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PROBLEM: Actually
it’s not just me and my
family facing financial
crisis but also some
Filipino citizen. The
main factors are the
corruption. The
government keep the
money on their pocket
instead of providing it
to the people who need
support for those who
lack financial and that
includes my family. EFFECTS: The main effects
Because of corruption, are poverty. I came from a
our country doesn’t poor family and I know how
other people felt when there
is no food to eat. We
experienced hunger
sometimes because we have
no money and my father
doesn’t have a stable job. My
father have enough salary to
buy foods for five people
only. I also have observed
that there are some people
who didn’t survive poverty, as
SOLUTION: a result they fall into
Despite of depression and become
struggling a
financial problem,
it is not reason for
me to give up on my
studies. Being poor
doesn’t mean to me
to become hopeless
in my dream in life.
I made the poverty
as an inspiration to
study harder to
meet my goals in
life and to have a
good future. I just
hope that
government stop
corrupting money

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