I rectifier, which operates at a
passive components, delays and switching transients of the constant switching frequency of&= 3.5MIz.
semiconductor devices. The rectifier system Is designed to
operate at a nominal DC link output power of SOkW, DC link n. METHOD FOR L
voltage 650V and applied switching frequency 3.5kHz The LCL
filter is designed so that the total harmonic line current FILTER
distortion is 1% while the rectifier current distortion is 4%.
For simplicity, the detailed analysis of the proposed
- vector modulation, vector control, three-phase,
power factor correction, PFC, total harmonic
modulation method is presented for L filter (Fig. 2). The
modulation principle remains unchanged despite the idput
distortion, THD, VIENNA I filter type. The space vector voltage equation of a rectifier
with ideal L filter in the synchronous (denoted by superscript
I. INTRODUCTION s), mains voltage oriented reference frame rotating at a is
The three-level VIENNA I rectifier in Fig. 1 is a very di*
vi =L'+jqLi:+u:, (1)
suitable topology for three-phase rectification when only dt
unidirectional power flow is needed. It has a better efficiency, where ha= l&lexp(j@) is the mains voltage vector, &* =
smaller AC filter size and only three active switches I&lexp(i%) is the rectifier current vector and as= l&lexp(i@)
compared to the conventional 6-switch active PWM full- is the rectifier voltage vector. The corresponding steady-state
bridge rectifier [l]. In many articles, the VIENNA I rectifier vector diagram (harmonics excluded) of the rectifier in Fig. 2
is designed to operate at small output power of a few operating at a unity displacementpower factor is shown in

Fig. 1. Main circuit ofthe VIENNA I rectifier with LCL filter.

0-7803-7754-0/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE 1063

Fig. 3 in the synchronous reference frame.
The rectifier phase voltages u,(.,b,o)M can be presented with
help of the switching functions SW(a,b,o) which determine the
conduction states of the active switches s(a,b,o> If the voltages
of the DC link capacitors are equal in Fig. 2, the rectifier
phase voltages are
ur(k,b,o)M -sw(a,b,o))udo 12 for il(a.b.4 2 0 (2)

ur(s,b,o)M = (sw(a,b,c) -1)udc 12 for i,(a.b,O) < 0 (3)

Fig. 2. Main circuit of the VIENNA I rectifier with L filter.
%(a,b,c)N 'ul(a,b,c)M -?(UmM +urbM + u r c M ) . (4)
The switching function is S W ( ~ , ~ ,=$ ) 1 when the active switch
s(&)is ON, and .w(&b,c) = 0 when s(a,b,o) is OFF. When the
voltages of the DC link capacitors are equal in Fig. 2, the
rectifier can produce 19 different voltage vectors. These
vectors are shown in Fig. 4. The lengths of the vectors are (VI-
Va): 2udJ3, ( V I ~ - V ~ I ) : (Vol-Vw,): Each l&ll
sector @-VI)in Fig. 4 is divided into four sub-sectors (Figs. 4
and 5). Vectors (vol-vw,)are of special interest because each
of them can be generated by two alternative switching
combinations of the three active power switches sw = Flg. 3. Steady-sfate vector diagram of the VIENNA I rectifier of Fig.2
( w ~ , ~ , . wFor o ) . example, if -ld65(46N6, the two operating at unity displacement power factor in the mains volmge referred
alternative switching combinations for the vector VOI are W O , + (synchronous) reference frame.
= (100) and mol.= (011). The combination swot+ = (100)
results in a positive im current flow from phase A to DC-link t"
neutral point M, while the combination swol. = (01 1) results in
an opposite current flow from neutral point M to phases B and
C. The positive i,,, charges the lower DC link capacitor Cdsl
while the negative i,,, charges the upper capacitor By
varying the relative ON times of WOI+ and mu,,., the partial
DC link voltages can be controlled.
The vector modulation of the three-level converter is based
on time averaging of the reference vector within a sampling
period 1/(2f,3. Time averaging is done by weighting the three
voltage vectors lying in the immediate vicinity of the
reference vector by appropriate ON times, i.e.
urd =alEl +a2EZ+aIYl, (5)
where y l - 3 are the nearest voltage vectors and q-q are the
corresponding relative ON times. For example, if the tip of 1
the reference vector lies in sub-sector 2 in Fig. 5 , the vectors Fig. 4. Voltage vectors of a three-level rectifier
( y 1 - 3 ) used in ( 5 ) are vel, V I Z and VI. The sub-sector and the
relative ON times of the appropriate vectors can be t Im
determined by assuming equal DC link capacitor voltages as
in [SI. First, the glancing projections vx and vy in Fig. 5 have
to be calculated (excluding over-modulation, I&d 5 (Id,/+ is
assumed); \

Fig. 5. Olancingprojections (vx. v,) of the reference vector yd.

Reference In main aeetor I
I , Sub-sector; 0 5 < d6
Vector sequence; 0 5 I L 1/(2&J
vo,. - vo - V l t - vo,+
Switching sequence, sw (sw.,s~!+.~w~)
I.Sub-sector;n/65 ~ ~ < n / 3 vol. - vo,. - vo - volt (00l)-(0ll)-(ll1)-(110)
2. Sub-sector VO,.-v,I-VI-VOlt (01 I ) - (010) -(OOO) - (100)
3.Sub-sector;O5%r<n/6 vo,. - V I 1 - Val< -volt (01 I ) - (010)- ( I IO) - (100)
3. Sub-sector; n/6 5 qk<d3 vol. - vo,. - V I * - vott (001) - (01 I ) - (010) - (1 IO)
4. Sub-sector VI. - v1- VI1 - VOI4 (001) -(OOO) - (010) -(I 10)

When applying (6)-(9) for a reference vector lying in main of each main sector, e.g. at the angle of r/6 in sector I, one of
sectors 11-VI, the reference vector has to be transformed to lie the phase currents changes its polarity. This has to be taken
virtually in the main sector 1. From (8) and (9), the sub- into account when generating the pulse patterns. If the
sectors can be determined reference vector is in sub-sector 3 (Gf< d 6 ) and the current
IF(& 2 1) +sub = 2 of the phase B temporarily changes its direction, then the
switching combination (IOO), which should produce vector
IF(q2 1)+sub=4 VOI, now produces vector v ~ , This
. leads to error both in the
IF((%< I)AND(a;< I)AND(a,+a;< I))-+sub= 1 amplitude and angle of the modulated average. Errors due to
the zero crossings of the currents can be avoided by using a
IF((4<1)AND(a;<l)AND((y,+a,TI))-tsub=3. special clamping method, in which the polarity changing
If ( 5 ) is applied to the situation in Fig. 5 (the sub-sector of the phase is connected to the neutral point M for a certain time
reference is 2), the result would be: period. In practice this means that r, in (1 1) and (12), is either
-V I = VI, q = 4-1, 1 or -1, depending on the main and sub-sectors of the
reference vector. In the simulations in this paper the clamping
?12=v12,a2=a;, period starts when instantaneous % T d6-4d180 and ends
~ = v o andl I -ai- a. when Gr > r/6 (current and voltage vectors are transformed
By using the geometric and trigonometric relations in to lie virtually in main sector I). The clamping interval takes
expressing the real and imaginluy parts of the reference only a few modulation periods so the modulation can be
vector, the relative ON times in any sub-sector can be considered to remain continuous (compared to the
determined as in [5]. discontinuous method in [6]). The length of the clamping
Regarding the switching pattern of the active switches, should be optimised to be as short as possible. This is because
vectors (VOI-VM) have an important role. Because there are the longer the clamping period is, the wider is the spreading
two switching combinations for each (VOI-VM), they are of the switching harmonic multiples in the spectrum. This is
situated within a switching sequence such that only one disadvantageous e.g. when an LCL-type AC filter is used.
switch has to change its state when changing from one vector Such optimisation is a subject for fitwe research.
to another. This minimises the switching transitions when
continuous modulation is used. If ,i, and &f are in the main In. PROPOSED VECTOR MODULATION METHODFOR LCL
sector I and ( k ,< d~6 ) ~ OR (R,Gf5 d 6 ) , the resulting
vector and switching sequences are listed in Table I. Only the
The synchronous reference frame referred space vector
sequence of the fmt half of the modulation period I/(&) is
voltage equation of the rectifier in Fig. 1 with ideal LCL
presented, the other half is reversed. Similar sequences can be
filter is
determined for all main sectors.
The relative ON times of the redundant switching
combinations of vectors (VOI-vw) can be represented as
a,=(l+r)a/2, - 1 5 r 5 l (1 1) where b' = Iblexpfiq&l)is the line current vector. The steady-
state synchronous reference frame vector diagram (harmonics
a, =(l-r)a/Z, -1 S r S l , (12) excluded) of the rectifier in Fig. 1 operating at a unity
where a is the total relative ON time of the vector, q,is the displacement power factor is shown in Fig. 6. The principle of ,
weighted ON time of the positive i,,, producing switching the applied vector modulation method remains unchanged
combination and a, is the weighted ON time of the negative when LCL-type AC filter is used. Similar analysis, switching
im producing switching combination. The weighting pattern derivation and clamping interval determination can be
coefficient r is used to control the partial DC link voltages. carried out as in Section 11. The instantaneous rectifier
The input voltage generation of the VIENNA I rectifier is currents and the current vector angle still have to be
dependent on the signs of the input currents because of the considered because of the input voltage generation of the
diodes DI-Ds in the main circuit (Figs. 1 and 2). In the middle rectifier.

Fig. 6. Steady-state vector diagram of the VIENNA I rectifier of Fig. I Flg. 7. Vector control and modulation system ofthe VIENNA I rectifier with
operating at unity displacement power factor in the mins voltage referred LCL-filter.
(synchronous) reference frame.

N. VECTORCONTROLOF THE RECTIFIER WITH LCL %d = d(%d to the angles @iand $%f. This is done in the
FILTER vector modulator block SVM in Fig. 7.

The vector modulation method described above is applied V. SIMULATIONOF THE RECTIFIER SYSTEM
to a vector controlled VIENNA I rectifier. The current control
is realised in a synchronous, mains voltage oriented reference The rectifier operation is simulated such that control system
frame rotating at q.The space vector voltage equation (12) and modulator run in Matlab Simulink while the main circuit
of the ideal LCL filter (Fig. 1) can be expressed as model (exactly the same main circuit model as that used in
did did
[I],but now with the LCL filter as in [7])runs in Simplorer.
u@ = U d + L , -+L--ws(Lfiq +Li,) (14) Semiconductors are modelled as the SEMIKRON
dt dt SKM300GA123D IGBT and the free-wheeling diode of the
di di, same module. The examined operation point is as in [I];
U, = u , ~ + L ~ , +L-+w,(Lfid+Lid) (1s)
dt dt 50kW (100%) DC link power, DC link voltage 650V and
switching frequency 3.SkHz. The LCL filter component
U: = U s d + ju, U: = U d + ju, , (16) values are 700pH(6.9%)-6S.6~(6.6°h)-700pH(6.9%).The
where Lf = L = La+.On the bases of (14) and (IS), the resulting current distortion values are; 1% for the line current
control system of the rectifier is realised. For the sake of and 4% for the rectifier input current. The losses in the
brevity, only the simplified block diagram of the control passive components are modelled with help of series and
system is presented in Fig. 7. The line voltages and currents parallel resistors as in [I].Some of the simulated waveforms
have been transformed to the synchronous reference frame are presented in Fig. 8.
and only the resulting d and q components are shown in Fig. The most significant harmonics in the rectifier current lie
7. DC link voltage and the partial DC link voltages are around n = 70 and n = 140, as the spectrum in Fig. 8i shows.
controlled by discrete PI controllers F(z) and G(z) while PID These harmonics are greatly attenuated from the line current
controllers C(z) are used for current control. The DC link as shown in Fig. 8f. The clamping method expands the
voltage controller gives the d-current reference value iRf,d rectifier current spectrum to lower frequencies as Fig. 8i
while iRf,qis zero for unity displacement power factor. The shows. Some of these harmonics fall near to the resonant
voltage drops (ohmic and LdUdt) across the inductors Lf and frequency of the filter (a IOSOHz). Near this frequency, the
L are approximated with the current controllers which give filter acts like an amplifier instead of an attenuator. This is
ufi[tcr(d,q)The cross-coupling dq terms due to the reference why the line current spectrum in Fig. 8f has few frequency
frame transformation (the @ components in (14) and (IS)), components around the resonant frequency of the filter. The
are compensated by assumingX( a)= &(L+Lf), i, = iq and i,d same frequencies also distort the waveform of the filter
id in Fig. 7.The d and q voltage references of the rectifier capacitor voltage in Fig. 8b.
are transformed into polar coordinates. The vector modulator The calculated power losses in passive components and
(SVM)has S inputs; the measured DC link voltage (Cldo), the semiconductors remain quite unchanged compared to the
reference vector amplitude ( C d ) and angle (@er), the rectifier corresponding results in [l] and [7]. The total passive
current angle (R) and the weighting coefficient r. The component losses (inductors and capacitors) are 0.9% while
modulator outputs are the switching functions sw,, sw and the total semiconductor losses are 1.0% of the nominal DC
sw,. The time delay due to the discrete sampling of the link power. The resulting calculated efficiency of the rectifier
modulator, td = l/(2/J, is compensatedby adding with LCL filter is 98.1%.
Fig. 8. Simulated wavefonns of the examined
VIENNA I rectifier. a) Line voltage ua. b) filter
capacitor voltage uca c) modulated phase voltage
U", d) voltage across inductor Lb, e) line CUrrent i,,
0 line current spec", g) voltage across inductor
La, h) rectifier current i, i) rectifier CUrrent
spectrum,j) partial DC link voltages ucrCland ucra.

VI. CONCLUSION 121 P. Stogerer, I. Minibook, J.W. Kolar, “Implementation of a novel control
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unbalanced mains voltage conditions,” Power Electronics Specialists
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VIENNA I rectifier with LCL-type AC filter. Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2000. PESC 00. 2000 IEEE
The theoretical analysis and the operation of the rectifier 3l‘Annual. Volume:l,pp. 139-146.
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the examined rectifier was constructed also to cater for the schemes for a selected 3-level switched mode rectifier,”
losses and delays of the real active and passive components. Telecommunications Energy Conference, 1997. INTELEC 97, 19th
The current distortions in LCL filter inductors and losses in International, 1997pp.413418.
the main circuit components were also calculated. The results [SI S. Fuhda, Y.Matsumoto, A. Sagawa, “Optimal-regulator-based control
show a great potential of the VIENNA I rectifier, also when ofNPC boost rectifiers for unity power factor and reduced neutral-pint-
vector modulation and vector control is used. potential variations:’ IEEE Transactionson Industrial Electronics, VOL
Verification of the proposed modulation and control method 46, NO. 3, June 1999, pp.527-534.
with laboratory prototype together with the optimisation of [6] J.W. Kolar, U. Drofenik, “A new switching loss reduced discontinuous
the clamping period are now our main research efforts. PWM scheme for a unidirectional three-phase /switch /level boost-type
PWM (VIENNA) rectifier:’ Telecommunications Energy Conference,
1999. MTELEC 99,Zlst lntemational ,paper 29-2.
[71 T. Viitanen, H. Tuum, ‘The line current THD and power loss
[I] ’r. Viitanen, H. Tuusa, “A steady-state power loss consideration of the consideration of VIENNA I rectifier under distorted mains voltages,”
50kW VIENNA I and PWM hll-bridge three-phase rectifiers,” Power Otrrcial Pmedings of the 2002 Nordic Workshop on Power and
Electronics Specialists Conference, 2002. PESC 02. IEEE 3 3 4 Annual, Industrial Electronics, NORPIE 2002, August 12-14, Stockholm,
Volume: 2,2002 pp. 915920. Sweden. Section: Converters 11.


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