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Subject: Practical Research 1

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: The students able to present a written review of literature

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Analyzing statistical data and graphs can be applied in reviewing

and interpreting research findings in literature reviews.

2) English - Understanding different writing styles and techniques can help students
effectively communicate their review of literature.

3) Social Studies - Studying historical contexts can provide insights into how
literature reviews have evolved over time.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Props, Character Cards]

1) Role-play activity where students act out as different researchers presenting their
literature reviews.

2) Mystery Box containing key terms related to literature review for students to

3) Interactive Quizzes on literature review concepts to engage students in a fun and

competitive manner.

Activity 1: Literature Review Showcase

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Materials - Laptops, Research Articles, Rubric Sheets

Significance - Enhances students' research and writing skills, promotes critical
thinking and analysis.

Instructions -

1) Research and select a relevant topic for literature review.

2) Write a comprehensive review of literature following APA format.

3) Present your literature review to the class.

Rubric - Organization (5 pts), Content (5 pts), Presentation (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the importance of conducting a literature review in research?

2) How does proper citation contribute to the credibility of a literature review?

3) What are the key components of a well-written literature review?

Activity 2: Peer Review Workshop

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - Peer Review Sheets, Highlighters, Peer Feedback Forms

Significance - Encourages collaboration and constructive feedback among peers.

Instructions -

1) Exchange literature reviews with a partner for peer review.

2) Use highlighters to mark strengths and areas for improvement in the review.

3) Provide feedback to your partner based on the peer review form.

Rubric - Content Analysis (5 pts), Peer Feedback (5 pts), Collaboration (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) How does peer review contribute to the improvement of a literature review?

2) What are the benefits of receiving constructive feedback from peers?

3) How can collaboration enhance the quality of a literature review?

Activity 3: Literature Review Presentation

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - Visual Aids, Presentation Slides, Timer

Significance - Develops students' public speaking skills and ability to communicate

research findings.

Instructions -

1) Prepare a visual presentation summarizing your literature review.

2) Practice delivering your presentation with clear and concise explanations.

3) Present your literature review to the class within the time limit.

Rubric - Clarity (5 pts), Engagement (5 pts), Time Management (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) How does visual aid enhance the delivery of a literature review presentation?

2) What are the key elements to consider when presenting a literature review to an

3) How can effective communication skills impact the success of a literature review


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated strong research skills and organization in

presenting their literature reviews.

Activity 2 - Peer feedback promoted critical analysis and constructive suggestions for
improvement in literature reviews.

Activity 3 - Students effectively communicated their research findings and engaged

the audience during the presentation.

The main point of the objective is for students to effectively present a written review
of literature by conducting thorough research, organizing their thoughts cohesively,
and communicating their findings clearly. By following specific rules and patterns in
literature review writing, students can deepen their understanding of research
methodologies and critical analysis.


[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Analyze a research article and create a literature review based on the
findings, identifying key points and implications for further study.

Task 2 - Collaborate with a peer to compare and contrast different approaches to

literature review writing, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each method.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment Rubrics]

Question 1 - How does a well-structured literature review contribute to the credibility

of a research study?

Question 2 - What are the common challenges students face when presenting a
literature review?

Question 3 - How can incorporating feedback from peers improve the quality of a
literature review presentation?


1) Research Assignment - Conduct a literature review on a topic of interest and

present your findings in a written report following APA guidelines.

2) Peer Evaluation Task - Provide feedback on a peer's literature review

presentation, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement to enhance their
research skills.

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