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Instagram: @crossmanknits

ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Amigurumi Crochet Techniques

Techniques explained:
Page 3 X shape single crochet
Page 4 Magic ring
Page 5 Crochet in spiral
Page 6 Running marker
Page 7 Invisible slip
Page 8 Invisible color change
Page 9 Seamless decrease
Page 10 Single crochet front and back together
Page 11 Close loop
Page 12 Stuffing

What you need to make crocheted toys:

 Any mercerized cotton yarn, asking for:
o 2-4 US size, or 2.5-3.5mm hook
o Size 2, fine
o 10x10 cm=36 rows and 26stitches
 2.5mm crochet hook
 Metal tapestry needle
 Stuffing

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

 Use mercerized cotton yarn:
o Won’t produce lint,
o Durable, and lasts long,
o Machine washable
 Use smallest hook required:
o Use the smallest hook the yarn is asking for. If you crochet
loose, choose an even smaller size.

blo - back loop only
ch - chain
sc -single crochet
dec -decrease
tog -together
flo - front loop only
inc -single crochet increase (2 single crochet in the same stitch)
pic -picture
mr -magic ring
sl -slip
st(s) – stitch(es)
( ) - repeat around

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

X shape single crochet

Use Xshape method when you are making amigurumi/stuffed toys. This
method is denser then the V shape crochet. There will be no visible holes in
the toy.
1. Insert the hook into the next stitch,
2. Yarn under and not over, (pic2)
3. Pull up the loop, (pic3)
4. Yarn over,
5. Pull through both loops on the hook. (pic4)

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Magic ring

Use this method to start pieces that you need to crochet in rounds.
1. Chain 2. (pic1)
2. Single crochet into 2nd chain from hook. The 1st chain doesn’t count as a
stitch. (pic2)
3. Continue single crocheting into the same chain as many times as Round
1 asks for. (pic3,4,5)
4. After 2 rounds, turn the piece around, pull the string, then tie a tight
knot at the base of the string. This way the loop will not open later.

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Crochet in spiral

Use this method when you are crocheting in rounds.

1. At the end of Round1, do not slip into the 1st stitch, instead
2. Single crochet into the 1st stitch of the previous round (pic3)
3. Continue crocheting around

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Running marker

Use a string that is a different color to mark the beginning of rounds. This
way your toy won’t have big holes after marking.
1. Use a 20-30cm long yarn to mark.
2. Before the first stitch of each row, place the string at the base of the
next stitch, (pic1) then
3. Start the next round by single crocheting over the yarn. (pic2)
4. When you are finished with the piece, pull the string out and hide it

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Invisible slip

Use this technique when you are changing to another color or finishing
crocheting a piece.
1. After last single crochet, cut yarn, leaving tail.
2. Pull the yarn through the loop. (pic2)
3. Using the hook, pull the yarn through 2nd stitch, (pic4) then
4. Place the hook into the last stitch from underneath, (pic5) then
5. Pull the yarn through the loop.
6. Tighten the loop by pulling the yarn. (pic6)

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Invisible color change

This method will seamlessly change the color while you crochet in a spiral.
1. Use invisible slip technique, then
2. Change to the new color
3. Chain2 into the invisible stitch (pic2) This chain2 counts as a stitch!
4. Continue single crocheting in a spiral, (pic3)
5. At the end of round single crochet into chain2, (pic4)
6. After 1 round, turn the piece inside out, pull the tails tight and tie them
together with a knot. (pic6) Hide the tails inside.

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Seamless decrease

This method seamlessly decrease x shaped single crochet.

1. Insert the hook into the front loop of the 1st stitch,
2. Then insert the hook into the front loop of the 2nd stitch too. (pic2)
3. Yarn under, then
4. Pull up the loop through both front loops of the stitches, then
5. Yarn over, then
6. Pull through both loops on the hook. (pic3)

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Single crochet front and back together

This method is used when the piece needs to be flattened and crocheted
together as a sheet, by crocheting the front and back together.
1. Flatten the piece starting at the end of the round. (pic2)
2. Insert the hook into the next stitch at the front, then (pic3)
3. Insert the hook into the next stitch at the back, then (pic3)
4. Single crochet through both loops, (pic5)
5. Single crochet the row until you will have 1 stitch left. (pic5)

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits

Close loop

This method is used when you close the piece in a round, after decreasing
stitches to a certain amount.
1. Cut yarn, leaving tail.
2. Using tapestry needle, weave needle through front loop of each stitch
around, then (pic1,2)
3. Pull the string tight, then (pic4)
4. Tie a knot at the base of the string, then
5. Pull the string into the piece, making sure the knot goes inside too.

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.
Instagram: @crossmanknits
ravelry: crossmanknits
etsy: crossmanknits


Use this method for easier stuffing.

1. Start stuffing when you only have around 18 stitches or 3 rounds to go.
2. Stuff as firm as you can.
3. Switch to a smaller size hook, then
4. Decrease as instructed in the pattern.
5. Before you close the loop (you will have 6-10sts left) stuff more with
the back of your hook.

©Crossmanknits 2022. An instruction by Crossmanknits / Gabriella Crossman. For personal use only. You may not share or publish this instruction or any part of it without the consent of the author.

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